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Meghdad Jourgholami 《Small-Scale Forestry》2012,11(2):255-262
Animal-powered logging is a labour-intensive operation. Mule logging is still performed in the Hyrcanian forest ecoregion in Iran as a small-scale harvesting method. Mule logging in Namkhaneh district of Kheyrud Forest within this ecoregion was studied to develop hauling regression models and estimate haulage costs. A continuous time study was conducted of hauling of sawn-lumber, pulpwood and fuelwood, to assess mule logging productivity and cost for sawn-lumber and pulpwood as well as fuelwood hauling. Hauling distance was found to be the most important cost factor in wood extraction by mule. The hourly production rates of hauling with mule were 0.84, 0.52 and 0.42 m3 for sawn-lumber, pulpwood and fuelwood, respectively. The cost of the mule hauling system USD 13 per productive mule hours. Hourly costs of mule hauling of sawn-lumber, pulpwood and fuelwood logging were 15.5, 25, and 30.6 USD/m3. Increasing hauling distances caused a linear increase in haulage cost. There appears to be an opportunity to reduce cost of log production by increasing scheduled work hours, wider utilization of mules and reducing labour cost. 相似文献
明海军 《内蒙古林业调查设计》2009,32(4):41-44
确定合理采伐量调整森林结构、实现永续利用的强大手段,文章对用材林森林采伐量测算系统采用的参数、测算方法按不同资源分布情况进行系统分析,并通过对采伐量的控制和论证方法论述,最终能够确定科学合理的一般用材林森林采伐量。以此供大兴安岭地区经营单位用材林森林采伐量测算参考。 相似文献
在云南省天保工程区进行人工商品林合理采伐是实现森林三大效益和合理经营的需要,是解决还贷和缓解木材供需矛盾的需要,其实施要点包括伐区调查、伐区作业设计、伐区施工。通过2003年的采伐试点,分析了人工商品林采伐实施中存在的问题,提出了今后的实施对策。 相似文献
分析云南省“天保”工程区人工林特点,阐述“天保”工程区人工林进行商品性采伐的必要性和可能性。通过论证,确定云南省“天保”工程区人工林商品材合理年伐量为102万m^3,并提出在“天保”工程区实施人工林商品性采伐的保障措施。 相似文献
通过对甘肃省天然林区5次森林资源连续清查蓄积量及用材林蓄积量变化的分析,初步得出结论:1979-1988年甘肃省天然林区蓄积量为增长阶段,1988-1996年蓄积量属减少阶段,1996-2001年为增长阶段。通过对3个阶段的分析,说明甘肃省20多年来,天然林区蓄积量呈波浪式的增长、减少、再增长趋势,也充分说明了国家实施天保工程的正确性。 相似文献
随着集体林权制度改革的不断深入,传统的林木采伐管理制度已越来越不能适应现代林业发展的需要,必须进一步优化限额管理机制,逐步建立与集体林权制度改革相配套、与发展现代林业相适应的林木采伐管理机制。针对现行集体人工商品林在采伐限额管理、采伐指标分配、采伐申请审批等方面存在的一些问题,提出实行森林采伐分类管理,推行伐区资格审查制度和伐区简易设计等对策与建议。 相似文献
为了查清盗伐、滥伐林木案件的性质和法律责任,根据涉林案件的不同情况,提出用重量、单价的换算法测算涉林案件的木材材积。 相似文献
This study explores the regeneration of 12 selected timber species within an area of selective logging in a neotropical rainforest in Guatemala. A part of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, in which timber harvest is performed by the cooperative Unión Maya Itzá, makes up the study area. We report the results of an inventory of 12 species over an area of 300 ha and detailed recording of saplings and seedlings for 10 selected timber species in five 1-ha plots. In the latter, characteristics of gaps (gap size and location, and vegetation cover) were also recorded. The recorded density of timber seedlings and saplings in the study area was low. The low present density of future harvestable timber species suggests that the total volume of harvested trees will decline from harvest to harvest in the future if an interval between subsequent logging events of 25 yr is used and if the logging intensity prescribed by the current management plan is upheld. Measures needed for forestry in this region to be sustainable are discussed. 相似文献
WANG Chunfeng* Afforestation Department State Forestry Administration No. He Ping Li Dong Jie Eastern District Beijing P. R.China 《中国林业科技(英文版)》2007,6(1):25-41
This article analyzes the factors shaping commercial timber profit distribution in China's Southern Collective Forest Region (hereinafter SCFR). The article first describes the setting and distribution of a national harvest quota and analyzes its equity impacts on farmer households. Based on access mapping of the commercial timber commodity chain, profit distribution and mechanisms for controlling and maintaining access to profit are analyzed for different actors along the chain. The data show that farmers do not benefit to a great extent from the commerce, even if they are endowed with rights to manage and harvest forests and freely sell commercial timber in the region. There are a number of institutional and non-institutional factors that determine the extent of benefits farmers and other actors along the timber commodity chain can seek. Under current arrangements, the devolution of forest property in the SCFR does not ensure that farmer households benefit from commercial timber marketing. In order to stimulate farmers' enthusiasm for forest rehabilitation and management, beyond the devolution of forest property, it is firstly necessary to take effective measures to improve farmer access to commercial timber profits. 相似文献
本文从天然林的主要特点、功能和作用出发,论述了保护天然林资源的重要性,以及从砍伐天然林为主到砍伐人工林为主的这一转变的历和现实的必然性。 相似文献
沁源作为林业大县 ,属于我省东山用材林基地县 ,有 14万 hm2森林资源 ,活立木总蓄积为 530万 m3 ,森林覆盖率为 53.5% ,居全省之首。现有天然林 7.2 0万hm2 ,人工林 1.0 58万 hm2 。全县 2 2个乡 (镇 )中有 14个是林区乡 (镇 )。林业是这些乡镇赖以生存和发展的支柱产业。长期以来。历届县委、县政府特别重视发挥林业优势 ,把林业列为全县三大支柱产业之一 ,并探索出了一条林业“护、造、管、用”的有效发展途径 ,取得了较好的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。 1998年 9月 ,按照国务院要求停止森林采伐近一年来 ,出现了一些新情况、新问题 ,… 相似文献
木材检验工作贯穿于木材生产经营的全过程,它与木材产值、产量、质量、品种以及出材率等主要经济技术指标息息相关,所以必须对木材检验工作给予足够的重视。 相似文献