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福建省香蕉寄生线虫种类调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
香蕉是福建省的重要经济作物之一。由于香蕉适宜生长在温暖潮湿地区,进行无性繁殖和根系浅,因此在其根内和根际土壤中存在许多寄生线虫。无论在国外或我国香蕉种植区,由线虫造成的经济损失都是严重的。冯志新等(1981)从贵州省的芭蕉根和根际土壤中鉴定出6属19种。尹淦镠等(1982)在广尔鉴定出与香蕉有关的线虫5属8种。笔者自1988年开始在福建省香蕉主产区进行寄生线虫种类调查,标本全部经光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察鉴定,共分出13属31种寄生线虫,其中有6种拟定为新  相似文献   

香蕉穿孔线虫β-1,4-内切葡聚糖酶基因的克隆与特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 植物寄生线虫的分泌物在线虫的侵染过程中具有重要的作用,其中纤维素水解酶是研究的较多的主要分泌物之一。采用RT-PCR和RACE方法,从香蕉穿孔线虫(Radopholus similis)中获得编码β-1,4-内切葡聚糖酶基因的cDNA序列,命名为RS-eng-1 (GenBank登录号为EU414839)。该cDNA序列全长为1 630 bp,包含一个1 404 bp的开放阅读框(ORF),编码含467个氨基酸的蛋白,理论分子量与等电点分别为48.22 kD和6.04。序列分析表明该酶含有糖基水解酶家族5(GHF5)的保守结构域,N端具有22个氨基酸残基组成的信号肽,C端含有细菌式样的纤维素结合域(CBDⅡ)。原位杂交结果显示此基因在相似穿孔线虫的食道腺部位表达,并且Southern结果显示其为多拷贝基因。cDNA与基因组DNA重叠分析表明,此基因包含6个内含子,切割点符合5'-GT...AG-3'的规律。进化分析显示该酶与细菌Bacillus subtilis和Erwina carotovora 分泌的纤维素酶属于同一支,推测其来源于细菌的水平基因转移。  相似文献   

南京毛刺线虫对山定子的直接致病性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
北京南口农场山定子砧苹果树受线虫侵害严重。田间树势调查结果表明:病树长势衰退,产量降低,产品下降;补植的幼树表现出于植病症状。田间根系症状调查结果表明:病树根系生长异常,表现出典型的短粗根病症状,即受害幼根不呈延伸生长,而是在生长中不断分枝,以致最后形成须状丛簇根,每年只在新根旺长期长出一小段具有吸收功能的白色、毛笔尖状的新根。盆栽幼苗接种试验表明:南京毛刺线虫的侵梁严重影响了山定子幼苗的形态建成  相似文献   

南京毛刺线虫对山定子的直接致病性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北京南口农场山定子砧苹果树受线虫侵害严重。田间树势调查结果表明:病树长势衰退,产量降低,品质下降;补植的幼树表现出再植病症状。田间根系症状调查结果表明:病树根系生长异常,表现出典型的短粗根病症状,即受害幼根不呈延伸生长,而是在生长中不断分枝,以致最后形成须状丛簇根,每年只在新根旺长期长出一小段具有吸收功能的白色、毛笔尖状的新根。盆栽幼苗接种试验表明:南京毛刺线虫的侵染严重影响了山定子幼苗的形态建成,且使根系表现出短粗根病症状,从而证明南京毛刺线虫(Trichodorus nanjingensis Liu&Chen)是导致该场苹果树势衰退、再植病和短粗根病的主要病原。  相似文献   

一株真菌分离物对根结线虫致病性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从感染根接线虫(Meloidgyne incognita)的黄瓜病根及其周围土壤中分离得到一株真菌分离物,将其接种到根结线虫的成虫、二龄幼虫和卵上.结果表明:分离物均可直接穿透线虫体壁进入虫体内,很快使它们感染致死,感染率达100%;培养该菌株发现:分离物以单个游动孢子产生假根扎入基质吸收营养,孢子体逐渐膨大,3 d后变为成熟的游动孢子囊释放游动孢子,完成其生活史,发育周期为4 d,无菌丝;初步确定该真菌分离物是根结线虫的一种体外寄生性菌.  相似文献   

为探明根结线虫与香蕉枯萎病发生的相关性,在云南香蕉生产区调查了20个香蕉园的根结线虫病情指数和枯萎病发病率,并在1个香蕉园,分别对5个香蕉品种及香蕉不同生育期根结线虫病情指数和枯萎病发病率进行调查.结果表明,调查香蕉园中枯萎病发病率最高为35.8%,最低为2.5%,根结线虫病情指数最高为45.7,最低为7.1,两者的相...  相似文献   

【目的】明确5个香蕉品种假茎对2种香蕉象甲的诱捕效果,为利用香蕉假茎防治香蕉象甲这一农业防治措施提供理论依据。【方法】利用香蕉假茎田间诱捕及2种香蕉象甲对香蕉假茎的室内选择反应分析5个香蕉品种假茎的诱捕效果。【结果】田间诱捕试验结果表明,5个香蕉品种假茎对2种香蕉象甲均有有效的诱捕作用,每个诱捕器10 d诱捕量为9.0~18.0,而且‘巴西蕉’和‘宝岛蕉’的诱捕效果显著优于‘海贡蕉’‘广粉1号’粉蕉和‘广东香蕉1号’的诱捕效果;室内选择反应试验结果表明,5个香蕉品种假茎对2种香蕉象甲的诱捕效果高低顺序依次为‘巴西蕉’,‘宝岛蕉’,‘海贡蕉’,‘广粉1号’粉蕉和‘广东香蕉1号’。【结论】5个香蕉品种假茎均可用于防治2种香蕉象甲,但应首选‘巴西蕉’和‘宝岛蕉’。  相似文献   

据FAO保守估计,全世界每年因线虫造成粮食和纤维的损失大约占12%,对蔬菜、花生、烟草和某些果树造成的损失要超过20%。根结线虫病是蔬菜主要病害之一,其寄主范围广泛,常危害瓜类、茄果类、豆类及萝卜、葫萝卜、莴苣、白菜等30多种蔬菜,  相似文献   

龙眼苗根围的植物线虫种群调查姜鼎煌(福建省泉州市农业学校,362000)作为重要植物病原物之一的植物线虫,绝大多数是通过苗木的调运来实现远距离传播。虽然植物线虫对龙眼苗的危害性尚不明了,但是从生产安全考虑仍然有必要对龙眼苗根部的植物病原线虫进行监控,...  相似文献   

为筛选具杀线虫活性的植物材料,测定了油茶籽饼等8种植物的甲醇或水粗提物对离体松材线虫的毒杀效果,并对接种后的马尾松进行防效试验。结果表明:8种植物的14种提取物对离体松材线虫均具有一定的抑制作用。其中油茶籽饼和雷公藤叶的水提取液(50 mg/mL)对离体松材线虫48 h后的活性抑制作用均达到100%。用10 mg/mL油茶籽饼和20 mg/mL雷公藤叶水提取液浸泡处理24 h,可以完全杀死马尾松苗离体茎段中接种的松材线虫。盆栽防效试验结果表明,油茶籽饼和雷公藤叶水提取液(50 mg/mL)浇灌2 a生马尾松苗后,可以有效抑制寄主马尾松中接种的松材线虫活性,特别是油茶籽饼效果最好。  相似文献   

Cultivation of banana in modified high density planting systems with more crop cycles is widely followed in Gujarath, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu states of India due to its higher productivity and lower cost of production. In this system, three suckers were planted in a pit spaced at 1.8 × 3.6 m accommodating 1542 mats or 4626 plants/ha. Nematode pests remain a threat to this modified system of banana cultivation especially in ratoon cycles. Investigations were undertaken in ratoon banana grown under a high density planting system on effect of cartap hydrochloride 4G, carbofuran 3G, Glomus mosseae, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Sunhemp, Coriander, Marigold, and neem cake on control mixed populations of burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis, and spiral nematode, Helicotylenchus multicinctus. Application of cartap hydrochloride @ 20 g/mat twice at the time of ratooning followed by 4 months later gave greater control of R. similis and H. multicinctus in soil and root with lesser damage in root and corm than untreated plants. The banana plants in this treatment were taller with a larger number of leaves and thicker pseudostem girth resulting in 33.4–37.3% more bunch yield than other treatments including control. The effect of cartap hydrochloride at 20 g/mat was similar at higher dose (40 g/mat) but significantly superior than 10 g/mat dose. Carbofuran 3 G @ 80 g/mat twice, Neem cake @ 250 g/mat twice and growing Marigold around the basin and incorporating before flowering were the next best treatments on nematode control and growth promotion. The P. fluorescens and G. mosseae applied were not established well and caused lesser nematode control in ratoon banana grown under high density planting system. Hence application of cartap hydrochloride @ 20 g/mat or neem cake @ 250 g/mat or growing Marigold around the basin and incorporating before flowering could rectify the damage caused by R. similis and H. multicinctus in ratoon banana crops growing under a high density planting system.  相似文献   

 以6个A基因组香蕉(Musa spp.)品种为材料,采用改良的去壁低渗法对其核型特征进行分析。‘天宝蕉’(AAA)核型公式为2n = 3x = 33 = 3M + 27m(3SAT)+ 3sm,属“1A”核型;‘海南贡蕉’(AA)核型公式为2n = 2x = 22 = 2M + 18m(2SAT)+ 2sm,属“2A”核型;‘玫瑰蕉’(AA)、‘贡蕉’(AA)、‘抗枯1号’(AAA)和‘抗枯5号’(AAA)核型公式分别为2n = 2x = 22 = 2M + 16m(SAT)+ 2sm + 2st,2n = 2x = 22 = 4M + 16m(SAT)+ 2sm,2n = 3x = 33 = 6M + 15m(3SAT)+ 12sm和2n = 3x = 33 = 6M + 15m(3SAT)+ 12sm(3SAT),属“2B”核型。基于核型分析结果,绘制了6个香蕉品种的核型模式图。  相似文献   

Burrowing nematode (Radapholus similis) is a major threat to banana (Musa spp.) production throughout the world. All commercial banana cultivars are lacking of R. similis resistance. The conferred resistance available in non-commercial banana genotypes opens ways to develop new hybrids with R. similis resistance by conventional or molecular-breeding techniques. Understanding the mechanism of resistance is the primary step that can provide Musa breeders and molecular biologists with the necessary principles to create nematode-resistant plants. Phenols and lignin have been ascribed as post-infectional resistant mechanism in banana. However, information on anti-nematode compounds that are presented in resistant banana plants before challenge by R. similis is limited. Therefore, the roots of some resistant/tolerant genotypes were tested for anti-nematode bioactivity by root amendment study. The root homogenates of resistant/tolerant genotypes (Yankambi km-5 (YKM-5), Pisang Lilin, Pisang Jaribuaya, Rose, Matti, Hatidat, Veneettu Kunnan, Then kunnan, Manoranjitham, Anaikomban, Agneeswar, Pisang Mas, Gros Michel, Williams, Red Banana (Mutant), Green Red and Tongat) inhibited the infectivity of R. similis on susceptible Musa cv. Grand Nain (AAA). To confirm their bio-activity, R. similis was exposed directly to the root extracts (water, methanol, ethyl acetate and n-hexane) of the resistant/tolerant genotypes. Methanol, ethyl acetate and n-hexane root extracts of the resistant/tolerant genotypes affected the mobility of R. similis. Results confirmed that roots of resistant/tolerant plants have pre-infectional nematostatic compounds to resist R. similis. Further bio-assay-guided fractionation, isolation and identification of nematostatic compound from methanol, ethyl acetate and n-hexane root extracts of YKM-5 was attempted. The compounds N´- (3,6-dichloro-2,7-bis (2-(diethylamino) ethoxy) dodecahydro ? 9H-fluoren-9-ylidene) pivalohydrazide isolated from methanol root extract; methyl 9,12-dimethylheptadecanoate isolated from ethyl acetate extract and; 1-isopropyl-2-propyldisulfane isolated from n-hexane extract were found to have nematostatic effect on R. similis. Further effort to validate that the production of these compounds contributes to resistance against R. similis in Musa germplasm would yield concrete markers for nematode resistance breeding programs.  相似文献   

顶空固相微萃取气—质联用分析香蕉的香气成分   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
采用顶空固相微萃取技术提取不同成熟阶段香蕉的香气成分, 再经气质联用进行分析鉴定。着重研究3种极性不同的萃取头对香蕉香气成分萃取的影响, 优化了分析条件, 建立了稳定的萃取与气质联用分析测定的方法。研究结果表明, 香蕉处于不同成熟阶段香气成分的种类和相对含量具有明显差异,在香蕉绿熟阶段分析测定适宜采用DVB /CAR /PDMS型萃取头, 黄熟阶段采用PDMS型萃取头, 过熟阶段采用CW /DVB型萃取头。  相似文献   

4个费约果品种花粉数量和萌发率测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以费约果Feijoasellowiana Berg.4个品种花粉为试材,测定其花粉数量,研究花粉离体培养萌发条件。结果表明,Mammoth、Coolidge、Triumph、Unique的单花药花粉数量分别为8580、5127、4327和5980粒。Mammoth花粉在1%琼脂+15%蔗糖+0.005%硼酸培养基上萌发率最高,为78.98%;Coolidge、Triumph和Unique花粉在1%琼脂+10%蔗糖+0.01%硼酸培养基上萌发率最高,分别为54.80%、61.31%和52.30%。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the tolerance of strawberry cultivars to terbacil. Treatments (84, 168, and 336 g ha–1) were applied at either dormant stage or 3–4 leaf. Initial crop injury at 1 and 3 weeks after treatment (WAT) ranged between 0% and 43%; all cultivars fully recovered at 6 WAT. Terbacil applied at 168 g ha–1 at dormant stage caused approximately 20% yield reduction in ‘Brunswick’, ‘Darselect’, and ‘Honeoye’, which was not observed with other treatments. A negative impact of the herbicide on yield of these cultivars is an unlikely outcome when sprayed at 3–4 leaf stage.  相似文献   

于2008~2010对从贵州各地引进的"贵长"、"海沃特"、"79-2"、"秦美"、"华光"5个猕猴桃品种在当地试种后,调查研究各品种的物候期、植物学特性、经济性状和抗逆性等内容,并进行比较筛选。结果表明:5个猕猴桃品种在当地科学管理条件下,从综合比较结果看,"贵长"品种最好,其次是"海沃特"、"79-2"和"秦美"等3个品种,因此建议在当地自然资源条件下加上配套的栽培技术措施,"贵长"猕猴桃等4个品种可适量发展。  相似文献   

5个美国扁桃品种的微繁殖   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对5个引进的美国扁桃品种Bulgaria1、Nonpareil、Fritz、Prize和Neplus的微繁殖进行了研究。以单芽茎段作为外植体,所用启动培养基为MS 0.5~1.0mg/LBA 0~0.1mg/LIAA,增殖培养基为MS 0.5~2.0mg/LBA 0.1mg/LIAA 0.5mg/LGA3,壮苗培养基为MS 0.1mg/LBA 162.14mg/LPG。生根培养方法为100mg/LIBA溶液浸渍60min后接入无任何生长激素的1/2MS上暗培养2周,或在1/2MS 100mg/LIBA 200mg/L柠檬酸上培养12h转入无任何生长激素的1/2MS上暗培养8d。采用试管苗基部遮光可代替暗培养,但生根率略低而地上部分生长更健壮。  相似文献   

3种基质配方对香蕉组培苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究3种不同培养基质对香蕉组培苗生长的影响。结果表明,全椰糠及椰糠为主的配方香蕉组培苗生长较好。28天时,在叶片数量、株高、茎粗以及根重等方面,椰糠较红壤土处理高出25.5%、2.9%、26.0%和35.6%,椰糠+河沙+红壤土与全椰糠处理效果基本相同。建议香蕉组培苗生产时培养基质采用椰糠+河沙+红壤土。  相似文献   

本试验比较了常温和低温贮藏时,糯米糍等3个荔枝品种的生理变化,以期为不同荔枝品种的贮运保鲜提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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