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Twenty inbred maize lines, raised in a growth chamber, were treated with 0 or 1 ng g?1 of chlorsulfuron which caused a variable reduction in root-length. In a second experiment, all crosses (reciprocals included) among two tolerant lines (T: Va85 and Mes44) and two susceptible lines (S: B73 and B79) were raised in a growth chamber together with the parental lines and exposed to 0,0×5 or 1 ng g?1, The interaction of reciprocal effects x rates was not significant for all traits, The T × S hybrids showed an intermediate response between the T × T and S × S responses for root-length and dry weight. Interaction (hybrids vs. parental lines) × rates was not significant for all traits. These results indicate that susceptibility to chlorsulfuron is not controlled by extra-nuclear factors and that additive gene actions prevail. Four crosses (one T × T, two T × S and one S × S) were further investigated at nine rates from 0 to 1 ng g?1. The responses confirmed the intermediate behaviour of T×S hybrids, resulting in a GR20 of 0×07, 0×55 and 0×94 ng g?1 for S × S, T × S and T × T, respectively. In a third experiment, the four crosses previously considered were grown in the field with parental lines and treated at five rates from 0 to 1·12 g a.i. ha?1. Effects on shoot height and dry weight were consistent with root effects found in growth chamber experiments.  相似文献   

Eleven corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids were evaluated in terms of their growth response to treatment with a high rate (6.7 kg ha?1) of the thiocarbamate herbicide, EPTC, and the chloroacetanilide herbicide, metolachlor. Most of the tested hybrids were more susceptible to treatment with metolachlor than EPTC. It was apparent that the degree of tolerance observed for one of these herbicides was not necessarily matched by a similar degree of tolerance to the other. No correlation between glutathione content and herbicide tolerance was observed for the 11 hybrids tested. A relationship between glutathione S–transferase (GST) activity and metolachlor tolerance was suggested by this study. In general, higher GST activities were characteristic of the more tolerant hybrids. The monooxygenase inhibitor, piperonyl butoxide (PBO), in combination with EPTC resulted in a synergistic effect on eight of the eleven tested hybrids. PBO acted synergistically in combination with metolachlor on only two hybrids and to a lesser extent than with EPTC. Soil treatment with the oxygen evolving compound, calcium peroxide, appeared to have an antagonistic effect on the growth response of ‘Northrup–King 9283’ corn treated with EPTC. In contrast the same treatment had a synergistic effect on the growth response of this hybrid to metolachlor. Both the synergism of EPTC by PBO and the antagonism by calcium peroxide are believed to be due to the importance of monooxygenase activity in the metabolism of EPTC. Tolerance to EPTC is consequently more likely to be influenced by oxidative reactions than is tolerance to metolachlor. Réponses comparées d'hybrides sélectionnés de mai's (Zea mays) a l'EPTC et au métolachlor Onze hybrides de mai's (Zea mays) ont étéétudiés en regard de leur croissance suite à un traitement à une dose é1evée (6.7 kg ha?1) de 1'herbicide thiocarbamate, EPTC et de 1'herbicide chloroacétanilide, métolachlor. La plupart des hybrides testés étaient plus sensibles au métolachlor qu' à l'EPTC. II est apparu que le degré de tolérance observé pour 1'un de ces herbicides n'était pas nécessairement accompagné par un degré similaire de tolérance pour 1'autre. Aucune corrélation entre la teneur en glutathion et la tolérance herbicide n'a été observée pour les 11 hybrides testés. Une relation entre 1'activité de la glutathion S–trans–férase (GST) et la tolérance au métolachlor a été suggérée par cette étude. En général les activités GST plus élevées étaient caractéristiques des hybrides les plus tolérants. L'inhibiteur monooxygénase, le pipéronyl butoxide (BPO) en mélange avec l'EPTC a abouti a un effet synergique sur 8 des 11 hybrides testés. PBO a agis en synergic en mélange avec le métolachlor chez seulement 2 hybrides et à une échelle moindre qu'avec 1'EPTC. Un traitement du sol avec un composé oxygéné, du calcium peroxyde, est apparu avoir un effet antagoniste sur la croisance du mai's ‘Northrup–King 9283’ traitéà l'EPTC. Au contraire, le même traitement a eu un effet de synergie sur la croissance de cet hybride traité au métolachlor. Tant la synergie entre l'EPTC et le PBO, que l'antagonisme avec le calcium peroxidé semblent être liés à l'importance de l'activité monoxygenase dans le métabolisme de l'EPTC. La tolérance à l'EPTC est en conséquence plus étroitement influencée par les réactions oxydantes que la tolérance au métolachlor. Reaktion ausgewählter Mais-Hybriden (Zea mays L.) auf EPTC und Metolachlor Das Wachstum von 11 Mais-Hybriden (Zea mays L.) nach Behandlung mit einem hohen Aufwand (6,7 kg ha?1) des Thiocarbamats EPTC und des Chloracetanilids Métolachlor. Es war deutlich, daß der Grad der Toleranz gegenüber einem dieser Herbizide nicht notwendigerweise dem bei dem anderen entsprach. Bei allen 11 Hybriden konnte keine Korrelation zwischen dem Glutathion-Gehalt und der Herbizidtoleranz gefunden werden. Auf Grund dieser Untersuchung wird eine Beziehung zwischen der Aktivität der Glutathion-S-Transferase (GST) und der Metolachlor-Toleranz angenommen, denn tolerantere Hybriden hatten im allgemeinen eine höhere GST-Aktivität. Der Monooxygenase-Hemmer Piperonylbutoxid (PBO) hatte zusammen mit EPTC eine synergistische Wirkung auf 8 der 11 Hybriden. Mit Metolachlor wirkte PBO synergistisch nur bei 2 Sorten und in geringerem Maße als mit EPTC. Eine Bodenbearbeitung mit dem sauerstoffabgebenden Calciumperoxid hatte offensichtlich eine antagonistische Wirkung auf das Wachstum von ‘Northrup-King 9283’ bei Behandlung mit EPTC. Im Gegensatz dazu wirkte dieselbe Behandlung dieser Hybride mit Metolachlor synergistisch. Es wird angenommen, daß sowohl der Synergismus von EPTC mit PBO als auch der Antagonismus mit Calciumperoxid für die Bedeutung der Monooxygenase-Aktivität für den Metabolismus von EPTC sprechen. Die Toleranz gegenüber EPTC ist deshalb wahrscheinlich mehr durch oxydative Reaktionen beeinflußt als die Toleranz gegenüber Métolachlor.  相似文献   

In spatially heterogeneous weed infestations, variable dose technologies could be used to minimise herbicide use; high doses could be applied to reduce high‐density patches and low doses to maintain weed populations in low‐density portions of a field. To assess the potential short‐ and long‐term effects of variable herbicide dose and site‐specific management, the major weed demographic processes were described and parameterised in this study. Various doses of rimsulfuron (from 0 to 12.5 g a.i. ha?1) were applied to different densities of Sorghum halepense (0–100 plants m?2). Contrary to similar studies with other weed species, higher herbicide efficacy was not observed at low densities, suggesting that the same rimsulfuron dose should be applied regardless of the S. halepense density. The highest percentage of control was obtained with the full rimsulfuron dose. However, it did not guarantee a decrease of the infestation in the following season in the field areas where the initial S. halepense density was lower than 60 plants m?2. Reduced doses of rimsulfuron to control S. halepense cannot be recommended based on our results.  相似文献   

夏玉米不同生育期对水分胁迫的生理反应与适应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用大型活动遮雨棚池栽对夏玉米进行了出苗后的全程水分控制试验研究,探讨了不同生育期夏玉米叶面积、根系活力、叶片膜脂过氧化以及保护酶超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性对不同水分胁迫的生理反应与适应。结果表明:轻度受旱在大喇叭口至抽雄初期对植株叶面积影响不大,但抽雄后直至灌浆中期,轻度受旱持续时间长了也会对叶面积造成较大的不良影响。而重旱胁迫在各生育时期对叶面积的影响更为不利。干旱胁迫下,夏玉米生育进程中保护酶SOD、POD和CAT活性基本呈现一致下降的态势,膜脂过氧化作用增强,从而引发细胞内膜系统直接受损,可能是干旱逆境下作物主要的生理反应。各生育阶段因受旱时间和强度的不同,三个保护酶活性下降及膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)积累均表现不同,随干旱胁迫的推进,短时期内对某些保护酶有一定的激发效应,即在大喇叭口期SOD和POD的活性有所增加,但此效应维持不长,其后骤降。受旱时间越长,受旱程度越重,则保护酶活性越低,MDA积累越多。根系对土壤干旱胁迫甚为敏感,玉米拔节期根系活力下降就见端倪,随受旱的延长及加剧将更加促使根系老化,根系活力快速衰减。  相似文献   

In this study, the physiological basis for antagonism induced by mixtures of quizalofop‐ethyl and bromoxynil was investigated in maize seedlings. In sequential applications, antagonism was observed when bromoxynil was applied before quizalofop‐ethyl or in a mixture with quizalofop‐ethyl, but was minimal when bromoxynil was applied afterwards. The degree of antagonism differed with application rates of bromoxynil and with the timing of the treatment. When test herbicides were applied locally to the second leaf, the inhibition of photosystem II (PS‐II) in the herbicide‐treated leaf was higher with the mixture than with bromoxynil or quizalofop‐ethyl alone. Subsequent growth of the untreated third leaf inhibited by quizalofop‐ethyl alone then recovered, depending on the dose of bromoxynil. There was no evidence that bromoxynil affected absorption of quizalofop‐ethyl. In local applications at different positions on the second leaf, antagonism was only observed when quizalofop‐ethyl was applied to the distal part of the leaf and bromoxynil applied to the proximal part. The antagonism of bromoxynil + quizalofop‐ethyl did not occur at the level of acetyl CoA carboxylase and Hill reaction, as revealed by in vitro assays. These results suggest that bromoxynil inhibits the phloem transport of quizalofop‐ethyl and thus antagonises its whole‐plant activity in maize.  相似文献   

Field and pot trials were conducted in two sites of northern Greece (Thermi and Lepti) to study selectivity and weed control in maize (Zea mays L.) with herbicide mixtures based on tembotrione. Treatments included tembotrione (plus isoxadifen-ethyl safener) applied alone at 100 g ai/ha and three mixtures of tembotrione with: (i) rimsulfuron at 10 g ai/ha, (ii) nicosulfuron at 40 g ai/ha and (iii) foramsulfuron at 60 g ai/ha (label rates for weed control in maize). Herbicides were applied at the 7- to 8-leaf growth stage of maize in Thermi and at the 6- to 7-leaf growth stage in Lepti. Six weeks after treatment, control of rhizomatous Sorghum halepense with tembotrione alone was 63% in Thermi and 60% in Lepti, with plants showing the typical bleaching symptoms of the HPPD-inhibiting herbicides. Control of rhizomatous S. halepense with the mixtures was improved from 63% to 86% in Thermi and from 60% to 82% in Lepti compared with the single treatment of tembotrione, with plants showing only the symptoms of reddish/purplish color of the ALS-inhibiting herbicides. Control of common broadleaf weeds of maize, such as Xanthium strumarium, Amaranthus retroflexus, Datura stramonium, and Chenopodium album was excellent (92%–100%) either with tembotrione alone or with the mixtures, with plants showing the typical bleaching symptoms of the HPPD-inhibiting herbicides. None of the mixtures affected the ear length and grain yield of maize. All chemical treatments gave higher grain yield than that of the non-treated control and comparable yield to that of the weed-free control. Grass control (Echinochloa crus-galli, E. phyllopogon, and Setaria viridis) with tembotrione alone was above 90% in the pot experiments which was similar to that achieved with the mixtures. Overall, there was an adequate margin of safety in the use of tembotrione in mixture with ALS-inhibiting herbicides for improved weed control in maize, particularly where rhizomatous S. halepense is problematic.  相似文献   

Growth chamber studies were conducted to investigate the effects of alachor (2-choloro-2′,6′-diethyl-N- (methoxymethyl) acetanilide) on emerging seedlings of maize (Zea mays L.) planted 2.5 and 8.0 cm deep in a Plano silt loam soil. Alachlor was localized in the shoot zone, in the root zone, and in the shoot and root zones. Four days after emergence, seedlings were harvested and total shoot and root lengths used as measures of herbicidal effectiveness. The herbicide applied at a rate of 2.5 kg/ha caused a severe reduction in seedling height when placed in the shoot zone of seeds planted at the shallow depth. This injury was prevented when seeds were planted at the deeper level. When alachlor was placed in the root zone, there was no inhibition of shoot growth. When both shoot and root zones were exposed to the herbicide, severe growth inhibition again occurred. Roots were less sensitive to alachlor. A simple technique involving use of sand and activated charcoal barriers to effectively separate the shoot and root zones is described.  相似文献   

玉米抗旱性的QTL分析研究进展和发展趋势   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
由于分子标记技术的广泛应用,使玉米抗旱性的复杂遗传机制得到逐步了解,其中的一个重要研究进展是通过对玉米抗旱性的数量性状位点(QTL)进行作图和定位,大致了解了一些对抗旱性有显著贡献的基因的染色体位置及其效应,这些结果为分子标记辅助选择和进一步的深入研究打下了基础。在总结分析国际上近十年来在玉米抗旱性QTL分析方面的研究资料的基础上,对研究中涉及到的主要性状及其相互关系、QTL分析中需要注意的主要问题和在该领域的主要研究进展进行了分析评述。认为构建通用的连锁图谱、与功能基因组学研究相结合、应用新的QTL分析技术和抗旱QTL的克隆及其利用将是今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Infection of young roots of maize (Zea mays L.) by the parasitic plant Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. was examined. Attachment to and penetration of roots occurred within 1–2 days after inoculation. Subsequent growth through the cortex to the host stele and proliferation of parasite xylem tissue was commonly completed by 3–4 days after inoculation. Histochemical staining showed that young maize roots do not contain major wall-thickening components. However, an increase in cell wall fluorescence and endodermal cell wall thickness was often seen at the site of infection and in the surrounding maize root tissue at 3 days after inoculation. This host response was variable and did not prevent rapid and successful penetration by the parasite. In contrast, uninfected roots of Pennisetum setosum (Sw.) L. Rich., a species resistant to S. hermonthica, had substantial thickening of the inner endodermal cell walls and exhibited further cell wall thickening at the stele upon infection. Examination of infections on both hosts demonstrated the presence of autofluorescent material at the host-parasite interface. This material was thicker and more extensive at the P. setosum-S. hermonthica interface than at the maize-S. hermonthica interface, and contained polyphenols and lignin. Examination of the host-parasite xylem connections in maize revealed substantial invasion of the host stele by both parenchyma and tracheary elements. In a few cases of P. setosum infection, parasite cells entered the stele; however, this did not lead to successful establishment of the parasite.  相似文献   

Validation data is presented for a conventional PCR test that specifically detects the quarantine pathogen Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii in maize leaf and seed samples and does not cross‐react with the non‐pathogenic P. stewartii subsp. indologenes. The PCR tests currently recommended by the EPPO Diagnostic Protocol PM 7/60 (2) for initial screening bear the risk of false positives as they detect both subspecies of P. stewartii. The test presented here has high analytical sensitivity (102 cells mL–1 in leaf extracts, at least 103 cells mL?1 in seed extracts), high repeatability and high reproducibility and performed well on the two matrices tested: maize seed and leaf extract. Its improved analytical specificity and analytical sensitivity compared to the currently recommended tests lead the authors to suggest that this test should be included as a first screening test in the diagnostic protocol for P. stewartii subsp. stewartii when it is next revised.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether post-emergence application of glufosinate to transgenic crops could lead to an increase in residues or to the formation of new, hitherto unknown metabolites. Transgenic oilseed rape and maize plants were treated separately with L-glufosinate, D-glufosinate or the racemic mixture. Whereas about 90% of the applied D-glufosinate was washed off by rain and only 5-6% was metabolised, 13-35% of the applied L-glufosinate remained in the form of metabolites and unchanged herbicide in both transgenic maize and oilseed rape. The main metabolite was N-acetyl-L-glufosinate with total residues of 91% in oilseed rape and 67% in maize, together with small amounts, of 5% in oilseed rape and 28% in maize, of different methylphosphinyl fatty acids. These metabolites were probably formed from L-glufosinate by deamination and subsequent decarboxylation. The residues were distributed in all fractions of the plants, with the highest contents in treated leaves and the lowest in the grains (0.07-0.3% in maize and 0.4-0.6% in oilseed rape). There was no indication of an accumulation of total residues or of residue levels above the official tolerances for glufosinate.  相似文献   

Agricultural damage caused by wild ungulates can be economically very important worldwide. In Europe, the impact of wild ungulates causes significant losses to crops, mainly to maize, where it exceeds billions of US dollars annually. The objective of this study was to explore the spatial and temporal characteristics of damage caused by wild boar and red deer to maize, in order to propose efficient prevention and mitigation of losses to agricultural producers worldwide. The study was carried out in three forests neighbouring maize fields in two different areas. We recorded data on the proportion, type and the location of the damage by ungulates within the fields. According to our results the damage varied greatly along the vegetation growth period (from green plant to corncob), likely due to the changes in the food supply provided by maize. The proportion of damaged plants increased through the growing season and was probably affected by the appearance of corncobs. Seventy to 90% of the total damage occurred within a 300 m distance to the forest edge. Considering these findings, we propose to arrange a protocol for damage prevention based on damage risk maps.  相似文献   

14C-glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) uptake by germinating maize (Zea mays L. ‘PAG SX56’) or soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. ‘Williams’) seeds from sterile quartz sand was minimal on a weight basis until the radicle became functional. Uptake in soybean seedlings was ten times greater (on a weight basis) than in maize. Germination of either species was not affected by glyphosate concentrations up to 10?3m , but seedling axis elongation was inhibited in soybeans at 10?4m and in maize at [0?3m When 14C-glyphosate was applied to the fully expanded first trifoliolate soybean leaf (assimilate-exporting), movement into root and shoot assimilate sinks occurred. About 7% of the total 14C-glyphosate applied was absorbed and translocated into other parts of the plant by 48 h. Of the total 14C accumulated by 48 h in the roots and apical meristem, nearly 50% was present by 12 h. Minor phytotoxicity resulted from 10 nmoles of glyphosate in the plant. Absorption et migration du 14 C-glyphosate chez le maïs (Zea mays) en germination et chez les semences et les plantes de soja (Glycine max) L'absorption du 14C-glyphosate (N-(phosphonométhyle) glycine)par du maïs en germination (Zea mays L.,‘PAG SX56′)ou par des semences de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merr.,‘Williams’) a partir de sable de quartz stérile a été minimale (sur la base du poids) jusquà ce que la racine devienne fonctionnelle. L'absorption par des plantules de soja a été, sur la base due poids, 10 fois plus grande que chez le maïs. La germination de ces deux espèn n'a pas été affectée par des concentrations de glyphosate allant jusquà 10?3m , maïs l'élongation des plantules a été inhibée chez le soja á 10?4m et chez le maïs à 10?3m . Lorsque le 14C-glyphosate a été appliqué sur la première feuille trifoliée de soja pleinement dévdoppé (en état d'exporter des métabolites). une diminution du mouvemem des métabolites vers les jeunes pousses et vers les racines s'est manifestée. Eaviron 7% du 14C-glyphosate total appliqué a été absorbé et a migré dans d'autres parties de la plume en 48 heures. Près de 50% du 14C total accumulé dans les racines et le méristème apical y était présent en 12 heures. Une faible toxicité a réulté de b présence de 10 nmoles de glyphosate dans la plante. 14 C-glyphosat-Aufnahme und -Translokation bei keimenden Samen von Mais (Zea mays) und Sojabohnen (Glycine max) und bei Sojabohnenpflanzen Die Aufnahme von 14C-Glyphosat (N-(Phosphonomethyl)glycin) aus sterilem Quarszsand durch keimende Samen von Mais (Zea mays L.‘PAG SX56′) und Sojabohnen (glycine max (L.) Merr.‘Williams’) war, bezogen auf das Pflanzengewicht, bis zur Funktionsaufnahme der Keimwurzel, gering. Die Aufnahme war bei den Sojabohnenkeimlingen zehnmal grösser (Gewichts-basis) als bei Mais. Die Keimung wurde bei beiden Arten durch Glyphosat bis zu 10?3m nicht beeinflusst. Das Streckungswachstum des Stengels wurde aber bei der Sojabohne bei 10?4m und beim Mais bei 10?3m gehemmt. Wenn 14C-Glyphosat auf das erste vollstándig entwickelte dreibláttrige Sojabohnenblatt (Assimilate exportierend) appliziert wurde, konnte ein Transport in die Assimilatesinks der Wurzel und des Sprosses beobachtet werden. Nach 48 h waren etwa 7% des applizierten 14C-Glyphosats aufgenommen und in andere Teile der Pflanze transloziert. Vom gesamten nach 48 h in den Wurzeln und im apikalen Meristem akkumulierten 14C waren fast 50% bereits nach 12 h vorhanden. 10 nmol Glyphosat in den Pflanzen waren nur geringfügig phytntoxisch.  相似文献   

R-25788 (2,2-Dichloro-N,N-diallylacetamide) was the most effective of six potential antidotes evaluated to counter corn (Zea mays L.) injury from the acetanilide herbicides alachlor, metolachlor, acetochlor, H-22234 (N-chloroacetyl-N-(2,6-diethylphenyl)glycine ethyl ester), and H-26910 (N-chloroacetyl-N-(2-methyl-6-cthylphenyl)glycine isopropyl ester). The other potential antidotes in order of decreasing effectiveness were: R-29148 (2,2-dimethyl-5-methyl-dichloroacetyloxazolidine), NA (1,8-naphthalic anhydride), CDAA (2-chloro-N,N-diallylacetamide), Carboxin (2,3-dihydro-5-carboxanilido-6-methyl-l,4-oxathiin), and gibberellin (GA3). GA3 only partly relieved the stunting of corn caused by EPTC and metolachlor and did not prevent other herbicide injury symptoms, suggesting that the mode of action of EPTC and metolachlor is not to simply block GA3 synthesis. R-25788 protected corn equally well from acetanilide or EPTC injury. Produits protecteurs du maïs (Zea mays) contre les dommages provoqués par les acétanilides herbicides Le R-25788 (2,2-dichloro-N.N-diallylacétamide) s'est révéléêtre le plus efficace de six produits protecteurs essayés pour préserver le maïs (Zeas mays L.) des dégâts provoqués par des acétanilides herbicides: alachlore, métolachlore, acétochlore, H-22234 (ester éthylique de la N-chloracétyl-N-(2,6-diéthylphényl) glycine) et H-26910 (ester isopropylique de la N-chloroacétyl-N-(2-méthyl-6-éthylphényl) glycine. Les autres produits protecteurs potentiels ont été, dans l'ordre d'efficacité décroissante: le R-29148 (2,2-diméthyl-5-méthyl-dichloroacéthyloxazolidine), l'AN (anhydride 1.8-naphtalique), le CDAA (2-chloro-N-N-diallylacétamide), la carboxyne (2,3-dihydro-5-carboxanilido-6-méthyl-l,4-oxathiine) et la gibbérelline (A3 G). Cette dernière a seulement atténué le rabou-grissement provoqué par l.EPTC et le métolachlore chez le maïs. Elle n'a pas supprimé les symptômes de dommages provoqués par les autres herbicides, ce qui suggère que le mode d'action de I'EPTC et du métolachlore ne consiste pas seulement en un blocage de la synthèse de la gibbérelline. Le R-25788 a protégé le maïs des dommages provoqués par l'acétanilide ainsi que par I'EPTC. Potentielle Antidots zur Vermeidung von Acetanilid-Herbizid-schäden an Mais (Zea mays) Von sechs potentiellen Antidots, die geprüft wurden, um Schäden an Mais (Zea mays L.) durch Acetanilid-Herbizide zu vermeiden, war R-25788 (2,2-Dichlor-N,N-diallylacetamid) am wirksamsten. Die verwendeten Herbizide waren: Alachlor, Metolachlor, Acetochlor, H-22234 [N-Chloracetyl-N-(2,6- diäthylphenyl) glycin Älhylester] und H-26910 [N-Chloracelyl-N-(2-méthyl-6-äthylphenyl)glycin lsopropylester]. Die weiteren möglichen Antidots, in der Reihenfolge abnehmender Wirksamkeit, waren: R-29148 (2,2-Dimethyl-5-methyldichlorace-toxazolidin), NA (1,8-Naphthalsäureanhydrid), CDAA (2-Chlor-N,N-diallylacetamid), Carboxin (2,3-Dihydro-5-car- boxanilido-6-methyl-l,4-oxathiin) und Gibberellin (GA3). durch GA3 wurde die dureh EPTC und Metolachlor verursachte Stauchung des Mais nur teilweise vermieden. Die durch andere Herbizide verusachten Symptome liessen sich durch GA3 nicht vermeiden, was darauf schliessen lässt, dass die Wirkungsweise von EPTC und Metolachlor nicht einfach mit einer Blockierung der GA3 -Synthese zu erklären ist. R-25788 schützte Mais gleichermassen vor Acetanilid-, wie vor EPTC-Schäden.  相似文献   

Four insecticides, carbofuran, chlormephos, terbufos and benfuracarb, currently used on maize (Zea mays) at sowing, were tested for their compatibility with Azospirillum lipoferum strain CRT1 used as an inoculant to improve maize growth and yield. The growth or survival of A lipoferum was studied in the presence of the insecticides: (1) in liquid and solid cultures of the bacteria, (2) when a commercial inoculant (Azogreen‐m?, Liphatech, Meyzieu, France) was inoculated directly on insecticide granules, (3) when inoculated Azogreen‐m granules were mixed with insecticide granules and (4) when inoculated Azogreen‐m granules were delivered separately to the seed bed. Of the four insecticides tested, only terbufos had a slight effect on growth of A lipoferum in solid cultures. All the insecticides decreased the survival of A lipoferum when the bacteria were inoculated directly on to the granules, or when inoculated Azogreen‐m granules were mixed with an insecticide. We hypothesize that the discrepancies between bacterial culture tests and survival studies might be explained by the conditions of desiccation encountered during inoculation of the granules. Desiccation stress could increase the toxic effect of the insecticides. We therefore suggest including desiccation stress in the biotest used to assess inoculant‐pesticide compatibility. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

麦谷宁生测方法及其对玉米的安全性研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
选用种植面积较大且抗逆性较强的玉米品种农大 108为指示植物 ,研究了麦谷宁的玉米沙培试验方法。结果表明 ,浸种催芽 ,播种后先盖覆沙量的一半后加药 60mL,再盖沙至 2 cm厚 ,于 2 5℃黑暗培养 3d,可获得满意的结果。回归分析表明 ,麦谷宁浓度的对数与玉米主根长抑制率相对应的机率值成很好的线性关系 ,r2 均大于 0 .90。就大面积种植的 16个玉米品种对麦谷宁的敏感性测定结果表明 ,掖单 12对麦谷宁较敏感 ,农大 3138对麦谷宁耐药力最强 ,各品种对麦谷宁的 IC50 值均大于 7.38μ g· kg-1,感性介于烟嘧磺隆和氯磺隆之间  相似文献   

Two experimental models simulating the traditional storage conditions prevalent in Kenya, i.e. the open basket model and the modern wooden box model, were used to study the rate of dissipation and fate of malathion residues in maize grains and beans stored for periods of up to one year at ambient temperatures averaging 23°C. The grain samples were initially treated with 10·36 mg kg−1 of radiolabelled malathion dust prior to storage and portions analysed at regular intervals for malathion, malaoxon and the transformation products isomalathion, malathion α-monocarboxylic acid and malathion β-monocarboxylic acid using a combination of chromatographic, radioisotopic and mass-spectrometric techniques. The findings showed a gradual penetration of malathion into the grains in amounts which were slightly higher in maize than in beans irrespective of the method of storage. After 51 weeks of storage, 34–60% of the initial residues persisted in all the grains. The total residual levels were slightly higher in beans than in maize irrespective of the storage methods though the persistence was a little higher in the wooden box than in the open basket. The rates of dissipation of the pesticide from the grains decreased with storage time and followed a biphasic pattern. Applying first-order reaction kinetics, the following half-lives were obtained: maize grains stored in open basket: 194 days; maize grains stored in closed wooden box: 261 days; beans stored in open basket: 259 days; beans stored in closed wooden box: 405 days. Beans stored in the wooden box had higher levels of bound residues than those sampled from the open basket. This trend was similar in maize grains although the concentrations were lower. The analysis of malathion metabolites confirmed the degradation trend of the residues.  相似文献   

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