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Summary It is commonly assumed that a large fraction of fertilizer N applied to a rice (Oryza sativa L.) field is lost from the soil-water-plant system as a result of denitrification. Direct evidence to support this view, however, is limited. The few direct field, denitrification gas measurements that have been made indicate less N loss than that determined by 15N balance after the growing season. One explanation for this discrepancy is that the N2 produced during denitrification in a flooded soil remains trapped in the soil system and does not evolve to the atmosphere until the soil dries or is otherwise disturbed. It seems likely, however, that N2 produced in the soil uses the rice plants as a conduit to the atmosphere, as does methane. Methane evolution from a rice field has been demonstrated to occur almost exclusively through the rice plants themselves. A field study in Cuttack, India, and a greenhouse study in Fort Collins, Colorado, were conducted to determine the influence of rice plants on the transport of N2 and N2O from the soil to the atmosphere. In these studies, plots were fertilized with 75 or 99 atom % 15N-urea and 15N techniques were used to monitor the daily evolution of N2 and N2O. At weekly intervals the amount of N2+N2O trapped in the flooded soil and the total-N and fertilized-N content of the soil and plants were measured in the greenhouse plots. Direct measurement of N2+N2O emission from field and greenhouse plots indicated that the young rice plant facilitates the efflux of N2 and N2O from the soil to the atmosphere. Little N gas was trapped in the rice-planted soils while large quantities were trapped in the unplanted soils. N losses due to denitrification accounted for only up to 10% of the loss of added N in planted soils in the field or greenhouse. The major losses of fertilizer N from both the field and greenhouse soils appear to have been the result of NH3 volatilization.  相似文献   

According to Broadbent and Clark (3), there are numerous data indicating that denitrification leads to the emission of N2O together with N2, whereby loss of N is developed from soils. Nitrous oxide is also released from soils to the atmosphere during the nitrification of ammonium and ammonium-producing fertilizers under aerobic conditions (1). Relatively few attempts have been made to directly measure N2O evolution under field conditions (6, 7, 10–12), although a number of laboratory studies have been reported. These studies are essential for determining the N balance between additions and losses of soil N.  相似文献   

曹亚澄  钟明  龚华  陆国兴 《土壤学报》2013,50(1):113-119
用化学方法分别将土壤中微量的铵、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐转化为N2O气体,然后用带自动预浓缩装置的同位素比值质谱仪测定N2O中的15N丰度.N2O中的15N丰度测量值完全符合铵、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的15N参考值.方法快速、简单和准确,不受空气氮的污染.特别是方法的检测限很低,每批次样品中只需含5~ 20μg N.它将有助于土壤氮素的矿化作用、硝化作用和反硝化作用的研究.  相似文献   

Summary Field studies of the effects of different N fertilizers on emission of nitrous oxide (N20) from three Iowa soils showed that the N2O emissions induced by application of 180 kg ha–1 fertilizer N as anhydrous ammonia greatly exceeded those induced by application of the same amount of fertilizer N as aqueous ammonia or urea. On average, the emission of N2O-N induced by anhydrous ammonia was more than 13 times that induced by aqueous ammonia or urea and represented 1.2% of the anhydrous ammonia N applied. Experiments with one soil showed that the N2O emission induced by anhydrous ammonia was more than 17 times that induced by the same amount of N as calcium nitrate. These findings confirm indications from previous work that anhydrous ammonia has a much greater effect on emission of N2O from soils than do other commonly used N fertilizers and merits special attention in research relating to the potential adverse climatic effect of N fertilization of soils.Laboratory studies of the effect of different amounts of NH4OH on emission of N2O from Webster soil showed that the emission of N2O-N induced by addition of 100 g NH4OH-N g–1 soil represented only 0.18% of the N applied, whereas the emissions induced by additions of 500 and 1 000 g NH4OH-N g–1 soil represented 1.15% and 1.19%, respectively, of the N applied. This suggests that the exceptionally large emissions of N2O induced by anhydrous ammonia fertilization are due, at least in part, to the fact that the customary method of applying this fertilizer by injection into soil produces highly alkaline soil zones of high ammonium-N concentration that do not occur when urea or aqueous ammonia fertilizers are broadcast and incorporated into soil.  相似文献   

Summary A sandy soil amended with different forms and amounts of fertilizer nitrogen (urea, ammonium sulphate and potassium nitrate) was investigated in model experiments for N2O emission, which may be evolved during both oxidation of ammonia to nitrate and anaerobic respiration of nitrate. Since C2H2 inhibits both nitrification and the reduction of N2O to N2 during denitrification, the amount of N2O evolved in the presence and absence of C2H2 represents the nitrogen released through nitrification and denitrification.Results show that amounts of N2O-N lost from soils incubated anaerobically with 0.1% C2H2 and treated with potassium nitrate (23.1 µg N-NO 3 /g dry soil) exceeded those from soils incubated in the presence of 20% oxygen and treated with even larger amounts of nitrogen as urea and ammonium sulphate. This indicates that nitrogen losses by denitrification may potentially be higher than those occurring through nitrification.  相似文献   

Molecular nitrogen (N2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) generated by denitrification increase N losses in the soil–plant system. This study aimed to quantify N2 and N2O from potassium nitrate (K15NO3) applied to soils with different textures and moisture contents in the absence and presence of a source of carbon (C) using the 15N tracer method. In the three soils used (sandy texture (ST), sandy clay loam texture (SCLT), and clayey texture (CT)), three moisture contents were evaluated (40%, 60%, and 80% of the water holding capacity (WHC)) with (D+) and without (D?) dextrose added. The treatments received 100 mg N kg?1 (KNO3 with 23.24 atom% 15N). N2 emissions occurred in all of the treatments, but N2O emissions only occurred in the D+ treatment, showing increases with increasing moisture content. SCLT with 80% WHC in the D+ treatment exhibited the highest accumulated N emission (48.26 mg kg?1). The 15N balance suggested trapping of the gases in the soil.  相似文献   

Summary Field studies to determine the effect of different rates of fertilization on emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) from soil fertilized with anhydrous ammonia showed that the fertilizer-induced emission of N2O-N in 116 days increased from 1.22 to 4.09 kg ha–1 as the rate of anhydrous ammonia N application was increased from 75 to 450 kg ha–1. When expressed as a percentage of the N applied, the fertilizer-induced emission of N2O-N in 116 days decreased from 1.6% to 0.9% as the rate of fertilizer N application was increased from 75 to 450 kg N ha–1. The data obtained showed that a 100% increase in the rate of application of anhydrous ammonia led to about a 60% increase in the fertilizer-induced emission of N2O.Field studies to determine the effect of depth of fertilizer injection on emission of N2O from soil fertilized with anhydrous ammonia showed that the emission of N2O-N in 156 days induced by injection of 112 kg anhydrous ammonia N ha–1 at a depth of 30 cm was 107% and 21 % greater than those induced by injection of the same amount of N at depths of 10 cm and 20 cm, respectively. The effect of depth of application of anhydrous ammonia on emission of N2O was less when this fertilizer was applied at a rate of 225 kg N ha–1.  相似文献   

Topography and slope position influence the soil and environmental factors that affect N2 fixation by legumes. The present study was conducted to (1) estimate N2 fixation by field peas in a gently rolling farm field using the natural 15N abundance and the 15N-enriched isotope dilution techniques and (2) identify soil and environmental factors that influence N2 fixation at the landscape scale. Whereas soil available water capacity, available NH inf4 sup+ , total crop yield, and percent N derived from N2 fixation (% Ndfa) estimated using enriched N were significantly affected by landform patterns, soil NO inf3 sup- levels, seed yield, and the % Ndfa estimated using natural abundance did not follow landform patterns. The % Ndfa using natural abundance was correlated with NH inf4 sup+ but not with available soil water, pH, electrical conductivity, NO inf3 sup- , or particle size. Estimates of the % Ndfa using enriched 15N ranged from 0 to 92.8%. The highest median value (68.6%) for % Ndfa using enriched N occurred on the divergent footslopes, with the lowest value (28.1%) on the convergent shoulders. Estimates of % Ndfa using natural abundance ranged from 13.2% to 96.9%. Smaller fluctuations during the growing season in the 15N of the available N pool may have resulted in less variability for % Ndfa using natural abundance compared to enriched 15N. Despite similar mean values for % Ndfa using natural abundance (44.5) and enriched 15N (49.6), no significant correlation between the two estimates was found. These results suggest that although topography may exert gross controls on N2 fixation, large variations in N2 fixation at the microsite level may preclude correlations between individual estimates and limit detection of landscape scale patterns of N2 fixation.Contribution No. R754 of the Saskatchewan Center of Soil Research  相似文献   

土壤是产生N2O的最主要来源之一。硝化和反硝化反应是产生N2O的主要机理,由于硝化和反硝化微生物同时存在于土壤中,因而硝化和反硝化作用能同时产生N2O。N2O的来源可通过使用选择性抑制剂,杀菌剂以及加入的标记底物确定。通过对生成N2O反应的每一步分析,主要从抑制反应发生的催化酶和细菌着手,总结了测量区分硝化、反硝化和DNRA反应对N2O产生的贡献方法。并对15N标记底物法,乙炔抑制法和环境因子抑制法作了详细介绍。  相似文献   

Summary The effect of soil water content [60%–100% water-holding capacity (WHC)] on N2O production during autotrophic nitrification and denitrification in a loam soil was studied in a laboratory experiment by selectively inhibiting nitrification with a low C2H2 concentration (2.1 Pa). Nitrifiers usually produced more N2O than denitrifiers. During an initial experimental period of 0–6 days the nitrifiers produced more N2O than the denitrifiers by a factor ranging from 1.4 to 16.5, depending on the water content and length of incubation. The highest N2O production rate by nitrifiers was observed at 90% WHC, when the soil had become partly anaerobic, as indicated by the high denitrification rate. At 100% WHC there were large gaseous losses from denitrification, while nitrification losses were smaller except for the first period of measurement, when there was still some O2 remaining in the soil. The use of 10 kPa C2H2 to inhibit reduction of N2O to N2 stimulated the denitrification process during prolonged incubation over several days; thus the method is unsuitable for long-term studies.  相似文献   

Summary The efficiency of N use in flooded rice is usually low, chiefly due to gaseous losses. Emission of CH4, a gas implicated in global warming, can also be substantial in flooded rice. In a greenhouse study, the nitrification inhibitor encapsulated calcium carbide (a slow-release source of acetylene) was added with 75, 150, and 225 mg of 75 atom % 15N urea-N to flooded pots containing 18-day-old rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants. Urea treatments without calcium carbide were included as controls. After the application of encapsulated calcium carbide, 3.6 g N2, 12.4 g N2O-N, and 3.6 mg CH4 were emitted per pot in 30 days. Without calcium carbide, 3.0 mg N2, 22.8 g N2O-N, and 39.0 mg CH4 per pot were emitted during the same period. The rate of N added had a positive effect on N2 and N2O emissions, but the effect on CH4 emissions varied with time. Carbon dioxide emissions were lower with encapsulated calcium carbide than without. The use of encapsulated calcium carbide appears effective in eliminating N2 losses, and in minimizing emissions of the greenhouse gases N2O and CH4 in flooded rice.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition at natural abundance levels of nitrous oxide emitted from a sandy loam, neutral pH soil under a range of soil water contents (matric potentials of-0.1,-1.0 and-5.0 kPa), from soil amended with sodium succinate and sodium ethanoate, and produced by pure cultures of the nitrifying bacteria Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrosolobus multiformis, and by the denitrifying bacterium Pseudomonas putida, has been determined in laboratory experiments. N2O from all sources was depleted in the 15N and 18O isotopes relative to the conventional references [atmospheric N2 and standard mean ocean water (SMOW), respectively]. N2O from soil was depleted in 15N and 18O to increasing extents with increasing soil water content. The isotopic composition of N2O produced by N. europaea and N. multiformis was similar to that emitted from drier soil (matric potential of-1.0 kPa) and the N2O produced by P. putida was similar to that emitted from wetter soil (matric potential of-0.1 kPa). N2O emitted from the wetter soil was enriched in 15N and 18O compared with that emitted from the drier soil. The differences in isotopic composition between N2O from the wetter and drier soil were attributed principally to isotopic fractionation during N2O reduction to N2 in the terminal step of denitrification. The effect of both sodium succinate and sodium ethanoate amendment was to increase the overall rate of N2O emission, much of which arose from denitrification, as revealed by incubation in 100 kPa O2. In addition, in the sodium ethanoate amended soil N2O reduction to N2 did not occur, as revealed by incubation in 10 kPa C2H2. The N2O from the sodium ethanoate amended soil was depleted in 15N to a greater extent than the sodium succinate amended soil, which is consistent with the observation that N2O reduction to N2 leaves residual N2O relatively enriched in 15N.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas and agricultural soils are major sources of atmospheric N2O. Its emissions from soils make up the largest part in the global N2O budget. Research was carried out at the experimental fields of the Leibniz-Institute of Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim (ATB). Different types (mineral and wood ash) and levels (0, 75 and 150 kg N ha−1) of fertilization were applied to annual (rape, rye, triticale and hemp) and perennial (poplar and willow) plants every year. N2O flux measurements were performed 4 times a week by means of gas flux chambers and an automated gas chromatograph between 2003 and 2005. Soil samples were also taken close to the corresponding measuring rings. Soil nitrate and ammonium were measured in soil extracts.N2O emissions had a peak after N fertilization in spring, after plant harvest in summer and during the freezing–thawing periods in winter. Both fertilization and plant types significantly altered N2O emission. The maximum N2O emission rate detected was 1081 μg N2O m−2 h−1 in 2004. The mean annual N2O emissions from the annual plants were more than twofold greater than those of perennial plants (4.3 kg ha−1 vs. 1.9 kg ha−1). During January, N2O fluxes considerably increased in all treatments due to freezing–thawing cycles. Fertilization together with annual cropping doubled the N2O emissions compared to perennial crops indicating that N use efficiency was greater for perennial plants. Fertilizer-derived N2O fluxes constituted about 32% (willow) to 67% (rape/rye) of total soil N2O flux. Concurrent measurements of soil water content, NO3 and NH4 support the conclusion that nitrification is main source of N2O loss from the study soils. The mean soil NO3-N values of soils during the study for fertilized soils were 1.6 and 0.9 mg NO3-N kg−1 for 150 and 75 kg N ha−1 fertilization, respectively. This value reduced to 0.5 mg NO3-N kg−1 for non-fertilized soils.  相似文献   

Soil compaction and soil moisture are important factors influencing denitrification and N2O emission from fertilized soils. We analyzed the combined effects of these factors on the emission of N2O, N2 and CO2 from undisturbed soil cores fertilized with (150 kg N ha−1) in a laboratory experiment. The soil cores were collected from differently compacted areas in a potato field, i.e. the ridges (ρD=1.03 g cm−3), the interrow area (ρD=1.24 g cm−3), and the tractor compacted interrow area (ρD=1.64 g cm−3), and adjusted to constant soil moisture levels between 40 and 98% water-filled pore space (WFPS).High N2O emissions were a result of denitrification and occurred at a WFPS≥70% in all compaction treatments. N2 production occurred only at the highest soil moisture level (≥90% WFPS) but it was considerably smaller than the N2O-N emission in most cases. There was no soil moisture effect on CO2 emission from the differently compacted soils with the exception of the highest soil moisture level (98% WFPS) of the tractor-compacted soil in which soil respiration was significantly reduced. The maximum N2O emission rates from all treatments occurred after rewetting of dry soil. This rewetting effect increased with the amount of water added. The results show the importance of increased carbon availability and associated respiratory O2 consumption induced by soil drying and rewetting for the emissions of N2O.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated inconsistent results on the impact of tillage systems on nitrogen (N) losses from field-applied manure. This study assessed the impact of no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) systems on gaseous N losses, N2O:N2O + N2 ratios and NO3-N leaching following surface application of cattle manure. The study was undertaken during the 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 seasons at two field sites in Nova Scotia namely, Streets Ridge (SR) in Cumberland County and the Bio-environmental Engineering Centre (BEEC) in Truro. Results showed that the NT system had higher (p < 0.05) NH3 losses than CT. Over the two seasons, manure incorporation in CT reduced NH3 losses on average by 86% at SR and 78% at BEEC relative to NT. At both sites and during both seasons, denitrification rates and N2O fluxes in NT were generally higher than in CT plots, presumably due to higher soil water and organic matter content in NT. Over the two seasons, mean denitrification rates at SR were 239 and 119 g N ha−1 d−1, while N2O fluxes were 120 and 64 g N ha−1 d−1 under NT and CT, respectively. At BEEC mean denitrification rates were 114 and 71 g N ha−1 d−1, while N2O fluxes were 52 and 27 g N ha−1 d−1 under NT and CT, respectively. Conversely, N2O:N2O + N2 ratios were lower in NT than CT suggesting more complete reduction of N2O to N2 under NT. When averaged across all soil depths, NO3-N was higher (p < 0.05) in CT than NT. Nitrate-N decreased with depth at both sites regardless of tillage. In most cases, NO3-N was higher under CT than NT at all soil depths. Similarly, flow-weighted average NO3-N concentrations in drainage water were generally higher under CT. This may be partly attributed to higher denitrification rates under NT. Therefore, NT may be a viable strategy to remove NO3-N from the soil, and thus, reduce NO3-N contamination of groundwater. However, it should be noted that while the use of NT reduces NO3-N leaching it may come with unintended environmental tradeoffs, including increased NH3 and N2O emissions.  相似文献   

To understand nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from terrestrial ecosystems it is necessary to understand the processes leading to N2O production. Here, for the first time, results are presented which identify in situ the processes of N2O production in a temperate grassland soil. A small portion of the nitrogen (N) applied in the summer to the grassland soil was rapidly transported below the main rooting zone (>20 cm) and resulted in large N2O productions at depths of 20-50 cm. Preferential pathways must have been responsible for this movement because the soil conditions were not conducive to leaching by piston flow. The N2O was entirely produced by nitrate (NO3) reduction which was surprising because the bulk soil was aerobic. Therefore, reduction processes can operate during times of the year when it is least expected and cause large N2O concentrations deep in the soil profile.  相似文献   


The present study investigated the nitrogen balance in swine manure composting to evaluate the effect of nitrite (NO? 2) accumulation, which induces nitrogenous emissions, such as N2O, during compost maturation. During active composting, most N losses result from NH3 emission, which was 9.5% of the initial total nitrogen (TNinitial), after which, NO? 2 began to accumulate as only ammonia-oxidizing bacteria proliferated. After active composting, the addition of mature swine compost (MSC), including nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB), could prevent NO? 2 accumulation and reduce N2O emission by 70% compared with the control in which NO? 2 accumulated as a result of delayed growth of indigenous NOB. Total N2O emissions in the control and in the treatment of MSC addition (MA) were 9.3% and 3.0% of TNinitial, respectively, whereas N losses as the sum total of NH3 and N2O over the whole period were 19.0% (control) and 12.8% (MA) of TNinitial, respectively. However, the difference in total N losses was markedly greater than that measured as NH3 and N2O, which were 27.8% (control) and 13.3% (MA) of TNinitial, respectively. These results demonstrated that the magnitude of nitrogen losses induced by NO? 2 accumulation is too large to ignore in the composting of swine manure.  相似文献   

Soils are the major source of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) to our atmosphere. A thorough understanding of terrestrial N2O production is therefore essential. N2O can be produced by nitrifiers, denitrifiers, and by nitrifiers paradoxically denitrifying. The latter pathway, though well-known in pure culture, has only recently been demonstrated in soils. Moreover, nitrifier denitrification appeared to be much less important than classical nitrate-driven denitrification. Here we studied a poor sandy soil, and show that when moisture conditions are sub-optimal for denitrification, nitrifier denitrification can be a major contributor to N2O emission from this soil. We conclude that the relative importance of classical and nitrifier denitrification in N2O emitted from soil is a function of the soil moisture content, and likely of other environmental conditions as well. Accordingly, we suggest that nitrifier denitrification should be routinely considered as a major source of N2O from soil.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of increasing oxygen concentrations (0, 5, 10 and 20 Vol% O2) on total denitrification and N20 release was studied in model experiments using a neutral pH loamy soil relatively rich in easily decomposable organic matter and supplied with nitrate (300 g nitrate N/g dry soil). The sterilized soil was inoculated with three different denitrifying bacteria (Bacillus licheniformis,Aeromonas denitrificans andAzospirillum lipoferum) and incubated (80% WHC, 30°C). The gas volume was analysed for O2, CO2, N2O, NO and N2 by gas chromatography and the soil investigated for changes in ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, pH, total N and C as well as water-extractable C. WithB. licheniformis andAeromonas denitrificans total denitrification increased remarkably with increasing pO2 as the result of intensified mineralization.Azospirillum lipoferum, however, showed the highest activity at 5 vol% O2. WithB. licheniformis N2O was released only in anaerobic conditions and at 5 Vol% O2 (maximum) or 10 Vol% 02, but not at 20 Vol%, whereasAeromonas denitrificans produced N2O only in the presence of He gas (maximum) or at 5 Vol% O2. In contrast to these bacteria, N2O production withAzospirillum lipoferum was restricted to 10 Vol% O2 (maximum) and to 20 Vol% 02, with some traces at 5 vol% O2. With a certain set of conditions, total denitrification and N2O formation seem to be governed by the mineralization rate of the organisms in question. The increased demand for electron acceptors by a high turnover rate rather than the presence of anaerobic conditions seems to have determined the rate of denitrification.  相似文献   

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