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农药最大残留限量是指农产品及食品中允许摄入的农药残留量的最大值。农药最大残留限量不仅是判断农产品质量安全的重要技术指标,同时也是各国按照世界贸易组织(WTO)《关于实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定》(SPS协定).保护本国农业产业安全的技术性贸易措施。2009年《食品安全法》颁布实施后,农业部根据《食品安全法》和《食品安全风险评估管理规定》(试行)的有关规定,参照国际食品法典委员会(CAC)和欧美等国家有关农药残留限量标准制定的技术要求及管理程序,制定了《农产品及食品中农药最大残留限量制定指南》和《农产品及食品中农药残留风险评估指导原则》,对我国农药最大残留限量制定的技术要求进行了规范。  相似文献   

禁止和限制使用农药残留限量的是政府加强消费安全、环境安全和农业产业安全保护的重要技术措施。本文在介绍国际组织和欧美等发达国家禁限用农药残留限量制定原则的基础上,对我国禁止和限制使用农药残留限量制定背景、原则和程序进行了详细解读。  相似文献   

本文概述了我国植物生长调节剂的限量标准与CAC限量标准的制定现状,并进行了对比分析。我国农药残留限量标准制定工作起步较晚,技术基础较为薄弱,与国际食品法典农残限量标准相比,还有较大差距。加快制定我国植物生长调节剂限量标准,推进CAC限量标准转化,有利于推动我国农产品出口,保证农产品质量安全。  相似文献   

国际食品法典农药残留限量标准是涉及农药残留问题的国际食品贸易争端的仲裁标准,也是各国政府制定本国农药残留限量的重要参考和依据标准,对农产品国际贸易和消费者健康有着重要影响。本文详细介绍了法典农药残留评估计划的制定原则及2013年-2015年度评估计划,结合我国农药登记使用情况,系统分析法典标准制修订对我国农业生产的影响,并对我国如何积极应对、主动参与法典限量制修订工作提供了建议。  相似文献   

国际食品法典委员会近日发布了2015年农药残留联席会议推荐的29种农药415项农药最大残留限量标准草案.标准草案涉及到的农药绝大多数在我国取得登记并广泛使用,预计将会对我国农药残留限量标准制修订工作和我国农产品进出口贸易产生较大影响.本文介绍了标准草案及其毒理参数和膳食摄入风险等内容,结合我国相关标准进行比对研究,建议相关农药管理、标准制定部门以及农产品进出口贸易管理部门能够予以关注.  相似文献   

"3年内,我国的农药残留标准要从目前的807项增加到7000项,探索建立由国家标准、临时标准、豁免物质名单和一律限量标准等组成的农药残留限量框架,基本形成具有中国特色的农药残留标准体系,切实保障农产品消费安全和公众身体健康。"4月12日,  相似文献   

香辛料是国际贸易中重要的特殊农产品,为保证食品安全,无论是发展中国家还是发达国家都加强了对香辛料中农药残留的研究和管理,并建立了一系列限量(MRLs)标准,这些标准的建立保证了香辛料的产品质量及安全性,同时也有利于促进相关农产品的国际贸易。文章对目前主要国际组织及重要香辛料贸易国家在制定香辛料中农药MRL标准时所遵循的原则、作物分类方式以及具体的MRL标准进行了比较,讨论了中国完善香辛料中农药MRL标准的必要性,旨在促进统一的全球性MRL标准的制定,以保证香辛料中农药残留摄入风险可控及国际贸易的顺利进行。  相似文献   

<正>2014年5月,在江苏省南京市召开的国际食品法典农药残留委员会(CCPR)第46届年会上,来自美国、欧盟等国家和地区的国际食品法典委员会(CAC)成员国代表,对新推荐的国际食品法典农药最大残留限量标准、特色作物农药残留限量标准制定原则、风险分析原则、农药残留检测方法、法典作物分类修订草案等15项议题进行了审议。大会审查并通过了啶虫脒等43种农药在动、植物产品中的600余项残留限量标准草案。这些新制定或修订的国际食品法典农药残留限量标准将对今后国际农产品和食品贸易产生重要影响。食品中的农药残留安全是食品安全的重要组成部分。于1963年开始,CCPR就作为CAC的一个综合主题委员会开  相似文献   

日前,农业部与卫生部联合发布了食品安全国家标准《食品中农药最大残留限量》。该标准将成为我国监管食品中农药残留的唯一强制性国家标准,标志着我国《食品安全法》和《农产品质量安全法》实施以来,农药残留标准制订工作取得了重大突破,有效解决了之前农药残留标准并存、交叉、老  相似文献   

国内外农药最大残留限量标准现状与发展趋势   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
介绍了国际食品法典委员会、欧盟、美国、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和中国的食品及农产品中农药最大残留限量(MRLs)标准的现状,评述了制定MRLs的最新进展、各国MRLs标准体系的组成及发展趋势,通过对比分析,指出了我国在此领域存在的差距,主要表现在标准数量少、协调性差、风险评估及其基础研究工作薄弱、标准制定及修订机制不健全、标准更新不及时等。 建议针对我国农药残留标准体系存在的问题,制定长远规划,加强农药MRLs标准制定及修订所需基础性数据的研究和调查工作,理顺相关标准制定与农药登记管理部门间的关系,加强国际合作和交流,及时掌握相关国际组织和其他发达国家在MRLs标准及食品安全管理方面的最新动态。  相似文献   

The value of resistance depends on its level and stability. The stability is determined by the genetics of host-parasite relationships and not by the genetics of resistance. Quantity as well as quality of resistance and pathogenicity genes may be important. Monogenic and polygenic resistances can be stable or unstable. Research on the backgrounds of stable forms of resistance, e. g. concerning the R-gene and the possibly corresponding gene complex, would be of importance for detection or development of such resistances. The terms uniform and differential resistance should be used with discrimination.  相似文献   

本文以玉米茎腐病人工接种所需的禾谷镰刀菌Fusarium graminearum和拟轮枝镰刀菌F.verticillioides为材料,比较了三角瓶、聚乙烯袋和牛皮纸袋内用谷物培养基制备接种体的差别。发现在牛皮纸袋内用孢子悬浮液接种玉米粒培养基可高效制备接种体。与三角瓶、聚乙烯袋相比,在牛皮纸袋中制备接种体表现生长点多、透气性好、菌丝生长快、污染率低、质量高、对存放环境要求不严的优点。这种方法可以为玉米茎腐病等相似土传病害的人工接种和病圃建造等提供高质量的接种体。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Environmental pesticides, including insecticides and herbicides, are frequently encountered as mixtures and threaten non‐target organisms in water. Evaluation of the combined toxicity of diverse pesticides with various concentration combinations is important, especially using limited experimental effort. Uniform design (UD) is one optimal experimental technique that can rationally arrange the concentrations of mixture components so that, with a minimum number of experimental runs, the combined toxicity of multiple pesticide mixtures can be evaluated. RESULTS: The concentration compositions of 18 pesticide mixture points designed by UD covered almost all possible concentration ranges of the mixture components on account of the two merits of ‘space filling’ and ‘multiple levels’. The combined toxicities of 18 mixture rays extended by using the fixed‐ratio ray design (FRRD) from 18 UD mixture points were evaluated by concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA) models. It was found that the concentration–response curves (CRCs) predicted by CA were, on the whole, located between the 95% confidence intervals of the experimental CRCs, which implied that the combined toxicity of the pesticide mixture rays could be evaluated by CA. The CRCs predicted by IA were very similar to those from CA. CONCLUSION: The model developed from the UD mixture rays can effectively simulate mixtures with arbitrary concentration compositions of 15 pesticides. The CA model can accurately evaluate and predict the combined toxicity of the pesticides, which provides a useful tool for risk assessment of a mixture of multiple pesticides in the aquatic environment. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In studies on competition between crops and weeds it may be desirable to manipulate time of emergence, density and spatial arrangement of weeds. This requires a method to obtain a fast and uniform emergence of weeds. Two planting methods were compared that differed in the medium (agar or blotting paper) on which seeds were germinated, and in the method of transplanting the seeds (with or without the medium). In wet soil, emergence started earlier when seeds were germinated on agar and subsequently planted with agar. Root tips of seeds germinated on blotting paper may have been damaged to a greater extent during transplanting, because root tips tended to grow into the blotting paper. The duration, heterogeneity and final level of emergence were not affected by the planting method. In dry soil in a greenhouse experiment, the final level of emergence was much less when seeds were planted using the blotting paper method than when they were planted using the agar method. The agar may have provided a small source of water which reduced dehydration of emerging plants. The results were similar for the three species studies, namely, Chenopodium album L., Senecio vulgaris L. and Solanum nigrum L.  相似文献   

Taylor's power law (TPL), an empirical law relating the observed variance to mean density (or abundance), has found wide applicability for characterizing heterogeneity in many disciplines. However, when the density variable has an upper bound, the TPL does not hold and the binary power law (BPL) needs to be used instead. The BPL has been shown to describe the heterogeneity of numerous plant disease epidemic systems. In this study, a generic stochastic simulator was used to study the extent to which the BPL can satisfactorily describe incidence data. Results showed that the symmetrical BPL does hold whenever there is a positive correlation among neighbours on the probability of a plant becoming infected, or where disease development is not influenced by the neighbours. These results held for a wide range of neighbourhood sizes, strengths of neighbourhood influence, and size of the sampling quadrats. However, the symmetrical BPL did not hold when there is a negative influence among neighbours. The more general asymmetrical BPL (ABPL) fitted the data with positive or negative neighbourhood influence, but because a negative neighbourhood effect is generally unlikely for plant epidemics, the symmetrical BPL is preferred over the ABPL because of its parsimony. The magnitude of the estimated BPL parameters increased with increasing neighbourhood influence and sampling‐quadrat size. However, except when the power parameter equals 1, inferring specific underlying mechanisms generating the data or comparing BPL estimates from different studies is difficult, because of the large effect of sampling on the BPL parameter estimates.  相似文献   

应用均匀设计法筛选稗草病原菌产孢最佳配方培养基   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 筛选生防菌最佳产孢培养基是高效、大量生产生防菌孢子的基础。应用均匀设计法结合二次多项式回归分析,从众多因素中筛选出稗草病原菌弯孢菌(Curvularia lunata)和互格交链孢菌(Alternaria alternata)最佳产孢培养基组分,建立多元二次回归数学模型。弯孢菌最佳产孢组分为胡萝卜、芹菜、欧芹、水芹、莴苣、蔗糖和Vc;互格交链孢菌最佳产孢组分为胡萝卜、芹菜、水芹、莴苣和蔗糖。根据回归模型计算理论(拟和)产孢值。比较实测产孢量和理论产孢值,结果表明,稗草病原菌的实测产孢量和回归模型拟合产孢值非常接近,拟合误差小。说明采用均匀设计法从众多因素中筛选培养基最佳成分是可行的。  相似文献   

作物非充分灌溉适宜土壤水分下限指标研究进展   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
从三个方面对非充分灌溉技术体系中土壤水分下限指标进行了讨论:①土壤水分下限的概念;②影响土壤水分下限的主要因素;③土壤水分下限对作物水分生产效率和作物产量的影响.认为研究中存在的主要问题有:土壤水分下限值的研究目前还集中在大田粮食作物及部分经济作物,有关瓜果蔬菜作物的土壤水分下限值有待研究;以往对土壤水分下限值的研究较少考虑到作物的旱后补偿或超补偿效应.  相似文献   

应用盆栽试验研究了线辣椒苗期土壤水分下限、灌水上限对后期产量的协同效应,结果表明:灌水上限与土壤水分下限对线辣椒产量有明显的正效应和交互效应,灌水上限主效应为土壤水分下限主效应的1.65倍;线辣椒灌水上限与土壤水分下限之间的效应函数为报酬递减函数,灌水上限与土壤水分下限效应存在一个合理协同区域,灌水上限为62%~84.1%,土壤水分下限为40%~49%;在上述协同区域内,提高灌水上限、土壤水分下限均能起到增产的目的,且两因素之间的作用具有补偿性,即灌水上限(或土壤水分下限)的降低可以通过增加土壤水分下限(或灌水上限)的水平保证产量不减;本盆栽试验线辣椒获得最大产量的适宜灌水上限为相当于田间持水量的84.1%,土壤水分下限为相当于田间持水量的49%。  相似文献   

Conyza bonariensis is a major weed infesting zero‐tilled cropping systems in subtropical Australia, particularly in wheat and winter fallows. Uncontrolled C. bonariensis survives to become a problem weed in the following crops or fallows. As no herbicide has been registered for C. bonariensis in wheat, the effectiveness of 11 herbicides, currently registered for other broad‐leaved weeds in wheat, was evaluated in two pot and two field experiments. As previous research showed that the age of C. bonariensis, and to a lesser extent, the soil moisture at spraying affected herbicide efficacy, these factors also were investigated. The efficacy of the majority of herbicide treatments was reduced when large rosettes (5–15 cm diameter) were treated, compared with small rosettes (<5 cm diameter). However, for the majority of herbicide treatments, the soil moisture did not affect the herbicide efficacy in the pot experiments. In the field, a delay in herbicide treatment of 2 weeks reduced the herbicide efficacy consistently across herbicide treatments, which was related to weed age but not to soil moisture differences. Across all the experiments, four herbicides controlled C. bonariensis in wheat consistently (83–100%): 2,4‐D; aminopyralid + fluroxypyr; picloram + MCPA + metsulfuron; and picloram + high rates of 2,4‐D. Thus, this problem weed can be effectively and consistently controlled in wheat, particularly when small rosettes are treated, and therefore C. bonariensis will have a less adverse impact on the following fallow or crop.  相似文献   

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