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Automorphic loamy soils of the northern taiga and forest-tundra zones in the northeastern part of European Russia are characterized. These soils are diagnosed by the presence of a paragenetic system of the podzolic (often, with gley features) and iron-illuvial horizons combined with a specific cryometamorphic CRM horizon. The podzolic horizon is considerably impoverished in the total and oxalate-extractable iron and slightly impoverished in aluminum and clay in comparison with the iron-illuvial horizon. A distinctive feature of the cryometamorphic horizon is its fine angular blocky, ooidal, or granulated structure in the dry state and curdled cryogenic structure in the wet state. The soil profile is relatively weakly differentiated with respect to the contents of clay and sesquioxides. The genesis of these soils is related to a combination of the gley-Al-Fe-humus mobilization, migration, and illuvial accumulation of substances and the cryogenic structuring. According to the new Classification and Diagnostic System of Russian Soils, these soils fit the criteria of iron-illuvial svetlozems in the order of cryometamorphic soils. In the studied area, these soils are found together with texture-differentiated gley-podzolic soils having the Bt horizon and belonging to the order of texture-differentiated soils.  相似文献   

Al-Fe-humus podzols developed from sandy materials of continental and marine origins can be arranged into the following sequence with respect to the degree of soil hydromorphism: iron-illuvial podzols—humus-illuvial podzols—dark (high-humus) humus-illuvial podzols—peat podzols. These soils do not differ much in their particle-size distribution and bulk elemental composition. The most informative indices reflecting the effect of soil hydromorphism are the contents of oxalate-extractable iron and aluminum compounds and the contents and composition of the soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Differences in the chemical composition of soils developed from sorted sands of different origins are revealed. The iron-illuvial podzols on rich glaciofluvial and marine sands are characterized by well-pronounced Al-Fe-humus differentiation of the Si, Al, and Fe in the soil profile. These soils are relatively similar in their bulk elemental composition. The difference between them is seen in the degree of differentiation of the soil profiles; it is stronger in the soils developed from glaciofluvial deposits. This is particularly true with respect to the oxalate-soluble iron and aluminum hydroxides. The deposits derived from the red-colored Tersk sandstone and processed by the sea (in the coastal zone of the White Sea) have the poorest chemical composition. In the soils developed from them, the differentiation of oxalate-soluble compounds is slightly pronounced (for Fe) or completely absent (for Si and Al). These soils can be classified as podzolized ferruginous red-colored psammozems (within the order of poorly developed soils) with the following horizons: O-Ce-Cf-C. The Ce horizon has the features of podzolization, and the Cf horizon has some features attesting to the illuvial accumulation of Fe. The profile of these soils inherits a reddish tint from the parent material.  相似文献   

By the examples of four typical catenas in the East European Plain, the role of lessivage in the development of automorphic and hydromorphic loamy and clayey soils with light-colored acid eluvial horizons and with different degrees of gleyzation has been studied. It is found that characteristic features of lessivage are often observed in the soils without hydrological barriers hampering or preventing the vertical migration of soil water and mass transfer processes. The hydrological barriers may be represented by the shallow horizons of temporarily perched water, or by the ascending capillary fringe of the ground water, or by the water-saturated horizons, in which the volume of free pores does not exceed 2–4%. It is shown that light-colored acid eluvial horizons may be formed in the profiles of loamy and clayey soils without any signs of lessivage. The development of strongly gleyed soils (gleyed soddy-podzolic soils and pseudogley soils (Stagnosols)) is not related to colmatage (silting of their illuvial horizons through lessivage); it is conditioned by the actual hydrological regime of these soils. The role of lessivage, podzolization, and gleyzation in the development of clay-differentiated soils is discussed.  相似文献   

Automorphic loamy soils developing from different parent materials in the central and southern parts of the Timan Ridge are described. Pale-podzolic soil and iron-illuvial texture-differentiated svetlozems are developed from silty covering loams underlain by moraine deposits. Podzolic, iron-illuvial, cryometamorphic, and clay-illuvial horizons are distinguished in the svetlozems; soils with such a complex morphology have been described in the taiga zone of European Russia for the first time. Humus-iron-illuvial podzols are developed from acidic slates. Raw-humus rzhavozems (iron-metamorphic soils) are developed from substrates with the high content of pebbles of mafic rocks. Such soils are typical of the middle taiga zone of Central Siberia and the south of Far East. In the northwestern part of European Russia, these soils occupy small areas.  相似文献   

Morphological, geochemical and mineralogical studies were carried out in a representative soil catena of the low‐elevation plateaux of the upper Amazon Basin to interpret the steps and mechanisms involved in the podzolization of low‐activity clay soils. The soils are derived from Palaeozoic sandstones. They consist of Hydromorphic Podzols under tree savannah in the depressions of the plateaux and predominantly of Acrisols covered by evergreen forest elsewhere. Incipient podzolization in the uppermost Acrisols is related to the formation of organic‐rich A and Bhs horizons slightly depleted in fine‐size particles by both mechanical particle transfer and weathering. Weathering of secondary minerals by organic acids and formation of organo‐metallic complexes act simultaneously over short distances. Their vertical transfer is limited. Selective dissolution of aluminous goethite, then gibbsite and finally kaolinite favour the preferential cheluviation of first Fe and secondly Al. The relatively small amount of organo‐metallic complexes produced is related to the quartzitic parent materials, and the predominance of Al over Fe in the spodic horizons is due to the importance of gibbsite in these low‐activity clay soils. Morphologically well‐expressed podzols occur in strongly iron‐depleted topsoils of the depression. Mechanical transfer and weathering of gibbsite and kaolinite by organic acids is enhanced and leads to residual accumulation of sands. Organo‐metallic complexes are translocated in strongly permeable sandy horizons and impregnate at depth the macro‐voids of embedded soil and saprolite materials to form the spodic Bs and 2BCs horizons. Mechanical transfer of black particulate organic compounds devoid of metals has occurred later within the sandy horizons of the podzols. Their vertical transfer has formed well‐differentiated A and Bh horizons. Their lateral removal by groundwater favours the development of an albic E horizon. In an open and waterlogged environment, the general trend is therefore towards the removal of all the metals that have initially accumulated as a response to the ferralitization process and have temporarily been sequestrated in organic complexes in previous stages of soil podzolization.  相似文献   

The morphology and physicochemical properties of mountain-tundra and mountain-forest soils of the Subpolar Urals are analyzed. Gleyic humus-illuvial podburs, in combination with humus-illuvial podburs and raw-humus gleyzems, predominate in the mountain-tundra zone; permafrost-affected gleyzems and peat gleyzems with a shallow (30–50 cm) permafrost table are developed on colluvial fans at the foots-lopes. Iron-illuvial podzols, iron-illuvial svetlozems, eluviated burozems, texture-differentiated podzolic soils with a microprofile of a podzol, and gleyed peat-podzolic soils occur in the mountain-forest zone. The organic carbon and nitrogen pools in the soils considerably vary depending on the soil type and local landscape conditions. The organic carbon pool stored in the upper 50 cm of the soil profile varies from 7.7 to 39.3 kg/m2 in the mountain-tundra soils and from 6.5 to 11.8 kg/m2 in the mountain-forest soils. The corresponding values for the nitrogen pool are 0.4–2.4 and 0.4–0.8 kg/m2, respectively.  相似文献   

Differently directed and heterochronous cryogenic processes have contributed to the contrasting soil cover patterns and spatial heterogeneity of the properties of soils in hydromorphic ecosystems of the discontinuous permafrost zone of the northern taiga in Western Siberia. Frost heave and permafrost thawing within ecosystems of highmoor bogs have led to the development of specific cryogenic landforms, such as flat-topped and large peat mounds. A set of cryogenic soils is developed in these ecosystems; it includes different variants of cryozems, gleyzems (Cryosols), and peat soils (Histosols). The distribution of these soil types is controlled by the local topography and thawing depth, other factors being insignificant. Alternation of peat horizons of different types and ages, whirl-like patterns of horizon boundaries, considerable variations in the thickness of soil horizons, and inversions of soil horizons under the impact of frost cracking, frost heave, and cryoturbation are typical of the considered soils. Thawing depth is the most significant factor affecting the thickness of organic horizons, the soil pH, and the degree of decomposition of peat. As a result of the upward movement of bog ecosystems under the impact of frost heave, peat soils are subjected to considerable transformation: peat horizons undergo mineralization, and the thickness of organic horizons decreases; in some cases, eluvial–illuvial differentiation of the mineral horizons takes place, and peat podzols are developed. However, the opposite process of the return of the soils to the bog stage of pedogenesis with peat accumulation may take place in any time in the case of activation of thermokarst processes.  相似文献   

The respiratory activity features in oil-contaminated soddy-podzolic soils of different textures have been studied. Unidirectional processes occur in contaminated loamy and loamy sandy soddy-podzolic soils; their intensities depend on the soil parameters. The mineralization rates of the oil products and the activity of the microflora in loamy soils exceed the corresponding parameters for loamy sandy soils. The long-term impact of oil and its transformation products results in more important disturbances of the microbial community in light soils. It has been shown that light soils containing 9% oil require longer time periods or more intensive remediation measures for the restoration of soil microbial cenoses disturbed by the pollutant.  相似文献   

The occurence of acid brown soils, podzols and podzolic soils, and the intermediate types of ochreous brown and brown podzolic soils over arenaceous granite in Vosges was closely correlated with the contents of iron rather than with calcium plus magnesium in the parent materials. Acid brown soils were associated with high and podzols and podzolic soils with low contents of iron, the limiting value being near 5 percent. Additional investigations in beech forests of soils derived from a variety of acid rocks indicated that contents of iron and clay in the parent materials controlled the type of humification of litter. With higher contents of iron and clay, humification gave rise to mull. With lower contents, mor or moder was formed. The nature of humification was believed responsible for tilting pedogenesis toward brunification or toward podzolization. In brunification, the clay-iron-humus complexes that are formed tend to be immobile and promote formation of crumbly structure. The “active iron” occurs as films around clay particles and thus links them to humus. In podzolization, on the other hand, the complexes formed are of humus with iron or aluminum but without clay. These are mobile and are translocated downward in profiles to form spodic horizons. The organo-metal complexes in ochreous brown and brown podzolic soils are mobile to only a limited extent. The combined results of these investigations demonstrate that contents of iron and clay rather than calcium in parent materials determine the pathway of pedogenesis from acid rocks under humid, temperate climates.  相似文献   

Knowledge about soil formation in tropical montane rainforests is scarce and patchy. We examined the altitudinal change of soils in a Bolivian tropical montane rainforest, aiming to illuminate the contribution of podzolization and hydromorphic processes to soil formation. In three transects from 1700 m to 3400 m a.s.l. we determined the pH, exchangeable cation exchange capacity, carbon and nitrogen stocks, and iron and aluminium fractions from 26 soil profiles. Three zones of different dominant soil forming processes were found: In the lower montane forest (LMF, 1700–2200 m a.s.l.), Dystropepts with high nutrient concentration and acidity were common. The pronounced change to the upper montane cloud forest (UMCF, 2200–2700 m a.s.l.) coincided with the appearance of Placorthods with more acidic conditions, deep ectorganic horizons and increasing translocation of sesquioxides. In the sub-alpine forest (SCF, 2700 m–3400 m a.s.l.), hydromorphic processes dominated over podzolization, resulting in Placaquods with low mineralization rate and nutrient concentration. This shows that due to increasing wetness and colder temperatures at high altitudes, dominant soil forming processes change from podzolization to hydromorphism soils with increasing altitude.  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanism of podzolization in its first stages we studied the fate of the water-soluble organic matter (WSOM) in incipient podzols in sandy soils by comparing the composition of the WSOM from L, F and H horizons with that in the bulk of the Bh horizons and fibres of three profiles. The WSOM appeared to consist significantly of ligno-cellulose and proteins, but these biopolymers were hardly present in the Bh horizons. The material of the fibres, however, greatly resembled the WSOM composition, thereby suggesting that in these soils most of the WSOM is transported through the B horizon and accumulates hardly changed in thin bands where the water stops moving. This implies that in the early steps of podzolization, accumulation of organic matter in the B horizon is not likely to be caused by water-soluble material.  相似文献   

Along with Fe and Al, many heavy metals (Mn, Cr, Zn, Cu, and Ni) show a markedly pronounced eluvial-illuvial redistribution in the profiles of soils of the podzolic group. The intensity of the redistribution of the bulk forms of these metals is comparable with that of Fe and exceeds that of Al. Although the podzolic soils are depleted of rare-earth metals, the latter respond readily to soil podzolization. The inactive participation of Al is explained by an insignificant portion of the active reaction-capable fraction. Podzolization does not influence the profile distribution of Sr and Ba. The leaching degree of heavy metals such as Mn, Cr, Zn, Ni, and Zr is noticeably higher in the sandy podzols than in the loamy podzolic soils. Leaching of heavy metals from the podzolic horizons is of geochemical importance, whereas the depletion of metals participating in plant nutrition and biota development is of ecological importance. The leaching of heavy metals is related to the destruction of clay particles in the heavy-textured podzolic soils; the effect of the soil acidity on the leaching of heavy metals is less significant.  相似文献   

Earlier studies showed considerable differences in the properties of automorphic loamy soils developing under middle-taiga vegetation in Western Siberia and on the Russian Plain. It was found that the soils without clear features of textural differentiation are common in Western Siberia. In particular, they are represented by cryometamorphic gleyzems. In this study, we analyze the properties of a cryometamorphic gleyzem in the Vakh area (the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug). The distribution pattern of clay minerals in the soil profile is analyzed in relation to the specific features of the soil hydrothermic regime. In the upper mineral horizons, the clay fraction is enriched in minerals of the group of soil chlorites and somewhat depleted of labile phyllosilicates. In the cryometamorphic horizon and in the underlying permafrost, the degree of crystallization of the clay minerals somewhat decreases. An even distribution pattern of aluminum oxide in the soil profile is explained by the increased content of Al in the clay fraction from the upper horizons combined with the loss of Al from the coarse fractions (as judged from data on the bulk elemental composition of clay-free samples). These features can be explained by the specificity of the hydrothermic regime of the cryometamorphic gleyzems with late thawing of the soil profile and frequent phase transitions of soil water in the upper humus and middle-profile cryometamorphic horizons.  相似文献   

Chemical and mineralogical properties of ochreous brown earths have been studied with particular reference to: (1) the distribution within the profiles of Fe and Al compounds; (2) the occurrence of smectite-like clay minerals in surface horizons. Ochreous brown earths studied belong to a developmental sequence of forest soils, from acid brown earths to ferric podzols, developed on sandy or loamy-sandy acid parent materials. In such a soil sequence, both selective chemical and mineralogical data show clearly that podzolization is already active in ochreous brown earths, whereas such an incipient podzolization is quite undetectable by direct morphological observations. The distribution patterns of amorphous Fe and Al hydrous oxides and organic associations, clearly show the intergrade character of ochreous brown earths, when compared with the vertical distribution of Fe and Al forms in acid brown earths and podzolized soils. The Fe/Al ratio of both an NH4-oxalate extract and an NaOH/Na-tetraborate extract buffered at pH 9.7, measured in the A1B diagnostic horizon of ochreous brown earths, is a particularly appropriate and useful genetic criterion for the detection of incipient podzolization. Moreover, the presence of expansible clay minerals (degradation smectites) in the clay-sized fraction of the surface horizons of ochreous brown earths (A1 and A1B) can be considered as supplementary evidence of incipient podzolization.  相似文献   

Field observations and laboratory analyses of podzols developed on sandy Triassic parent material in the Vosges have demonstrated clay accumulation in the upper parts of spodic horizons, especially in the Bh horizons. To see whether clay accumulation corresponds to real clay illuviation, two types of podzol profiles have been studied. The first is an iron podzol, called “podzol forestier”, because it has been entirely developed under climax forest environment. The second, an iron-humus podzol, called “podzol de dégradation”, was first developed under forest and more recently (the last 1000 to 2000 years) under heath vegetation. Methods used in the study of the two profiles were the “isoquartz” alteration balance, clay mineral identification by X-ray analyses and micromorphholigical examination.For the podzol forestier, the data strongly support a hypothesis of illuviation of very fine micaceous clays (vermiculite), especially the ferriargillans in the Bh horizon. Consequently, it is believed that illuviation of the greatest part of clays promoted differentiation of podzol horizons. Podzolization is strongly redistributive.In the podzol de dégradation, the identified clay minerals are the same as in the podzol forestier but the pedological features in the Bh horizon correspond to those of classic spodic horizons (mixed concentration and grain coatings). Moreover, podzolization is geochemically strongly subtractive in this second type of podzol.Inasmuch as the podzols de dégradation are developed from the podzols forestiers, the authors define an evolutionary time-sequence: the first phase of forest soil genesis is regulated by the double process of clay illuviation and redistributive podzolization. The following degradation phase connected to the particular nature of heath vegetation and to abundant chelating organic compounds induces the disruption of the ferriargillans previously formed in the Bh horizon, the formation of an agglomeroplasmic fabric microstructure and above all, the elimination of hydrolyzed products of minerals from the profile. During this last phase, a strongly subtractive podzolization prevails over clay illuviation.  相似文献   

Iron podzols in eastern Lower Saxony compared with podzols under finnish boreal Pine forests Well developed iron podzols with orange-brown Bs-horizons poor in humus are found in isolated small areas of eastern Lower Saxony. Because of their similarity they were compared with finnish podzols under boreal pine forest. Similar soil morphology, low humus illuviation and unconsolidized Bs-horizons are common to both groups of podzols. Different are the smaller thickness of soil horizons and the higher amounts of Fe-oxides in B-horizons of finnish podzols. Despite high grade of activity (Feox/d) this may be due more to iron oxide formation by silicate weathering (micas) than to podzolization. An interpretation of the german podzols as relics from boreal coniferous forests may be supposed but there is no significant evidence by the considered datas.  相似文献   

Characteristics of Clay Minerals in Podzols and Podzolic Soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clay minerals in Podzols and podzolic soils developed under coniferous forests in the Subarctic and Cool-temperate zones are characterized by the predominance of smectite and/or mica-smectite interstratified minerals in the eluvial horizons and chlorite-vermiculite intergrade in the illuvial horizons. A large amount of vermiculite is present in the eluvial horizons of some podzolic soils in the Cool-temperate zone. The illuvial horizons of these soils also contain free iron oxides such as goethite. Imogolite and allophane are present in the illuvial horizons of several soils derived from volcanic ashes. It is suggested that the critical bioclimate for the release of interlayered aluminum from the 2:1-type minerals lies between the Cool- and Warm-temperate zone. In the eluvial horizons of Podzols and podzolic soils, mica minerals and chlorite, as primary minerals, have been transformed to smectite through the pedogenic process. Based on previous studies on the structure and degradation of the dioctahedral mica minerals, it is considered that smectite is transformed from 1M-type mica minerals directly, and from 2M-type mica minerals via mica-smectite interstratifled minerals. The formation of a smectite lattice in the eluvial horizon should be a clay-mineralogical indicator of podzolization.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the physicochemical composition and specific macro-, meso- and micro-morphological features of automorphic soils formed on silty loams in the northern and middle taiga subzones of the Timan Ridge. These soils have a texture-differentiated profile and are well aggregated, which is manifested at all levels of structural organization of the soil mass. The morphological structure of the middle soil horizons is characterized by the presence of specific nongleyed cryometamorphic horizon CRM. Its formation is due to the development of long-term seasonal cryogenic processes in relatively deep (up to 40 cm) light and medium loam deposits under conditions of the northern and middle taiga subzones. The processes of cryometamorphism, combined with Al-Fe-humus and textural differentiation, result in the formation of podzolic, iron-illuvial, cryometamorphic, and textural horizons (O-E-BF-CRM-BT). The textural horizons have a set of micromorphological features indicating that recent clay illuviation is a weak process.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic features of soils of two catenas developed on sandy to loamy sandy moraine deposits in the forest-tundra and northern taiga zones on denudation plains of the Kola Peninsula are discussed. It is shown that these catenas are similar with respect to the major directions of soil formation, regularities of soil distribution by the elements of mesotopography, and the factors of the soil cover differentiation. The differences between the catenas are of quantitative character and are related to the intensities of manifestation of the particular processes and features. Both catenas are characterized by the pronounced differentiation of soils with respect to their moistening with hydromorphic peat bog soils in the subordinate positions and Al–Fe-humus podzols in the automorphic positions.  相似文献   

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