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Tropical pumpkin is an important vegetable in many lowland tropics. Estimation of genetic effects for a fixed set of genotypes may yield information on the presence of different types of gene action for important traits. Six landraces and one diallel set of their progeny were evaluated for time from planting to female anthesis and fruit characteristics. Variety effects and heterosis mean squares were significant for the days to female anthesis, the weight of the first mature fruit, the mean fruit weight and soluble solids, indicating the presence of both additive and non‐additive gene actions. Only variety effects were significant for the days to the first mature fruit. These characters could be improved by recurrent selection. Selection for heterosis would be effective except for the days to the first fruit to mature.  相似文献   

Presence of substantial heterosis and economic hybrid seed production are two most desirable components for success of any commercial hybrid breeding programme. Thermosensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) lines of rice, in this regard, have tremendous potential in realizing further quantum jump in yield and economical hybrid seed cost. Analyses for combining ability and heterosis over optimum (120N : 60P2O5 : 40K2O kg/ha) and high (200N : 90P2O5 : 60K2O kg/ha) fertility environments for six traits were made in 2 years (2001 and 2002) using 120 hybrids of inter‐ and intra‐subspecific nature derived from hybridization of 30 elite indica TGMS lines and four cultivars, viz., ‘Pant Dhan 4’ and ‘Ajaya’ (I = indica), ‘Taichung 65’ (J = japonica) and ‘IR 65598‐112‐2’ (TJ = tropical japonica) in line × tester mating design. Predominance of non‐additive genetic variance suggested good prospects of hybrid breeding. Pooled analysis revealed highly significant variances for lines, general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) and line x tester. TGMS line 365‐8S was the best general combiner for all the six traits including grain yield. Trend of relative mid‐parent heterosis for grain yield, panicle length, grain number per panicle and earliness in flowering was I/TJ > I/J > I/I. For panicle number per plant and 1000‐grain weight, trends were I/TJ > I/I > I/J and I/I > I/TJ > I/J, respectively. Grain yield recorded heterosis of 49.3%, 71.9% and 92.7% for I/I, I/J and I/TJ hybrid groups respectively. Effect of environments on the hybrid performance indicated better response of hybrids at high fertilizer dose. Study suggests greater prospects of combining improved japonica and tropical japonica germplasms having wide compatible gene with indica TGMS lines for exploitation of intersubspecific heterosis.  相似文献   

Tropical maize inbred lines, eight derived from a Thai synthetic population (BR‐105) and 10 from a Brazilian composite population (BR‐106), were assayed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms with 185 clone‐enzyme combinations. The aim of this study was to investigate genetic distances among tropical maize material and their relationship to heterotic group allocation and hybrid performance. Genetic distances (GDs) were on average greater for BR‐105×BR‐106 lines (0.77) than for BR‐106×BR‐106 (0.71) and for BR‐105×BR‐105 (0.69) lines. Cluster analysis resulted in a clear separation of BR‐105 and BR‐106 populations and was according to pedigree information. Correlations of parental GDs with single crosses and their heterosis for grain yield were high for line crosses from the same heterotic group and low for line combinations from different heterotic groups. Our results suggest that RFLP‐based GDs are efficient and reliable to assess and allocate genotypes from tropical maize populations into heterotic groups. However, RFLP‐based GDs are not suitable for predicting the performance of line crosses from genetically different heterotic groups.  相似文献   

按照NCII遗传交配设计构建测交群体,考察包括产量性状在内的9个农艺性状,对水稻农艺性状表型、配合力和杂种优势进行通路分析,以期为水稻品种的培育和改良提供理论基础。结果表明,主穗实粒数与生物调控、千粒重与半胱氨酸和蛋氨酸代谢、主穗长与SNARE相关囊泡运动、主穗一/二次枝梗与依赖DNA的转录、株高与大分子代谢过程、主穗颖花数与花粉识别、有效穗数与水解酶活性、单株实粒重与嘌呤核苷结合等通路相关。为获得优良性状,高配合力,杂种优势可以从某一性状的相关通路进行研究,找到调控该通路的相关基因,以期为改良水稻一般配合力和获得杂种优势提供一定帮助。  相似文献   

J. X. Shen    T. D. Fu    G. S. Yang    C. Z. Ma  J. X. Tu 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(2):111-116
Self‐incompatibility is one of the most effective approaches to utilizing heterosis in oilseed rape around the world. To evaluate the heterosis of double low self‐incompatibility, the possibility of combining seed yield and oil content, and the genetic effects of parents on their hybrid progenies, a 2‐year field trial using a 3 × 22 NC II mating design was conducted during the 1999‐2001 growing seasons in Wuhan, China. Significant differences in seed yield per plant and seed oil content were observed among the F1 hybrids and between F1 progenies and their parents. However, the heterosis for seed yield per plant was much greater than that for seed oil content. Mid‐parent heterosis and high‐parent heterosis of seed yield per plant ranged from 5.50 to 64.11% and from –2.81 to 46.02%, while those of seed oil content ranged from –1.55 to 7.44% and –3.61 to 6.55%, respectively. Non‐additive genetic effects were a major mechanism that accounted for the yield heterosis in addition to additive effects. In contrast, seed oil content heterosis was mainly dependent on an additive genetic effect. General combining ability (GCA) determined the stability of hybrid cultivars. In hybrid breeding, parental materials might be selected by the sum of GCAs and variances of special combining abilities (SCAs) of female and male parents for traits affected by both additive and non‐additive effects, and by the sum of GCAs of two parents for traits controlled mainly by additive effects. Primary branches and their siliques were the most important yield traits.  相似文献   

Relationship between heterosis and genetic divergence in 'Tongil'-type rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S.-J. Kwon    W.-G. Ha    H.-G. Hwang    S.-J. Yang    H.-C. Choi    H.-P. Moon  S.-N. Ahn 《Plant Breeding》2002,121(6):487-492
Improving grain yield and quality of ‘Tongil’‐type rice (indica/japonica) continues to be a major breeding objective in Korea. In this study, genetic divergence among 13‘Tongil’‐type rice cultivars was evaluated and the relationship between genetic distance and hybrid performance in all possible nonreciprocal crosses between them assessed. The 78 F1 hybrids together with the 13 parents were evaluated for eight traits of agronomic importance, including yield, in a replicated field trial. The 13 parents were examined for DNA polymorphism using 71 micro‐satellite or simple sequence repeats and 46 random decamer oligonucleotide primers. A total of 319 polymorphic variants were generated and, based on the polymorphism data, genetic distances (GDs) ranged from 0.021 to 0.437. Cluster analysis based on GDs revealed associations among cultivars which was in agreement with the pedigree data. Heterosis was observed in hybrids for most of the traits, and yield exhibited the highest heterosis among the eight traits examined. The correlation values of GDs with F1 performance were mostly nonsignificant, except for yield, culm length and spikelets per panicle. The correlations of GDs with midparent and better‐parent heterosis were not significant enough to be of predictive value. These results indicate that GDs based on the microsatellite and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers may not be useful for predicting heterotic combinations in ‘Tongil’‐type rice and support the idea that the level of correlation between hybrid performance and genetic divergence is dependent on the germplasm used.  相似文献   

S. Wang    Z. Lu 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(6):606-612
Genetic diversity constitutes the raw material for plant improvement, and provides protection against genetic vulnerability to biotic and abiotic stresses. Diversity of parental lines of indica hybrid rice in China is not well‐characterized. The major objective of this study was to quantify genetic diversity of Chinese parental lines of hybrid rice via coefficient of parentage (COP). All 100 parental lines of hybrid rice widely used in hybrid breeding and commercial production during 1976–2003 were studied by COP analysis. The mean COP for the 100 parental lines was low (0.056), indicating a potentially high degree of diversity in Chinese hybrid rice breeding. Forty‐nine percent of all pairs of parental lines were completely unrelated by pedigree data. The low mean COP for the parental lines was attributed to a continual incorporation of exotic germplasm (wild rice, japonica and javanica etc.) into the genetic base over time, to the introduction of foreign germplasm from the Philippines (International Rice Research Institute), Korea, the United States, Thailand, and Guyana as breeding stock. The mean COP from 1976 to 1990 was twice as much as that from 1990 to 2003. Cluster analysis was an effective method to discriminate diversity, ten clusters were identified, and maintainer lines, restorer lines and other parental lines with special genetic background were clearly grouped. In addition, restorer lines were further divided into 11 sub‐clusters, which basically was in agreement with hybrid rice breeding. Among ten provinces, Hunan, Sichuan and Fujian were outstanding for breeding 54 of 100 parental lines in hybrid rice production, and the genetic diversity of parental lines in Fujian, Sichuan,Guangxi, Hunan and Jiangsu were all narrower than that in Hubei, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangxi. The result of coefficient of parentage analysis for 100 parental lines may promote the management of parental diversity and hybrid rice breeding in China.  相似文献   

籼粳交稻米品质性状杂种优势的遗传分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
陈建国  潘启明 《种子》1998,(2):4-6,10
用胚乳性状遗传模型和分析方法对籼粳交稻米品质性状的杂种优势进行了遗传分析,结果表明:各品质性状都具有一定的杂种优势,其中碱消值和蛋白质含量的优势较强。直链淀粉含量和胶稠度的优势较弱。不同性状杂种优势的遗传原因不同,直接显性和母体显性对杂种优势的贡献大小因性状而异,但总的来说,母体显性对籼粳杂种F2籽粒品质性状的杂种优势具有重要的意义,细胞质效应对部分性状(如胶稠度、蛋白质含量)的群体平均优势有一定  相似文献   

C. Q. Sun    T. B. Jiang    Y. C. Fu  X. K. Wang 《Plant Breeding》2002,121(4):330-337
The Indica‐Japonica differentiation of three photoperiod‐sensitive and/or thermosensitive genetic male‐sterile rice (PGMS or TGMS, respectively) lines and 47 male parental lines from seven ecotypes were studied for their restriction fragment length polymorphism marker data to determine which ecotype crosses with the three PGMS and/or TGMS lines could lead to higher yield potential, and to estimate the relationship between the Indica‐Japonica differentiation of parents and heterosis in grain yield and its components. The results indicated that hybrids derived from ‘N422s’ and the early‐middle ripening Indica varieties from southern China, and hybrids between ‘Pei'ai64s’ and three Japonica ecotypes, including North‐eastern Japonica varieties, restoring lines of Japonica hybrid rice and north China Japonica varieties, showed the highest grain yields. There was less variation of yield among the F1s between ‘108s’ and the seven ecotypes than among the other F1s. Highly significant positive correlations between heterosis of the F1 yield and genetic distance of the parents were detected, although the correlation between F1 yield performance and genetic distance did not reach a significant level. Considerable variation of correlation between heterosis and genetic distance was also detected in the Indica × Indica crosses and Indica × Japonica crosses. There was much higher correlation (r = 0.63) between the F1 yield performance and the genetic distance of parents in the Indica × Indica crosses than in the others. It is proposed that a genetic distance of 0.4‐0.8 between the two parents of hybrid rice might be appropriate not only for F1 performance, but also for heterosis.  相似文献   

Introgression Lines (ILs) carrying alien genomic segments in the homozygous state may or may not be able to contribute positively to the phenotype on account of replacement of cultivated genome segment, however, the genetic elite in heterozygous condition can be attributed to the presence of both recipient and donor genome complements. Therefore, overdominance or pseudo‐overdominance effect at the heterozygous loci is anticipated. Set of 318 ILs, carrying several genomic segments from “A” genome donor wild species, were used for developing test hybrids with CMS line PMS17A. Of these, three hybrids observed significant yield advantage (>25%) over recurrent parents and checks. Parental ILs of these hybrids viz., IL326, IL901 and IL951 carried 5.62%, 2.52% introgression from Oryza rufipogon and 6.71% from Oryza nivara, respectively. These ILs were also crossed with their recurrent parent to develop introgression line hybrids (ILHs) to observe the contribution of the alien segment(s), in the homozygous and heterozygous state. The traits studied have higher mean value when genomic segments from wild species were in the heterozygous state as compared to the homozygous state.  相似文献   

C. H. Shi    J. Zhu    J. G. Wu    X. E. Yang  Y. G. Yu 《Plant Breeding》1999,118(6):574-576
The heterosis controlled by genetic main effects and genotype × environment (GE) interaction effects for protein content and lysine content traits of indica hybrid rice, Oryza sativa L., was studied by using a genetic model for quantitative traits of triploid endosperm. The experiment was conducted over 2 years in a factorial design that included nine cytoplasmic male-sterile lines as females and five restorer lines as males. It was revealed that heterosis of protein content and lysine content were simultaneously controlled by genetic main effects and GE interaction effects. Maternal general heterosis and maternal interaction heterosis were observed. Embryo heterosis or cytoplasm heterosis for lysine content and endosperm heterosis for protein content were more important in general heterosis. Embryo interaction heterosis and cytoplasm interaction heterosis were more important for protein content, but endosperm heterosis was only important for lysine content in GE interaction heterosis. It was shown that some indica hybrid crosses had significant positive heterosis for protein content. Negative heterosis for lysine content was observed in most hybrid crosses.  相似文献   

Summary F5 seeds from six highly heterotic F1 hybrids were produced to determine whether the superior performance of F1 hyrids could be fixed in pure-line derivatives of pea (Pisum sativum L.). For each cross, 24–31 F5 lines derived from single seed descent were compared with F1 hybrids and their parents in two environments. The F1 hybrids out-yielded the best parent by up to 11%. All crosses produced F5 lines which were as high in yield as the F1 hybrids indicating that pure-line derivatives equivalent in yield to the heterotic F1 hybrid could be developed by conventional breeding. Heterosis of the F1 hybrids over the best commercial cultivar was thus a useful indicator of the future performance of the pure-line derivatives. These results indicate that overdominance was not an important component of heterosis in peas.  相似文献   

A. Kruse 《Euphytica》1981,30(3):791-802
Summary The yield performance is described of pure lines obtained from doubled monoploids and their corresponding polycross and pair-cross hybrids. The total dry matter yields of fifteen pure lines averaged 60–90% of the yields of the progenitor and control varieties. Seven of the resultant polycross hybrids gave dry matter yields similar to or higher than the progenitor varieties, whilst the remaining hybrids were less productive than their parental lines. In pair-cross hybrids significant reciprocal differences were found in some cases. This was attributed to differences in self-fertility and the degree of self-fertilization in reciprocal crosses. Based on the frequency of offspring with white or coloured roots, self-fertilization frequencies ranging from 14% to 92% were found. It is estimated that in the event of complete cross-fertilization, the yields of certain pair-cross hybrids would have exceeded those of the control varieties by 9–29%.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the comparative potential of 25 Expressed Sequence Tag derived simple sequence repeats (EST-SSRs) and 25 genomic SSRs in the prediction of grain yield heterosis using a set of nine cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines and 32 restorer lines of rice. EST-SSRs and genomic SSRs exhibited an average Polymorphism Information Content value of 0.37 and 0.45, respectively. The coefficient of marker polymorphism among parental lines with respect to a set of hypervariable EST and genomic SSRs was correlated with standard heterosis for grain yield of six public bred rice hybrids. EST-SSRs gave a better correlation (r = 0.75) as compared with genomic SSRs (r = 0.09). When 10 'key' informative EST-SSR markers which showed a higher positive correlation with grain yield heterosis were validated in a new set of 14 experimental hybrids, the markers exhibited a higher correlation (r = 0.79), indicating the predictive value of these EST-SSRs. We recommend these 10 'key' informative EST-SSR markers for analysis of genetic diversity of parental lines and prediction of heterosis in hybrid rice breeding programmes.  相似文献   

The olive (Olea europaea) is one of the most important oleaginous crops of the Mediterranean basin. Increased demand for olive oil creates a need for new olive varieties to help meet the requirements of the global market. However, olive breeding has been handicapped by such varied challenges as a prolonged juvenile period, agrotechnical problems and insufficient genetic knowledge. The use of DNA markers has the potential to overcome these problems and increase the effectiveness of classical breeding programmes. In this study, co‐dominant polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were used as markers to analyse the genetic relationships between several local and other ‘non‐native’ olive cultivars. Cluster analysis revealed four major groups among the 15 cultivars examined in this study. Table and oil cultivars were clustered in different groups. However, the clusters did not differentiate between cultivars of different geographical origins. In addition, we used the data gathered to analyse genetic relationships to evaluate the effects of heterosis in agricultural traits. Genetic distances between cultivars were determined based on the SSR genotype data and were used for evaluating the possible effects of heterosis in various F1 populations. Interestingly, phenotypic data of F1 progenies from crosses between different cultivars indicated the potential effects of heterosis as expressed in several traits. Genetic distance between parents was significantly correlated to F1 performance for three traits: percentage of dry fruit weight, oil content and commercial oil production. Thus, crosses between olive cultivars exhibiting relatively extensive genetic distances one from the other are expected to result in better progeny performance in future Olea breeding programmes. Our study linked assessment of biodiversity of commercial olive cultivars with the application of this information in olive breeding programmes for selection of specific parents to generate superior new cultivars.  相似文献   

Qixin Sun  Zhongfu Ni  Zhiyong Liu 《Euphytica》1999,106(2):117-123
Differential display of mRNA was used to analyze the differences of gene expression in seedling leaves between heterotic hybrid/nonheterotic hybrid and their parental inbreds in order to study the molecular basis of heterosis in wheat. The results indicated that patterns of gene expression in hybrids differ significantly from their parents. Both quantitative and qualitative differences were observed. The quantitative differences include gene over-expression, gene under-expression in hybrid and dominant expression of highly-expressed parental genes in hybrids. The qualitative differences include silencing in hybrids of genes expressed either in male or female parent, and silencing in hybrids of genes expressed in both parents. Expression in hybrid of genes only expressed either in male or female parent was also observed. It was also found that some genes expressed at high level in heterotic hybrid were underexpressed or expressed at low level in nonheterotic hybrid. One differentially expressed cDNA fragment 4B was cloned and sequenced after being confirmed through Northern blot analysis. Homology search in GenBank proved that the cDNA fragment is a new sequence. The selection of primers for differential RNA display in wheat and the relationship between wheat heterosis and alteration of gene expression in hybrids as compared to their parental inbreds were also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between the genetic distance of parents and both the heterosis of F1 hybrids and the variance of F5 lines was investigated in 72 crosses of pea (Pisum sativum L.). The genetic distance between each pair of parents was estimated, using isozyme (GDi), morphological (GDm) or quantitative (GDq) markers and finally a combination of isozyme and morphological markers (GDi+m). GDm was poorly correlated with the other measures of genetic distance, which in turn were strongly correlated with each other. Genetic distance was moderately correlated with the level of heterosis for yield over midparent in the F1 generation, with the highest correlation obtained from GDi+m. GD was not significantly correlated with heterosis for yield over the better or best parent but it was significantly correlated with all three measures of heterosis for pods per plant and hundred seed weight. There was no correlation between genetic distance and the level of heterosis for yield and total dry matter in the F2 generation, but GDi, GDi+m and GDq were predictive for the level of inbreeding depression in grain yield and total dry matter. When parents were high in genetic distance, crosses produced highly transgressive segregants for basal branches per plant, hundred seed weight, harvest index and onset of flowering. Genetic distance between parents was thus a useful measure for predicting a portion of hybrid performance and also of the variance of derived inbred lines. It was concluded that when choosing parents for a cross, consideration should be given to their genetic distance as well as their overall adaptation and their yield. There is considerable potential for optimising choice of parental combinations in the development of improved pea cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary Inter and intraspecific variation was analyzed in two Catharanthus species with regard to isozyme polymorphism and indole alkaloid content in roots and leaves. No significant differences in alkaloid production were observed in three groups of C. roseus plants individualized for their flower color. Conversely, comparisons between C. trichophyllus and C. roseus, showed large differences of alkaloid profiles in both roots and leaves. Specific isozyme markers on four presumed loci were found allowing us to establish that natural hybridizations could occur between the two species when grown together. Experimental hybridizations confirmed that introgressions were feasiblebut suggested that a reproductive barrier was acting and involved interspecific incompatibility. The identification and assay of the main alkaloid compounds in natural interspecific hybrids displayed such a high hybrid vigor that interspecific hybridization may present a new and successful way of improving alkaloid production in Catharanthus species.  相似文献   

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