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应用硫酸铜浴蹄法,对三例蹄底溃疡的奶牛进行治疗,其中两例由外因引起的病牛完全治愈,且在一个月后产奶量即恢复正常水平.另一例由遗传性因素引起的病牛,除因蹄变形引起左后肢轻度蹄底溃疡外,其他一切健康状况良好,经修蹄和一般治疗后,产奶量升高.证明了硫酸铜浴蹄法治疗奶牛蹄底溃疡费用低,效果良好.  相似文献   

1.1概念奶牛蹄底溃疡又称局限性蹄皮炎,也称作Rusterholz溃疡,是指蹄的底球结合部发生角质缺失,真皮裸露,进而发生肉芽组织增生,甚至引起蹄深部组织感染的一种常见疾病。  相似文献   

奶牛蹄底溃疡的调查与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

蹄底溃疡又名局限性蹄皮炎,是指牛蹄底和蹄球结合部发生角质缺失、真皮裸露,进而发生肉芽组织增生,甚至引起蹄深部组织感染的一种常见蹄病。高产奶牛与分娩后产奶高峰期发病较多,长期站立在水泥地面的牛发病率高。常规治疗不仅治愈率低,而且疗效不稳定,在常规治疗的基础上增加口服硫酸锌,会出现极显著的治疗效果。  相似文献   

为了查清莱西市奶牛蹄底溃疡的发病情况,探索有效的防治方法,笔者于2009-2010年对不同饲养管理条件,不同年龄的2527头奶牛进行了现场调查,对其中416头健康奶牛进行了综合预防试验,对56头病牛进行了治疗试验。  相似文献   

奶牛蹄病的病因与综合防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
奶牛蹄病是指奶牛蹄部的病理变化,包括蹄病和蹄变形。奶牛蹄病是奶牛业的主要疾病之一,与乳房炎和生殖系统疾病共同构成奶牛饲养业的三大制约因素。奶牛蹄病是奶牛的常见疾病,从疾病的病理表现分为蹄底溃疡、白线损伤、蹄底脓肿、趾  相似文献   

腐蹄病是影响奶牛场生产的重要疾病之一,舍饲奶牛发病率高,最高可达30—40%。腐蹄病的发生不仅影响产奶和运动,严重者常常导致淘汰。据报道,因患腐蹄病而淘汰约占总淘汰率的19%以上,腐蹄病给奶牛业造成了严重的经济损失。临床通常采用修蹄、浴蹄和抗菌治疗等措施防治腐蹄病,尽管这些常规防治措施对奶牛腐蹄病有一定疗效,但由于操作不便,费时费力,人们仍在不断寻找和研发新的防治腐蹄病药物,探索新的给药途径以方便用药、提高疗效。  相似文献   

奶牛肢蹄病是奶牛四肢及蹄部疾病的总称。四肢每段的皮肤、皮下组织、骨、关节、韧带、肌腱均可发生病变。在奶牛饲养中,常见的肢蹄病以跗关节磨损及炎症肿胀、趾间皮炎(俗称蹄叉炎)、蹄底溃疡为主。前肢肢蹄病主要集中在趾间皮炎及蹄底溃疡,  相似文献   

笔者通过对新疆石河子地区规模化奶牛场的调查,奶牛肢蹄病发病高,预防和治疗不是很到位,造成奶牛生产性能降低而淘汰,实为可惜,文中表达了笔者的看法,以期与同仁交流共勉.  相似文献   

The Finnish Healthy Hooves project was set up to determine the frequency of, and risk factors for various hoof lesions in Finnish dairy herds. Data were collected in the years 2003 and 2004. A large dataset of over 74,000 cow-level observations recorded by hoof trimmers was merged with production data from the Finnish Agricultural Data Processing Centre Ltd. Ultimately, data from a single lactation from each of 16,792 cows in 703 herds were used for the analyses in this paper. Three-level hierarchical logistic models with hoof trimmer and farms (within hoof trimmer) as random effects were fit to data sets of tie stall (TS) and loose housing (LH) herds separately. The outcome of interest was the presence or absence of a sole ulcer in one or more legs of a cow during the lactation of interest.Cows examined once had a risk of sole ulcer 5.23% in tie stall herds and 7.58% in LH herds. As the number of examinations increased the odds of a diagnosis of sole ulcer increased substantially (2 and 3+ examinations had odds ratios (ORs) of 1.42 and 3.42 in TS herds and 2.77 and 6.89 in LH herds). Breed had a large effect on the risk of sole ulcer with Holsteins 2.89 times more likely to be affected than Ayrshires in TS herds and 2.94 times in LH herds. In TS herds, the presence of other hoof lesions such as haemorrhages (OR = 2.97), heel-horn erosions (OR = 2.10) and corkscrew claw (OR = 2.83) increased the risk of a sole ulcer developing. In LH herds, only haemorrhages (OR = 1.80) were a significant risk factor when parity was ≥2. In TS herds, use of mats (compared to hard flooring) significantly reduced the risk of sole ulcers (OR = 0.49). The effect of parity on the risk of sole ulcer was greatest when parity ≥4 but this effect was only significant in tie stalls (OR = 1.86).When analyses were restricted to cows with parity ≥2, similar results were obtained for the risk factors identified above. In addition, parity became highly significant in TS and LH (OR 2.31 and 2.23, respectively when parity was 4+). In TS herds, herd average milk production was significantly associated with a decrease risk of sole ulcer (OR = 1.28 per 1000 kg decrease) but there was no effect of production at the cow level (measured as deviation from the herd mean). No significant effects of production were observed in LH herds.  相似文献   

Bleeding abomasal ulcers in adult dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Case records of abomasal ulcers in adult dairy cattle admitted to the University of Pennsylvania during a 12-year period were reviewed. The only records retrieved were those for cases in which the clinical signs were directly associated with gastrointestinal bleeding. Of 6,385 adult cows admitted during the study period, 69 had clinical ulceration. Twenty-four were bleeding ulcers: 12 nontumor-associated bleeding ulcers and 12 lymphosarcoma-associated bleeding ulcers. Nontumor-associated bleeding ulcers were commonly found in young cows (7 cows less than or equal to 4 years old) that often had concurrent postparturient disease conditions. Lymphosarcoma-associated bleeding ulcers were found more commonly in older cows (10 cows greater than or equal to 6 years old) during all stages of lactation, often without concurrent diseases (8 cows).  相似文献   

Trials were conducted on 2 commercial sheep flocks in the Gippsland region of Victoria to determine the efficacy of treating ovine virulent footrot by footbathing in aqueous zinc sulphate solution (20% w/v). The effects of foot paring, parenteral penicillin, vaccination and addition of sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) to the footbaths were assessed. Trial 1 comprised 297 sheep with an initial prevalence of footrot of 33% and most lesions were severe and chronic. Treatment of sheep with unpared feet by zinc sulphate footbathing for 1h did not result in a significant reduction in footrot prevalence (n = 120, cure rate 33%) whereas a significant (P less than 0.01) response was obtained by footbathing for 1h with zinc sulphate/SLS (n = 120, cure rate 55%). Trial 2 comprised 1,042 sheep with a pretreatment footrot prevalence of 71% and predominantly severe lesions. In this flock all treated sheep were footbathed in zinc sulphate/SLS for 1h on 2 occasions, 5 days apart and the effects of additional surgical and parenteral treatments were assessed. Foot paring had a significant detrimental effect on cure rate (P less than 0.01). The administration of procaine penicillin at the time of the first footbathing with zinc sulphate/SLS made no significant improvement to the rate of cure. Footrot vaccine given 8 and 2 weeks prior to footbathing did not cure significantly more sheep than footbathing alone, but the results were significantly better than from foot paring plus footbathing, and from combined foot paring, footbathing and parenteral penincillin treatment (P less than 0.01). The cure rate was 84% for sheep that were only footbathed, 72% for those foot pared and footbathed, 72% for those foot pared, footbathed and given penicillin, and 88% for those vaccinated and footbathed.  相似文献   

奶牛流行热的临床治疗初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
奶牛流行热是由牛流行热病毒引起的一种暴发、急性、热性传染病。此病传播迅速 ,呼吸、消化器官严重卡他性炎症 ,多数病牛伴随运动障碍、产奶停止 ,特别是高产牛病情尤为严重 ,死亡率也高。一般发病都在 7~ 1 0月 ,蚌埠市郊区上一次奶牛暴发流行此病是在1 991年 7月中旬到 9月下旬 ,给饲养奶牛的村集体和农户造成很大的经济损失。到 1 997年 7月下旬至 9月下旬本病又在市郊饲养奶牛的施徐、张公山、和戴湖村再次暴发流行 ,经统计 5 2户村民饲养奶牛 347头 ,染病 2 6 5头 ,其中成母牛 2 6 3头 ,犊牛 2头 ,发病率73.8%。死亡 1 4头 ,因瘫痪淘…  相似文献   

Fourty-four Holstein Friesian cows diagnosed as having ovarian follicular cysts from rectal palpation of the ovaries and observation of estrous behavior were used for the present experiments. Of the 16 cows injected intramuscularly (i.m.) with 110 mg of depot-progestins containing 100 mg of 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate and 10 mg of progesterone in oil, 8 cows responded with conception with 103 +/- 53 days in average after the treatment. The 8 cows not responding to depot-progestins were injected i.m. with 6,000 MU of HCG on the 10th day after the treatment. As a result, 2 cows of them conceived within 72 days in average after the initial treatment. Of the other 16 cows injected i.m. with 100 mg of progesteron in oil, 3 cows conceived. Interval between the treatment and conception was 36 +/- 9 days in average. In the 11 cows which failed to respond to progesterone treatment, an intramuscular injection of 6,000 MU of HCG on the 5th day after treatment resulted in conception of 7 cows within 42 +/- 10 days in average after the first treatment. Of the remaining 12 cows which received an i.m. injection with 10,000 MU of HCG, 4 cows responded with conception with 64 +/- 51 days in average after treatment. No remarkable rise in serum progesterone levels was observed either 10 days after depot-progestins injection or 5 days after progesterone treatment. Serum progesteron levels increased distinctly after HCG injections. The combined treatment with 100 mg of progesterone and 6,000 MU of HCG at 5 days interval gave the most successful results and this treatment was effective even when performed long after calving. Thus this method of treatment of cystic ovarian disease may be recommended for practical application.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: An outbreak of severe lameness was reported on a 780-cow spring-calving dairy herd in the Manawatu region within 1–3 weeks of calving, which affected over 90% of a group of 150 dairy heifers. Approximately 3 weeks before the planned start of calving heifers had been fed maize and grass silage on a concrete feed pad for 3–4 h per day, and mixed with a group of adult cows.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: During treatment for lameness, the feet of 28 lame heifers were closely examined. Seventy lesions were recorded in the claws of these heifers. The predominant lesion was severe solar and white line haemorrhage, with much of the haemorrhage focussed at the site at which sole ulcers are normally seen. White line disease was seen in nine claws and sole ulcers in four. Additionally, a lesion which is not commonly recorded in New Zealand, a toe abscess arising from separation of the white line from the sole in the abaxial region of tip of the toe was recorded in 11 claws. The clinical impression was that the soles of the affected heifers were very thin. This was supported by examination of the feet of eight heifers using ultrasonography that indicated heifers with hoof horn haemorrhages had very thin soles (estimated mean 4.1 mm) and that these soles were thinner than those in non-lame heifers without haemorrhages.

DIAGNOSIS: The pattern of disease seen in these heifers closely matched that seen in an outbreak of lameness in heifers in Florida, which was linked to thin soles resulting from excess hoof horn wear. The clinical signs and findings of the examination using ultrasonography strongly implicated thin soles as the underlying cause of lameness on this farm. An on-farm investigation revealed a combination of heifer behaviour and prolonged exposure to wet concrete on the feed pad were the primary causes of excess wear that resulted in thin soles.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This was an unusual outbreak of lameness in a group of newly calved heifers. The problem highlights the value of good management during the transition of heifers at pasture to the lactating herd standing on concrete for long periods, in the control of lameness.  相似文献   

The administration of a 50% (w/v) zinc sulphate solution by drenching gun to lactating dairy cows (30 mg Zn/kg/d) during the spore ingestion phase of a mild natural facial eczema outbreak had a marked prophylactic effect as judged by serum gamma-glutamyl transferase values. Weight changes recorded over the period of the experiment indicated that the zinc doses may also have caused inappetance or marginal toxicity under the conditions of the experiment.  相似文献   

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