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《Field Crops Research》1987,16(4):337-348
Increasing awareness of drought tolerance in pearl millet [Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke.] has stimulated research into pearl millet as a potential U.S. crop. Objectives of this study were to compare yield and yield components of pearl millet and grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and evaluate pearl millet response to a range of grain sorghum environments.Yield and yield component comparisons were made using 24 millet hybrids and six grain sorghum hybrids at seven Kansas locations, from 1980 to 1982. To compare pearl millet production in grain sorghum environments, millet hybrid mean yields were regressed on sorghum location means. A desirable millet hybrid would have a high yield and a regression coefficient not significantly different from 1.0.Average grain sorghum yields were greater than millet yields in all three years. Millet hybrid yields ranged from 350 to 5400 kg ha−1. Over all locations and years, millet yield averaged 63% of sorghum yield.In unfavorable environments, pearl millet yield and response to changing environments were not significantly different from those of grain sorghum. As environmental conditions improved, sorghum significantly yielded more than millet. Lower millet yields could be attributed to significantly smaller seed size and head sterility. The small seed also reduced plant establishment; however millet's tillering ability compensated for reduced population.  相似文献   

Response of grain sorghum to fertilisation with human urine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human urine is rich in valuable plant nutrients, and, when separately collected, it can substitute for fertilisers. A high valorisation of urine in crop production requires that each nutrient be balanced to match the actual demand. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of phosphorus- (P) and potassium- (K) balanced urine as a nutrient source for the cultivation of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). For this purpose, human urine, mineral fertiliser and compost plus urine were compared in field experiments. Triple super phosphate and potassium chloride were added to the urine fertiliser and potassium chloride to the compost-urine fertiliser to supply similar amounts of nitrogen (N), P and K (100, 44, 83 kg ha−1 in 2006; 50, 22, 42 kg ha−1 in 2007 and 2009) as NPK mineral fertiliser. The mineral fertiliser treatment was repeated with the addition of water at the same volume as contained in urine to one variant.No distinct changes in the chemical soil properties were detected, but a consistent decrease in pH and cation content was observed for mineral fertiliser, while these parameters increased in the urine and compost treatments. The plants responded to all fertilisers with faster development and significant increases in the number of green leaves, size and total area. One hectare produced 520 kg grains in non-fertilised control soil while grain yields per hectare were 1657 kg in urine fertilised, 1244 kg in mineral fertilised and 1363 kg in mineral fertilised and water added and 2127 kg in compost fertilised plots.Our results demonstrate that for the cultivation of sorghum, the N requirement can be fully met and the P and K requirements can be partially met by urine and substitute mineral fertilisers. Where feasible, the combined application of compost and urine is recommended. The long-term impact of fertilisation with human urine requires further investigation with respect to N efficiency, the effect of sulphur and soil salinisation.  相似文献   

Determination of grain number in sorghum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Grain number is an important component of grain yield in sorghum. Research in wheat and maize has indicated a dependency of grain number on the crop or panicle growth rate around anthesis (CGRa and PGRa respectively), but little quantitative information is available for sorghum. The aim of this paper was firstly to quantify the effect of CGRa and PGRa on grain number and secondly, to identify other parameters that could be used as substitutes for PGRa. Analyses included data from a number of experiments, covering a range in nitrogen and drought treatments and including both tall (single dwarf) and short (triple dwarf) hybrids. CGRa and SGRa (stem growth rate) were calculated from the derivative of a curvilinear function fitted to experimental data, and PGRa was obtained by subtraction of SGRa from CGRa. Results indicated a linear relationship between grain number and CGRa, but the slope differed for tall and short hybrids. This was due to a difference in the proportion of dry matter allocated to the reproductive organs around anthesis (Pr), as PGRa was closely related to grain number, irrespective of crop height. Since panicle dry mass at maturity (excluding grain) was closely correlated with reproductive biomass shortly after anthesis, this indicator represents an integration of panicle growth during the critical period for yield determination in sorghum (i.e. flag leaf until start of grain filling). Panicle biomass at maturity (excluding grain) was thus also linearly related to grain number, and the relationship was independent of crop height and of the timing, severity, or type of stress. Our results indicate that panicle mass at maturity could provide an alternative to PGRa for the estimation of grain number.  相似文献   

Sorghum is a gluten free grain that has potential to be used as an alternative to wheat flour for the Celiac Sprue market. There are thousands of sorghum lines that have not been characterized for grain, flour or end product quality. The objective of the research was to gain an understanding among grain sorghum quality factors and Chinese egg noodles quality. Four sorghum hybrids were characterized and evaluated for kernel characteristics, proximate analysis, flour composition and end product in a Chinese egg noodle system. Kernel size and weight affected the flour particle size and the amount of starch damage. Flour with fine particle size and high starch damage conferred noodles with high firmness and high tensile strength. Water uptake was highest for flour with smaller particle size (38 μm at 50% volume) and higher starch damage (6.14%). Cooking losses for all samples were below 10%. Starch of particle size <5 μm (C-type) contributed to firmer and higher tensile strength noodles. Water absorption was significantly affected by flour particle size, starch particle size and starch damage. Through control of sorghum grain and flour quality characteristics it is possible to manufacture a Chinese egg noodle with good physical attributes.  相似文献   

Grain sorghum is low in protein content Lysine, threonine and tryptophan are the limiting amino acids in the proteins of grain Sorghum. Protein fractionation studies have shown that prolamine and glutelin are the principal protein fractions. Increase in protein content of grain Sorghum leads to an increase in prolamin fraction and decreases the nutritional quality. Environmental factors such as location, chemical fertilizers, plant population and chemical treatments influence the protein content and amino acid pattern. The presence of tannins in grain Sorghum reduces the digestibility and nutritional quality.
Zusammenfassung Die Caryopsen von Sorghum-Hirse haben einen geringen Eiweißgehalt. Lysin, Threonin und Tryptophan sind die limitierenden Aminosäuren ihres Eiweißes. Untersuchungen über die Eiweiß-Frankrionierung haben ergeben, daß Prolamin und Glutelin die Haupt-Eiweißfranktionen sind. Erhöhung des Eiweißgehaltes von Sorghum-Korn führt zur Erhöhung der Prolamin-Fraktion und damit zum Abfall der Biologischen Eiweißwertigkeit. Umweltfaktoren, wie Standort, chemische Dünger, Pflanzendichte und chemische Pflanzen-Behandlung beeinflussen den Eiweißgehalt und die Art des Aminosäuremusters. Anwesenheit von Tanninen (Gerbstoffen), im Sorghum-Korn reduzieren seine Verdaulichkeit und die Biologische Eiweißwertigkeit.

Fourteen commercial hybrid cultivars of sorghum grain were examined for physical characteristics before and after being milled by abrasion. Milling to 10% total loss in weight resulted in the pigments in the pericarp being effectively removed but colour spots on the hilar and germ remained on most cultivars and the testa was exposed on some cultivars. Milling showed that the cultivars were of varying degrees of hardness but all gave >80% yield of unbroken kernels with the germ attached. The milled grains were boiled like rice but the cooking time was high for all cultivars (range 57–64 min) although the water uptake and swelling of the cooked grain was satisfactory and the solids lost during cooking was low.  相似文献   

Ethanol production from mixtures of sweet stem sorghum juice and sorghum grain was investigated under normal and very high gravity (VHG) fermentation conditions. Fermentation was carried out using Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain N96 at 30°C. For VHG fermentation, sucrose was added to the sweet sorghum juice to obtain a concentration of 34 g per 100 ml of dissolved solids. Fermentation was carried out for 96 h using malted and unmalted milled sorghum grain from sorghum cultivars DC-75 and SV-2. Under VHG conditions, maximum ethanol levels were about 16.8% (v/v) and 11% (v/v) for media containing malted and unmalted milled sorghum grain, respectively. Although fermentation did not occur to completion, levels of ethanol obtained under VHG conditions were three times higher than the levels obtained under normal fermentation conditions. Under VHG conditions, about 8 g/100 ml of dissolved solids remained in the fermentation media after ethanol production had ceased while under normal fermentation conditions, about 4 g/100 ml of dissolved solids remained unused in the fermentation media. There was an initial decline in free amino nitrogen (FAN) levels up to 34 h followed by an increase up to 96 h under VHG fermentation conditions. Levels of assayable proanthocyanidins (PAs) from sorghum cultivar DC-75 were reduced during fermentation.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1988,19(1):63-74
Crop simulation may provide an inexpensive means to evaluate the feasibility of different cropping practices to optimize productivity and profitability. One practice, ratoon-cropping, may increase productivity and reduce per-unit production costs associated with conservation tillage farming systems in tropical and subtropical regions. sorkam, a dynamic plant growth model for grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], was used to evaluate the potential of rainfed ratoon grain sorghum over diverse climatic regions of Texas. Eleven independent data sets collected in the U.S.A. from sites in Georgia and Texas were used to determine the model's accuracy. The model produced realistic estimates of grain yield for planted, ratoon, and combined (planted + ratoon) crops. Simulated grain yields usually were within 25% of the observed yield for the planted, ratoon, and combined crops with cultivars that produced the highest ratoon grain yield at each location. Ratoon grain yield results of multi-year simulations (10–30 years) from 14 locations over the eastern half of Texas using historic, location-specific, meteorological data indicated that the probability of obtaining ratoon grain yield > 3.0 Mg/ha was confined to the upper coastal plain region of Texas. The area best suited for rainfed ratoon grain sorghum appeared to be confined south and east of a line running from west of Corpus Christi to Beeville to College Station to west of Center, Texas. Use of crop models can play an important role in identifying strengths and weaknesses of potential cropping systems when used in combination with historical climatic data and/or computer weather generators.  相似文献   

The development of aryloxyphenoxypropionate (APP)-resistant grain sorghum could provide additional opportunities for postemergence herbicide grass control in grain sorghum. Field experiments were conducted in Texas (Bushland, and Yoakum), Kansas (Dodge City, Garden City, Hays, Manhattan, Colby, Ottawa, and Tribune), and South Dakota (Highmore) to evaluate the efficacy of quizalofop tank mixes in APP-resistant grain sorghum. Quizalofop was applied alone or in combination with dicamba, 2,4-D, prosulfuron, 2,4-D + metsulfuron methyl, or halosulfuron methyl + dicamba. Herbicides were applied when sorghum was 12–50 cm in height. Overall weed control was greater when quizalofop was applied with other herbicides than when applied alone. At 2 and 4 weeks after treatment (WAT), large crabgrass [Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.], giant foxtail (Setaria faberi Herrm.), and green foxtail [Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv.] control were greater than 90% when quizalofop was applied alone or in combination with dicamba, halosulfuron methyl + dicamba, or prosulfuron. Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.), puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris L.), and tumble pigweed (Amaranthus albus L.) control were greater than 90% in all treatments except when quizalofop was applied alone. Herbicide treatments, except those that included 2,4-D, caused slight to no sorghum injury. Grain sorghum yield was greater for all herbicide treatments compared to the weedy check. This research showed that application of quizalofop in combination with broadleaf weed herbicides provided excellent weed control in sorghum.  相似文献   

Grain mould on sorghum is an important disease worldwide, which causes considerable qualitative and quantitative damage. Success in breeding for grain mould resistance has been limited because of many mechanisms governing resistance, complex genetics and environmental influence. Objectives of this study were to characterize 200 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a cross between ‘296 B’ (susceptible elite parent) and ‘B 58586’ (resistant parent) for grain mould reaction (GMR) at physiological maturity (PM) and at harvest maturity (HM), and to identify sources of resistance. The RILs were characterized in six environments (3 years × 2 locations) for GMR. Five RILs were identified with GMR on par with the resistant parent across various environments. The results of stability analysis for GMR at PM and HM stages showed difference. At PM, there was a significant genotype (G) × environment (E) (linear) interaction plus significant environmental effects for GMR. However, at HM, there was not a significant G × E (linear) interaction but environment effects were significant for GMR. These indicated that part of variation was predictable at PM while the variation was not predictable at HM as it was entirely influenced by environment. It is concluded that grain mould occurring before PM is influenced by genetics and to some extent by environment while that occurring after PM is influenced by environment. Therefore, host plant resistance would be better assessed at PM than at HM, and identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) which show consistency in expression across environments, even in diverse environments, would be desirable for marker-assisted selection programs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical changes that occur in sorghum starch during malting to determine its potential in the beer industry. The results showed that the physicochemical properties of amorphous amylose and amylopectin of starch over time are modified during the germination while its crystalline structure is not affected. During the different stages of malting the SEM images showed the progress of the enzymatic attack in the starch granule. Germination and the increase in reducing sugars supported amorphous starch degradation. The X-ray diffraction pattern confirmed that during malting, the crystalline structure in starch remained without changes. The pasting profile showed high values for peak and final viscosity, once the sorghum was soaked and decreasing over the malting process. These changes are associated with starch degradation and amylopectin debranching, increasing the reducing sugars.  相似文献   

The water stress effects caused by every-other-furrow irrigation on yield may be alleviated by more frequent irrigation intervals. This research was conducted to determine yield and water use efficiency of grain sorghum under fixed and variable every-other-furrow and every furrow irrigations at different irrigation intervals and shallow and deep water table conditions. Water needs of grain sorghum grown on a fine-texture soil may not be met by using Every-Other Furrow Irrigation (EOFI) especially under 15 and 20 day irrigation intervals. The water stress decreased the grain yield mainly through decreasing the number of grains per cluster and in a lesser degree by decrease in 1000-seed weight. The clay soil with a layer of high clay content at depth of 70-100 cm and shallow water table may restrict the root growth and consequently the longer irrigation intervals with greater soil water stress can cause lower grain yield in these conditions. However, more frequent EOFI using 10 day intervals has produced very similar results with only a marginal reduction in crop yield. Furthermore, there was no statistically significant difference in grain yield between fixed and variable every-other -furrow irrigations. In general, at given applied water, the relative grain yield with respect to the maximum grain yield of sorghum at EOFI was higher than those at EFI. At relative applied water of 85% (mild deficit irrigation), EOFI may be recommended to obtain the same grain yield as that of EFI with full irrigation. Furthermore, it may result in 23% more grain yield than that obtained by EFI with the same amount of applied water as deficit irrigation.  相似文献   

Despite great genetic diversity, sorghum grain consistently suffers from poor protein digestibility. The physicochemical packaging of protein bodies which consist of protease-resistant β- and γ-kafirin is considered a major obstacle. A synthetic β-kafirin gene, which shares the endosperm-specific promoter and signal peptide with the native β-kafirin gene (Sobic.009G001600.1), was transformed into sorghum inbred line Tx430. The gene was modified with ten additional proteolytic sites. These sites were designed to be amenable to cleavage by pepsin and/or chymotrypsin proteinases. Five independent transgenic lines were regenerated by microprojectile transformation. Notably, considerably more protein was observed in the peripheral endosperm of transgenic lines under scanning electron microscopy. Microscopy revealed invaginated or irregularly shaped protein bodies in the endosperm of transgenic lines. Grains of transgenic lines contained 11–37% more protein, which was 11–21% more pepsin digestible and 7–25% more chymotrypsin digestible than Tx430. Additionally, the abundant synthetic β-kafirin protein (5.6% of total protein) was detected by mass spectrometry data analysis in the transgenic line 9-1. Field-grown homozygous transgenics retained higher protein content, larger seed size and no reduction in grain number per plant. The results illustrated that plant synthetic biology could play an important role in improving sorghum nutritional value.  相似文献   

A small-scale mashing (SSM) procedure requiring only 300 mg of samples was investigated as a possible method of predicting ethanol yield of sorghum grain. The initial SSM procedure, which was conducted similarly to the mashing step in a traditional fermentation test, hydrolyzed just 38.5–47.2% of total sorghum starch to glucose. The initial procedure was simplified to contain only one liquefaction step, which did not influence subsequent saccharification. Thereafter, parameters such as temperature, pH, enzyme dosage, and saccharification time were optimized. Results showed that 91.2–97.5% of the total starch in 18 sorghum hybrids had been hydrolyzed to glucose using the following conditions: liquefaction at 86 °C for 90 min, 20 μL of α-amylase per 30 g of sample; pH adjustment by adding 50 μL of 2 M acetate buffer at pH 4.2 to each microtube; saccharification at 68 °C for 90 min, 200 μL of amyloglucosidase per 30 g of sample. There were strong linear correlations between completely hydrolyzed starch (CHS) from SSM and ethanol yields from both traditional (R2 = 0.86) and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF, R2 = 0.93) procedures. CHS was a better indicator for predicting ethanol yield in fermentation than total starch.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1987,16(4):323-335
The responses to different water treatments of two sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) cultivars, a hybrid (CSH 8) and a local variety (M 35-1), were studied on an Alfisol (Udic Rhodustalfs) at ICRISAT Centre, Patancheru during the post-rainy seasons of 1979/1980 and 1980/1981. Two water treatments, irrigated and drought-stress, were created by applying water five or three times during each of the growing seasons. Observed responses were compared with the simulated data using the sorghum simulation model SORGF. Neither observed nor simulated durations of growth stages were affected by drought-stress. Comparisons between observed and simulated duration of growth stages showed that the model simulated phenological development with good accuracy. Drought-stress coefficient calculations were based on the availability of water in the soil profile; simulated drought-stress coefficients agreed well with observed values. Observed and simulated grain yields of CSH 8 were higher than those of M 35-1 under both the irrigated and drought-stressed conditions. The correlation coefficients between observed and simulated total dry matter and grain yield data pooled over two water treatments, two cultivars, and two seasons were respectively 0.80 and 0.92. Comparisons between observed and simulated reductions in TDM and grain yield showed that the model is sufficiently sensitive to simulate the response of sorghum to drought-stress.  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.) is a drought-tolerant crop with high resistance to saline-alkaline soils, and sweet sorghum may serve as an alternative summer crop for biofuel production in areas where irrigation water is limited. A two-year study was conducted in Northern Greece to assess the productivity (biomass, juice, total sugar and theoretical ethanol yields) of four sweet sorghum cultivars (Sugar graze, M-81E, Urja and Topper-76-6), one grain sorghum cultivar (KN-300) and one grass sorghum cultivar (Susu) grown in intermediate (3.2 dS m−1) or in high (6.9 dS m−1) soil salinity with either low (120 mm) or intermediate (210 mm) irrigation water supply (supplemented with 142–261 mm of rainfall during growth). The soil salinity and irrigation water supply effects on the sorghum chlorophyll content index, photosystem II quantum yield, stomatal conductance and leaf K/Na ratio were also determined. The sorghum emergence averaged 75,083 plants ha−1 and 59,917 plants ha−1 in a soil salinity of 3.2 dS m−1 and 6.9 dS m−1, respectively. The most affected cultivar, as averaged across the two soil salinity levels, was the Susu grass sorghum emerging at 53,250 plants ha−1, followed by the Topper-76-6 sweet sorghum emerging at 61,250 plants ha−1. The leaf K/Na ratio decreased with decreasing irrigation water supply, in most cases, but it was not significantly affected by soil salinity. The dry biomass, juice and total sugar yields of sorghum that received 210 mm of irrigation water was 49–88% greater than the yields of sorghum that received the 120 mm of irrigation water. Sorghum plants grown in a soil salinity of 3.2 dS m−1 produced 42–58% greater dry biomass, juice and total sugar yields than the yields of sorghum plants grown in a soil salinity of 6.9 dS m−1. The greatest theoretical ethanol yield was produced by sweet sorghum plants grown in a soil salinity of 3.2 dS m−1 with 210 mm of irrigation water (6130 L ha−1, as averaged across cultivar), and the Urja and Sugar graze cultivars produced the most ethanol (7620 L ha−1 and 6528 L ha−1, respectively). Conclusively, sweet sorghum provided sufficient juice, total sugar and ethanol yields in fields with a soil salinity of 3.2 dS m−1, even if the plants received 50–75% of the irrigation water typically applied to sorghum.  相似文献   

Sorghum is a staple crop and a potential dietary source of carotenoids in semi-arid regions of Africa, but information on the bioavailability of these pigments is limited. This study aimed at exploring the effects of agronomic manipulation on sorghum carotenoid contents at selected stages of kernel development and maturation and assessing carotenoid bioaccessibility from matured yellow-endosperm sorghum varieties (P88 and P1222), by comparing porridge made from sorghum whole and decorticated milled grains. Carotenoid content of sorghum milled fractions ranged from 2.90 to 7.22 mg/kg in P88 unbagged decorticated flour, at 50 and 30 days after half bloom (DAHB) respectively, to 9.87-13.69 mg/kg in bagged decorticated bran fractions in P88, at 50 and 30 DAHB respectively. Maize milled fractions were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in carotenoid content than all sorghum products. Bagging increased sorghum carotenoid content by 8-184% vs. unbagged panicles. Carotenoid bioaccessibility was generally higher from sorghum (63-81%) compared to maize (45-47%). Micellarization of xanthophylls (75%) was more efficient than carotenes (52%) in sorghum, while they were similar in maize (40-49%). These results suggest that the higher bioaccessibility of sorghum carotenoids combined with efforts to enhance sorghum carotenoid content may allow for sorghum to provide similar levels of bioaccessible carotenoid pigments as common yellow maize.  相似文献   

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