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OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of age-related behavioral changes, namely impairment, in a randomly chosen population of dogs. DESIGN: Age-stratified cohort study. ANIMALS: 97 spayed female and 83 castrated male dogs that were 11 to 16 years old. PROCEDURE: Data on possible impairment in 4 behavioral categories (ie, orientation in the home and yard, social interaction, house training, and sleep-wake cycle) linked to cognitive dysfunction were obtained from dog owners, using a structured telephone interview. Hospital records of dogs had been screened to exclude dogs with dysfunction in organ systems that may cause behavioral changes. Dogs with behavioral impairment were those with > or = 2 signs of dysfunction within a category. Dogs with impairment in 1 category were considered mildly impaired and those with impairment in > or =2 categories were considered severely impaired. RESULTS: Age by sex interactions for dogs with impairment in any category were not significant, and, therefore, data on castrated males and spayed females were pooled for analyses across ages. The prevalence of age-related progressive impairment was significant in all categories. The percentage of 11- to 12-year-old dogs with impairment in > or = 1 category was 28% (22/80), of which 10% (8/80) had impairment in > or = 2 behavioral categories. Of 15- to 16-year-old dogs, 68% (23/34) had impairment in > or =1 category, of which 35% (12/34) had impairments in > or = 2 categories. There were no significant effects of body weight on the prevalence of signs of dysfunction in the behavioral categories. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Data collected provide estimates of the prevalence of various degrees of age-related behavioral changes associated with cognitive dysfunction in dogs. Age-related behavioral changes may be useful indicators for medical intervention for dogs with signs of cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To monitor the progression of age-related behavioral changes in dogs during a period of 6 to 18 months and to determine whether signs of dysfunction in any of 4 behavioral categories can be used to predict further impairment. DESIGN: Age-stratified cohort study. ANIMALS: 63 spayed female and 47 castrated male dogs 11 to 14 years of age. PROCEDURE: Data were collected from randomly selected dog owners who were interviewed by telephone twice at a 12- to 18-month interval; data were included if the dog had lived > or = 6 months between interviews. The interview focused on signs of impairment in the following behavioral categories: orientation in the home and yard, social interactions with human family members, house training, and the sleep-wake cycle. Dogs were determined to have impairment in 0 behavioral categories (on the basis of < or = 1 sign for each category), impairment in 1 category (> or = 2 signs of dysfunction in that category), or impairment in > or = 2 categories. RESULTS: Between interviews, 22% (16/73) of dogs that did not have impairment in a category at the time of the first interview developed impairment in that category by the time of the second interview. Forty-eight percent (13/27) of dogs that had impairment in 1 category at the time of the first interview developed impairment in > or = 2 categories by the time of the second interview and were significantly more likely to develop impairment in > or = 2 categories, compared with dogs that initially had impairment in 0 categories. Dogs with 1 sign of dysfunction in orientation were significantly more likely to develop impairment in that category, compared with dogs that had 0 signs of dysfunction in orientation. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Age-related behavioral changes in dogs are progressive. Clinicians should consider trying to predict which dogs are most likely to become progressively impaired during the subsequent 6 to 18 months.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether gonadectomy predisposes dogs to development of age-related behavioral changes linked to cognitive impairment. DESIGN: Cohort study. ANIMALS: 29 sexually intact male dogs, 63 spayed female dogs, and 47 castrated male dogs 11 to 14 years old. PROCEDURE: Information on possible impairments in 4 behavioral categories linked to cognitive impairment (orientation in the home and yard, social interactions, house training, and sleep-wake cycle) was obtained from owners of the dogs by use of a structured telephone interview format. A second interview was performed 12 to 18 months after the initial interview, and differences in responses were evaluated. RESULTS: Sexually intact male dogs were significantly less likely than neutered dogs to progress from mild impairment (i.e., impairment in 1 category) to severe impairment (i.e., impairment in > or = 2 categories) during the time between the first and second interviews. This difference was not attributable to differences in ages of the dogs, duration of follow-up, or the owners' perceptions of the dogs' overall health. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that the presence of circulating testosterone in aging sexually intact male dogs may slow the progression of cognitive impairment, at least among dogs that already have signs of mild impairment. Estrogens would be expected to have a similar protective role in sexually intact female dogs; unfortunately, too few sexually intact female dogs were available for inclusion in the study to test this hypothesis. There may be a need to evaluate possible methods for counteracting the effects of loss of sex hormones in gonadectomized dogs.  相似文献   

The protozoan Giardia duodenalis is a mammalian-infecting parasite that produces diarrhoea and malabsorption in its hosts. A survey to investigate canine infections with G. duodenalis in Romania was undertaken between June 2008 and December 2009. The objectives of the study were to (i) estimate the prevalence of infection in different dog populations (kennels, shelters, shepherd, household) using microscopy and a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test kit; (ii) to establish the level of agreement and characteristics of the tests; and (iii) to identify risk factors for infection by multivariate logistic regression models. Faecal samples were collected from 614 dogs aged from 1 month to 16 years (mean ± SD=2.88 ± 2.86 years). Each sample was tested for the presence of cysts using a flotation method with saturated sodium chloride solution and 416 out of 614 stool samples were further examined for the presence of G. duodenalis specific antigens using Giardia Microwell ELISA (SafePath? Laboratories). Giardia cysts were identified in 8.5% of total dogs (52/614) and statistical significantly more frequently in dogs living in communities. The cysts prevalence according with dog populations was as follows: 7.2%(9/125) in kennel dogs; 16.5%(27/164 in shelter dogs; 4.3%(2/46) in shepherd dogs; 4.8%(4/84) in household dogs from urban areas; and 5.1%(10/195) in household dogs from rural areas. The overall prevalence of Giardia infection by ELISA was 34.6% (144/416). The prevalence was significantly higher in kennel dogs (50%; 13/26), shelter dogs (47.7%; 74/155) and shepherd dogs (40.5%; 17/42) than in household dogs from urban areas (34.1%; 15/44) and household dogs from rural areas (16.8%; 25/149). It was noticed poor agreement between microscopy and ELISA (k=0.19). The microscopy performed best, with an Youden Index of 0.74, a Se of 73.68% and a Sp of 100%. ELISA had 100% Sp, but only 19.44% Se. Young dogs (up to 12 months age) and living in communities were identified as risk factors for infection by multivariate logistic regression analysis. 71.2% (37/52) Giardia cysts positive dogs presented co-infections with other intestinal parasites: Toxocara canis (14/52; 26.9%), Isospora ohioensis (12/52; 23.1%), Ancylostoma caninum (9/52; 17.3%), Uncinaria stenocephala (7/52; 13.5%), Trichocephalus vulpis (6/52; 11.5%), Hammondia heydorni/Neospora caninum (5/52; 9.6%), Sarcocystis spp. (5/52; 9.6%), Isospora canis (4/52; 7.7%), Capillaria aerophila (3/52; 5.8%), Strongyloides stercoralis (2/52; 93.8%), Dipylidium caninum (1/52; 1.9%) and Toxascaris leonina (1/52; 1.9%).  相似文献   

Regarded as an incidental finding, biliary sludge is often diagnosed in dogs on abdominal ultrasound. The aims of the present study were to assess the risk factors, biochemical markers and ultrasonographic findings and to estimate the prevalence and influence of different breeds, sexes, and ages on biliary sludge in dogs. Results demonstrate that the prevalence of biliary sludge is high, especially in senior dogs. The biochemical markers did not have a significant correlation with biliary sludge, and the type of diet was not considered to be the major risk factor. Hepatomegaly was frequently observed on the ultrasound scan of affected animals and of dogs on different systemic drugs and with cardiopathies, which have been referred to as risk groups for the development of inspissated bile.  相似文献   

This study aimed to establish the seroprevalence and risk factors associated with neosporosis in sheep and dogs from rural properties. 1497 blood samples were collected from sheep and 42 from dogs that cohabited with sheep from 16 farms located in the central region of S?o Paulo State, Brazil. For the detection of N. caninum antibodies it was performed the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT ≥ 25). For the epidemiological study it was applied a questionnaire for the owners or responsible from the sheep and dogs regarding informations related to neosporosis. The seroprevalence obtained out of the 1497 sheep sera tested was 8.0% (CI95%=6.7-9.2%) and out of the 42 dogs 4.8% (CI95%=0-7.2%). Variables statistically related to seropositivity for N. caninum in sheep were: dams well as water supply (P=0.0004; OR=2.15), presence of other domestic canids (P=0.0013; OR=2.38) and presence of reproductive problems (P=0.0031; OR=1.75).  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out to determine seroprevalence and to identify risk factors associated with Chlamydophila abortus infection in 62 nonvaccinated dairy herds (671 cows) in Jordan between January and June 2007. Information regarding herd management was recorded through a personal interview with farmers. Antibodies against C. abortus were detected using an ELISA test kit. Chi-square analysis and multivariable logistic regression model were used to identify risk factors associated with C. abortus seropositivity. The true prevalence of antibodies against C. abortus in individual cows and cattle herds were 19.9?% and 66.3?%, respectively. Univariable Chi-square analysis revealed three variables with P????0.25 that were further offered to multivariable logistic regression analysis. Small-sized herds were identified as a risk factor for seropositivity to C. abortus, while sweeping followed by water hosing and using disinfectants were identified as protective factors. Cows in the age groups of >8 and ??10?years old and >2 and ??6?years old had the highest and lowest significant seroprevalence to C. abortus, respectively. Results of this study indicated that C. abortus is highly prevalent in Jordan's dairy herds and Chlamydophila infection could be controlled by applying strict biosecurity measures in the dairy farms.  相似文献   

We investigated the prevalence and risk factors associated with Cryptosporidium oocysts shedding in pigs in Central Vietnam. A total of 740 single fecal samples collected from diarrheic and non-diarrheic pigs on 89 farms were screened by the modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining method. Prevalence at the animal and the farm levels were 18.1% (134/740) and 71.9% (64/89), respectively. Risk factors for the infection were identified using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis. The results revealed that age, sanitary condition and topography were significantly associated with oocyst shedding (P<0.05). Pre-weaned piglets were at the highest risk for infection, followed by post-weaners, sows and finishing pigs. Good sanitary conditions showed positive effects in decreasing oocysts shedding. Topographically, Cryptosporidium was more common in mountainous zone than that in coastal delta zone. There was an association between the occurrence of diarrhea and the level of Cryptosporidium oocyst excretion within infected pigs. This is the first epidemiological investigation of prevalence and risk factors of Cryptosporidium in pigs in Vietnam.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the seroprevalence and to identify risk factors associated with Neospora caninum infection in 62 dairy herds (n?=?671 cows) in Jordan between January and June 2007. Information regarding herd management was recorded through personal interviews with farmers. Antibodies against N. caninum were detected using an indirect ELISA test. Chi-square analysis and multivariable logistic regression model were used to identify risk factors associated with N. caninum seropositivity. The true prevalence of antibodies against N. caninum in individual cows and cattle herds was 35 and 66.5 %, respectively. There was no significant difference in the percentage of seropositive animals between different age groups. Multivariable logistic regression model revealed workers frequently visiting nearby farms as a risk factor for seropositivity to N. caninum, while presence of a calving pen was suggested as a protective factor. Amman, Balqa, and Mafrak governorates had significantly lower seroprevalence to N. caninum compared to other Jordanian governorates. Results of this study indicated that N. caninum infection may be widespread in Jordan.  相似文献   

In a case-control study of risk factors associated with an episode of nosocomial Salmonella krefeld infection in dogs at the veterinary medical teaching hospital, data on 20 case dogs and 75 control dogs were obtained by review of hospital records. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were carried out for possible risk factors for infection to obtain odds of Salmonella krefeld isolation, given exposure to each risk factor of interest. Compared with control dogs, case dogs were 11.9 times more likely to have been fed rice, 7 times more likely to have had radiography done, 10.2 times more likely to have been a resident in ward 2, 5.6 times more likely to have been given antimicrobial agents orally, 11.3 times more likely to have been given antimicrobial agents parenterally, and 37.9 times more likely to have been given antimicrobial agents orally and parenterally (P less than 0.05).  相似文献   

From 2007 to 2009, the prevalence of intestinal parasites was investigated in intensive and extensive pig farms in Chongqing, China. A total of 2971 samples from both sexes and five age categories (breeding boars, breeding sows, fatteners, growers and weaners) were evaluated by standard methods for the presence of helminth ova and protozoan oocysts, cysts and/or trophozoites. Of the 2971 pigs sampled, 362(12.18%) were infected with Ascaris suum, 301(10.13%) with Trichuris suis, 301(10.13%) with Oesophagostomum spp., 491(16.53%) with Eimeria spp., 149(5.02%) with Isopora suis, 677(22.79%) with Balantidium coli and 196(6.60%) with Cryptosporidium spp. Growers had the highest infection rate while breeding boars had the lowest among the five age categories. B. coli was the most common protozoan in all pig age groups. Pigs infected with multiple parasites were common. Risk factors such as management methods, seasons, ages, etc. can influence the infection rate to a certain degree. This investigation provides relevant data about risk factors for pig farmers, thus allowing them to make more appropriate antiparasitic treatments according to farm conditions and local climate in Chongqing.  相似文献   

Giardia duodenalis causes gastro-intestinal (GI) disease and carries a zoonotic risk. The risk for infection depends on local prevalence and individual immunity, but clinical signs are inconsistent and the role of G. duodenalis in other GI diseases is unknown. The current study aims were to evaluate the prevalence of G. duodenalis in dogs presented to a university veterinary teaching hospital in Israel, investigate risk factors for infection and its associations with other diseases. Fecal samples from 163 dogs were tested for G. duodenalis by an antigen assay (FASTest® Giardia strip). Prevalence of G. duodenalis infection was 11.9 %. It was significantly associated with young age (≤1year) and canine parvoviral enteritis. Housing conditions, signs of GI disease or other systemic diseases were unassociated with infection. In conclusion, G. duodenalis infection prevalence is relatively low in the study population. Young age and diagnosis of co-infections are common, warranting screening for G. duodenalis.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of commensal staphylococcal species and determined the prevalence of multi-drug resistance in healthy cats and dogs. Risk factors associated with the carriage of multi-drug resistant strains were explored. Isolates from 256 dogs and 277 cats were identified at the species level using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry. The diversity of coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CNS) was high, with 22 species in dogs and 24 in cats. Multi-drug resistance was frequent (17%) and not always associated with the presence of the mecA gene. A stay in a veterinary clinic in the last year was associated with an increased risk of colonisation by multi-drug resistant Staphylococci (OR = 2.4, 95% CI: 1.1~5.2, p value LRT = 0.04). When identifying efficient control strategies against antibiotic resistance, the presence of mechanisms other than methicillin resistance and the possible role of CNS in the spread of resistance determinants should be considered.  相似文献   

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