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Amputation and Cisplatin for Treatment of Canine Osteosarcoma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seventy-one dogs with histologically confirmed appendicular osteosarcoma were evaluated. Seventeen dogs were treated with amputation and two postoperative [corrected] doses of IV cisplatin given 21 days apart (group 1). Nineteen dogs were treated with IV cisplatin 21 days before amputation, with a second dose given immediately after amputation (group 2). Thirty-five dogs were treated by amputation of the affected limb with no chemotherapy (group 3). The median disease-free interval for group 1 was 226 days, and 177 days for group 2. This was not significantly different. The median survival time was 262 days for group 1, 282 days for group 2 and 119 days for group 3. Group 1 and 2 dogs had survival times that were significantly longer than for dogs in group 3. Two IV courses of cisplatin given before or after amputation appears to improve the survival of dogs with osteosarcoma.  相似文献   



Published information describing the clinical features and outcome for dogs with epiglottic retroversion (ER) is limited.


To describe clinical features, comorbidities, outcome of surgical versus medical treatment and long‐term follow‐up for dogs with ER. We hypothesized that dogs with ER would have upper airway comorbidities and that surgical management (epiglottopexy or subtotal epiglottectomy) would improve long‐term outcome compared to medical management alone.


Twenty‐four client‐owned dogs.


Retrospective review of medical records to identify dogs with ER that underwent surgical or medical management of ER.


Dogs with ER commonly were middle‐aged to older, small breed, spayed females with body condition score (BCS) ≥6/9. Stridor and dyspnea were the most common presenting signs. Concurrent or historical upper airway disorders were documented in 79.1% of cases. At last evaluation, 52.6% of dogs that underwent surgical management, and 60% of dogs that received medical management alone, had decreased severity of presenting clinical signs. In dogs that underwent surgical management for ER, the incidence of respiratory crisis decreased from 62.5% before surgery to 25% after surgical treatment. The overall calculated Kaplan–Meier median survival time was 875 days.

Conclusion and clinical importance

Our study indicated that a long‐term survival of at least 2 years can be expected in dogs diagnosed with epiglottic retroversion. The necessity of surgical management cannot be determined based on this data, but dogs with no concurrent upper airway disorders may benefit from a permanent epiglottopexy to alleviate negative inspiratory pressures.  相似文献   

The medical and necropsy records of 41 cats diagnosed with nonlymphomatous hepatobiliary (NLHB) masses, including neoplasia and cysts, were reviewed. Overall, benign masses (n = 27) were more common than malignant ones (n = 14). The single most common malignancy was cholangiocellular carcinoma. The median age at diagnosis was significantly lower ( P < .01) for cats with malignant rather than benign disease. Clinical signs associated with hepatobiliary neoplasia were usually vague and included lethargy, vomiting, and anorexia, often present for at least 2 weeks before presentation. Benign masses were an incidental finding in significantly more ( P < .01) of the cases than were malignant masses. Median values for alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and total bilirubin were significantly higher ( P < .05) in cats with malignant versus benign masses. The prognosis for malignant disease was poor, with 86% of the cats dying or being euthanatized during hospitalization. Cats with benign disease that underwent exploratory celiotomy were more likely to recover and warranted a more favorable prognosis than cats with malignant tumors. Factors associated with malignancy included age at presentation, presence of clinical signs at presentation, and specific serum chemistry changes.  相似文献   

There are few reports of radiation treatment for brain tumors in dogs, and the optimal treatment protocol has yet to be established. We completed a retrospective analysis of the survival times of a series of 83 dogs with intracranial masses that were treated by hypofractionated megavoltage radiation therapy. A total tumor dose of 38 Gray was given over 5 weeks as once weekly fractions via 3 perpendicular portals. The median survival time from the start of radiotherapy for the whole cohort was 43.7 weeks (range, 0.1-172 weeks). Extra-axial masses had a better survival time (49.7 weeks) than did other intracranial masses (intra-axial, 40.4 weeks; pituitary, 21.0 weeks). Delayed radiation toxicity was suspected as the cause of death or reason for euthanasia in 12 dogs. The hypofractionated radiation protocol resulted in survival times similar to those obtained using more conventional multifractionated regimens, and this protocol may be a useful, less intensive alternative treatment for brain tumors in dogs.  相似文献   

Coccidioidomycosis was diagnosed in 48 cats. Forty-one cases were identified within a period of 3 years. Coccidioides immitis was revealed by cytological or histopathological examinations, or culture in 70% of cats. The remaining 30% of cases were diagnosed by appropriate clinical signs, radiographic lesions, and serological test results. The average age of affected cats was 6.2 years with a median age of 5.0 years. Fifty-four percent (n = 26) were female and 46% (n = 22) were male. Domestic shorthaired and longhaired breeds comprised 89% (n = 41) of affected cats. Sixty-seven percent of cases were diagnosed during the 6-month period of December through May. Cats infected with C immitis were presented for evaluation of dermatologic (56%), respiratory (25%), musculoskeletal (19%), and neurological or ophthalmologic signs (19%). Fever, inappetence, and weight loss were present in 44% of the cats. Duration of clinical signs before diagnosis was less than 4 weeks in 85% (n = 42) of cats, with an average of 3.8 weeks and a median of 2 weeks. Agar gel immunodiffusion tests were positive in all 39 cats tested at sometime during the course of their disease. Hyperproteinemia (greater than 7.9 g/dL) was present in 52% (10/23) of cases. The majority of cats (n = 39) were negative for feline leukemia virus. Antibodies to feline immunodeficiency virus were absent in the 19 cats tested. Ketoconazole was the most common antifungal agent used to treat cats with Coccidioidomycosis. Duration of treatment ranged from less than 1 week to 43 months. Thirty-two cats are currently asymptomatic, with or without treatment. Eleven cats died or were euthanized. Five cats were lost to follow-up. Ketoconazole likely is more suppressive than curative because relapses were common after discontinuing therapy.  相似文献   

Results of long-term treatment were evaluated in 200 dogs with primary hypoadrenocorticism and 5 dogs with spontaneous secondary hypoadrenocorticism. Fludrocortisone acetate initially was used for mineralocorticoid replacement in 190 of the dogs with primary hypoadrenocorticism. The daily dose of fludrocortisone required in these dogs increased significantly during the treatment period (median, 2.6 years) from an initial median dose of 13.1 μg/kg to a final dose of 22.6 μg/kg. In 27 of the 200 dogs, mineralocorticoid therapy was changed from fludrocortisone to desoxycorticosterone pivalate (DOCP) because of adverse effects, poor response, or financial considerations. The dose of DOCP required in the 33 dogs (27 dogs plus 6 dogs initially given DOCP) increased significantly during the treatment period (median, 3.5 years) from an initial median dose of 1.56 mg/kg to a final dose of 1.69 mg/kg; the interval between DOCP injections ranged from 14 to 35 days (median, 30 days). The dose of prednisone administered to the dogs with primary hypoadrenocorticism decreased significantly from an initial median dose of 0.3 mg/kg to a final dose of 0.2 mg/kg; the drug was discontinued in 22 dogs due to adverse effects. The 5 dogs with secondary hypoadrenocorticism received only glucocorticoid replacement therapy (prednisone) at initial and final daily dosages of 0.41 mg/kg and 0.25 mg/kg, respectively, during a median treatment period of 4.4 years. More than 80% of the dogs were considered to have a good to excellent response to therapy. The median survival time of all 205 dogs was 4.7 years. There were no differences in response to treatment or survival between dogs treated with fludrocortisone and those receiving DOCP, or between dogs with primary hypoadrenocorticism and those with secondary hypoadrenocorticism.  相似文献   

This report presents the clinical, laboratory, imaging, and pathologic findings in 61 dogs with pheochromocytoma by retrospective evaluation of medical records. Pheochromocytomas were diagnosed by histopathologic examination of tissue specimens in all dogs. Special stains (chromogranin A and synaptophysin) also were used to confirm the chromaffin cell origin of the tumors. Epidemiologic findings were in agreement with previous studies, indicating that pheochromocytomas affect middle-aged to older dogs with no apparent gender or breed predilection. The tumor was considered clinical in 21 dogs (34%), was responsible for abnormalities related to a space-occupying mass in 7 dogs (11%), and was an incidental finding in 35 dogs (57%). The hematologic and biochemical findings were nonspecific. Hypertension was detected in 10 of 23 (43%) dogs tested, but all hypertensive dogs had concurrent diseases that may have contributed to hypertension. Abdominal ultrasonography was the most commonly used imaging procedure, with a mass detected in the region of the adrenal glands in 20 of 40 (50%) dogs examined. In 4 of the 20 dogs (20%), invasion of the caudal vena cava was identified. Surgery was performed in 17 dogs (28%) with immediate death or euthanasia of 5 dogs. Survival after surgery ranged from 1 day to 3.25 years. Pheochromocytomas were locally invasive in 39% of affected dogs and produced metastases in 13% of the cases. Common sites for metastases included regional lymph nodes, liver, lung, kidney, spleen, and bone. A high frequency of concurrent neoplasia (54%), including endocrine neoplasia, was identified.  相似文献   

Axial skeletal osteosarcomas were evaluated retrospectively in 116 dogs. Thirty-one tumors occurred in the mandible, 26 in the maxilla, 17 in the spine, 14 in the cranium, 12 in the ribs, 10 in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, and 6 in the pelvis. Medium-sized and large dogs were most commonly affected. Females outnumbered males 2.1:1, but this varied with tumor location. The mean age was 8.7 years. Osteosarcomas of the rib occurred in significantly younger dogs (mean age, 5.4 years) than osteosarcomas at any other axial skeletal site. Pulmonary metastasis was diagnosed radiographically in 11.1% of the dogs. The median survival for dogs treated surgically was 22 weeks, the 1-year survival was 26.3%, and the 2-year survival was 18.4%. The tumor recurrence rate was 66.7%. Most dogs (79.6%) died or were euthanatized for problems associated with the primary tumor.  相似文献   

Forty-three dogs with lymphoma that had relapsed or had failed to achieve complete remission to previous chemotherapy were treated with lomustine (1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea [CCNU]) at a dosage of 90-100 mg/m2 body surface area p.o. every 3 weeks. Durable complete or partial responses occurred in 11 dogs for a median of 86 days. The acutely dose-limiting toxicosis was neutropenia 7 days after administration, resulting in a recommended dosage of 90 mg/m2. Cumulative thrombocytopenia occurred in dogs receiving continued CCNU treatment, and a dose interval of 3 weeks may be too short for continued administration of this drug. Toxicoses evident as fever or central nervous system signs or renal damage were uncommon or rare. CCNU is effective in the treatment of relapsed lymphoma.  相似文献   

48例犬子宫蓄脓的中西医治疗体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集了前来我校动物医院就诊的48例犬子宫蓄脓病例,随机分成A、B、C 3组,分别采用中医疗法15例、激素疗法20例和手术疗法13例。结果表明,中医疗法治愈率为33.3%,激素疗法治愈率为50%,手术疗法治愈率为84.6%。  相似文献   

Objective —To describe function and identify factors that affect outcome in dogs undergoing limb salvage surgery for osteosarcoma (OS) of the proximal humerus.
Study Design —A retrospective study of dogs in which OS of the proximal humerus was treated with limb salvage surgery.
Animals —17 client-owned dogs.
Methods: Records were analyzed for functional outcome, recurrence, metastasis, and survival.
Results —Outcome was good to excellent in 12% of dogs. Recurrence, metastasis, and survival were significantly affected by completeness of surgical margins. Double plating of the distal allograft-host junction significantly reduced frequency of biomechanical failure.
Conclusions —Limb salvage surgery for OS of the proximal humerus did not result in acceptable function and was fraught with postoperative complications. Outcome was significantly affected by completeness of surgical margins.
Clinical Relevance —Limb salvage surgery for OS of the proximal humerus in dogs cannot be recommended until improvement in functional outcome and reduction in postoperative complications can be achieved. The dependence of outcome on completeness of surgical margins supports aggressive en bloc resection and marking and evaluating surgical margins.  相似文献   

Thirty-six dogs underwent pulmonary metastatectomy for osteosarcoma. All patients had been treated for histologically confirmed osteosarcoma of the appendicular skeleton. Treatment for the primary tumor consisted of amputation or a limb sparing procedure in conjunction with adjuvant chemotherapy, local radiation therapy, or both.
Significant factors in determining prognosis included the disease-free interval (DFI) between treatment of the primary tumor and development of pulmonary metastases and the number of metastatic nodules present at surgery. Dogs that developed pulmonary metastases 300 days or more after diagnosis of the primary tumor had a median DFI of 128 days after metastatectomy. Dogs that developed pulmonary metastases fewer than 300 days after diagnosis had a median DFI of 58 days. Dogs with one or two metastatic nodules removed had a median DFI of 95 days, whereas dogs with three or more nodules removed had a median DFI of 53 days. The results of this study indicate that prognostic variables exist for dogs with metastatic pulmonary osteosarcoma and can help predict survival after metastatectomy. These variables are similar to the prognostic variables that have been determined for human patients undergoing pulmonary metastatectomy because of osteosarcoma. Though a controversial procedure, pulmonary metastatectomy seems to be a valid treatment option for selected dogs with metastatic pulmonary osteosarcoma.  相似文献   

The medical records of 209 dogs receivingtotal parenteral nutrition (TPN) over a 84-month period were examined retrospectively to determine patient profiles, frequency and type of complications, and prognostic factors affecting clinical outcome. TPN administration accounted for 895 patient days. Dogs with diarrhea or vomiting associated with gastrointestinal disease, pancreatitis, or renal failure constituted the largest proportion of patient receiving TPN. The median duration of TPN administration was 3.5 days (range 0.05 to 25 days). The median length of hospitalization before initiation of TPN was 1.5 days (range 0.05 days to 15 days). and this durationwas not associated with survival. Metabolic complications were frequent (329 of 473 complications observed) and were due predominantly to hyperglycemia. Mechanical (118 of 473) and septic (26 of 473) complications occurred less commonly. The overall mortality rate for dogs receiving TPN was 48.8%. Our conclusion: TPN can be a beneficial mode of therapy for carefully selected dogs that have impaired gastrointestinal function (parvovirus, pancreatitis, or inflammatory bowel disease) and are expected to be anorectic for morethan 5 days.  相似文献   

Colopexy was evaluated as a treatment for recurrent rectal prolapse in eight dogs and six cats. Cases included in the study were from two institutions; the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine and the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. Two different colopexy techniques were used: A simple suture technique was used in two cats and four dogs (University of Pennsylvania), and an incisional technique was used in four cats and four dogs (University of Tennessee). Rectal prolapse had not recurred in any of the 14 animals at the time of follow-up. Incisional dehiscence occurred in two animals and in one instance may have been related to the colopexy procedure. Infection at the colopexy site, secondary to suture penetration of the colonic lumen, is a potential complication of this procedure. Colopexy, using either surgical technique described here, was effective in preventing recurrent rectal prolapse.  相似文献   

A modified technique for fixation of the deferent ducts to the abdominal wall as a therapy for urinary incontinence caused by urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (USMI) in male dogs is described, and the results in seven dogs are reported. The goal of this treatment was to achieve an effect similar to colposuspension in female dogs with USMI. An increase in urethral length of an average of 28 mm was obtained (range, 5 to 50 mm, measured radiographically). Preoperatively, the neck of the bladder was located intrapelvically in five of seven dogs. Postoperatively, the neck of the bladder was located intra-abdominally, near the caudo-ventral abdominal wall, in all dogs. After a follow-up period of 12 to 49 months, the response to surgery, based on lack of or decrease of incontinence, was excellent in three dogs, good in another three, and poor in one dog.  相似文献   

Case records of 64 dogs with nasal adenocarcinoma were reviewed. The effects of age, gender, tumor stage, presence of metastatic lesions, and treatment method on survival time were examined. Surgery groups included rhinotomy (n = 9), transnasal curettage (n = 29), and no surgery (n = 26). Chemotherapy groups included fluorouracil-cyclophosphamide combination therapy (n = 15), mitoxantrone (n = 7), and no chemotherapy (n = 42). Fifty-three dogs received fractionated cobalt 60 radiation therapy. Surgical procedure, chemotherapy group, and stage of primary tumor were not significantly associated with survival time ( P > .05). Dogs that received radiation therapy had a significantly longer median survival time (424 days) than dogs that did not (126 days) ( P = .0001). The presence of either regional lymph node or pulmonary metastasis was associated with significantly shorter median survival time (109 days) when compared to dogs without metastases (393 days) ( P = .0125). When only dogs that had received radiation therapy were considered, neither surgical treatment nor chemotherapy group was associated with significant changes in median survival time. An alternate staging system emphasizing the presence or absence of metastases is proposed. Key words: Chemotherapy; Metastasis; Radiotherapy.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was done of 26 cases of metaldehyde and 30 cases of methiocarb toxicity in dogs. Physical signs and treatment protocols are described for four stages of toxicity: asymptomatic exposure; initial toxicity; convulsions; and post-convulsions.
Diazepam-ketamine combination was used as the primaty anesthetic agent in all cases requiring general anesthesia, and proved effective. Metaldehyde cases required a significantly higher number of sedative and anesthetic doses (p < 0.001). Pentobarbitone was not used. There were no incidents of respiratory or cardiac arrest at the time of anesthesia induction.
Emetics, gastric Iavage, and rectal enemas were productive in removing the molluscicide from the gastrointestinal tract. Ninety percent of the methiocarb patients and 69% of the metaldehyde patients were fit for discharge in 12 hours or less, though there was a wide variation. Both metaldehyde and methiocarb groups had a high survival rate, 100% and 93%, respectively.  相似文献   

This study reviews the records of all dogs that underwent dorsal decompressive laminectomy for thoracolumbar disc disease at the Angell Memorial Animal Hospital during a 2-year period. Findings as to age, breed, sex, and site of disc protrusion did not differ from those published by others. All dogs were operated on within 36 hours of the onset of inability to walk. The overall recovery rate was 80.6%. The recovery rate of dogs that had preoperative sensory perception was 89.5%, but was only 50.0% for those without sensory perception. The most important factor determining recovery rate was the presence or absence of preoperative sensory perception.  相似文献   

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