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基于人工神经网络的树高曲线模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用人工神经网络建模技术,以河南农业大学三区内毛白杨人工林99株的断面积平均直径和树高资料为基础,研建了树高曲线人工神经网络BP模型和幂函数模型。通过两个函数模型的比较表明:人工神经网络建模技术精度高、误差小,具有很强的泛化能力。在用幂函数拟合较差的情况下,人工神经网络也取得很高的精度,其拟合效果具有明显的优势。  相似文献   


Key message

Tree heights in the central Congo Basin are overestimated using best-available height-diameter models. These errors are propagated into the estimation of aboveground biomass and canopy height, causing significant bias when used for calibration of remote sensing products in this region.


Tree height-diameter models are important components of estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) and calibrating remote sensing products in tropical forests.


For a data-poor area of the central Congo Basin, we quantified height-diameter model performance of local, regional and pan-tropical models for their use in estimating AGB and canopy height.


At three old-growth forest sites, we assessed the bias introduced in height estimation by regional and pan-tropical height-diameter models. We developed an optimal local model with site-level randomizations accounted for by using a mixed-effects modeling approach. We quantified the error propagation of modeled heights for estimating AGB and canopy height.


Regional and pan-tropical height-diameter models produced a significant overestimation in tree height, propagating into significant overestimations of AGB and Lorey’s height. The pan-tropical model accounting for climatic drivers performed better than the regional models. We present a local height-diameter model which produced nonsignificant errors for AGB and canopy height estimations at our study area.


The application of general models at our study area introduced bias in tree height estimations and the derived stand-level variables. Improved delimitation of regions in tropical Africa with similar forest structure is needed to produce models fit for calibrating remote sensing products.

  • ? Allometry of sapwood/heartwood is essential for understanding tree growth, water transport and carbon allocation, timber production and use, but such an allometry is lacking for Chinese temperate tree species.
  • ? We studied the allometry and development of heartwood and sapwood for seven Chinese temperate tree species: Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc), Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr.), Japanese elm (Ulmus davidiana Planch var. japonica (Rehd.) Nakai), Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr.), Manchurian walnut (Juglans mandshurica Maxim.), Amur cork-tree (Phellodendron amurense Rupr.), and Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica Fisch.).
  • ? All heartwood parameters investigated, including heartwood radius (HR), heartwood formation rate (HFR), heartwood ring number (HRN), heartwood initiation age (HIA), and heartwood volume ratio (HVR), were positively correlated with tree cambial age (CA). The HR, sapwood width (SW), sapwood area (SA), heartwood and sapwood volumes were significantly related to stem diameter at breast height (DBH) or xylem diameter. There was a polynomial relationship between the sapwood ring longevity (SRL) and sapwood ring number (SRN). However, most of the allometric relationships were species-dependent. The hardwood formation patterns were different between coniferous and broadleaved tree species. A power function was suitable to scale SA from DBH, but the exponent varied from 1.32 for the larch to 2.19 for the cork-tree.
  • ? Our allometry provided a practical means to assess wood development and related physiology for the temperate tree species.
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    The aim of this study was to establish the sources of variation in maritime pine wood properties related to appearance and strength, because of the importance of this wood in the sawing industry in Galicia (NW Spain). Ten trees from each of ten plots of the species (i.e., 100 trees) growing in Galicia were felled and sawn to produce the structural planks required for studying the presence of external strength-reducing characteristics. The planks were sampled from the basal logs to 16 m height in the stems, yielding cross sections of target dimensions 100 × 40 mm to 200 × 200 mm. We propose a model in which individual tree height and dominant height are used to predict the knottiness of planks from trees in mature stands. The abundance of externally visible knots on faces and edges of sawn planks is therefore more dependent on the stand location than on the prior silvicultural treatment of the stand.  相似文献   

    苹果树大改形技术,自2001年推广以来,经过多年的努力.广大苹果生产者对提干、落头、稀枝及间伐等技术都有了充分的认识和普遍推广应用,使果园的整体通风透光条件得到了有效改善。但就结果枝组的改形修剪方面,针对目前的主栽品种红富士而言,从果树营养的均衡分配供应上讲,还得不到足够重视和合理化改形修剪。这在很大程度上制约了苹果整体生产效益的提升,如果体整齐度、果实着色率、果面光洁度等方面。  相似文献   

    松属树种体胚发生研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    体胚发生是松属树种最具潜力的无性繁殖方法。该文总结了松属树种体细胞胚胎发生的国内外研究进展,重点分析了体胚发生技术各个环节的影响因素,最后对松属树种体胚技术存在的问题进行了总结。  相似文献   

    King DA 《Tree physiology》1991,9(3):369-381
    Relationships between tree height and crown dimensions and trunk diameter were determined for shade-tolerant species of old-growth forests of western Oregon. The study included both understory and overstory species, deciduous and evergreen angiosperms and evergreen conifers. A comparison of adult understory species with sapling overstory species of similar height showed greater crown width and trunk diameter in the former, whether the comparison is made among conifers or deciduous trees. Conifer saplings had wider crowns than deciduous saplings, but the crown widths of the two groups converged with increase in tree height. Conifer saplings had thicker trunks than deciduous saplings of similar crown width, possibly because of selection for resistance to stem bending under snow loads. The results suggest that understory species have morphologies that increase light interception and persistence in the understory, whereas overstory species allocate their biomass for efficient height growth, thereby attaining the high-light environment of the canopy. The greater crown widths and the additional strength requirements imposed by snow loads on conifer saplings result in less height growth per biomass increment in conifer saplings than in deciduous saplings. However, the convergence in crown width of the two groups at heights greater than 20 m, and the proportionately smaller effect of snow loads on large trees, may result in older conifers equalling or surpassing deciduous trees in biomass allocation to height growth.  相似文献   

    Longleaf pine communities occupy a small fraction of their original extent in the southeastern United States and are in great need of restoration and conservation management. Recent anthropogenic disturbances, such as pine straw raking, may interfere with seedling survival and, hence, restoration efforts. We examined the effects of mechanized straw raking on longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) seedlings (pre-grass stage, or <3-yr-old) in natural, fire-maintained plant communities in Croatan National Forest, North Carolina, by testing the effects of number of rakings (0–4 times during a 2-yr period (1992–1994)) and community type (pine-turkey oak, dry savanna, and mesic savanna) on seedling densities in 1-m2 quadrats. Despite initial differences in densities of seedlings among communities, analyses of variance did not detect significant differences among communities as averaged over time and raking treatment. Both raked and unraked quadrats exhibited declines in seedling density during the study, but the declines were greater for raked quadrats. After 2 yr, initial densities were, on average, reduced by 34% in unraked quadrats and by 47%, 63%, 78%, and 77% in quadrats raked one, two, three, and four times, respectively. In quadrats raked four times, censuses performed after each raking indicated significant declines in densities in response to all but the first raking. Raking either injures pine seedlings directly and/or modifies microsite conditions in ways unfavorable for seedling survival. Having established a link between raking and mortality, we now recommend additional work to reveal the causal mechanisms. Land management decisions should accommodate the potential adverse effects of mechanized raking on pine regeneration.  相似文献   

    为了评价人工剪梢防治微红梢斑螟对松树生长的影响,分别在当年5月份和7月份对微红梢斑螟危害过的马尾松、湿地松幼林实施人工剪梢防治微红梢斑螟幼虫.结果表明:人工剪梢防治微红梢斑螟对松树生长的影响与剪梢时间和树种有关.人工剪梢防治对马尾松、湿地松地径生长均有一定的促进作用,其中5月份剪梢的马尾松地径增长最明显,达14.87%...  相似文献   

    Allometry of shoot extension units (hereafter termed "current shoots") was analyzed in a Malaysian canopy species, Elateriospermum tapos Bl. (Euphorbiaceae). Changes in current shoot allometry with increasing tree height were related to growth and maintenance of tree crowns. Total biomass, biomass allocation ratio of non-photosynthetic to photosynthetic organs, and wood density of current shoots were unrelated to tree height. However, shoot structure changed with tree height. Compared with short trees, tall trees produced current shoots of the same mass but with thicker and shorter stems. Current shoots with thin and long stems enhanced height growth in short trees, whereas in tall trees, thick and short current shoots may reduce mechanical and hydraulic stresses. Furthermore, compared with short trees, tall trees produced current shoots with more leaves of lower dry mass, smaller area, and smaller specific leaf area (SLA). Short trees adapted to low light flux density by reducing mutual shading with large leaves having a large SLA. In contrast, tall trees reduced mutual shading within a shoot by producing more small leaves in distal than in proximal parts of the shoot stem. The production of a large number of small leaves promoted light penetration into the dense crowns of tall trees. All of these characteristics suggest that the change in current shoot structure with increasing tree height is adaptive in E. tapos, enabling short trees to maximize height growth and tall trees to maximize light capture.  相似文献   

    To evaluate windthrow resistance with respect to stem breakage, a nondestructive method for determining the shape of trunk cross sections was developed. In this method, the coordinates of multiple gauge points set on the perimeter of a trunk are calculated by measuring the distances between them. The shape between the gauge points is generated with the use of a profile gauge placed between them. Measurement tests were conducted using profile gauges with lengths of 300 and 900 mm on model specimens with four shape patterns and four different diameters. The accuracy of the estimation was verified by comparing the section modulus calculated for the generated image and for the photograph. The average ratio of section modulus (generated/photo) for all specimens was 0.994, which indicates that the proposed method is highly accurate. The section moduli of hollow trunks can be evaluated using the profile method together with the drill resistance technique on the condition that 26% of the trunk diameter could be drilled without skew.  相似文献   

    Climate change and the future for broadleaved tree species in Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

    The development of anatomical, hydraulic and biomechanical properties in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stems aged 7 to 59 years was followed. The hydraulic diameter and length of tracheids increased with age to a maximum at 15 and 35 years, respectively. Number of tracheids per unit of sapwood area decreased with age to a minimum of 500-600 tracheids mm(-2). Variations in specific hydraulic conductivity and Young's modulus of stems were associated with variation in anatomical properties. Over the time sequence considered, hydraulic and mechanical properties were positively related to each other and followed a similar developmental pattern, with no suggestion of a trade-off between the two. For most of the tree's life-cycle, heartwood made only a small contribution to whole-section mechanical stiffness because of its location close to the flexural neutral axis, and because of the presence of juvenile wood.  相似文献   

    Forest recruitment is the outcome of local- and regional-scale factors such as disturbances and climate. The relative importance of local- and regional-scale factors will determine the spatial scale at which temporal pulses of recruitment occur. In seasonal tropical forests, where the annual dry-season is a critical bottleneck to seedling survival, multi-year periods of relatively cool, wet dry seasons may be required for successful tree recruitment. Consequently, when such conditions are present, region-wide synchronisation of recruitment may occur. To examine the case for regional synchronisation of forest dynamics in the seasonal tropical pine forests of northern Thailand, we investigated forest age structures at three spatial scales: stand, site and region. We compared forest age structures with instrumental climatic records beginning in 1902. We found significant statistical evidence of synchronous recruitment at the stand- and site-scales, but not at the regional-scale. While correlations between recruitment and climate were not statistically significant, recruitment success was often linked to favourable climatic conditions. For example, recruitment at all sites was associated with multi-year periods of cool-wet dry seasons. The lack of significant correlations between recruitment and climate appears to reflect complex interactions among local disturbance history, regional climate variability and pine recruitment.  相似文献   

    We investigated the radial variation of sap flow within sapwood below the live crown in relation to tree size in 10-, 32-, 54- and 91-year-old maritime pine stands (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Radial variations were determined with two thermal dissipation sensors; one measured sap flux in the outer 20 mm of the xylem (Jref), whereas the other was moved radially across the sapwood in 20-mm increments to measure sap flux at multiple depths (Jref). For all tree sizes, sap flow ratios (Ri = JiJref (-1)) declined with increasing sapwood depth, but the decrease was steeper in trees with large diameters. Correction factors (C) were calculated to extrapolate Jref for an estimate of whole-tree sap flux. A negative linear relationship was established between stem diameter and C, the latter ranging from 0.6 to 1.0. We found that neglecting these radial corrections in 10-, 32-, 54- and 91-year-old trees would lead to overestimation of stand transpiration by 4, 14, 26 and 47%, respectively. Therefore, it is necessary to account for the differential radial profiles of sap flow in relation to tree size when comparing tree transpiration and hydraulic properties among trees differing in size.  相似文献   

    Plant physiological models are generally parameterized from many different sources of data, including chamber experiments and plantations, from seedlings to mature trees. We obtained a comprehensive data set for a natural stand of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) and used these data to parameterize the physiologically based model, TREGRO. Representative trees of each of five tree age classes were selected based on population means of morphological, physiological, and nearest neighbor attributes. Differences in key physiological attributes (gas exchange, needle chemistry, elongation growth, needle retention) among the tree age classes were tested. Whole-tree biomass and allocation were determined for seedlings, saplings, and pole-sized trees. Seasonal maxima and minima of gas exchange were similar across all tree age classes. Seasonal minima and a shift to more efficient water use were reached one month earlier in seedlings than in older trees because of decreased soil water availability in the rooting zone of the seedlings. However, carbon isotopic discrimination of needle cellulose indicated increased water-use efficiency with increasing tree age. Seedlings had the lowest needle and branch elongation biomass growth. The amount of needle elongation growth was highest for mature trees and amount of branch elongation growth was highest for saplings. Seedlings had the highest biomass allocation to roots, saplings had the highest allocation to foliage, and pole-sized trees had the highest allocation to woody tissues. Seedlings differed significantly from pole-sized and older trees in most of the physiological traits tested. Predicted changes in biomass with tree age, simulated with the model TREGRO, closely matched those of trees in a natural stand to 30 years of age.  相似文献   

    We tested the hypothesis that the leaf area/sapwood area ratio in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is influenced by site differences in water vapor pressure deficit of the air (D). Two stands of the same provenance were selected, one in western Scotland and one in eastern England, so that effects resulting from age, genetic variability, density and fertility were minimized. Compared with the Scots pine trees at the cooler and wetter site in Scotland, the trees at the warmer and drier site in England produced less leaf area per unit of conducting sapwood area both at a stem height of 1.3 m and at the base of the live crown, whereas stem permeability was similar at both sites. Also, trees at the drier site had less leaf area per unit branch cross-sectional area at the branch base than trees at the wetter site. For each site, the average values for leaf area, sapwood area and permeability were used, together with values of transpiration rates at different D, to calculate average stem water potential gradients. Changes in the leaf area/sapwood area ratio acted to maintain a similar water potential gradient in the stems of trees at both sites despite climatic differences between the sites.  相似文献   

    Predictions of damage risk from snow and wind at sites using tree characteristics of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), were made using a subset of data from permanent sample plots within the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI). The plots were sampled twice at five-year intervals between 1983 and 1992. A logistic risk assessment model was developed using data originating from 286 plots, dominated by Scots pine (> 65% of basal area), within one county situated in the boreal zone in northern Sweden (Västerbotten). The model was evaluated with NFI-data from two other counties, one adjacent to Västerbotten (Västermorrland, 99 plots), which is also in the boreal zone, and one (Kalmar, 138 plots) in the hemi-boreal zone in southern Sweden. In each plot, measurements at first inventory of tree characteristics for the largest undamaged sample tree, and measurements at second inventory of damage from snow and wind on all sample trees were used to develop a logistic model that predicts the damage probability for each site. The best predictors were upper diameter (ud, diameter at 3 or 5 m) and the ratio of height/diameter at breast height (rhd). According to the model calculations, the overall damage probability never exceeded 0.26 for any of the sample plots used for model development. At a given ud the probability of damage is higher for a site with trees of low rhd. The fit of the model was better for the adjacent Västernorrland county than for the southern county, Kalmar. This inferior predictability was explained by differences in tree characteristics between Kalmar and the other counties. The results show that it is possible to predict damage from snow and wind at a site by using only single tree characteristics.  相似文献   

    H. Zhao  C. Chen  S. Liu  P. Liu  Q. Liu  H. Jian 《Forest Pathology》2013,43(6):444-454
    To assess the role of bacteria in pine wilt disease (PWD), aseptic M form (with a mucronated tail) and R form (with a round tail) of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and B. mucronatus were obtained and compared, in terms of reproduction and pathogenicity, with non‐aseptic nematode. In addition, bacteria isolated from non‐aseptic nematodes and pine trees inoculated with non‐aseptic nematodes were identified. The results indicated that the bacteria associated with nematodes significantly lowered the reproduction of R form of B. xylophilus and B. mucronatus. Both the non‐aseptic and aseptic R forms of B. xylophilus induced death in all infected 7‐ to 8‐year‐old pine trees, while the non‐aseptic and aseptic M forms of B. xylophilus and B. mucronatus caused almost no plant mortality. High numbers of the non‐aseptic and aseptic R forms of B. xylophilus were distributed throughout the inoculated trees, while B. mucronatus and M form of B. xylophilus nematodes were lower in number and their distribution in stems limited within the inoculation site. Bacteria isolated from non‐aseptic nematodes were not recovered from the pine trees inoculated with these same kinds of nematodes. Two species of bacteria were both isolated from non‐aseptic B. mucronatus and from R form of B. xylophilus. Microbacterium trichotecenolyticum was common to both the control and inoculated pine trees. These results suggest that R form of B. xylophilus is the causal agent of PWD and that bacteria cannot increase the virulence of B. xylophilus and B. mucronatus.  相似文献   

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