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Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of the high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta reveals weak, incommensurate, spatial modulations in the tunneling conductance. Images of these energy-dependent modulations are Fourier analyzed to yield the dispersion of their wavevectors. Comparison of the dispersions with photoemission spectroscopy data indicates that quasiparticle interference, due to elastic scattering between characteristic regions of momentum-space, provides a consistent explanation for the conductance modulations, without appeal to another order parameter. These results refocus attention on quasiparticle scattering processes as potential explanations for other incommensurate phenomena in the cuprates. The momentum-resolved tunneling spectroscopy demonstrated here also provides a new technique with which to study quasiparticles in correlated materials.  相似文献   

Angle-resolved photoemission data from the cuprate superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta above and below the superconducting transition temperature Tc reveal momentum-dependent changes that extend up to an energy of about 0.3 electron volt, or 40kTc (where k is the Boltzmann constant). The data suggest an anomalous transfer of spectral weight from one momentum to another, involving a sizable momentum transfer Q approximately (0.45pi, 0). The observed Q is intriguingly near the charge-order periodicity required if fluctuating charge stripes are present.  相似文献   

Optical data are reported on a spectral weight transfer over a broad frequency range of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta, when this material became superconducting. Using spectroscopic ellipsometry, we observed the removal of a small amount of spectral weight in a broad frequency band from 10(4) cm(-1) to at least 2 x 10(4) cm(-1), due to the onset of superconductivity. We observed a blue shift of the ab-plane plasma frequency when the material became superconducting, indicating that the spectral weight was transferred to the infrared range. Our observations are in agreement with models in which superconductivity is accompanied by an increased charge carrier spectral weight. The measured spectral weight transfer is large enough to account for the condensation energy in these compounds.  相似文献   

We report atomic-scale characterization of the pseudogap state in a high-Tc superconductor, Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+delta). The electronic states at low energies within the pseudogap exhibit spatial modulations having an energy-independent incommensurate periodicity. These patterns, which are oriented along the copper-oxygen bond directions, appear to be a consequence of an electronic ordering phenomenon, the observation of which correlates with the pseudogap in the density of electronic states. Our results provide a stringent test for various ordering scenarios in the cuprates, which have been central in the debate on the nature of the pseudogap and the complex electronic phase diagram of these compounds.  相似文献   

Angle-resolved photoemission experiments reveal evidence of an energy gap in the normal state excitation spectrum of the cuprate superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta. This gap exists only in underdoped samples and closes around the doping level at which the superconducting transition temperature Tc is a maximum. The momentum dependence and magnitude of the gap closely resemble those of the dx2-y2 gap observed in the superconducting state. This observation is consistent with results from several other experimental techniques, which also indicate the presence of a gap in the normal state. Some possible theoretical explanations for this effect are reviewed.  相似文献   

The randomness of dopant atom distributions in cuprate high-critical temperature superconductors has long been suspected to cause nanoscale electronic disorder. In the superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta, we identified populations of atomic-scale impurity states whose spatial densities follow closely those of the oxygen dopant atoms. We found that the impurity-state locations are strongly correlated with all manifestations of the nanoscale electronic disorder. This disorder occurs via an unanticipated mechanism exhibiting high-energy spectral weight shifts, with associated strong superconducting coherence peak suppression but very weak scattering of low-energy quasi-particles.  相似文献   

Identifying the mechanism of superconductivity in the high-temperature cuprate superconductors is one of the major outstanding problems in physics. We report local measurements of the onset of superconducting pairing in the high-transition temperature (Tc) superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta using a lattice-tracking spectroscopy technique with a scanning tunneling microscope. We can determine the temperature dependence of the pairing energy gaps, the electronic excitations in the absence of pairing, and the effect of the local coupling of electrons to bosonic excitations. Our measurements reveal that the strength of pairing is determined by the unusual electronic excitations of the normal state, suggesting that strong electron-electron interactions rather than low-energy (<0.1 volts) electron-boson interactions are responsible for superconductivity in the cuprates.  相似文献   

Detailed data on the momentum-resolved temperature dependence of the superconducting gap of Bi(2)Sr(2)CaCu(2)O(8+x) are presented, complemented by similar data on the intensity of the photoemission superconducting condensate spectral area. The gap anisotropy between the Gamma-Mand Gamma-X directions increases markedly with increasing temperature, contrary to what happens for conventional anisotropic-gap superconductors, such as lead. Specifically, the size of the superconducting gap along the Gamma-X direction decreases to values indistinguishable from zero at temperatures for which the gap retains virtually full value along the Gamma-M direction. These data rule out the simplest type of d-wave order parameter.  相似文献   

Critical-current density (Jc) is a parameter of primary importance for potential applications of high-temperature copper oxide superconductors. It is limited principally by the breakdown of zero-resistive current due to thermally activated flux flow at high temperatures and high magnetic fields. One promising method to overcome this limitation is to introduce efficient pinning centers into crystals that can suppress the flux flow. A marked increase in Jc was observed in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta (Bi-2212) single crystals doped with a large amount of Pb. By electron microscopy, characteristic microstructures were revealed that probably underlie the observed enhancement in Jc: thin (10 to 50 nanometers), platelike domains having a modulation-free structure appeared with spacings of 50 to 100 nanometers along the b axis.  相似文献   

High-temperature cuprate superconductors display unexpected nanoscale inhomogeneity in essential properties such as pseudogap energy, Fermi surface, and even superconducting critical temperature. Theoretical explanations for this inhomogeneity have ranged from chemical disorder to spontaneous electronic phase separation. We extend the energy range of scanning tunneling spectroscopy on Bi(2+y)Sr(2-y)CaCu(2)O(8+x), allowing a complete mapping of two types of interstitial oxygen dopants and vacancies at the apical oxygen site. We show that the nanoscale spatial variations in the pseudogap states are correlated with disorder in these dopant concentrations, particularly that of apical oxygen vacancies.  相似文献   

Real-space images with atomic resolution of the BiO plane of Bi(2)Sr(2)CaCu(2)O(8+delta) were obtained with a scanning tunneling microscope. Single-crystal samples were cleaved and imaged under ultrahigh vacuum conditions at room temperature. The images clearly show the one-dimensional incommensurate superstructure along the b-axis that is common to this phase. High-resolution images show the position of the Bi atoms, revealing the structural nature of the superlattice. A missing row of Bi atoms occurs either every nine or ten atomic sites in both (110) directions, accounting for the measured incommensurate periodicity of the superstructure. A model is proposed that includes missing rows of atoms, as well as displacements of the atomic positions along both the a- and c-axis directions.  相似文献   

Columnar defects generated by heavy-ion irradiation are promising structures for pinning magnetic flux lines and enhancing critical currents in superconductors with high transition temperatures. An approach that combines chemical etching and magnetic decoration was used to highlight simultaneously the distributions of columnar defects and magnetic flux lines in Bi(2)Sr(2)CaCu(2)O(8) superconductors. Analyses of images of the columnar defects and flux-line positions provide insight into flux-line pinning by elucidating (i) the occupancy of columnar defects by flux lines, (ii) the nature of topological defects in the flux-line lattice, and (iii) the translational and orientational order in this lattice.  相似文献   

Wu XL  Zhang Z  Wang YL  Lieber CM 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1990,248(4960):1211-1214
The structural and electronic effects of lead substitution in the high-temperature superconducting materials Pb(x)Bi(2-x)Sr(2)CaCu(2)O(8) have been characterized by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS). Large-area STM images of the Bi(Pb)-O layers show that lead substitution distorts and disorders the one-dimensional superlattice found in these materials. Atomic-resolution images indicate that extra oxygen atoms are present in the Bi(Pb)-O layers. STS data show that the electronic structure of the Bi(Pb)-O layers is insensitive to lead substitution within +/-0.5 electron volt of the Fermi level; however, a systematic decrease in the density of states is observed at approximately 1 electron volt above the Fermi level. Because the superconducting transition temperatures are independent of x(Pb) (x 相似文献   

A new superconductor that displays onset behavior near 120 K has been identified as Bi(2)Sr(3-x)Ca(x)Cu(2)O(8+y), with x ranging from about 0.4 to 0.9. Single crystal x-ray diffraction data were used to determine a pseudo-tetragonal structure based on an A-centered orthorhombic subcell with a = 5.399 A, b= 5.414A, and c = 30.904 A. The structure contains copper-oxygen sheets as in La(2)CuO(4) and YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7), but the copper-oxygen chains present in YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7) do not occur in Bi(2)Sr(3-x)Ca(x)Cu(2)O(8+y). The structure is made up of alternating double copper-oxygen sheets and double bismuth-oxygen sheets. There are Ca(2+) and Sr(2+) cations between the adjacent Cu-O sheets; Sr(2+) cations are also found between the Cu-O and Bi-O sheets. Electron microscopy studies show an incommensurate superstructure along the a axis that can be approximated by an increase of a factor of 5 over the subcell dimension. This superstructure is also observed by x-ray diffraction on single crystals, but twinning can make it appear that the superstructure is along both a and b axes. Flux exclusion begins in our samples at about 116 K and is very strong by 95 K. Electrical measurements on a single crystal of Bi(2)Sr(3-x)Ca(x)Cu(2)O(8+y) show a resistivity drop at about 116 K and apparent zero resistivity at 91 K.  相似文献   

A comprehensive inelastic neutron scattering study of magnetic excitations in the near optimally doped high-temperature superconductor YBa(2)Cu(3)O(6.85) is presented. The spin correlations in the normal state are commensurate with the crystal lattice, and the intensity is peaked around the wave vector characterizing the antiferromagnetic state of the insulating precursor, YBa(2)Cu(3)O(6). Profound modifications of the spin excitation spectrum appear abruptly below the superconducting transition temperature T(c), where a commensurate resonant mode and a set of weaker incommensurate peaks develop. The data are consistent with models that are based on an underlying two-dimensional Fermi surface, predicting a continuous, downward dispersion relation connecting the resonant mode and the incommensurate excitations. The magnetic incommensurability in the YBa(2)Cu(3)O(6+)(x) system is thus not simply related to that of another high-temperature superconductor, La(2-)(x)Sr(x)CuO(4), where incommensurate peaks persist well above T(c). The temperature-dependent incommensurability is difficult to reconcile with interpretations based on charge stripe formation in YBa(2)Cu(3)O(6+x) near optimum doping.  相似文献   

合成并测定了一种新的配合物--(bpyH)2 [Bi2I8(bpy)2]的晶体结构.该晶体属于正交晶系,Pccn空间群,a=15.991(3),b=17.007(3),c=19.443(4),α=β=γ=90o, V = 5287.4(18)3,μ=11.354mm-1,Z = 4,M = 2059.91,Dc = 2.588g/cm3,F(000)=3680,λ(MO Kα)=0.71073 ,最终偏离因子R1=0.0553,wR2=0.0695.该配合物的结构中,两个Bi原子处于八面体的中心,分别与三个端基碘,两个桥基碘,和一个端基联吡啶配体配位,形成[Bi I4(bpy)]22二聚体;另外两条联吡啶配体通过N…H氢键形成的超分子链贯穿于这些二聚体单元之间.  相似文献   

The hollandite high-pressure polymorph of plagioclase has been identified in shock-induced melt veins of the Sixiangkou L6 chondrite. It is intimately intergrown with feldspathic glass within grains previously thought to be "maskelynite." The crystallographic nature of the mineral was established by laser micro-Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction. The mineral is tetragonal with the unit cell parameters a = 9.263 +/- 0.003 angstroms and c = 2.706 +/- 0.003 angstroms. Its occurrence with the liquidus pair majorite-pyrope solid solution plus magnesiowustite sets constraints on the peak pressures that prevailed in the shock-induced melt veins. The absence of a calcium ferrite-structured phase sets an upper bound for the crystallization of the hollandite polymorph near 23 gigapascals.  相似文献   

The transition metal chalcogenide Ni(S,Se)2 is one of the few highly correlated, Mott-Hubbard systems without a strong first-order structural distortion that normally cuts off the critical behavior at the metal-insulator transition. The zero-temperature (T) transition was tuned with pressure, and significant deviations were found near the quantum critical point from the usual T1/2 behavior of the conductivity characteristic of electron-electron interactions in the presence of disorder. The transport data for pressure and temperature below 1 kelvin could be collapsed onto a universal scaling curve.  相似文献   

The concept that superconductivity competes with other orders in cuprate superconductors has become increasingly apparent, but obtaining direct evidence with bulk-sensitive probes is challenging. We have used resonant soft x-ray scattering to identify two-dimensional charge fluctuations with an incommensurate periodicity of ~3.2 lattice units in the copper-oxide planes of the superconductors (Y,Nd)Ba(2)Cu(3)O(6+)(x), with hole concentrations of 0.09 to 0.13 per planar Cu ion. The intensity and correlation length of the fluctuation signal increase strongly upon cooling down to the superconducting transition temperature (T(c)); further cooling below T(c) abruptly reverses the divergence of the charge correlations. In combination with earlier observations of a large gap in the spin excitation spectrum, these data indicate an incipient charge density wave instability that competes with superconductivity.  相似文献   

本文研究了Bi2Sr2CuO6超导性与其价键结构间的关系。使用复杂晶体化学键理论,计算了Bi2Sr2CuO6超导体中的不同相结构的价键参数,通过比较不同相结构中的共价性关系,确定了此超导体中的超导成分为Bi3+Bi2+Sr2Cu3+O6,同时指出只有当Bi3+Bi2+Sr2Cu3+O6的含量≥61.6%时,Bi2Sr2CuO6具有超导性。  相似文献   

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