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This study reports the measurement of grain density and grain volume of barley grains using a gas displacement technique. The densities of single kernels were determined and were highly correlated with measurements of larger quantities of kernels (10, 25 or 800). Grain weight and volume were significantly correlated when measuring 800 kernels (0.99, P < 0.001), 25 kernels (0.99, P < 0.001), 10 kernels (0.98, P < 0.001), and a single kernel (0.97, P < 0.001), and the standard deviations were low for the five replicate measurements.The relationship between grain density and endosperm hardness was significantly correlated (0.57, P < 0.001), as was the relationship between grain density and test weight (0.70, P < 0.001). Grain density was negatively correlated to moisture content (−0.65, P < 0.001), but not protein content. Endosperm hardness was positively correlated to protein content (0.45, P < 0.001), but not moisture content. Although grain density and endosperm hardness are interdependent physico-chemical traits, different grain components appear to interact independently. Gas displacement technique could be applied to determine the distribution of grain density within a sample. Therefore, this technique will assist breeding programs to identify genomic regions associated with these physico-chemical traits, and produce superior malting and feed quality through uniform varieties with inherently denser, plumper grain. 相似文献
Kafirins have been extracted from several types of sorghums due to their potential use for production of gluten-free products. Nevertheless, the extraction of these proteins from wet-milled sorghum gluten meal (SGM) has not yet been explored. In this study, we investigated the differences in composition, color, molecular structures, functionality and in vitro protein digestibility of kafirin extracts obtained from dry-milled flour or SGM obtained from decorticated white sorghum treated with and without endopeptidic protease. Kafirins were extracted using aqueous ethanol and metabisulfite. Kafirin extracts from SGM presented higher protein purity (95% vs 86%), lower fat content (0.7% vs 2.0%), in vitro protein digestibility (89% vs 85%), and better water holding (2.8 vs 1.9 g/g) and fat absorption capacities (2.4 vs 1.6 g/g) compared to extracts from ground decorticated sorghum. Color was not affected by treatments. SDS-PAGE showed differences in the low molecular weight patterns of kafirin extracts obtained from SGM whereas FTIR analyses showed reduction of α-helical and β-turn percentages and β-sheet increment after extraction. The proposed protease treatment increased free amino nitrogen and emulsifying index of kafirins, but did not affect other functional properties. Thus, SGM represents a potential new feedstock for the extraction of food-grade kafirins. 相似文献
Carotenoid bioaccessibility from whole grain and decorticated yellow endosperm sorghum porridge 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ellie G. Kean Nicolas Bordenave Gebisa EjetaBruce R. Hamaker Mario G. Ferruzzi 《Journal of Cereal Science》2011,54(3):450-459
Sorghum is a staple crop and a potential dietary source of carotenoids in semi-arid regions of Africa, but information on the bioavailability of these pigments is limited. This study aimed at exploring the effects of agronomic manipulation on sorghum carotenoid contents at selected stages of kernel development and maturation and assessing carotenoid bioaccessibility from matured yellow-endosperm sorghum varieties (P88 and P1222), by comparing porridge made from sorghum whole and decorticated milled grains. Carotenoid content of sorghum milled fractions ranged from 2.90 to 7.22 mg/kg in P88 unbagged decorticated flour, at 50 and 30 days after half bloom (DAHB) respectively, to 9.87-13.69 mg/kg in bagged decorticated bran fractions in P88, at 50 and 30 DAHB respectively. Maize milled fractions were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in carotenoid content than all sorghum products. Bagging increased sorghum carotenoid content by 8-184% vs. unbagged panicles. Carotenoid bioaccessibility was generally higher from sorghum (63-81%) compared to maize (45-47%). Micellarization of xanthophylls (75%) was more efficient than carotenes (52%) in sorghum, while they were similar in maize (40-49%). These results suggest that the higher bioaccessibility of sorghum carotenoids combined with efforts to enhance sorghum carotenoid content may allow for sorghum to provide similar levels of bioaccessible carotenoid pigments as common yellow maize. 相似文献
Morgan A. Goodall Osvaldo H. Campanella Gebisa Ejeta Bruce R. Hamaker 《Journal of Cereal Science》2012
The aim of this study was to determine whether protein body-free kafirins in high digestibility, high-lysine (HDHL) sorghum flour can participate as viscoelastic proteins in sorghum-wheat composite dough and bread. Dough extensibility tests revealed that maximum resistance to extension (g) and time to dough breakage (sec) at 35 °C for HDHL sorghum-wheat composite doughs were substantially greater (p < 0.01) than for normal sorghum-wheat composite doughs at 30 and 60% substitution levels. Functional changes in HDHL kafirin occurred upon exceeding its Tg. Normal sorghum showed a clear decrease in strain hardening at 60% substitution, whereas HDHL sorghum maintained a level similar to wheat dough. Significantly higher loaf volumes resulted for HDHL sorghum-wheat composites compared to normal sorghum-wheat composites at substitution levels above 30% and up to 56%, with the largest difference at 42%. HDHL sorghum-wheat composite bread exhibited lower hardness values, lower compressibility and higher springiness than normal sorghum-wheat composite bread. Finally, HDHL sorghum flour mixed with 18% vital wheat gluten produced viscoelastic dough while normal sorghum did not. These results clearly show that kafirin in HDHL sorghum flour contributes to the formation of an improved protein network with viscoelastic properties that leads to better quality composite doughs and breads. 相似文献
《Journal of Cereal Science》2005,42(1):33-44
The effects of endosperm vitreousness, cooking time and temperature on sorghum and maize starch digestion in vitro were studied using floury and vitreous endosperm flours. Starch digestion was significantly higher in floury sorghum endosperm than vitreous endosperm, but similar floury and vitreous endosperm of maize. Cooking with 2-mercaptoethanol increased starch digestion in both sorghum and maize, but more with sorghum, and more with vitreous endosperm flours. Increasing cooking time progressively reduced starch digestion in vitreous sorghum endosperm but improved digestibility in the other flours. Pressure-cooking increased starch digestion in all flours, but markedly more in vitreous sorghum flour; probably through physical disruption of the protein matrix enveloping the starch. Irrespective of vitreousness or cooking condition, the alpha-amylase kinetic constant (k) for both sorghum and maize flours remained similar, indicating that differences in their starch digestion were due to factors extrinsic to the starches. SDS-PAGE indicated that the higher proportion of disulphide bond-cross-linked prolamin proteins and more extensive polymerisation of the prolamins on cooking, resulting in polymers of Mr>100k, were responsible for the lower starch digestibility of the vitreous sorghum endosperm flour. 相似文献
《Field Crops Research》1988,19(3):211-225
Our previous work has shown that early-maturing soybean is suitable for intercropping with vassava at a high latitude (27°S) in south-east Queensland, Australia, as it does not effect the tuber yield. The present study examines whether later-maturing cultivars of soybean with higher yield potential might be more productive. Plant arrangement for cassava was the same in sole crop and in intercrop, while two soybean rows in every six rows were replaced by a row of cassava in intercropping.All soybean cultivars dominated intercropped cassava, and their dry-matter growth and seed yield were not affected by competition with cassava. Growth of cassava was, on the other hand, severely restricted by intercropped soybean, particularly by late-maturing types. After removal of early-maturing soybean, cassava recovered quickly to produce high leaf-area and effectively intercepted solar radiation. Consequential high total dry-matter production, combined with high assimilate allocation to tubers, resulted in tuber yield at the final harvest similar to that in sole cassava. After the removal of late-maturing soybean, however, recovery was poor, and with a short growing season remaining, tuber yields were only 50–60% of that of sole cassava.In addition to their adverse effect on cassave growth, late-maturing cultivars were not suitable as an intercrop because of low harvest indices and low light-conversion efficiency (dry matter produced per unit intercepted radiation), although total light interception during the whole growth of cassava/soybean intercrop was similar to that of sole cassava. The low overall light-conversion efficiency in intercropping with late-maturing cultivars was due to very low dry-matter production of soybean during pod-filling when light interception was still high. 相似文献
以日照碧波茶业有限公司1#种质资源圃、茶科所试验基地和园区南茶北引基地种植的种质茶树为研究对象,采用阿贝折射仪法测量茶树叶片自由水含量,烘干法测量总含水量,通过计算得到束缚水含量,以此来分析不同茶树的抗寒性。束缚水含量最高的四个植株编号依次为201004111-12、200905112—11、D2—8和49。 相似文献
《Field Crops Research》1987,16(4):323-335
The responses to different water treatments of two sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) cultivars, a hybrid (CSH 8) and a local variety (M 35-1), were studied on an Alfisol (Udic Rhodustalfs) at ICRISAT Centre, Patancheru during the post-rainy seasons of 1979/1980 and 1980/1981. Two water treatments, irrigated and drought-stress, were created by applying water five or three times during each of the growing seasons. Observed responses were compared with the simulated data using the sorghum simulation model SORGF. Neither observed nor simulated durations of growth stages were affected by drought-stress. Comparisons between observed and simulated duration of growth stages showed that the model simulated phenological development with good accuracy. Drought-stress coefficient calculations were based on the availability of water in the soil profile; simulated drought-stress coefficients agreed well with observed values. Observed and simulated grain yields of CSH 8 were higher than those of M 35-1 under both the irrigated and drought-stressed conditions. The correlation coefficients between observed and simulated total dry matter and grain yield data pooled over two water treatments, two cultivars, and two seasons were respectively 0.80 and 0.92. Comparisons between observed and simulated reductions in TDM and grain yield showed that the model is sufficiently sensitive to simulate the response of sorghum to drought-stress. 相似文献
不同品种干湿稻谷混合加工对配方米整精米率的影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
许多加工条件好,技术水平高的大米加工企业,在进行混合米加工时,都是将单个品种分别加工成精米后再通过配方米专用生产线生产混合配方米。然而,我国大部分国有粮食加工企业及中小型集体或私营企业,由于技术水平及自身条件的局限,目前,生产配方米时大都是将稻谷混合后再一起进入米机加工成混合米。所以研究不同的主辅料品种及品种含水量差异对配方米整精米率变化的影响,对于大部分粮食加工企业来说具有重要的意义。为此,我们对不同品种和含水量对配方米整精米率的影响进行了试验。(-)试验材料与方法用含水量为13.1%、15.6%、… 相似文献
The characterisation of the wheat endosperm by mechanical tests of compression highlighted a relation between the rupture energy and the elasticity modulus for different varieties of wheat; this relation allows us to distinguish mealy and vitreous endosperms. An approach based on the micromechanics of cohesive granular materials is used to analyse these experimental results. A geometrical model of the wheat endosperm made of grains linked by cohesive bonds is proposed. We introduced two parameters, the first one α represents the percentage of active bonds (bonds where the stiffness and strength are non-zero), and the second one β represents the threshold of the bond's rupture. The parameter β can be related to the cross-section of the bond. This model successfully describes the mechanical tests on the wheat endosperm. The comparison with the experimental tests makes it possible to clearly differentiate vitreous wheats and mealy wheats and then attribute this property to the parameter β. The model shows the same tendency as regards the evolution of the rupture energy and the elastic modulus with the parameter α. The modelling of endosperm by the mechanics of cohesive granular media provides a new theoretical framework to interpret the rheology of endosperm. This approach allows us to connect this rheology to the mechanical actions at the scale of the granules. 相似文献
《Field Crops Research》2005,91(2-3):199-205
Sorghum hybrids with waxy endosperm (either homozygous or heterozygous waxy) have lower grain yield potential compared to non-waxy endosperm hybrids. The cause of this yield reduction is not known. From a genetic perspective, the yield reduction could be due to pleiotrophy or genetic linkage between the wx locus and other loci that influence grain yield. The specific cause of the relationship is important because an effective breeding program can alleviate the problem if it is due to linkage. The objective of this study was to determine whether linkage or pleiotrophy is causing the negative relationship between grain yield and waxy endosperm. From each of two F2 breeding populations segregating for waxy endosperm, between 40 and 50 inbred lines were derived, with equal numbers of waxy and non-waxy endosperm lines. No selection for yield was practiced during the development of these lines. The lines from these two populations and a set of testcross hybrids (derived from one population) were evaluated in four environments in Texas from 1998 to 2000. Across all tests and environments, the combined yield of the waxy genotypes was 17% lower than non-waxy genotypes. While yields were lower in waxy genotypes, analysis of the individual inbred lines and hybrids revealed that several waxy inbred lines were not statistically different from the best non-waxy inbreds. These results imply that selection of high yielding waxy genotypes is possible, but a significant breeding emphasis on their development is required to effectively identify those genotypes. 相似文献
Akira Miyazaki Akiko Ikeda Junichi Yonemaru Satoshi Morita Yoshinori Yamamoto 《Plant Production Science》2018,21(3):225-232
The occurrence of chalky kernels in rice is causally related to kernel size and endosperm morphology. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of chalky kernels by analyzing kernel size, and the number and area of endosperm cells. Spikelets were sampled from upper and middle primary branches and lower secondary branches in a panicle, and divided into four categories: upper, middle, and lower perfect (PF) kernels and lower milky-white (MW) kernels. On the lower secondary branches, there was a higher percentage of chalky kernels, with smaller kernel lengths, widths and thicknesses, than the kernels on the upper and middle primary branches. MW kernels were smaller in size than PF kernels even on the same lower secondary branches. Regardless of grain appearance quality traits, the total areas of endosperm cross sections in lower kernels were significantly smaller than in upper kernels owing to the decreased cell area, and there was a significant negative correlation between the number of cells and average cell area. When the numbers and the areas of cells were analyzed using angular 30° intervals from the line connecting the center point and the dorsal vascular bundle, the MW kernels had significantly less cells than PF kernels near the ventral side at 120–180°. Thus, the decrease in the number of cells near the ventral side was a main causal factor in the decrease in MW kernel widths compared with PF kernel widths, and this suggested that cell division in MW kernels was inhibited at the early grain-filling stage. 相似文献
Christina D. DiFonzo David W. Ragsdale Edward B. Radcliffe 《American Journal of Potato Research》1995,72(2):119-132
An action threshold of 3-10 green peach aphid,Myzus persicae (Sulzer), apterae per 100 lower leaves is recommended for use in Minnesota to prevent further spread of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) in potato,Solarium tuberosum L. This threshold was first developed and validated using the PLRV susceptible cultivar Russet Burbank. Here we report experiments to determine if higher aphid densities could be tolerated in PLRV resistant cultivars,i.e., Kennebec (moderately resistant) or Cascade (highly resistant), without an increase in PLRV infection. Insecticidal sprays were applied to plots when predetermined target aphid densities, based on number of apterae per 100 leaves, were reached: 3, 10, 30, and 100 (Russet Burbank); 10, 30, 100, and 300 (Kennebec); and 30, 100, 300, and 1000 (Cascade). The response variable was the average percentage of PLRV infected plants. Overall mean cumulative aphid-days and percent PLRV infection were 617 and 23.5% for Russet Burbank, 1,296 and 10.2% for Kennebec, and 4,816 and 9.5% for Cascade. For each cultivar, the highest target aphid density tolerated without an increase in PLRV spread was determined by comparing PLRV infection in plots sprayed on predetermined thresholds to PLRV infection in plots where aphids were rigorously controlled. This maximum density was 10 apterae per 100 leaves for Russet Burbank and 300 apterae per 100 leaves for Cascade. Results using Kennebec were ambiguous, but Kennebec was always more resistant to PLRV than Russet Burbank. Excised leaflet tests showed that the cultivars did not differ in resistance to green peach aphid. It appears that action thresholds based on green peach aphid apterae can be different depending upon the inherent PLRV-resistance of the cultivar. 相似文献
Cecilia Castro Laura Gazza Roberto Ciccoritti Norberto Pogna Cesare Oliviero Rossi Cesare Manetti 《Journal of Cereal Science》2010
Spikes and seeds from diploid ‘einkorn’ wheat Triticum monococcum and two near-isogenic hard and soft common wheat (Triticum aestivum) lines were harvested at regular intervals from 7 days post-anthesis (dpa) and analysed by non-destructive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and time domain-nuclear magnetic resonance (TD-NMR). A large amount of free water occurred in rachises, glumes and awns of spikes collected at 7 dpa, and accumulated in the physiologically active cells of the endosperm at 21 dpa. In the final stages of kernel development, awns and seed embryos exhibited a high MR signal due to the presence of free water likely associated with biological activities. TD-NMR relaxation time distributions obtained by discrete exponential fitting, distributed exponential fitting and SLICING multivariate analysis offered detailed information on mobility behaviour of water molecules in developing seeds and were able to differentiate two soft and hard isolines from common wheat cv. Enesco at early stages of seed development. 相似文献
Relationships between kernel vitreousness and proteins and starch partitioning to the floury and vitreous regions of the endosperm were monitored in a set of 13 maize inbred lines. Decrease of protein contents from the vitreous to the floury endosperms were mainly assigned to α-zeins. Using Raman microspectroscopy, we observed a protein gradient from the periphery to the center of endosperms that well fitted with the inverse relationships between vitreousness and protein content of the vitreous and floury regions. In addition, Raman microspectroscopy highlighted an increase of starch crystallinity from the periphery to the center of the maize endosperms. This agrees with the higher amylose and associated lipid contents within starches of vitreous than in those of floury endosperms. Finally, starch granules from vitreous regions displayed more channels than the floury ones. These channels contain proteins that might favor adhesion of proteins to starch granules or granule–granule contacts to form the close packing of the vitreous endosperm. Therefore transition from vitreous to floury endosperm is at least the result of both protein and starch gradients. These gradients are probably associated with metabolic gradients that have been observed during endosperm development. 相似文献
Genetic variability for endosperm storage proteins was analysed in 119 Argentinean grown bread wheat cultivars. For the HMW-GS, three, six and two alleles were observed at the Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 loci, respectively, in 17 allelic combinations. The majority of these combinations were considered to be associated with good quality. For the LMW-GS, eight, seven and four alleles were provisionally observed at the Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-D3 loci, respectively, in 51 allelic combinations. Regarding quality, the alleles present at Glu-D3 were mainly those previously shown to be associated with good quality, whereas at Glu-A3 and Glu-B3, some alleles previously associated with poor quality were present at high frequency. Relatively few cultivars carried combinations for all the loci studied that would be expected to be associated with high quality. The mean genetic variation index (H) observed for the glutenin loci (0.589) was similar to values observed in other collections. Unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) of the six loci plus the Chinese Spring-Cheyenne CSS–CNN difference showed that the 119 cultivars fell into 93 distinct combinations. For complete discrimination between all cultivars they would have to be analysed for additional loci. There remains scope for varietal quality improvement within this germplasm pool. 相似文献
Increased flour yield in hard wheat is associated with increased endosperm rheology index, calculated from strength and stiffness as measured by the SKCS. A study of the fractured endosperm of hard wheat varieties grouped according to similar rheology index values was performed using environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Differing microstructures and fracture patterns were observed between each group. Specifically, the group representing high rheology index had a greater concentration of small starch granules in prismatic cells. Samples of diverse wheat germplasm were grown at two sites and subjected to laboratory milling. Starch granule size distribution (SGSD) analysis using a laser diffraction method was undertaken on a subset of samples in triplicate representing a range in flour yield. The results supported an hypothesis for a significant influence of SGSD on flour yield of hard wheat varieties. In addition, a significant part (R2>0.40 (p<0.05) at two sites) of the association appeared to be under genetic control. Results indicate a more even gradation of distributions involving an increase in the sample volume % of small granule (types B and C) and decrease in type A granules. This was associated with increased rheology index values and higher flour yield. The ratio of type A:C starch granules accounted for up to 58% (p<0.05) of the variation in flour yield in the samples studied. Thus, rheological parameters measured using a rapid SKCS screening method can be linked to the genetic regulation of SGSD with implications for the improvement of commercial processing performance of hard wheat. 相似文献