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抗真菌药物对鱼类鳃霉病的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用霉病力克、氟康唑、硫酸铜3种抗真菌药物对患有鳃霉病妁鲤鱼进行浸泡治疗,每天早晚各1次,浸泡1周。同时用间接免疫荧光法(IIF)观察霉菌孢子在鱼体上皮细胞(FEC)的粘附情况,用电泳法分析霉菌孢子内的生化反应。结果显示,用霉病力克处理组织效果最好,表明霉病力克具有抗鳃霉菌和抑制鳃霉孢子粘附的双重作用。  相似文献   

用霉病力克水煮液对患有水霉病的加州鲈进行浸泡治疗,每天早晚各一次,浸泡一周。同时用间接免疫荧光法(IIF)观察霉菌孢子在鱼体上皮细胞(FEC)粘附情况,用电泳法分析霉菌孢子内的生化反应。结果显示,用霉病力克处理后,病鱼体表霉菌菌丝全部消失,霉菌孢子的粘附作用明显降低,孢子内的生化反应受阻。试验表明霉病力克具有抗水霉菌和抑制水霉菌孢子粘附的双重作用,值得进一步推广应用。  相似文献   

<正>鱼鳃霉病是鳃霉菌寄生在鱼鳃丝引起的疾病,鱼鳃霉菌的生物学分类为水霉目、水霉科、鳃霉菌属。鳃霉病主要危害罗非鱼、草鱼、青鱼、鲤鱼、黄颡鱼、鲇鱼、鳙等淡水养殖鱼类。近年来鳃霉病的临床诊断存在许多误区,有的水产技术人员把普通细菌性烂鳃病诊断为鳃霉病,有的把锦鲤疱疹病毒引起的烂鳃症状诊断为鳃霉病,有的把鳃丝部位寄生的水霉菌  相似文献   

<正>全世界目前共有鳗鲡品种19种,被人工养殖的有6种。目前主要是花鳗和白鳗两种,这两个品种在病害防治方面的技术要求基本一致。在养殖过程中常见的病害主要有以下几种。一、鳗鱼真菌病鳗鱼真菌病主要有水霉病、鳃霉病两种,其病原体水霉菌和鳃霉菌属于真菌类微生物。它们在自然水域中广泛存在,为条件病原菌,通过孢子传播,营腐生生活;喜偏酸性水质,水温13~18℃是霉菌孢子最适宜的感染温度;冬春季节最易流行,死亡率也较高。水霉以"伤口寄生"著称,通常未受伤的健康鳗鱼不易感  相似文献   

一、水霉病的发病条件与发生季节常见的水霉病是因捕捞、运输、转池操作时引起鱼体表受伤、鳞片脱落造成,水霉菌侵入伤口,向内外长出菌丝,分泌毒素,引起组织溃烂,出现肉眼可见的白色棉毛状菌丝。鱼体表被寄生虫咬伤,或因饲料中营养不良引起表皮溃烂,水霉菌随溃烂部位侵入,也可引起水霉病。水霉病一年四季都可发生,尤其是早春和冬季,越冬鱼种、鱼卵、鱼苗易染此病。同属真菌病害的鳃霉病多发生在5~10月水质恶化、发臭的鱼塘,也可用成都芳草药业有限公司研制的水霉净复合药防治。二、水霉净的使用方法:浸泡或泼洒1.常规用药…  相似文献   

1 水霉病 水霉病俗称白毛病、肤霉病。水霉菌最初寄生时,一般看不出病鱼有何异常,当看到病症时,菌丝体已侵入鱼体伤口,向外生长,或因寄生虫、细菌等感染造成原发病灶时,霉菌的动孢子便从鱼体伤口侵入,吸取皮肤里的养料,在受伤病灶处迅速繁殖、蔓延、扩展、长成棉毛状的菌丝。菌丝与伤口的细胞组织缠结粘附,使皮肤发生溃烂、组织坏死,同时随着病灶面积的扩大,鱼体负担过重,游动失常、食欲减退、鱼体消瘦,最终病弱死亡。  相似文献   

水霉病又叫肤霉病、白毛病。它是一种真菌病,是由寄生性的冰霉菌感染造成的。鱼体上常见的寄生性水霉菌大约有六种,包括两科、五属,即水霉科中的水霉、绵霉、细囊霉和丝囊霉,以霉科中的腐毒等。 水霉广泛存在于水中,营腐生生活。在条件不适宜的情况下,水霉菌在水中以孢子的形式存在。 水霉菌不会寄生于健康的鱼体上。只有当遇到体表受伤的、体力衰弱的或其他紧迫(stress)的鱼时,水霉菌孢子才会在鱼的伤口处、体表上寄生,并开始萌发。由于水霉菌孢子很小,所以水霉菌孢子最初寄生时,一般看不出病鱼有什么异常。水霉菌的动孢…  相似文献   

一、水霉生长与环境的关系 水霉通常从孢子开始萌发,是水霉病传播的基础.水霉菌的孢子多在水体表层散布,一般生活在上层的鱼更易发病.水霉菌对温度的适应性较宽,在10~32℃都能生长繁殖.每年2-6月和10-12月是水霉病流行季节,特别是在鱼密集的越冬池更易发生.水霉菌适宜的pH为偏中性,强酸、强碱均可杀死水霉.在pH 6....  相似文献   

陈泳 《内陆水产》2004,29(3):36-36
水霉病俗称白毛病、肤霉病。水霉菌最初寄生时,一般看不出病鱼有何异常症状,当看到病症时,菌丝体已侵入鱼体伤口,向外生长。有时因寄生虫、细菌等病原体感染造成原发病灶溃烂,霉菌的动孢子便从鱼体溃  相似文献   

正鱼类鳃霉病目前发病较多,本文为了描述方便,把鱼类鳃霉病根据发病时个体大小和孵化的时间分成养成期鳃霉病和苗种期鳃霉病。此病将对我国鱼苗种产业和成鱼养殖产业带来大的困扰。一、鳃霉病的病原形态和致病机理鳃霉病是一种真菌性疾病,主要病原是鳃霉。鱼类寄生的鳃霉,从菌丝的形态和寄生情况来看,有两种类型。寄生在草鱼鳃上的鳃霉,菌丝较粗直而少弯曲,分  相似文献   

Four cases (representing outbreaks in four different ponds on three farms) of branchial mycosis caused by Branchiomyces spp. were identified in channel catfish fry during the summer of 1996. Mortalities ranged from a few hundred to several thousand fish per pond. Significant gross and histopathological findings from these four cases were limited to the gills. All fry examined had fungal mycelia that were mainly but not entirely confined to the base of the primary lamellae and the gill arches. These fungal hyphae were intravascular and occluded vessels in the gill tissues. The present paper describes the fungal characteristics and pathology of branchial mycosis caused by Branchiomyces spp. in channel catfish.  相似文献   

本实验利用现行主流分类衍征,重新对荆州碘泡虫(Myxobolus kinchowensis)进行了详细描述,其分类特征如下:包囊圆形,寄生于鲫肌肉与肾脏,肌肉包囊大小(126.7±1.8)μm,肾脏包囊直径为94.2μm;两寄生部位各形态参数无显著差异,成熟孢子正面观呈梨形,缝面观呈纺锤形,含一大一小两梨形极囊;无明显囊间突起,孢子后端无褶皱,无粘液膜。组织病理显示在两寄生部位均未引起严重的炎性反应,且感染强度不高,推测该种对宿主无显著影响。基于18S r DNA进化分析发现荆州碘泡虫与寄生在肌肉部位的碘泡虫属种类聚为一个大枝,然后该大枝又根据地理位置远近分为北美枝、欧洲枝以及亚洲枝。通过形态比较研究以及分子分析可确定荆州碘泡虫为有效种,其寄主为鲫,寄生部位为肌纤维间和肾小囊。此外,两组织差异明显的寄生部位出现说明荆州碘泡虫相应的放射孢子虫在宿主鲫体内存在不同的发育与移行途径,而肌肉可能为其常规寄生部位,肾脏为其异常寄生部位,这种寄生部位的转移与宿主转变可能是粘孢子虫物种多样性形成的机制。  相似文献   


Sixteen batches of fish mince prepared using fillets from Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) harvested near Vancouver Island, Canada were studied for possible correlations of Kudoa spore counts with proteolytic activity and cooked texture. The fish were mainly infected by K. paniformis, and Kudoa spores were distributed throughout 7 sampling sites on 13 individual hake fish tested. Proteolytic activity of fish homogenate was optimum within the range of pH 5.25–5.50 and 52–55°C. Significant (p < 0.05) correlations were observed among fish mince K. paniformis spore counts, endogenous proteolytic activity, cooked texture measured as maximum compression force (g), and the change in free amino groups during autolysis.  相似文献   

河川沙塘鳢致病真菌的特性及分子生物学鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从发病河川沙塘鳢(Odontobutis potamopgila(Gunther))的亲鱼及卵上取病灶样品,经培养分离得到相同的一株水霉菌FD07,对其形态、生理特性进行研究,并进行ITS rDNA分子鉴定.结果显示:该菌的最适生长温度为20℃,在马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基(PDA培养基)上生长良好,主要形态特征是菌落结构...  相似文献   

The portion control fish processing industry produces a large among of fish “sawdust” (shaving from cutting frozen fish blocks). This product may be treated with hydrogen peroxide and UV radiation to reduce its microbial load; the frozen-thawed product cannot from a gel. We found that a considerable proportion of this material can be incorporated into fish gels prepared from either Alaska Pollock or red hake surimi while retaining a high degree to the functional properties of the fish gels. The negative effects of the “sawdust” on gelation properties of the surimis was reduced when the product was treated with sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium ascorbate during preparation.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were exposed to Kudoa thyrsites (Myxozoa, Myxosporea)-containing sea water for 15 months, and then harvested and assessed for parasite burden and fillet quality. At harvest, parasites were enumerated in muscle samples from a variety of somatic and opercular sites, and mean counts were determined for each fish. After 6 days storage at 4 degrees C, fillet quality was determined by visual assessment and by analysis of muscle firmness using a texture analyzer. Fillet quality could best be predicted by determining mean parasite numbers and spore counts in all eight tissue samples (somatic and opercular) or in four fillet samples, as the counts from opercular samples alone showed greater variability and thus decreased reliability. The variability in both plasmodia and spore numbers between tissue samples taken from an individual fish indicated that the parasites were not uniformly distributed in the somatic musculature. Therefore, to best predict the probable level of fillet degradation caused by K. thyrsites infections, multiple samples must be taken from each fish. If this is performed, a mean plasmodia count of 0.3 mm(-2) or a mean spore count of 4.0 x 10(5) g(-1) of tissue are the levels where the probability of severe myoliquefaction becomes a significant risk.  相似文献   

暗纹东方鲀线粒体DNA控制区结构和系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以暗纹东方(Takifugu fasciatus)肝脏线粒体DNA为模板,参照GenBank中红鳍东方(Takifugu rubripes)线粒体DNA序列设计合成特异引物进行PCR扩增,获得了暗纹东方线粒体DNA控制区基因(818 bp)及5′端上游的tR-NAPro基因(71 bp)的全序列。控制区碱基组成为T32.2%,C 19.1%,A35.6%,G13.2%。对照其他已报道的鱼类控制区结构,对暗纹东方控制区的结构进行了分析,识别了其终止序列区、中央保守区和保守序列区,找到了终止相关的序列TAS以及保守序列(CSB1,CSB2,CSB3)。CSB1、CSB2序列相对保守,TAS与其回文基序可形成稳定的茎环结构,成为H-链复制延伸时的终止识别位点。同时运用DNA分析软件对暗纹东方与GenBank中其他10多种鱼类的mtDNA控制区序列进行比对,并选取东方属的7种鱼类mtDNA控制区序列构建分子系统树。结果显示控制区基因较适于科鱼类中同属不同种的系统发育分析。  相似文献   

The health status of eight marine rainbow trout farms was followed from mid-June to mid-September 2006 by sampling both dead and healthy fish approximately every 2 weeks for bacteriological and virological investigation. No fish pathogenic viruses were detected, but all farms experienced disease and mortality as a result of various bacterial infections. Yersinia ruckeri was found on four and Renibacterium salmoninarum on five of the farms, but only during the first part of the surveillance period. This indicates that the fish carried the infection from fresh water, and cleared the infection in salt water. Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida caused mortality on five farms, but persisted throughout the sampling period. Although A. salmonicida was probably carried from fresh water, the fish were not able to clear the infection in the sea. Vibrio anguillarum caused mortality on six of the farms throughout the sampling period, O1 being the dominant serovar, and Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae was found on seven farms as a cause of disease. During the period of highest water temperatures Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus were detected in dead fish in five and two farms, respectively, although their significance as causative pathogens is questionable. Vibrio vulnificus has not previously been found in rainbow trout in Denmark. Both mortality and number of antimicrobial treatments during the period were considerably higher in unvaccinated compared with vaccinated fish. Resistance to commonly used antimicrobials was low or absent.  相似文献   

The bacterial pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum was successfully identified from formalin-fixed, wax-embedded tissue blocks of infected rainbow trout heart and spleen tissues, using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay. Filamentous bacteria were observed in haematoxylin and eosin and Giemsa-stained sections but no bacteria were recovered from the diseased fish using standard bacteriology isolation techniques. All infected fish had histopathological evidence of myocarditis or rainbow trout fry syndrome. Immunohistochemistry was attempted using three different anti-F. psychrophilum sera but the results were inconclusive, and an alternative molecular approach was therefore attempted. This paper describes the use of a PCR-based assay to help identify bacteria present in formalin-fixed, wax-embedded tissue samples. This is the first time that this technique has been used for the detection of fish bacteria from diagnostic samples.  相似文献   

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