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传统的植物造景强调植物景观的视觉效应,但随着生态园林建设的深入和发展,赋予了其更多更广的内涵。笔者从植物造景的概念出发,探讨了现代城市景观设计中的植物造景特色,并对几种主要的造景形式进行了分析研究,提出植物造景中存在的问题并给予建议和应对措施。最后提出植物造景要走与生态保护相结合的可持续发展的道路,在有限的空间和环境资源上最大限度地发挥园林绿地的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

随着城市生态环境的不断改善,对公园绿地的景观品质、精细化养护管理技术和措施提出了更高要求.植物是园林造景的重要元素,只有促进乔木、花灌木、地被和草坪合理搭配,形成稳定的植物群落,才能使公园整体生态环境得到提高和改善.由于西北地区干旱缺水,绿化中草坪养护费水、费工,养护成本偏高,因此寻找到花相美、投入少的草本植物代替传统...  相似文献   

彩叶植物以其独特的色彩和特质弥补常绿植物造景设计的不足,利用彩叶植物营造各种优美的景观已经成为植物造景设计的一种趋势。从郑州市常用的彩叶植物种类入手,分析了彩叶植物造景设计的常见方式,指出了彩叶植物在园林造景应用中应注意的问题,并提出了彩叶植物造景设计的建议。  相似文献   

正花境是园林景观中重要的元素之一,今年,柳州园博园继芳香园花境后完成了主干道花境改造工作,此次花境建设具有巧选址、善立意、精设计三大特点,采用一个花境一个主题的方式进行设计,依托主要道路交口和主沿路绿地现有的绿化景观,利用低矮露地花灌木、多年生宿根花卉、球根花卉、一二年生花卉及观赏草进行艺术造景,并配置园林小品,在色彩自然和谐、景观层次丰富、季相变化明显上做足文章,  相似文献   

花境属于园林景观中植物栽培的一种特殊形式,被广泛应用于现代化的城市园林植物造景设计中,并以其独特的魅力受到了广大人民群众的喜爱。在传统的园林植物造景中,常见的造景形式有花丛、草丛、花坛等,不能整体突出现代园林植物的艺术美感。将花境艺术元素引入园林植物造景中,明显提高了园林效果。分析了园林植物造景中花境的应用策略。  相似文献   

新加坡热带园林植物景观设计初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
植物景观是城市景观的重要组成部分,在反映城市印象和推动度假旅游业的发展过程中具有重要的作用。而研究热带地区植物景观设计的理念和营造手法,对充实热带园林相关理论和丰富植物景观设计艺术手法等方面都具有理论意义。本文采用文献查阅和实地调研相结合的研究方法,对新加坡的植物景观进行研究,总结出新加坡植物景观设计中多元文化的浪漫主义色彩和从“花园城市”到“花园中的城市”的生态理念两个指导思想;分析出新加坡植物景观强调自然与生态、重视庭荫树和芳香植物、注重立体绿化和与其他造景要素紧密结合等特征。并从新加坡的植物景观设计理论与手法上提出我国热带地区园林植物景观设计的发展建议。  相似文献   

道观园林植物景观营造初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
道观园林植物景观为道观园林景观的重要组成部分。本文在简要介绍道观园林发展史和道观园林特点的基础上,对道观常用造景植物的配置应用进行分析总结,得出道观绿化尽量使用有道教文化涵义的植物和乡土树种,与此同时也要考虑中国古典园林植物传统的配置手法和道观习惯性配置手法。  相似文献   

张莹 《种子科技》2020,(8):34-35,37
植物作为综合性公园设计中的主要元素,既关系着公园生态功能的发挥,也关系着公园景观观赏功能的实现。因此,在综合性公园建设过程中,对公园植物配置与园林空间设计进行深入研究和科学规划具有重要的意义。主要分析了综合性公园植物配置与园林空间设计的现实意义,并对综合性公园植物配置和园林空间设计的具体方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

<正>利用草花点缀草坪营造绿色景观,烘托节日气氛,已成为城市公园绿化美化的重要组成部分。如何提升草坪的景观效果,确保草坪景观适时更新,是公园园林绿化的重要工作,而利用草花对草坪景观进行丰富和更新无疑是一个好方法。笔者结合近几年北京朝阳区公园绿地景观效果改造提升的实践,在逐步完善草坪景观效果、提升公园景观水平的同时,积累了一些草花在草坪造景中的应用经验。  相似文献   

草花与城市园林   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
草花具有较强的点缀、装饰和美化效果。可利用草花花期长、成本低、品种多样、色彩丰富、适应性强等特点,合理运用到城市及市政园林绿地中,促进绿化形式的变化,使园林绿地1米以下的植被景观得到丰富和美化,增加植物间的层次和色彩,把城市打扮得多姿多彩。  相似文献   

植物景观是城市园林的重要组成部分,园林植物景观设计需合理配置植物。公园植物景观构成方面的研究对城市园林的发展具有重要意义。笔者调查日照市海曲公园植物种类及组成,对植物景观进行分析研究,介绍海曲公园植物景观的特色,同时对公园中植物造景出现的问题提出解决办法和建议。  相似文献   

Design of plant landscape form is a critical part of plant landscaping, and it is an important direction of modern researches on urban plant landscaping to promote the development of plant landscape via the interaction between landscape form design and other means. By elaborating five major influence factors of landscape plants, namely "flexibility", "art", "subject", "mode", and "artistic conception", this paper explored the application of construction thinking in the construction of urban plant landscape form, in order to provide theoretical basis for the development of urban plant landscape form.  相似文献   

山矾属植物研究现状及其园林应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了合理开发利用山矾属植物资源,推动其在我国的研究与栽培应用。在简要分析中国山矾属植物种质资源的基础上,综述了国内外山矾属植物的研究现状,对其在城市绿化和植物专类园中的配置应用进行了分析。研究认为,目前中国对山矾属植物的园林应用研究和开发力度不够,应大力开发山矾属植物作为城市绿化植物材料的潜力,以丰富园林植物多样性和园林景观。  相似文献   

浅议城市居住小区绿化的植物造景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从植物造景存在的主要问题谈起,介绍了城市居住小区植物造景应遵循的七大原则,提出小区绿化的植物选择应形成季相变化、尊重居民喜好、以乔木为绿化骨干及选择保健植物等,小区绿化的植物配置应处理好常绿和落叶树种的关系、乔木与灌木的关系、建筑区与植物造景的关系及地被植物的利用,最后提出了城市居住小区绿化植物造景的七大注意事项。  相似文献   

Small urban street parks play an irreplaceable role in protecting ecological environment of cities and beautifying living spaces of citizens, in these parks plant is an essential landscaping element that can not only improve environmental quality, but also provide visual enjoyment for viewers. There are many small street parks in Zhanjiang City, however, plant landscapes in such parks lack in regional characteristics because of blind copy and random planting. By analyzing plant landscapes in typical street parks in Zhanjiang, and borrowing the theoretical research framework of linguistics, this paper concluded the vocabulary, sentence,chapter and grammatical rules of plant landscape design, in order to explore new methods for the plant landscape design of small parks in tropical coastal regions.  相似文献   

With the acceleration of eco-garden city construction,tree resources have been increasingly applied in landscape construction.Combining with the authors' work experience,plant landscaping cases in domestic and foreign cities,this paper analyzed the concept of right species for right land and problems in plant landscaping,and took specific cases to explore the application of right species for right land,in order to provide references for the reasonable utilization of indigenous tree resources.  相似文献   

Construction of "water-saving landscape architecture" is a crucial content of building "conservation-minded society',an important approach of ensuring the sustainable development of landscaping industry.It targets at exploring a reasonable means of using the nature,so as to improve ecological conditions and environment,save resources and energies,and promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.Landscape plant is a significant component of landscape architecture,it is a key section to choose proper drought-resistant plant species for the landscape construction.  相似文献   

Due to the special geographical conditions of Tibet,the plant species applied in local landscaping have been limited.In the landscaping project of Fujian Park,59 woody landscape plant species were introduced from the hinterland,and the survival rate and growth vigor of these species had been observed for 15 years.In terms of growth vigor and ornamental character,about 32 species showed good performance such as Prunus cerasifera f.atropuipurea and Dendrobenthemia japonica;8 species showed moderate growth performance such as Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng and Magnolia denudata Desr.;14 species showed poor growth vigor such as Ginkgo biloba L.and Osmanthus fragrans Lour.,and 5 species died such as Albizzia julibnssin Durazz.and Hibiscus mutabihs L..Moreover,the paper explored key factors that influence the introduction of woody landscape plants in Linzhi City and pointed out that wind damage and low temperature were 2 key factors.  相似文献   

Plant landscape of flower sea is the aesthetic refinement and essential configuration of flowers, it portrays a gorgeous picture in urban green patches, and becomes a focus of modern urban landscaping. Flower sea plants in modern gardens are characterized by harmonious seasonal aspects, wild fun, and ecolandscape connectivity; configurations of diversified flower sea plant species cater for psychological needs of urban residents; in the creation of flower sea plant landscapes, suitable flower species should be selected, new images of suburbs highlighted, ecological and environmental conservation stressed, and landscape experience fully explored.  相似文献   

Flower border is a significant part of landscape architecture, and as a kind of sustainable landscape, it fully manifests spirits and taste of the city in promoting urban landscaping and city environment. The application and promotion of flower border adapts to citizens' needs for natural environment, better landscape effects, and also needs of landscaping construction and development. Flower border will play an increasingly important role in improving role of the city and building city image.  相似文献   

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