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The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Regional Disparities in Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After a long period of industrialization based on import substitution (ISI), Mexico started to open up its economy by accessing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1986. The export‐promotion strategy was transformed into one of regional integration with the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994. The paper explores the impact of the opening of the economy on regional disparities in Mexico using σ and β‐convergence analyses. Four different samples have been employed to control for possible data bias linked to the inclusion of oil‐producing and maquiladora‐based states. The results show that whereas the final stages of the ISI period were dominated by convergence trends, trade liberalization (GATT) and economic integration (NAFTA) have led to divergence. In particular, the NAFTA period is related to divergence regardless of the type of analysis chosen and the sample used.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Existing studies of convergence across jurisdictions of a nation have focused on developed economies. A key assumption underlying regional convergence is geographical factor mobility, and in a developed economy, mobility is facilitated by low transportation costs. By the same token, convergence in a less-developed economy may be impeded by the absence of a well-developed transportation infrastructure. We examine the rate and industrial composition of economic convergence in a neighboring less-developed country (LDC), Mexico, to examine how it might have differed from the U.S. experience. We find evidence of stronger convergence in Gross State Product per capita in Mexico relative to existing estimates of U.S. convergence. Further, while manufacturing activity has been found to be a primary source of convergence in the U.S., we find weaker evidence of convergence of manufacturing activity in Mexico. On the other hand, industries such as hotels and transportation were found to be significantly influential in regional convergence in the Mexican economy.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the factors driving regional growth in Mexico, paying special attention to the potentially growth‐enhancing role of innovation and innovation policy. The analysis combines innovation variables with indicators linked to the formation of adequate social conditions for innovation (the social filter), and spillovers for 31 Mexican states and the Mexico City capital district (the Distrito Federal) during the period 2000–2010. The results indicate that regional economic growth across Mexican states stems from direct investment in research and development (R&D) in areas with favorable social filters and which can benefit not only from knowledge spillovers, but also from being surrounded by rich neighbors with good social conditions. The results stress that, although Mexican innovation policy has been relatively well targeted in order to generate greater economic growth, its relatively modest size may have undermined the attainment of its main objectives.  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyzes regional disparity in terms of convergence of per capita income across Mexican states for the period 1970–2005. In particular, this study extends the conventional cross‐sectional conditional β‐convergence analysis of the existing literatures on Mexico to panel data analysis, and focuses on whether the convergence performance varies between the pre‐ and post‐economic liberalization periods. When unobservable state‐specific effects are controlled by the panel data technique, the estimated coefficients show significant conditional β‐convergence, even after economic liberalization, but with a lower speed than before economic liberalization.  相似文献   

This paper reviews some of the past decade's studies of producer or intermediate-services exports from local regions. After a discussion of conceptual and methodological problems and inconsistencies, we present these studies according to the three basic methodologies: surveys, location quotients, and input-output. Overall, our sense is that these studies support limited but important conclusions: (1) If intermediate services are defined broadly, certain of these activities have as their major function interregional or international transfer or trade. By nature, these distributive services have widespread clients, and benefit from locations with substantial physical and communications infrastructure. (2) Among most business-and financial-service activities, most offices are established to serve a local region, but may derive some revenues from beyond this expected zone. (3) The exceptions—the activities and establishments that derive much of their revenue beyond such “normal” zones—are particularly specialized, particularly large, or parts of multiregional enterprises. (4) Such firms tend to locate in larger or more specialized urban places, probably because of the labor force, the corporate connections, and the rapid dissemination of ideas, contacts, and information within and among the largest metropolitan areas. These conclusions lead to some general policy recommendations.  相似文献   

]随着城镇化和工业化的高速发展,经济发展和生态环境保护之间的矛盾日益加剧。客观评价区域生态安全状况、变化规律、影响因素,并适时准确进行生态安全预警,对促进区域经济社会和生态环境协调发展具有重要意义。[方法]本研究运用PSR模型构建安徽省生态安全评价指标体系,综合熵权法和层次分析法确定指标综合权重,对2008-2013年安徽省区域生态安全状况进行评价和预警。[结果]结果发现安徽省生态安全综合指数总体呈上升趋势,大部分区域处于轻警-无警区。生态安全指数空间上呈南高北低趋势,皖南山区生态安全状况最好,江淮地区次之,皖北地区较差。从驱动因子上看,皖北地区生态安全受压力指标影响较大,江淮地区生态安全受状态指标影响较大,皖南地区生态安全受响应指标影响较大。[结论]本研究进一步丰富了省域生态安全评价实证案例和相关理论体系,为政府制定相关决策提供了技术支撑和理论依据。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Despite the growing importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Mexican economy, statistical evidence on the determinants of the regional distribution of foreign‐owned firms is seriously limited. In this paper, empirical findings are presented from a variety of econometric models that identify several regional characteristics influencing the locational choice of FDI. The main findings are threefold. First, several locational factors appear to be potentially important; these include regional demand, wages, schooling, infrastructure, and agglomeration economies. Second, the effect of agglomeration economies stems from several sources. In particular, the regional presence of agglomerations of manufacturing activity and of foreign‐owned manufacturing firms both have an independent positive effect on the locational decision of new FDI. Third, the locational process of maquiladora firms differs from the locational process of overall FDI. The actual findings suggest that regional demand and infrastructure, as suggested above, are not important locational factors for export‐oriented firms. Furthermore, whereas agglomeration economies from manufacturing and the presence of existing FDI attract new maquiladora investment, the presence of a regional agglomeration of services deters the location of new maquiladora firms. Finally, agglomeration economies appear to be more important in the locational process of maquiladora firms.  相似文献   

Canada, the U.S., and Australia have recently experienced an increased regional dispersion of entering immigrants. American research suggests that a mixture of economic push factors (away from states like California) and pull factors (toward states with growth of low‐wage jobs) and changing government policies and regulations contributed to the development of the New Gateways. Very few studies have been conducted to determine why the regional dispersion of entering immigrants occurred in Canada. This paper assesses the extent to which changes in immigration selection programs, notably, the Provincial Nominee Programs, contributed to the regional dispersion of entering immigrants. Using data from immigrant landing records, this study shows that different factors accounted for changes in the share of immigrants settling in different destinations. Changes in immigration selection programs played the primary role in the increasing numbers going to Saskatchewan and Manitoba, although improving economic conditions may have played an indirect role. Shifts in immigrant source regions were an important factor in the decrease in immigration to Toronto and in the increase to Montréal. Economic conditions likely played a significant role in the changes in the shares of new immigrants going to Toronto, Montréal, Calgary, and Edmonton.  相似文献   

气候变化对沈阳地区大田作物的影响   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
为了当地农业结构调整、保障粮食生产提供依据,研究沈阳地区1951-2010年气候变化,采用气候倾向率及标准偏差方法对气候变化做定量分析。结果表明:沈阳地区年平均气温倾向率为0.196℃/10a,气候跃变之后年平均气温升高0.7℃;年降水量倾向率为-16.724 mm/10a,气候跃变之后降水减少40mm,多雨年在减少,少雨年在增加;第一场透雨出现时间被推迟,个别年份播种期受到限制。气候跃变之后终霜日提前,初霜日后推,延长了无霜期,作物播种期可适当早播;降水量减少、第一场透雨出现时间后延和不稳定,对作物生长和播种影响较大,成为农作物正常生长和产量稳定提高的限制因素。  相似文献   

大豆新品种豫豆二号是用“郑7104×滑县大绿豆”进行有性杂交、系谱法选育而成,具有丰产、稳产、优质、适应性广、抗病性强、耐肥、抗倒和对光温反应迟钝的特点.在河南省以及相邻地区种植,生育期100—105天,麦田套种和夏播皆可.本文利用一年多点和多年多点试验资料,通过方差分析、模糊数学评判等综合评价了豫豆二号的丰产性、稳产性和抗病、抗倒性能,进一步探讨了豫豆二号高产的生物学特性和丰产栽培技术要点.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental aspects of the economic and social viability of the local and regional areas of Turkey is the degree to which they have access to the wider national economic and social system. Accessibility is, therefore, of major social, economic and political significance in Turkey and it directly affects Turkey's regional growth and the quality of life in local communities. However, the importance of the economic and social viability of the communities is increasingly complicated in the face of rapid global economic recession. It is argued that countries need to develop knowledge economies to compete successfully as knowledge is a critical factor for growth. This paper integrates accessibility and the importance of knowledge creation in understanding local and regional economic development. This empirical study has shown that although there is a high correlation between the accessibility index and the population figures of Turkey, accessibility to knowledge differs across Turkish provinces.  相似文献   

为了加快我省优质高产豌豆新品种的选育和推广应用步伐,对象山县农技推广中心新选育的豌豆品种象豌1号进行丰产陛、适应陛、品质及商品性等方面的鉴定,从而为品种认定和推广应用提供科学依据,特进行2005年冬季浙江省内多点品种比较试验。现将试验结果总结如下。  相似文献   

With the exception of Austin, metropolitan regions in Texas are not commonly included in research and analysis concerning creative economies—attention is largely focused on either the traditional capitals of creative production, New York and Los Angeles, or emerging, secondary regions such as Austin and Seattle, Washington. This article utilizes an industrial approach to examine the creative economies of the four most populous metropolitan regions of Texas—Austin, Dallas‐Ft. Worth, Houston, and San Antonio—and detail their scale, scope, and change between 2005 and 2015. Results help establish the creative economies of the Dallas‐Ft. Worth, Houston, and San Antonio metropolitan regions in the existing stream of creative research and discussion, offer further perspective on the dynamics and strength of the Austin region's creative economy, and provide insight into how regional creative economies emerge in rapidly urbanizing regions during the digital era. Additionally, special attention is paid to how these four creative economies transformed during the recessionary period from 2007 to 2009. Results of that attention build on prior research which points to the recession having a varied influence on creative economies depending on trends in the broader regional economies that house them.  相似文献   

New business formation is an important stimulant to economic activity. However, some 20 percent of new firms die within their first year of operation. Policy makers designing programs to engineer regional economic development need to know what specific factors affect new firm survival. This paper conducts an analysis of the determinants of survival for new enterprises in the state of Georgia. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of local factors. Duration analysis is applied to four cohorts of new enterprises starting during the period 2001 to 2004. The results show that firms located in urban areas are at a higher risk of failure. However, firms situated in counties that have achieved a high level of economic development stand a better chance of surviving. Other factors such as firm size, ownership structure, industry entry rates, and business cycle fluctuations are also influential.  相似文献   

为了提高人们对国有林生态系统价值的认识,合理开发和利用森林资源,制定国有林生态补偿标准,应用生态学和生态经济学原理及方法,对建阳国有林生态系统服务价值进行了定量评价,并从生态系统服务功能的角度分析了建阳国有林生态系统对区域生态安全的影响。结果表明:建阳国有林生态系统8项服务价值总量为14.7924×108元/a。建阳国有林生态系统服务功能的直接经济价值和间接经济价值分别为2.6936×108元/a和12.0988×108元/a,间接经济价值是直接经济价值的4.49倍。在国有林生态系统各项服务功能价值的贡献之中,其大小顺序依次为:保护生物多样性>净化空气>固碳释氧>水土保持>林产品>涵养水源>森林游憩>就业价值;国有林生态系统有着巨大的生态经济效益,在维护区域经济社会稳定和生态安全等方面具有不可替代的作用,但没有充分发挥自身所应具有的生态服务功能。  相似文献   

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