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A flock of New Zealand Romney lambs on a property in Hawkes Bay was examined from August 1978 to June 1979. In November, the lambs in the flock were allocated to groups as follows: 600 lambs from which groups were selected for slaughter by commercial criteria each month (selected groups); 700 lambs which were subdivided into 8 groups (random groups), one of which was sent for slaughter each month; and 25 lambs to monitor serological responses to viral infections (surveillance group). At slaughter, lesions in the anterior lobes of the lungs were classified into small, large or mottled lesions while those in the posterior regions of the diaphragmatic lobes comprised a separate group. The prevalence of the pneumonic and pleural lesions was recorded in all groups of lambs. Pneumonic lesions in lambs from the random groups were further classified after microscopic examination. The prevalence of infections with parainfluenza virus type 3, adenoviruses, Mycoplasma spp., and Pasteurella haemolytica was also recorded in the random groups. Average carcase weights of all groups of lambs were also recorded.

The prevalence of large lesions in the anterior lobes, pleural lesions and devaluation of carcases due to pleural lesions was significantly lower in the selected than in the random groups.

In the random groups, the prevalence of small lesions in the anterior lobes of the lungs was high and was not always associated with infections with the viruses, P. haemolytica or Mycoplasma spp. Microscopically, these lesions could he divided into four types as previously described. The prevalence of large lesions in the anterior lobes was low in November but increased to peak levels in February and March and then declined to intermediate levels. The prevalence of large lesions was associated with that of infections with the micro-organisms and significantly more large lesions contained P. haemolytica and Mycoplasma spp. than did small lesions or normal lungs. The prevalence of large lesions also appeared to be inversely related to the average carcase weights of the lambs. Most large lesions were similar on microscopy to those of “enzootic” or “atypical” pneumonia but were divided into four types on the basis of exudative and proliferative features. The prevalence of mottled lesions in the anterior lobes was low throughout the period of observation but peaks were observed in January and May. The peaks were associated with adenovirus infection and elevated prevalence of infection with P. haemolytica and Mycoplasma spp. Significantly more mottled lesions contained P. haemolytica than did small lesions or normal lungs. Microscopically, most mottled lesions were similar to exudative large lesions.

Lesions in the posterior diaphragmatic lobes were most numerous in November and from April to June. Their prevalence appeared to be related to anthelminthic treatment and environmental conditions. Microscopically, these lesions were typical of those following infection with Dictyocaulus filaria.  相似文献   

A flock of New Zealand Romney lambs on a property in Hawkes Bay was examined from August 1978 to June 1979. In November, the lambs in the flock were allocated to groups as follows: 600 lambs from which groups were selected for slaughter by commercial criteria each month (selected groups); 700 lambs which were subdivided into 8 groups (random groups), one of which was sent for slaughter each month; and 25 lambs to monitor serological responses to viral infections (surveillance group). At slaughter, lesions in the anterior lobes of the lungs were classified into small, large or mottled lesions while those in the posterior regions of the diaphragmatic lobes comprised a separate group. The prevalence of the pneumonic and pleural lesions was recorded in all groups of lambs. Pneumonic lesions in lambs from the random groups were further classified after microscopic examination. The prevalence of infections with parainfluenza virus type 3, adenoviruses, Mycoplasma spp., and Pasteurella haemolytica was also recorded in the random groups. Average carcase weights of all groups of lambs were also recorded. The prevalence of large lesions in the anterior lobes, pleural lesions and devaluation of carcases due to pleural lesions was significantly lower in the selected than in the random groups. In the random groups, the prevalence of small lesions in the anterior lobes of the lungs was high and was not always associated with infections with the viruses, P. haemolytica or Mycoplasma spp. Microscopically, these lesions could he divided into four types as previously described. The prevalence of large lesions in the anterior lobes was low in November but increased to peak levels in February and March and then declined to intermediate levels. The prevalence of large lesions was associated with that of infections with the micro-organisms and significantly more large lesions contained P. haemolytica and Mycoplasma spp. than did small lesions or normal lungs. The prevalence of large lesions also appeared to be inversely related to the average carcase weights of the lambs. Most large lesions were similar on microscopy to those of "enzootic" or "atypical" pneumonia but were divided into four types on the basis of exudative and proliferative features. The prevalence of mottled lesions in the anterior lobes was low throughout the period of observation but peaks were observed in January and May. The peaks were associated with adenovirus infection and elevated prevalence of infection with P. haemolytica and Mycoplasma spp. Significantly more mottled lesions contained P. haemolytica than did small lesions or normal lungs. Microscopically, most mottled lesions were similar to exudative large lesions. Lesions in the posterior diaphragmatic lobes were most numerous in November and from April to June. Their prevalence appeared to be related to anthelminthic treatment and environmental conditions. Microscopically, these lesions were typical of those following infection with Dictyocaulus filaria.  相似文献   

Calves affected with citrullinaemia are clinically normal immediately after birth. In the majority of calves the clinical course of the disease was similar. Within 24 hours of birth they become depressed; then within 3 to 4 days were observed to wander aimlessly or stand with their head pressed against a wall or fence. By day 4 to 5 they become recumbent, developed convulsions, followed by collapse and death. Oedema of the cerebral cortex is a consistent histological lesion. Citrulline concentration in blood, cerebrospinal fluid, eye fluid and cerebral tissue is greatly elevated. Information gathered from pedigrees of affected calves indicate that the defect is widely disseminated throughout the Australian Friesian population.  相似文献   

Hemimelia at a prevalence of 11% of lambs marked, and low marking percentage (51%) was observed in a flock of mixed age Merino ewes and their lambs. Hemimelia occurred in one or 2 limbs of affected lambs. Lambs from other flocks on the farm were unaffected, and the condition was not reported from other farms. The condition had not occurred in the past, and has not recurred. No infectious or hereditary factors were implicated in the aetiology of the condition. Grazing Western Australian Blue Lupin stubble by the affected flock during and after joining was the only known difference between this flock and others on the farm.  相似文献   

Microbiological, biochemical and pathological data collected from 293 calves which were either stillborn, or born alive and either failed to breathe or failed to breathe for more than about 10 minutes are presented. No bacteria were recovered from 96 of the calves (32.7 per cent), and bacteria which were considered significant were isolated from only four (1.4 per cent). Evidence of leptospiral infection was found in 75 calves (25.5 per cent). Of 64 calves examined for bovine virus diarrhoea (BVD) and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) antigens, two were positive for BVD virus and none for IBR virus. The mean (+/- sd) liver vitamin E and kidney selenium concentrations, determined in 148 of the calves, were 2.0 +/- 0.76 micrograms/g wet matter and 0.47 +/- 0.17 micrograms/g wet matter, respectively. The thyroid iodine concentration in 15 of 71 calves (21 per cent) was less than 300 micrograms/g wet matter and the mean (+/- sd) thyroid weight of 266 of the calves was 18.5 +/- 11.6 g. Evidence of severe trauma was found in 19 of the calves (6.5 per cent). Histological findings included thyroid epithelial hyperplasia, hepatic haemosiderosis, erythrophagocytosis in the spleen, perivascular haemorrhage in brain and adrenal glands, and accumulation of leucocytes in blood vessels.  相似文献   

The clinical, pathological and biochemical findings of a study of 30 Poll Hereford, Hereford, Poll Hereford cross or Hereford cross calves affected with branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase (BCKAD) complex deficiency or maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) are presented. In breeding studies, 6 of 21 calves from obligate heterozygote matings were affected with MSUD, suggesting the disease is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Calves were clinically affected from birth, but there were variations in the subsequent course of progressive deterioration of central nervous system function. Concentrations of the branched chain amino acids and keto acids were elevated in pre-suckle plasma and cerebellar water content was higher in affected calves. Activity of BCKAD complex was minimal in fibroblasts cultured from an affected calf. Spongiform encephalopathy and elevated ratios of the branched to straight chain amino acids in formalin fixed cerebral tissue were found in a stillborn foetus and a 3-month-old Hereford calf. These findings suggest the disease occurs prenatally and that a delayed form may exist.  相似文献   

In the past histomonosis was very well controlled with Dimetridazole as a treatment and/or Nifursol as feed additive. In the European Union both products were banned in 1995 and 2003, respectively. This was followed by the re-emergence of the disease in the recent years. In the present case a farm with two houses was affected by the disease. In each house 2620 hens and 2620 toms were kept, separated by wire mesh. At the 53rd day of age the toms in house 1 showed general clinical symptoms, accompanied by a slightly raised mortality, which sharply increased in the following days. At necropsy all dead birds showed lesions typical for histomonosis in caeca and liver. Histomonosis was diagnosed by histopathology and PCR. Within five days cumulative mortality was 25.1%.The hens kept at the same house didn't show any symptoms. At day 57 two toms, which were kept in house 2, died and showed similar symptoms and lesions. Within the next three days 48 more birds died. Again the hens in house 2 showed neither clinical signs nor mortality. Treatment trials using herbal products and a change of litter directly after the onset of clinical signs did not reduce the mortality. On day 62 the toms of both houses were euthanized by CO2 in closed containers. The hens were kept until they were slaughtered in week 16 and did not show any evidence of histomonosis.  相似文献   

A 2.5% mortality rate was observed in a flock of 19,000 commercial one-day-old broiler chicks that had been placed 24 hours previously on litter treated with ferrous sulfate heptahydrate. Ulcerative ventriculitis and severe hepatopathy were the primary lesions observed grossly and microscopically. Pooled digesta contained 6854 ppm iron. Lesions identical to those found in the field case were reproduced experimentally.  相似文献   

The performance of a flock of 203 crossbred ewes on a lowland farm was examined. Before lambing the ewes were run in two groups (A and B). Group A (124 ewes) produced significantly fewer marketable lambs as a consequence of neonatal and later losses. The associated clinical features were consistent with Border disease infection and the presence of the virus was demonstrated. These features were not evident in the progeny of group B (79 ewes). The market sale returns of both groups of sheep were compared and the flock performance was contrasted with that of the two previous years. The outbreak of Border disease resulted in a potential reduction of income in excess of 20 per cent. Such a loss supports the necessity for an effective control strategy for Border disease.  相似文献   

1. The nesting behaviour of broiler breeders was studied in a commercial flock of nearly 4000 birds kept on deep litter by tagging a sample of 200 hens. Use of nest boxes by tagged birds was recorded on 52 d over 34 weeks.

2. Forty hens were never observed in nest boxes and 33 others were recorded only in ground‐level boxes. These 73 birds were recorded significantly less often in nest boxes and more often apparently laying on the floor than others. Fewer of them perched during observations and they started doing so later than birds which used raised nest boxes.

3. These results suggested that there were consistent floor layers, which had difficulty reaching raised nest boxes, as found previously in experimental conditions. Many or all floor layers may, however, have used ground‐level boxes sometimes.

4. Hens were inconsistent in their use of particular nest boxes, and some even nested in two distinct areas.

5. Most individuals were, however, consistent in their reaction to one or more features of the nest boxes, including height, aspect and area. Individual choices for these features varied, so no boxes were used particularly heavily, with the exception of those at ground level.  相似文献   

Eight one-week-old, colostrum-deprived lambs were inoculated intratracheally with ovine isolates of Bordetella parapertussis. After inoculation, the lambs showed slight depression and anorexia. The total circulating leucocyte counts in these animals rose gradually to a peak five days post-inoculation. Neutrophil counts also increased and were highest at Day 3. Lesions grossly and histologically similar to those of naturally-occurring ovine chronic non-progressive pneumonia were seen in the majority of infected animals. Grossly, they consisted of many small areas of collapse and dull-red consolidation. Histologically, B. parapertussis caused mild acute tracheobronchitis, severe alveolar collapse and acute bronchopneumonia, which was most severe from Days 1 to 3. Pure cultures of B. parapertussis were consistently recovered from nasal swabs of infected lambs throughout the study. Viable bacterial counts of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid showed a rapid elimination of this organism from the lower respiratory tract: between Days 1 to 5. Bordetella parapertussis infection in the respiratory tract of lambs has the potential to compromise pulmonary defence mechanisms and allow other pathogenic organisms to become established in the lower respiratory tract.  相似文献   

Nematodirosis was diagnosed in the south-east of Scotland during two consecutive autumns in lambs which were grazed on the same field. The problem was unpredicted based on the knowledge of the pasture and animal management, and rudimentary understanding of the behaviour of free-living stages of Nematodirus battus in the region. Unlike the epidemiology that has been described in the south of England, whereby autumn infection of lambs is believed to arise from autumn hatching of eggs shed during the previous spring without prior chilling, it is concluded that the autumn nematodirosis in a particular sheep flock in Scotland most likely arose following prolonged survival of larvae hatched during the spring from eggs shed during the previous summer, following periods of cold exposure over the previous winter. The infective larvae survived in large numbers in a small, sheltered strip of rough grazing, where they would have been protected from harmful ultraviolet radiation and heavy rainfall, before infecting lambs during the autumn. Understanding of the evolutionary potential, nematode parasites to adapt to changing environmental conditions depends on a thorough clinical investigative approach, and is a prerequisite for future preventive management.  相似文献   

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