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Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were employed to investigate degradation patterns of native starch granules from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by different starch-degrading enzymes. The starches examined were from a waxy wheat and four varieties with slightly elevated amylose content, but with different functional properties. Differences in the digestion patterns after partial α-amylolysis of starch granules were noted between the starches. The waxy starch seemed to be degraded by endocorrosion, whereas the amylose-rich starches followed a slower mode of hydrolysis starting from the granular surface. X-ray diffractograms of the amylose-rich starches were not significantly altered by 2 h of α-amylolysis, whereas partial hydrolysis of the waxy starch decreased scattering intensity at higher 2θ angles, consistent with a different mode of attack by α-amylase in the initial digestion stages of granules of waxy and amylose-rich starches. We propose these differences are due to the combined effects of the change in packing density and partial preference for hydrolysis of amorphous material. The native starch granules were also attacked by beta-amylase, isoamylase and amyloglucosidase, which indicates that α-amylase is not the only starch-degrading enzyme that is able to initiate starch hydrolysis of native granules.  相似文献   

In this study, three typical wheat cultivars (ZM366, AK58, and ZM103) with high, medium, and low gluten strength, respectively, were selected as the raw material. The starch granules separated from different stages of the noodle-making process, including kneading, resting, sheeting, cutting, and drying, were used to explore the structure, dynamic rheology, and quality of the noodles. The D50 (median diameter) of the starch granules decreased during the noodle-making process, and the reduction was enhanced by an increase in the gluten strength of the flour. Between steps 4 and 5 of the noodle-making process, the solubility of ZM103 variety increased from 4.3% to 5.0% at 80 °C, while the peak viscosity decreased from 3626 to 3386 mPa s, which resulted in a decrease in the cooking loss of noodles. Similar trend was observed in the ZM366 and AK58 varieties. The gelatinization enthalpy was reduced, suggesting that the crystalline regions of the starch granules were destroyed during the kneading process. Between steps 4 and 5 of the noodle-making process, the elastic modulus of the starch granules significantly increased, while the temperature at which maximum elastic modulus was decreased, indicating an increase in the crystalline stability of starch during the drying process. Correlation analysis indicated that the changes occurred to the gelatinization property was primarily due to the change in the particle size.  相似文献   

The synthesis of late-maturity alpha-amylase (LMA) occurs when wheat experiences a cold-temperature ‘shock’ during the post-anthesis, grain-filling period. This markedly increases the high isoelectric point (pI) alpha-amylase in wheat grains in susceptible varieties. The affected grain has low Falling Numbers (FN) and is rejected at receival point or downgraded to feed grade, as low FN is associated with inferior end-product quality. However, several studies have reported the lack of correlation between low FN-LMA and end-product quality. Here, we characterize, for the first time, starch molecular structure and gelatinization properties of cold-treated wheat grains; starch structure has significant influence on flour functionality and end-product quality. Results show that the cold-treatment during post-anthesis has minimal effect on starch structure. While there was a small decrease in the gelatinization temperature for every wholemeal flour samples from cold-treated wheat grains, this is unlikely to cause any undesirable effect on end-product. The present findings suggest that the supposition that LMA is a major contributor to inferior end-product quality should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The pattern of starch and protein degradation in tubers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Detectable breakdown of tuber starch and protein occurred some time after sprout emergence (planting depth 15 cm), and the rate of hydrolysis was independent of the number of sprouting eyes present. Reserve breakdown was first seen around regions of inner phloem, the zone of depletion subsequently spreading throughout the perimedulla. Tissue external to the vascular ring was depleted at a later date.
Zusammenfassung Kinetik und makroskopische Verteilung des St?rke- und Proteinabbaues wurden an keimenden Knollen der Sorte Maris Piper untersucht. Dazu wurden zwei Serien von Knollen vorbereitet, eine Reihe mit einem keimenden Auge, die andere mit drei keimenden Augen, die anderen Augen wurden entfernt. Die Knollen wurden in feuchten Kompost bei 15°C im Dunkeln gepflanzt und in regelm?ssigen Intervallen innerhalb von 4 Monaten geerntet. W?hrend dieser Periode erreichten die Keime beider Serien ein Gesamttrockengewicht von ungef?hr 50% des Knollentrockengewichtes zum Zeitpunkt des Pflanzens. Wurde die Zunahme des Keimtrockengewichtesauf das Auge bezogen, so ergab sich eine Abnahme des Keimtrockengewichtes mit zunehmender Augenzahl (Abb. 1). Die Keime stehen daher in Konkurrenz zu den verfügbaren Reserven. Die Bedeutung dieser Konkurrenz nimmt mit der Zeit zu. Bei einer Pflanztiefe von 15 cm erschienen die Keime nach 20 Tagen, ein erkennbarer Zusammenbruch von St?rke- und Proteinreserven in den Knollen konnte aber erst weitere 20 Tage sp?ter beobachtet werden (Abb. 2a und b). Nach 120 Tagen betrugen die St?rke- und Proteingehalte nur noch 10% der ursprünglichen Gehalte, aber es zeigte sich kein überein-stimmender Einfluss der Zahl der keimenden Augen pro Knolle auf die Abbauraten der beiden Reservestoffe. Für vor und innerhalb des Gef?ssbündelringes gelegenes Gewebe waren die Abbauraten ?hnlich aber die St?rke-und Proteingehalte waren im Gewebe vor dem Gef?ssbündelring betr?chtlich h?her. Unterschiede in den St?rkegehalten dieser beiden Gewebe spiegelten den Intraknollengradienten im Trockenmassegehalt wieder und nicht Unterschiede im Prozentsatz der Trockenmasse verursacht durch St?rke (Tab. 1). Das Muster des Reservestoffabbaues wurde an 1 mm dicken L?ngs- und Querschnitten durch die Knollenmitte histochemisch unter-sucht. Der Abbau von St?rke und Protein begann in der Perimedulla in der N?he des Gef?ssbündelringes in Zonen, die mit der Verteilung des inneren Phloems übereinzustimmen schienen (Abb. 3 und 4). Die Abbauzone breitete sich dann in der gesamten Perimedulla aus. Das Gewebe vor dem Gef?ssbündelring zeigte als letztes den Abbau und auch hier ergaben sich Hinweise, dass der Abbau in den Phloemzonen erfolgte.

Résumé La cinétique et la répartition macroscopique de la dégradation de l'amidon ainsi que des protéines sont étudiées au cours de la germination des tubercules de la variété Maris Piper. Deux lots de tubercules sont préparés. l'un composé de tubercules n'ayant qu'un seul germe et l'autre de tubercules porteurs de 3 germes. Les germes non désirés sont retirés. Les tubercules sont plantés dans un compost humide à 15°C, à l'obscurité puis prélevés régulièrement durant une période de 4 mois. Au delà de cette période, les germes des tubercules des deux lots atteignent un poids sec total d'environ 50% du poids sec des tubercules à la plantation. Lorsque l'accumulation du poids sec est exprimée en poids par germe, l'augmentation du nombre de germes réduit le taux de poids sec accumulé (fig.1). Ceci montre que les germes sont en compétition, quant à l'utilisation des réserves disponibles. L'importance de cette compétition augmente dans le temps. Four une plantation à 15 cm de profondeur, l'émergence des germes a lieu après 20 jours, mais la chute du taux d'amidon et des réserves en protéines n'est observée de fa?on notable qu'une vingtaine de jours plus tard (fig. 2a et 2b). Après 120 jours, les taux de protéines et d'amidon sont réduits à environ 10% des taux initiaux et l'augmentation du nombre de germes par tubercule n'entraine aucune diminution décelable de ceux-ci. Des taux similaires de dégradation sont apparus dans les tissus situés des deux c?tés de l'anneau vasculaire mais la teneur en amidon et en protéines est plus élevée dans le tissu externe. Des différences de teneurs entre ces tissus reflètent le gradient de matière sèche à l'intérieur du tubercule mais pas les différences du taux de matière sèche expliqué par l'amidon (tabl. 1). Une analyse histochimique de la localisation de la dégradation des réserves est réalisée à partir de coupes longitudinales et transversales d'l mm d'épaisseur prélevées dans la partie centrale du tubercule. La dégradation de l'amidon et des protéines commence dans la zone périmédullaire adjacente à l'anneau vasculaire, sous forme de taches qui semblent co?ncider avec le phloème interne (fig. 3 et 4). La zone de dégradation s'étend ensuite à travers toute la zone périmédullaire. Le tissu extérieur à l'anneau vasculaire subit cette dégradation en dernier, celle-ci apparaissant également au niveau du phloème.

The interactions of puroindolines with polar lipids were investigated using polarization of fluorescence probes preincorporated into a liposomal bilayer containing PC, PI, PS, MGDG, DGDG, and sulfolipids. The intrinsic fluorescence of Trp residue method was also used. Regardless of the kind of lipid used for liposome preparation, proteins interacted with the liposomes. Conformational changes of the proteins were observed simultaneously with the change in the molecule packing in the lipid bilayer of the liposomes. Puroindoline interactions with the surface of the liposomes have explicit importance for the net charge of this surface. The strong interaction between the proteins and lipids takes place in the presence of a ligand with a negative charge. The obtained results confirm that lipids take part in puroindoline–starch granule surface interactions.  相似文献   

Starch was isolated from breadfruit (Artocarpus artilis). It was further modified by oxidation, acetylation, heat–moisture-treatment and annealing. The functional properties of native and modified starches were then studied. Proximate analysis revealed that following modifications, the annealed (BANS), oxidised (BOS) and acetylated (BACS) starches retained higher moisture content compared to native starch (BNS), while heat–moisture treated starch (BHMTS) had lower moisture content. Crude fibre was reduced by following modifications, except that BNS and BANS had the same value (0.42%). Protein and fat contents were also reduced after modifications. Acetylation, oxidation and heat–moisture-treatment improved the swelling power of the native starch. The result indicates that all forms of modification reduced the solubility of native breadfruit starch. For all the starches, replacing the wheat flour by the starch resulted in increased alkaline water retention of the blends. Gelation studies revealed that native breadfruit starch is a better gelating food material than the modified derivatives. All forms of modification reduced pasting temperature, peak viscosity, hot paste viscosity and cold paste viscosity of the native starch, except that heat–moisture-treatment increased the pasting temperature. Setback value reduced after modifications, indicating that modifications would minimize starch retrogradation.  相似文献   

In this study, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the formation of pits and pores on the surfaces of starch granules in response to drought stress, with substantially more pronounced effects in the ordinary yield potential wheat cv. Xindong 23 than the excellent yield potential wheat cv. Xindong 20. Drought induced a significant reduction in starch granule sizes in both wheat varieties, though the reduction observed in Xindong 23 was six times more pronounced than that observed for Xindong 20. Amyloglucosidase and α-amylase treatment of starch from wheat grown in drought conditions released significantly more reducing sugars compared with samples from irrigated controls. SEM and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) revealed that starch granules from the two wheat varieties grown under drought conditions had substantially increased fluorescence after treatment with proteolytic enzymes and staining with methanolic merbromin and 3-(4-carboxybenzoyl) quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde dyes. Analysis of pasting properties showed significant increases of peak viscosity, trough viscosity, break down, and setback following drought stresses. Furthermore, drought induced a significant reduction in the water binding capacity and increased damage to starch only in Xindong 23. These results provide insight into the potential mechanisms through which drought influences the ultrastructures and physicochemical properties of starch in wheat.  相似文献   

The effects of continuous or 2-cycle high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treatments (200 and 600 MPa) on the microstructure and digestibility of rice starches were investigated. The morphological and structural changes were characterized using polarized light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray scattering and 13C CP/MAS NMR, and the starch digestibility was examined by in vitro hydrolysis. Results showed that HHP at 600 MPa significantly alters the microstructure and lowers the resistant starch (RS) compared with HHP at 200 MPa. Under the same pressure level, the two 15-min cycle treatment induced more structural disruption, gelatinization, disappearance of surface protrusion, and lower RS of rice starches than that of the continuous HHP treatment (30 min). Based on the results on RS, the two 15-min cycle HHP treatment at 200 MPa could be beneficial for improving the functionality of the rice starch.  相似文献   

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