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Wheat and barley are often cultivated also in paddy fields in winter in Japan. The drainage of paddy fields is often poor. The seedling establishment of wheat and barley is more prone to become poor if it rains heavily after sowing. The flooding damage on seedling establishment is thought to be caused by many factors. The generation of sulfide ions in flooded and reduced soil is thought to be one factor of the flooding damage. In this study, the effect of seed coating with molybdenum compounds, which suppress the generation of sulfide ions, on the flooding damage of wheat and barley seedling establishment. Two poorly soluble molybdenum compounds were coated on wheat or barley seeds at different amounts. Coated seeds were sown in soil and soon flooded for 2 d at 20 °C. When seeds were not coated with molybdenum compounds, rates of seedling establishment were no more than 32%. However, when any molybdenum compounds of .05–.5 mol-Mo kg?1 were coated, seedling establishment was significantly improved and rates of seedling establishment were no less than 54%. However, when sown seed were not flooded, the establishment rates of the seeds, which were coated with a molybdenum compound of no less than .1 or .2 mol-Mo kg-1, were significantly decreased. Accordingly, coating of molybdenum compounds could improve the seedling establishment of coated seeds under flooded condition, but might impair the seedling establishment of coated seeds under unflooded condition.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1987,16(3):273-282
The influences of cultivar, depth of sowing, and time between pre-irrigation and sowing, on rice crop establishment were investigated by drilling into moist soil during the dry season in N.W. Australia.As the time between pre-irrigation and sowing increased, median seedling emergence was delayed, and spread of the population's emergence rate and final percentage emergence decreased, particularly for shallow sowing depths. Delayed sowing also resulted in less-vigorous growth of some seedlings. Stomatal conductance was generally lowest in seedlings emerged from shallow depths although leaf-air temperature differentials and measurements of stomatal conductance, usually regarded as reliable indices of plant water status, failed to distinguish between cultivars or sowing treatments.Delaying sowing, with attendant cultivation, for more than 10 days after pre-irrigation resulted in negligible weed populations. The tall, vigorous-growing cultivar Pelde (ex N.S.W.), sown at 6–8 cm depth between 10 and 15 days after pre-irrigation reached sufficient height for permanent flooding within 50 days after sowing. A semi-dwarf cultivar IR661-1-170-1-3 (ex IRRI) proved more sensitive to depth and time of sowing following irrigation; because of its slower growth rate and additional irrigation requirements it was less adapted to this method of establishment.  相似文献   

When cold, wet soil conditions in greenhouse trials resulted in the emergence of only 30% of untreated seeds, a formulation of calcium peroxide used as a seed dressing improved emergence up to 90%. Other seed dressings such as calcium carbonate, calcium hydroxide, commercial fungicides and antibiotics had little effect. The greatest effect was achieved with a dressing amounting to approximately 50% of the seed weight, although at 25% its effectiveness was only slightly less. Calcium peroxide may work primarily by supplying oxygen to the seed, but neutralization of toxins and antimicrobial action may contribute to the effect.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of light, seed burial depth, and flooding on germination, emergence and growth of Ludwigia hyssopifolia. Germination was strongly stimulated by light, suggesting that seeds of this species are positively photoblastic. Seeds sown on the soil surface gave the greatest percentage of seedling emergence in plastic trays, and no seedlings emerged from seeds buried in soil at depths of ≥1 cm. Intermittent or shallow flooding suppressed emergence and growth of L. hyssopifolia. Flooding to a depth of 2 cm for 4 days out of 7 days reduced seedling emergence by more than 71% and seedling dry matter by 97% compared to where the soil had not been flooded. Flooding up to a depth of 10 cm however, when delayed to 21 days after sowing, did not significantly suppress growth of this species. This study illustrates the role of seed burial by tillage and flooding as two important tools for the management of L. hyssopifolia.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of two irrigation regimes (control and water stress) and two nitrogen (N) levels (0 and 112.5 kg/ha) on forage yield and silage quality in millet. Bastan (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv) and Pishahang (Panicum miliaceum) were sown at two different dates during 2015 and 2016. Both cultivars exhibited reduced dry-matter (DM) yields (45% and 51% in Bastan and Pishahang respectively) due to drought stress. Proline and phenolic contents increased as a result of drought and were significantly and negatively correlated with DM yield and digestibility. Moreover, Pishahang had a reduced acid detergent fibre (ADF) content but improved leaf/stem ratio, digestible dry matter (DDM), relative feed value (RFV), net energy for lactation (NEL), digestibility and silage quality as a result of drought stress, while no significant effects on these traits were observed in Bastan. Silage quality was greatly cultivar-dependent. Both cultivars had higher levels of DDM, RFV and NEL at early sowing dates. Nitrogen supply had greater positive effects on increasing ash, crude protein (CP) content and DM yield under normal irrigation than under water-stress conditions. In summary, given the importance of the energy received per unit of forage from an animal husbandry viewpoint and the significance of DM yield per unit area from an agricultural viewpoint, the obtained results might help farmers in choosing not only the best sowing dates but also proper irrigation and N management practices to achieve their quantitative and qualitative objectives in forage production.  相似文献   

水稻塑盘湿播早育抛栽技术优势和操作规程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻塑盘湿播旱育栽培即按照塑盘湿播育秧方式做秧田、铺盘、装泥和播种,播种后水的管理采用旱育秧管水法。它把抛秧省工、省力早发优势和旱育秧增产优势有机结合起来,加速了抛秧在三熟制早稻和连作晚稻上推广应用,拓宽了抛秧的应用范围,加速了抛秧的推广速度。我市1996年首先在春花田早稻和连作晚稻上进行了试验示范,1997~2000年加大了试验示范推广力度,摸清了塑盘湿播旱育抛栽生长特点和技术优势,总结完善了配套技术。4年累计推广面积达到3万hm2,占抛秧面积的63.31%,平均单产439.2kg/667m2…  相似文献   

Of the wheat grown in North-West India the majority is consumed as traditional Indian flat bread (chapatti). Chapatti quality is important to consumers and people are willing to pay more for better quality wheat flour, but farmers do not specifically target quality outcomes as the majority of their wheat is sold with no segregation. For farmers the main objective is to harvest maximum yields, but in the last decade productivity growth for wheat yields has slowed in the areas where the wheat is grown in a double cropping pattern. Nutrient depletion and temperature-related stress are possible causes for this decline in productivity growth. Farmers meanwhile are looking to opportunities to maintain profitability and, with consumers willing to pay a higher price for better chapatti wheat, an opportunity exists for farmers to manage their wheat to improve both the yield as well as quality of wheat. In this paper we evaluate management practices that best achieve high yield and better chapatti quality, and assess the temperature environment for the winter wheat growing season. A step-wise analysis of the long-term temperature trend for sites in NW India showed that mean annual temperature has increased by 0.7-1.0 °C during the last decade. Field experiments with wheat varieties (C-306, WH-283, DBW-17, PBW-343, PBW-502, PBW-550, Raj-3765 and WH-1025) were conducted at farmers’ fields under 4 different sequential cropping rotations for the 2007-08 and 2008-09 winter seasons in Haryana (India). C-306 and WH-283 are varieties with excellent chapatti quality but are lower yielding by 15-26% than the more widely grown varieties such as PBW-343 and PBW-502. The replicated experiments involved three sowing times, these being an early sowing (late October to early November, timely sowing (mid November) and a late sowing (early December). A differential response of varieties was observed to sowing time with the yield of C-306 better whereas that of WH-283 and Raj-3765 was poor in early sown conditions. The varieties DBW-17, PBW-343 and PBW-502 were the highest yielding wheat with similar performance under early as well as timely sowing. All the varieties had lowest yield in December sowing. In general, late sowing had lower thousand grain weight but higher protein content. Of the quality measure grain hardness was the only attribute with a consistent positive correlation with chapatti quality. The chapatti score was higher for varieties C-306 and WH-283 compared to the other varieties but grain hardness and chapatti score was not much affected by sowing time. With all varieties included in the analysis there was no correlation between protein and chapatti score, but within an individual variety usually higher protein resulted in a higher chapatti score. There was no association of grain test weight or sedimentation value with chapatti score. From the results shown here it is evident that farmers will be able to manage with variety choice and timely sowing to obtain chapatti quality without losing grain yield benefits.  相似文献   

Urochloa decumbens (Signal grass) is an African grass species that is widely used in Brazil for pasture formation, and it has a high potential for invading natural areas. This study evaluated the longevity of U. decumbens seeds in the soil seed bank and the emergence rates of seedlings from different depths. In the greenhouse (natural light; ~25°C), seeds were sown at depths of 0, 1, 2 or 3 cm, in trays filled with sterile soil, to assess seedling emergence. Seeds sowed on the soil surface began to germinate 3 days after sowing. Seeds sowed at depths of 2 and 3 cm germinated 5 days after sowing. No seedlings emerged after 15 days. The seedling emergence rate was 74 ± 7% with no significant difference between sowing depths. In the field, seed longevity was evaluated by burying 60 replicates of 100 seeds at a soil depth of 2–3 cm, in a Cerrado area in the IBGE Ecological Reserve, Brasília. From September 2016 to April 2017, five samples were retrieved monthly to assess seed viability. In September, the viability was 68%, declining to 3% in October; by February, viable seeds were no longer recorded. As U. decumbens flowers in several episodes throughout the year, a soil survey may result in a misleading interpretation of the formation of a permanent soil seed bank.  相似文献   

Seed coating with molybdenum compounds improves seedling establishment for rice, wheat, barley, and soybean when such seeds were sown under flooded conditions. Tungsten belongs to the same chemical group as molybdenum in the periodic table, and similar to molybdenum, inhibits the generation of sulfide ions. Here, the effects of tungsten and molybdenum containing seed coatings on seedling establishment under flooded conditions were compared using rice, wheat, barley, and soybean. In rice, the effects of tungsten compounds on seedling establishment varied. Tungsten trioxide had little effect but tungstic acid and ammonium phosphotungstate significantly improved seedling establishment when the amounts were at least .1–.2 mol W kg?1. Although the effect of tungsten coating varied depending on the compound used, ammonium phosphotungstate, along with other tungsten compounds, improved seedling establishment in a manner comparable with that of molybdenum compounds. For wheat and barley, ammonium phosphotungstate treatment resulted in a significant increase in establishment that was only slightly less than the results observed using molybdenum compounds. Tungstic acid and ammonium phosphotungstate treatments improved soybean establishment in a significant manner that was comparable with those of molybdenum compounds. Collectively, these results suggest that tungsten compounds, as well as molybdenum compounds, improve seedling establishment under flooded conditions.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the influence of crop rotations on soil seed bank to provide a comparison between crop fields and non-crop lands. Crop rotations were continuous dryland wheat (Wd), continuous irrigated wheat (Wi), wheat-sugarbeet (WS) and wheat-chickpea (WCh). Nearby pastures (P) and orchards (Or) were also studied for comparison purposes. Estimates of the density of seed banks ranged from 52779 seed m−2 in P to 9906 seeds m−2 in Wd. A total of 114 plant species from 24 families were identified from seeds collected from different farms. 33 weed species were at high frequency in weed communities. Crop rotations were dominated by annual weed species, while the weed species dominated in P were mostly not found in any crop rotation. The two weed species Roemeria refracta and Eragrostis cilianensis were frequently present in all the study sites. Amaranthus chlorostachys and Euphorbia esula were more abundant in the areas of moderate to high disturbance. In SW and WS rotations, due to use of grass herbicides and hand weeding, winter annual broadleaves such as Lactuca serriola and Anchusa italica were the prominent species in the seed bank. Results showed that a number of weed species are adapted to a specific crop sequences and disturbance levels. Weed species richness, seed bank abundance and diversity in soil depths are highly dependent on disturbance levels. The current study highlights the importance of agricultural practices including crop sequences or disturbance levels in determining the characteristics of weed populations. This provides useful information to improve methods for maintaining plant population balance.  相似文献   

The holoparasitic weed Orobanche cumana (sunflower broomrape) constrains sunflower (Helianthus annuus) production in many countries. The development of efficient control strategies requires an understanding of the processes underlying the complex environment–host–parasite interrelations. Growth and development of O. cumana and sunflower were quantified under field conditions in southeastern Romania. Sunflower hybrid Florom 350 was sown at two dates, in plots infested with 0, 50, 200 and 1600 viable O. cumana seeds kg−1 dry soil, under low-input (rainfed, low nitrogen supply) and high-input (irrigated, high nitrogen supply) conditions. Sunflower shoot biomass reached peak values of 760–1287 g m−2 between the end of anthesis and physiological maturity. Seed yield varied from 221 to 446 g m−2. Sunflower biomass and yield were affected by all experimental factors. Seed yield responded positively to delaying sowing from early April to late May as well as to irrigation and fertilisation, and negatively to O. cumana infestation. Yield reductions, which were a product of reduced seed number and size, amounted to 13%, 25% and 37% at parasite seed densities of 50, 200 and 1600 viable seeds kg−1 soil, respectively. Maximum O. cumana attachment numbers, recorded in late-sown high-input crops in 2004, ranged from 11 m−2 in plots with 50 parasite seeds kg−1 soil to 188 m−2 with 1600 seeds kg−1 soil. Parasite attachment number was a function of crop sowing date, water and nutrient supply, seedbank density, and sunflower biomass and root length density, via mechanisms of parasite seed stimulation, host carrying capacity and intraspecific competition. Delayed sowing and improved water and nitrogen supply were associated with increases in parasite number that neutralised yield-boosting effects of irrigation and fertilisation at the highest infestation level. Sunflower shoot biomass was significantly reduced by O. cumana infection, with reductions affecting organs in the order head > stem > leaves. Most of the discrepancy between infected and non-infected plants was accounted for by O. cumana biomass. Parasites mainly acted as an extra sink for assimilates during sunflower generative growth and impaired host photosynthesis to a much lesser degree. Results suggest that similar mechanisms govern infection level and host–parasite biomass partitioning across different Orobanche–host systems.  相似文献   

The sowing method of spring‐type canola (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera) for forage has a major influence on its productivity and agronomic management. A field experiment was conducted in Matamoros, Coahuila, Mexico, during two growing seasons (2008–2009 and 2009–2010) to determine dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and net energy for lactation (NEL) yields, as well as canola forage chemical composition as a function of six sowing methods. The treatments assessed were broadcast sowing and five different row spacings: 0·19, 0·38, 0·57, 0·76 and 0·95 m (double row, 0·20 m apart). In the first year, with a mean growing season temperature of 17·2°C, sowing methods did not affect DM yield, but CP and NEL content and yield were higher in 0·19‐m row spacing. The mean temperature in the second year (13·5°C) was slightly lower than the long‐term mean (14·8°C) in the region, resulting in the highest DM (8840 kg ha?1), CP (2486 kg ha?1) and NEL yields (51 103 MJ ha?1) with 0·19‐m row spacing. In row‐sowing methods with over 0·19‐m row spacing, DM, CP and NEL yields decreased by 19·3–39·7, 20·4–42·1 and 21·2–42·7% respectively. Results indicate that sowing methods significantly affected canola forage productivity.  相似文献   

A total of 22 samples of apricots belonging to ten cultivars from two locations and picked in the years 1975–78 were assayed for polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and partly for peroxidase (POD) activities, heat resistance of these enzymes,o-dihydroxy phenol (ODP) content, and initial rate of enzymatic browning (BA). Of these characteristics, ODP content showed the greatest and BA the least variation. PPO activity relative to fresh weight was found to depend on the year of harvest rather than on the cultivar, while POD activity relative to fresh weight was cultivar dependent. The values of BA and ODP content were markedly influenced by both cultivar and year. For a given cultivar, PPO and POD activities relative to fresh weight as well as BA were higher in the samples picked in 1976 at one location than in those picked in the other years at the other location.The initial rate of browning of apricots was primarily dependent on the ODP content as shown by linear regression analysis with two independent variables. The relative influence of ODP content as compared with that of PPO activity related to fresh weight was the stronger the higher the value of the ratio of PPO-ODP, i.e. the smaller the values of the endogenous substrate available to the enzyme in the tissues. This suggests substrate depletion to be the limiting factor in the enzymatic browning of apricots.Heat inactivation of PPO was found to be a simple exponential process, while that of POD a biphasic one. PPO was less heat resistant than POD: total inactivation occurred after 10-min heat treatment at 75°C and 85°C, respectively.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out in two parts at the Luancheng Experimental Station in the North China Plain. Part I, which was a continuous experiment that ran from 1990 to 2008, investigated the change of grain yield, evapotranspiration (ET), root size and soil water utilization of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under three water regimes (rain-fed, two and four irrigation applications). Part II used 10 cultivars released from 1970 to 2000 that were grown under the same condition for two seasons (2005/2006 and 2006/2007) to compare root size, root:shoot ratio and soil water depletion (SWD). The results of testing in Part I showed that the yield and ET of winter wheat gradually increased from 1990 to the present. There was no consistent change in total root length (TRL) over time. The difference in root size among seasons and irrigation treatments mainly occurred in the upper soil profile, where the root length density (RLD) was greater. No direct relationship was found between root size and soil water use. Thus, TRL was not a factor that indicated the water extracting capacity of crops. The results from Part II revealed that the seasonal ET of earlier released cultivars (ERC) was similar to that of recently released cultivars (RRC) under well-watered conditions. However, ET was slightly increased from ERC to RRC under water deficit conditions, indicating high soil water depletion by RRC. TRL decreased from ERC to RRC and was significantly correlated with plant height. The breeding of winter wheat that reduced plant height not only increased harvest index, but also reduced root size, resulting in a smaller root:shoot ratio. The reduction in TRL from ERC to RRC mainly occurred in the top soil profile. The results from both tests indicate that TRL is not a factor that determines soil water use; rather, the distribution of RLD along the soil profile plays more important role in soil water utilization. Smaller root size in the upper soil layer did not affect soil water uptake, and might be more economical in terms of production efficiency.  相似文献   

Studies involving the effect of irrigation and fertilizer management on speckle leaf of potato, S. tuberosum, were conducted in Montcalm and Monroe Counties in 1970–71. The first symptoms of speckle leaf at the Montcalm location were observed 73 days after planting in plots without N fertilizer. Ninety-four days after planting, all fertilizer treatments showed speckle leaf; however, potatoes receiving 336 kg N/ha were the last to show the symptoms. In Monroe County, symptoms were directly related to rate of nitrogen and irrigation levels. Excessive irrigation resulted in nitrogen loss and an increasing severity of speckle leaf. The Norchip variety showed considerably more resistance than the Haig variety. Potato petiole analysis showed that the stage of maximum N uptake by the potato plant corresponded very closely with the initiation and development of speckle leaf. Nitrogen deficient leaves at this stage of growth are the most susceptible to speckle leaf injury. Speckle leaf injury in 1971 was minimal under dry-weather conditions and could not be consistently related to any of the fertilizer treatments.  相似文献   

Four treatments designed to affect some environmental factors during germination and establishment of alfalfa were: two sowing dates (March and May) to produce differences in temperature, light and soil moisture; two sowing methods (notill drill and hand sowing) for creating different degrees of soil-seed contact; mowing and banded and broadcast sprays of glyphosate to produce varying degrees of plant competition; and methiocarb bait combined with carbofuran granules vs. no pesticide to establish different levels of invertebrate feeding. Alfalfa dry matter (DM) production was affected very little by sowing date in two identical experiments. It was unaffacted by sowing method in experiment 1 (1983) but was significantly higher when alfalfa was sown with a drill in the second trial (1984). Highest alfalfa DM yields were achieved when competition was suppressed by broadcast spraying rather than bands, but details of effect differed in the two experiments. Pesticide treatments yielded more alfalfa DM in the year of establishment. Slugs, Deroceras leave (Müller) and D. reticulatum (Müller), and the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris), were among the potential pest species controlled and may have been partly responsible for the observed effects.  相似文献   

Harvesting products from plants for conversion into renewable resources is increasing in importance. Determination of nutrition requirements for the applicable crops is necessary, especially in regions where the biofuel feedstock crops have not been historically grown. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), two hybrids and one variety; sweet and grain (milo) sorghums (both Sorghum bicolor L.), one variety each, and sweet corn (Zea mays var. rugosa Bonaf.), four cultivars, were provided the recommended and twice the recommended rate of fertilizer. Biomass, expressed liquid volumes and sugar contents of sweet sorghum and sweet corn were determined. Grain yields of milo and sunflower and oil content of sunflower were determined. Sweet corn stalk sugar levels were below what is expected from field corn (maize), and were not affected by fertilizer rate. Sweet sorghum biomass and sugar content were within expected ranges and not affected by fertilizer rate. Milo grain yields were higher with increased fertilizer. Seed yield in Sunflower, which was below expected levels, was inconsistently affected by fertilizer rate, years or varieties. Overall crops year and cultivar/variety had more effect on results than did fertilizer. There does not appear to be a reason to provide fertilizer above recommended rates in production of these crops.  相似文献   

Summary In order to investigate the effect of the N and carbohydrate status of developing plants ofCucurbita moschata, cultivar Butternut, on yield and chemical composition of the fruits, the foliar N and carbohydrates were varied by means of differential N and moisture supply. Periodic leaf analyses were made up to the time of harvest. When the fruits at harvest were separated into large (1000 or more g) and small (less than 1000 g) squash, number and weight of the large fruits were positively correlated with the N content of the leaves and, conversely, negatively correlated with carbohydrates and C/N ratio. For small fruits the correlations were reversed. The highest r values were obtained when foliar analysis data were used from a sampling date about 7 to 10 days following anthesis of the first pistillate flowers. Thus, leaf analyses about 5 weeks prior to harvest could be used to predict the yield.The harvest value of protein in the fruits was positively correlated with foliar N, and negatively correlated with C/N ratio and weight loss during storage. Varying the C/N ratio of the plants had no significant effect on the carbohydrates in the fruits expressed as the sum of starch and total sugars at harvest. Plots with low C/N ratios just prior to harvest, however, tended to produce squashes with lower starch content and thus with higher sugar/starch ratios, indicating a state of greater maturity at harvest.Decrease of starch and increase of total sugars during storage proceeded at a faster rate in the year with higher carbohydrates in the leaves and higher C/N ratios. In the same year the rate of increase of sucrose was greater. The low moisture treatment (low C/N ratios) appeared to promote the accumulation of sucrose.Neither ascorbic acids nor -carotene content were affected by the nitrogen-moisture treatments. The content of these vitamins indicated this cultivar may contribute significant amounts of these constituents to the human nutrition.
Zusammenfassung Um die Wirkung des Stickstoff- und Kohlehydratspiegels in Pflanzen vonCucurbita moschata, Sorte Butternut, auf den Ernteertrag und auf die chemische Zusammensetzung der Früchte zu untersuchen, wurde der Blattgehalt an N und an Kohlehydraten durch differenzierte Zugaben von N und Wasser geändert. Periodische Blattanalysen wurden bis zur Ernte durchgeführt. Bei der Ernte wurden die Früchte in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt: grosse Früchte (1000 g und mehr) und kleine (unter 1000 g). Positive Korrelationen bestanden zwischen den grossen Früchten — Anzahl und Gewicht — und dem N-Gehalt der Blätter, und, umgekehrt, negative Korrelationen zwischen den grossen Früchten und sowohl den Kohlehydraten als auch dem Kohlehydrat/N Verhältnis. Für die kleinen Früchte waren die Korrelationen umgekehrt. Die höchsten Korrelationskoeffizienten wurden erzielt, wenn die analytischen Resultate eines Zeitpunkts gewählt wurden, der etwa 7 bis 10 Tage nach dem Aufblühen der ersten weiblichen Blüten lag. Blattanalysen ungefähr 5 Wochen vor der Ernte konnten also benutzt werden, um den Ernteertrag vorauszusagen.Eine positive Korrelation bestand zwischen dem Proteingehalt (N x 6,25) der Früchte am Erntezeitpunkt und dem N-Gehalt der Blätter, und eine negative Korrelation zwischen Protein und dem Kohlehydrat/N Verhältnis, und, ausserdem, dem Gewichtsverlust der Früchte während der Lagerung. Die Veränderung des Kohlehydrat/N Verhältnisses der Pflanzen hatte keine Auswirkung auf die Kohlehydrate in den Früchten zur Erntezeit, ausgedrückt als Summe des Stärke- und Gesamtzucker-Gehaltes. Parzellen, die kurz vor der Ernte ein niedriges Kohlehydrat/N Verhältnis aufzeigten, neigten jedoch dazu, Früchte mit niedrigerem Stärkegehalt, also mit einem höheren Zucker/Stärke Verhältnis, zu produzieren. Dies kann als ein Zeichen grösserer Reife angesehen werden. Die Abnahme des Stärkegehaltes und die Zunahme des Gesamtzuckers während der Lagerung ging in dem Jahre schneller von statten, in dem die Blätter einen höheren Kohlehydratgehalt und ein höheres Kohlehydrat/N Verhältnis aufwiesen. In dem selben Jahre war die Geschwindigkeit grösser ,mit der der Sucrose-Gehalt zunahm. Die Parzellen mit wenig Wasser begünstigten scheinbar die Ansammlung von Sucrose.Weder der Gehalt an Ascorbinsäure noch an -Carotin wurde durch die Stickstoff- und Wasser-Zugaben beeinflusst. Der Gehalt an diesen Vitaminen zeigt, dass diese Sorte bedeutende Mengen dieser Wertstoffe für die menschliche Ernährung liefern kann.

Résumé Afin de déterminer l'influence des quantités d'azote et d'hydrates de carbone contenues dans les plants deCucurbita moschata, cultivar Butternut, sur les rendements, et la composition chimique des fruits, on fit varier le contenue d'azote et d'hydrates de carbone des feuilles, en traitant avec différentes quantités d'azote et d'eau. Périodiquement, jusqu'à la récolte, des analyses foliaires furent faites. Au moment de la récolte, les fruits furent séparés en deux groupes: les gros (1000 g ou plus) et les petits (moins de 1000 g). Dans le cas des gros fruits, la corrélation nombre et poids des fruits vs azote foliaire s'avéra positive. D'autre part, la corrélation gros fruits vs hydrates de carbone et vs taux C/N s'avéra négative. Ces corrélations étaient inversées dans le cas des petits fruits.Les coefficients de corrélation les plus élevés furent obtenus lorsqu'on utilisa les résultats d'analyses foliaires provenant d'un échantillonnage fait dans les 7 à 10 jours suivant l'anthèse des premières fleurs pistillées. Ainsi, les résultats d'analyses foliaires, faites environ cinq semaines avant la récolte, pourraient être utilisés afin de prédire le rendement.La valeur protéique des fruits au moment de la récolte se trouvait en correlation positive avec l'azote foliaire, et en corrélation négative avec les hydrates de carbone et la perte de poids durant l'entreposage. Les changements dans le taux C/N des plants, n'influencèrent pas de façon significative la somme des teneurs en amidon et en sucres totaux des fruits au moment de la récolte. Cependant, les parcelles donnant des taux C/N peu élevés immédiatement avant la récolte, avaient la tendance à produire des courges à basse teneur en amidon et, en conséquence, des taux sucres/amidon élevés, indiquant de ce fait, une plus grande maturité. La diminution d'amidon, et l'augmentation des sucres totaux durant l'entreposage s'effectuèrent plus rapidement l'année où les quantités d'hydrates de carbone foliaires et les taux C/N étaient plus élevés. Simultanément, le taux d'augmentation de sucrose était plus éléve. De faibles quantités d'eau semblaient promouvoir une accumulation de sucrose.Les teneurs en acide ascorbique et en -carotène n'étaient pas affectées par les traitements d'azote et d'eau. La quantité de ces vitamines contenue dans ce cultivar, indique qu'il peut être, pour l'alimentation humaine, une source importante de ces principes nutritifs.

with 5 figs.

Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series Paper No. 141.  相似文献   

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