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Panosteitis, an idiopathic bone disease of young dogs, was investigated in the light of a new, empirically based hypothesis governing its pathogenesis. Extensive clinical observations suggest a close relationship between the incidence of this disease and the commercialization of various protein-rich, high-calorie dog foods. The theory of an "osseous compartment syndrome" provides a hypothetical pathogenesis, which corroborates this findings. An excessive accumulation of protein causes intraosseous edema due to its osmotic effects. Because bone is a rigid compartment, this leads to an increase in intramedullary pressure and compression of blood vessels. Subsequent osseous ischemia leads to a deficient metabolic state (decreased oxygenation, inadequate influx of nutritive substances, local acidosis, decreased removal of metabolites, disruption of local biochemical processes, etc.), and a vicious circle is created due to the resulting local inflammation. The disease is aggravated by increased metabolism due to excessive physical activity. Within the context of a pilot study, clinical, radiographic, scintigraphic and thermographic examinations and a therapeutic trial with benzopyron were carried out. In addition, more modern investigative tools, including osteomyelography, magnetic resonance tomography and intraosseous pressure measurements were used to provide objective data concerning the pathogenesis of panosteitis. In most cases, clinical remission was seen within days of monotherapy with the proteolytic substance, benzopyron (Cumartrin). This finding appears to corroborate our hypothesis.  相似文献   

Blood eosinophil counts were comparable in dogs with and without canine atopic disease. Eosinophils were not observed in the nasal smears of any of the dogs studied. Of 46 dogs with atopic disease, a significant increase (P less than 0.001) in nasal airway resistance was observed in 2 dogs after nasal provocation with nebulized allergens of grasses and in 1 dog after provocation with summer weed extracts.  相似文献   

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), characterized by chamber dilatation and myocardial systolic and diastolic dysfunction, is one of the most common heart diseases in dogs. The aetiology of the myocardial hypokineis is seldom known in the individual case of DCM, although several theories concerning genetic, nutritional, metabolic, inflammatory, infectious, or drug- or toxin-induced myocardial disease have been discussed. DCM is often referred to as being breed-specific for Boxers, Doberman Pinschers, English Cocker Spaniels and other breeds. Review of reports on histopathologic findings in canine DCM reveals two histologically distinct forms of DCM; (1) cardiomyopathy of boxers and of Doberman pinschers, corresponding to the "fatty infiltration-degenerative" type, and (2) the form seen in many giant, large- and medium-sized breeds, including some boxers and Doberman pinschers, which can be classified as the "attenuated wavy fiber" type of DCM. The classification of canine idiopathic DCM according to histologic findigns seems superior to classification suggesting breed-specific syndromes, as some breeds (i.e. boxers and Doberman pinschers) may be affected by both diseases. However, ante mortem aetiological diagnosis of DCM is difficult. DCM carries a poor prognosis in dogs, and few prognostic indicators have been identified.  相似文献   

The features of 67 cases of canine idiopathic polyarthritis are described. Idiopathic polyarthritis includes cases of non-infective polysynovitis which cannot be classified into more defined groups. It most often affects young adult dogs, and pyrexia, inappetence and lethargy are exhibited as well as lameness. Radiography usually shows soft tissue changes. Four types are identified according to certain associations; Type I (uncomplicated), Type II (infection elsewhere in the body), Type III (gastro-intestinal disease) and Type IV (neoplastic disease elsewhere in the body). Steroids and/or cytotoxic drugs are used for treatment.  相似文献   

Since 1991, 53 cases of canine ocular onchocerciasis have been reported in the literature worldwide, 43 of these were from Greece, five from Hungary, and five from the western United States. Information on the histopathologic features of canine ocular onchocerciasis is limited. We describe the histopathologic features of canine ocular onchocerciasis in two dogs from California that presented clinically with firm episcleral nodules and uveitis unilaterally. Pertinent literature and pathogenesis are reviewed; recognizable clinical features and treatment are discussed. The cases presented were diagnosed via histopathology of the enucleated globes and episcleral granulomas at the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW). Positive identification of adult Onchocerca within episcleral granulomas was made based on light-microscopy features. Histopathologic examination of both globes revealed episcleral parasites surrounded by granulomas containing few to moderate numbers of eosinophils. Other sequelae, in both cases, included lymphoplasmacytic uveitis, preiridal fibrovascular membranes, peripheral anterior synechiae, retinal degeneration, and optic nerve head cupping. Both male and female worms were present, as were in utero microfilariae in both cases. Worms in both cases were tentatively identified as Onchocerca lienalis. Ocular onchocerciasis should be a differential consideration in cases of canine conjunctival nodules or periorbital swelling, particularly in dogs from the western United States.  相似文献   

From progeny lists of 30 Dutch Warmblood sires, 586 3-year-old females by these stallions were randomly selected, each progeny group aimed at 20 animals for statistical reasons. The front feet of the sires and female progeny were examined radiographically using lateromedial and dorsopalmar upright pedal projections. The radiological features associated with navicular disease were classified 0–4 using a standardised classification, grades 3 and 4 representing the more severe changes. The shape of the proximal articular border of the navicular bone outlined on the dorsopalmar view was classified 1–4: l=concave; 2=undulating; 3=straight; 4=convex. A significant shape-grade association was found, the highest grades 3 and 4 incidence associated with shape 1 and the lowest grades 3 and 4 incidence demonstrated by shape 4. In shapes 1 and 2, navicular bones grades 3 and 4 features were mainly characterised by inverted flask-shaped channels. In shape 3, navicular bones grades 3 and 4 were dominated by enthesiophytes. These findings indicate an apparent shape predisposition to radiological changes associated with navicular disease. The shape of the navicular bone in the offspring was on average the same as the sire, indicating an hereditary element in navicular bone shape.  相似文献   

Objective: To provide evidence that naturally occurring sepsis in dogs provides a unique opportunity to test new therapies in clinically relevant settings. Data sources: Human and veterinary literature. Human data synthesis: Sepsis is a devastating condition responsible for most intensive care unit deaths. Most clinical trials targeting inflammatory mediators of sepsis have failed to improve outcome in clinical patients despite promising results in laboratory animal models. Animal models of sepsis fail to reproduce the clinical syndrome and therefore lead to conclusions that may not be relevant to clinical care. Veterinary data synthesis: Sepsis is recognized but not well‐characterized in companion animal species. Despite some species variability, the cardiopulmonary response to sepsis in dogs is similar to humans. Additionally, inflammatory and coagulation changes that accompany canine sepsis are consistent with those documented in humans. Sepsis secondary to canine parvoviral infection offers the advantages of relative population homogeneity, predictable course, and easy early diagnosis. The disadvantages of canine parvovirus are that it affects a predominantly young and healthy population and results in low mortality with aggressive supportive care. Septic peritonitis and pneumonia have high mortality but can be challenging to diagnose, have a variable course, and affect a heterogeneous population, which can be an advantage or a disadvantage. Conclusions: Similar to trials currently being performed in canine cancer patients, veterinary clinical trials of new sepsis therapeutics may provide a unique opportunity to advance the treatment of sepsis in dogs, humans, and other species. Spontaneous sepsis from canine parvovirus, peritonitis, and pneumonia are common clinical conditions in which therapeutics can be tested.  相似文献   

Primary bone tumors are only occasionally reported in avian species. This paper presents the cases of an osteosarcoma in a 6-yr-old free-range chicken and a chondrosarcoma in a 3-yr-old barred Plymouth Rock chicken. The well-differentiated, moderately productive osteoblastic osteosarcoma arose from the synsacral vertebrae and had metastasized to the liver. The chondrosarcoma was well differentiated and firmly attached to the left side of the keel. There was no evidence of metastasis.  相似文献   

Mast cells (MCs) are well known for their neoplastic transformation in solitary and multiple cutaneous mast cell tumours (MCTs), as well as visceral and systemic mastocytosis. Dogs have a unique risk of developing cutaneous MCTs, and they account for 7% to 21% of all canine skin tumours. The aetiology of canine MCTs is unknown but is probably multifactorial. This article reviews up-to-date knowledge on the pathogenesis, the clinical presentation, the clinical prognostic factors, the diagnostic workup including clinical staging, cytological findings, histological findings and the various grading systems which have been evaluated based on morphology, the assessment of proliferation markers and other factors such as vessel density. Furthermore, detailed information about current treatment protocols for canine cutaneous MCTs is provided.  相似文献   

Hypersensitivity reactions to live attenuated and virulent field strains of canine adenovirus can produce renal and ocular disease. The renal lesion is a focal interstitial nephritis which is probably a Type IV hypersensitivity reaction; it has not so far been shown to be of any clinical significance. The ocular lesion, thought to be a Type III immune complex hypersensitivity reaction, is characterized by anterior uveitis and corneal oedema. It is usually transitory but occasionally results in permanent eye defects.  相似文献   

A pigmented choroidal tumor was diagnosed in a 13-month-old male beagle. The tumor was observed ophthalmoscopically over a period of seven years. Light and electron microscopical features are those of a benign melanocytic tumor with marked histological similarities to uveal nevus in man.  相似文献   

猪圆环病毒病(Porcine Circoviral Disease, PCVD)首次爆发后的几年里,加拿大和北美养猪业似乎并没有遭到太大的损失.然而,从2004年下半年起,猪圆环病毒已经传遍整个北美大陆的猪群.那么问题是"为何"预防该病的措施只能慢慢地出台呢?  相似文献   

Primary adrenocortical atrophy is reported in a 3-year-old female Gordon Setter and a 2-year-old spayed female German Shepherd dog.
Résumé. On rapporte un cas d'atrophie adréno-corticale primaire chez une chienne Gordon Setter de trois ans et un autre chez une femelle castrée de la ram Berger Allemand, âgée de deux ans.
Zusammenfassung. Primäre adrenocorticale Atrophie wurde bei einer dreijährigen Gordon-Setter Hündin und einer zweijahrigen kastrierten Schaferhündin festgestellt.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial associated diarrhoea (AAD) is the most commonly recognised adverse effect of antimicrobial treatment in horses, although its incidence is probably low given the frequency of antimicrobial administration. Clinical signs vary from transient self‐limiting diarrhoea to rapidly fatal toxic enterocolitis. AAD prolongs the duration of hospitalisation, increases diagnostic and therapeutic costs, and was associated with a lower case survival rate than other types of acute diarrhoea in one study. Virtually all antimicrobials have been implicated in AAD, but some pose a greater risk than others.  相似文献   

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