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A primary objective of phosphorus (P) management is to maintain optimal levels of P in the soil solution at the root surface. Potato plants typically have low root density, resulting in higher solution P concentration needs and critical soil test levels than most other common crop plants. The chemistry of P in fertilized soils makes maintaining these high P concentrations a challenge. Phosphorus has a very high affinity for the soil solid phase with iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) dominating reactions in moderately acid soils and calcium (Ca) in alkaline soils. Guidelines for P stewardship for potato production are: (1) adopt practices that develop soil conditions that favor root growth and development; (2) make source, rate, time and placement decisions for nutrient applications that maintain optimal soil solution P concentrations during critical growth stages; and (3) use soil and water conservation practices to minimize P losses from the root zone and the field.  相似文献   

Management of fertilizer phosphorus (P) is a critical component of potato production systems as potato has a relatively high P requirement and inefficiently uses soil P. Phosphorus promotes rapid canopy development, root cell division, tuber set, and starch synthesis. Adequate P is essential for optimizing tuber yield, solids content, nutritional quality, and resistance to some diseases. Although soil test P is the primary tool for assessing P fertilizer needs, in some areas petiole P analysis has been successfully utilized to guide in-season P applications. Potato has been shown in some studies to respond to fertilizer P at soil test levels considered very high for most other crops (100+ mg kg?1 Bray P1 or Mehlich I or III and 20+ mg kg?1 sodium bicarbonate) especially on medium- to finer-textured soils. Even on high-testing soils, fertilizer P rates for top yields sometimes exceed 150 kg P2O5 ha?1. In addition, many states/provinces continue to recommend half or more of the amount of P in the harvested portion of the crop irrespective of soil test P level. In most situations, few differences are expected among fertilizer P sources; however, high rates of diammonium phosphate (DAP) or urea-phosphate (UAP) should not be band-applied in contact or near the seed piece. Most research determined that fertilizer P was most efficiently used when band-applied at planting (e.g., 5 cm to each side of the seed piece); however, some western USA work on high-pH soils showed increased yields and petiole P levels with preplant broadcast applications. In-season applications with the irrigation water can be successful when the potato roots are sufficiently close to the soil surface; however, most research indicates that P applications are more effective when applied at planting or early in the season. Potato fertilizer phosphorus best management practices include: (1) apply the fertilizer P rate calibrated for local soils; (2) band-apply fertilizer P at least 5 cm from the seed piece, especially on very sandy soils or where DAP or UAP are used; (3) use petiole P tests to determine the need for in-season applications; (4) account for all P sources applied, including animal manures; and (5) utilize the best soil conservation practices to reduce P losses to surface waters.  相似文献   

Mulching potatoes: Aspects of mulch management systems and soil erosion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intensive potato production occupies much of the sloping arable land of Prince Edward Island, Canada, and is at the center of soil erosion concerns in this province. Corrective considerations have turned recent attention to mulching, but there is limited knowledge of its workability or effectiveness in potato systems. This study looks at the effect of mulching on soil loss from potatoes grown on standard erosion plots, and examines a relatively simple approach to assessing soil-surface splash detachment (splash erosion) under mulch-management systems with potatoes. Three sizes of splash cup (25, 50, and 100 mm in diameter) were used under simulated rainfall at 150 mm·h?1 for 10 minutes to measure splash erosion on potato plots under mulch-management systems which, respectively, left surface coverage of ~ 5%, ~ 15%, and ~20%. The lowest straw coverage gave up to 56% more erosion than either of the two higher coverages. The 25-mm splash cup yielded 14% more sediment splash than the 100-mm splash cup on the basis of unit surface area of soil in the splash cup (unit area). Regression modeling of unit-area splash against straw cover showed an exponential decay in splash detachment with increasing straw cover. On the erosion plots, soil loss with mulching was half of what it was without mulching; and soil water retention was 5% greater with mulching.  相似文献   

Potato cropping systems in Maine include both continuous potatoes and short-term potato rotations with small grains. Producers recognize the benefits of increased rotations, but the economics of producing a high-valued crop such as potatoes (Solanm tuberosum L.) create incentives for continuous potato production. Research at the USDA-ARS research site in Newport, ME, is evaluating the agronomic and economic impacts of five crops in two-year rotations on potato production and whole-farm profitability. The rotation crops are barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), sweet corn (Zea mays L.) green bean (Phaseolus vulgares L.), soybean (Glycine max L., Mer.), and canola (Brassica napus L.). Enterprise budgets for the five crops were developed. The budgets and historical prices and yields were used as inputs to a Monte Carlo simulation. The simulation was conducted to determine the impact of rotation crops on whole-farm profitability and income risk, as measured by income variability. The net incomes of the five rotation sequences were compared against continuous potatoes. Two rotation crops, sweet corn and green beans, resulted in an increase in net income relative to continuous potatoes. AU of the rotation crops were found to greatly reduce income risk and chance of economic losses. In the case of green beans and sweet corn, the analysis was rerun using data from the research trials on the following potato crop yields. Depending on whether the rotation effect was negative or positive, net income either fell or rose when compared to fist analysis. However, even when the rotation crop led to decreased yields in the following potato crop, income variability and likelihood of economic loss was still superior to the continuous potato rotation. These findings provide support for including rotation crops as a method to improve potato production and sustainability, increase wholefarm profitability, and reduce income risk.  相似文献   

河北省一季作区马铃薯主要病虫害有晚疫病、早疫病、黑痣病和二十八星瓢虫,此外,病毒引起的品种退化比较普遍,造成不同程度的损失。本文根据河北省一季作区马铃薯病虫害发生特点总结出一套综合防控技术体系,包括将马铃薯与玉米、大白菜等非茄科作物轮作3年减轻黑痣病危害;采用脱毒薯克服病毒引起的品种退化问题;种薯和(或)土壤消毒控制黑痣病和晚疫病;待马铃薯生长至封垄后,遇到适宜晚疫病发生的天气,喷施1~3次保护性杀菌剂预防晚疫病和早疫病;一旦监测到晚疫病中心病株后即拔除并装入塑料袋带出田外,并交替喷施有治疗效果、能兼治早疫病且作用机制不同的内吸性杀菌剂及混剂;田间出现马铃薯二十八星瓢虫成虫,在杀菌剂中混入高效氯氰菊酯或高效氯氟氰菊酯等高效杀虫剂防虫;马铃薯成熟前1~2周将地上部分割掉并运出田外后收获块茎。  相似文献   

The application of nematicides resulted in increased potato yields, and populations ofPratylenchus penetrans were lower for 3 years after application; but longevity of benefits of fumigating potato fields varied with the kind and amount of nematicide, application methods and with growing conditions after fumigation. Fumigation of two fields in the fall of 1965 with Vorlex, Telone, D-D, and mixtures of chloropicrin with Telone or D-D resulted in 70% to 90% control of the meadow nematode,P. penetrans, after two crops in one field, and 50% to 70% control after three crops in another. Yield increases of Kennebec potatoes averaged 42% and 16% in successive crops in the first field and yield increases of Katahdin potatoes averaged 13%, 22% and 16% in three successive crops in the other field. Fumigation resulted in 30 to 70% less vascular browning in tubers in the first two crops but there was no effect in the third crop. There was no effect on black scurf in any crop. Root injury varied proportionally with populations ofP. penetrans in roots in 1967. Populations ofP. penetrans regained injurious levels in three other fields after one crop when abundant root growth in moist 1967 followed spring fumigation with Telone and D-D. Under poor conditions for sealing of the soil following fumigation in the spring of 1968, counts ofP. penetrans collected at different soil depths after fumigation showed excellent kill below 3 inches and poorer kill in the upper 2 inches of soil.  相似文献   

Erwinia carotovora var.atroseptica (van Hall) Dye andE. carotovora var.carotovora (Jones) Dye were detected in agricultural soils in Wisconsin using baiting and enrichment techniques. These soft rot bacteria could not be detected in soils of potato fields prior to planting of crops in the spring period using standard soil dilution plating techniques on a crystal violet pectate medium, however. A procedure involving incubation of samples in pectate enrichment broth followed by preparation of smears on slides and treatment with a fluorescent antibody stain specific forE. carotovora var.atroseptica was the most sensitive of the methods tested for detecting the blackleg pathogen. Erwinia carotovora was isolated more frequently during the spring from fields in which potatoes had been grown the previous year than from fields in which other crops had been grown. It was also isolated from potato tubers and stems that had overwintered in the field. The presence ofE. carotovora could not be detected in root zone samples of weed plants using the dilution plating method.  相似文献   

Summary Data from five long-term field experiments on sandy and sandy peat soils were analyzed for the effect of soil type on damage caused by potato cyst nematodes to potato crops. It was shown that the water retention of the topsoil and the subsoil largely determined the potential yield level in the different fields. According to Oostenbrink's equation the slopes of the curves are steeper with increasing yield level, indicating that the higher the potential yield level, the higher the absolute yield loss. However, when yield was expressed as percentage of maximum yield, yield reduction related to potato cyst nematode density did not differ significantly, except when tolerant cultivars were grown. Increasing tolerance of cultivars to nematode damage was reflected in less steep slopes of the yield/nematode density curves.  相似文献   

对三峡地区玉米降水生产潜力及适宜开发度进行研究。结果表明:在玉米全生育期,自然降水总量的41.9%用于农田蒸散。坡地与平地相比,坡地地表径流量占降水总量的28.3%,平地地表径流量占降水总量的12.3%;耗水系数平均为0.136mm/(kg·hm2),比平地低0.007mm/(kg·hm2)。影响玉米降水生产潜力的主要障碍因子是施肥水平、降水量和土壤侵蚀。随着施肥水平的提高,降水生产潜力增大,且施肥水平对坡地降水生产潜力的影响比平地更加明显;水土流失增加,降水生产潜力降低,降水量对降水生产潜力的贡献值为-3.135kg/(mm·hm2),即每减少降水量1mm,坡地降水生产潜力平均下降3.135kg/hm2。在现有技术、土壤、投入水平及管理条件下,三峡地区大田玉米降水生产潜力开发程度(MKD)较低,坡地约60%~65%,平地约65%~70%。坡地玉米降水生产潜力适宜开发度(SKD)可达80%,平地可达90%。可开发程度(KKD)坡地平均为17.5%、平地平均为17.9%,平地降水生产潜力可开发程度比坡地稍大。  相似文献   

中国大豆磷素营养及磷高效品种筛选最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磷是影响植物新陈代谢和生长发育的重要元素,但由于其极易被土壤固定,因而有效性非常低.缺磷已成为限制当前农作物产量提高和品质改良主要因素之一,传统农业生产一般通过施肥和土壤改良来提高植物对磷素的利用率.近年来,有学者提出通过发掘和利用磷高效品种来解决植物需磷和土壤供磷矛盾的新途径.文章综述了中国土壤磷素营养及其遗传改良的...  相似文献   

为提高肥料利用率,减少马铃薯生产成本和环境污染,以当地主栽品种‘兴佳2号’为供试材料,在常德市坪湖区开展‘3414’肥料效应试验,建立马铃薯最佳产量和氮磷钾施用量的数学关系模型,并结合产投比计算马铃薯的合理施肥配比。结果表明,在土壤磷钾含量较高的情况下,氮肥对植株生长起决定作用;施氮量与SPAD值、株高显著正相关,与单株块茎重、单薯重极显著正相关;当前地力条件下马铃薯氮磷钾推荐施肥量分别是11.0,4.1和8.0 kg/667m^2,氮磷钾最佳施肥配比为10.370.73。  相似文献   

隔沟交替灌溉对我国半干旱地区马铃薯水分利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隔沟交替灌溉(Partialroot-zonedrying,PRD)被认为是一种节水灌溉的方法,它可以提高多种作物的水分利用率。本研究开展于我国甘肃与内蒙两个半干旱马铃薯种植区,比较常规灌溉与隔沟交替灌溉对马铃薯产量和水分利用率的影响。结果表明,由于两个试验点的气候条件与土壤条件不同,所以马铃薯产量存在显著的差异。但是在两试验点中,PRD。处理(隔沟交替灌溉,灌水量为经验灌水量的1/2)的产量与常规灌溉处理(c100,经验灌水量)的产量没有显著的差别,水分利用率却显著提高。研究显示,运用合理的灌溉方式,可以在保证产量不变的基础上节省用水量。另外,在易发生干旱的地区,选用适合的品种,同时采用覆膜技术对于增加马铃薯产量有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

Precision agriculture is a farming management concept based on observing, measuring and responding to inter- and intra-field variability in crops. In this paper, we focus on responding to intra-field variability in potato crops and analyse variable rate applications (VRAs). We made an overview of potential VRAs in potato crop management in The Netherlands. We identified 13 potential VRAs in potato, ranging from soil tillage to planting to crop care to selective harvest. We ranked them on availability of ‘proof of concept’ and on-farm test results. For five VRAs, we found test results allowing to make a cost-benefit assessment. These five VRAs were as follows: planting, soil herbicide weed control, N side dress, late blight control and haulm killing. They use one of two types of spatial data: soil maps or biomass index maps. Data on costs and savings of the VRAs showed that the investments in VRAs will pay off under practical conditions in The Netherlands. Savings on pesticide use and N-fertilizer use with the VRAs were on average about 25%, which benefits the environment too. We foresee a slow but gradual adoption of VRAs in potato production. More VRAs will become available given ongoing R&D. The perspectives of VRAs in potatoes are discussed.  相似文献   

马铃薯块茎产量淀粉与土壤质地含水量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验在1992年同时安排在河北坝上、山西大同和内蒙呼盟进行。每个地区选用3个品种(系)种植在当地典型沙土和粘土,并施以“常干旱”和“常湿润”两个处理以观察土壤质地和水分含量对马铃薯淀粉含量的影响。试验结果表明:“常湿润”处理的马铃薯的产量显著高于“常干旱”的处理,而两者的淀粉含量没有明显差别。综合分析,沙土地的产量在“常干旱”情况下低于粘土地的产量,而在“常湿润”条件下则高于粘土地的产量。块茎的淀粉含量总的来分析,沙土地的要等于和高于粘土地,最多可高出2%以上。马铃薯品种不同,其淀粉含量多寡对土壤沙粘的水分含量的要求也不相同。品系“坝318”淀粉含量在“常干旱”处理条件下常高于“常湿润”处理,而“晋薯2号”则正相反。  相似文献   

马铃薯对氮、磷、钾的吸收及分配规律研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
马铃薯的生长发育受到很多因素的影响,特别是养分的供应以及马铃薯对养分的吸收、利用,对其块茎的形成、膨大及淀粉积累的影响尤为显著。氮、磷、钾在马铃薯生长发育中需要量大,必须加以补充,才能满足其正常生长需求。生产上不合理的施肥,导致马铃薯产量不高、品质较差及生产成本增高。通过分析马铃薯不同生育阶段、不同器官吸收养分的特征和分配规律,从而探索马铃薯生产中最佳的氮、磷、钾施肥组合,这对于丰富马铃薯栽培生理理论和指导生产中氮、磷、钾肥合理配施均具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Soils and irrigation waters in Saudi Arabia are naturally rich in potassium (K). In spite of this, farmers and large-scale agricultural companies usually add K fertilizers to various crops without soil and water testing and whether or not the crop requires high amount of K. The objective of these experiments was to study the response of fresh tuber yield, specific gravity, and frying quality of processed potato to different levels of additional K under farmer conditions. Two field experiments were conducted during the 2000–2001 and 2001–2002 growing seasons in Wadi Addawasir (latitude 20–21 N, longitude 45–46 E), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The experimental layout was a randomized complete block design with five K levels (0-100 kg K2O ha-1) and four replicates. Water and soils in this region contained more than 10 and 200 ppm K, respectively. Results indicated that there were no statistical differences (P<0.05) between the levels of K on fresh tuber yield, specific gravity, or frying quality. Similarly, K content of leaves at 45 or 60 days after emergence and of tubers at harvest was not significantly affected (P<0.05) by K rates. Potassium content in leaves was above optimum level. Results of this study indicated that current application rates of K are higher than the potato crop requirement for optimum yield obtained in this region. Results also indicated that farmers’ basic application of 215 kg K2O ha-1 along with soil native K and irrigation water K were sufficient to produce economic yield and high-quality potatoes.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on sand and loam soils to evaluate the response of three potato cultivars to subsoiling and irrigation frequency. Subsoiling was of little benefit on the loam soil. On the sand, subsoiling promoted deep rooting and allowed potatoes to avoid water stress usually associated with four days between irrigations. Russet Burbank was much more sensitive to water stress than was Nooksack or Lemhi, especially in the percentage of tubers not graded U.S. No. 1. Benefits from subsoiling may be inadequate to justify the cost if a reliable high-frequency irrigation system is available.  相似文献   

The soil as a resouce in potato production must be maintained if potato production is to be sustained into the 21st century. Increased pest resistance, resource scarcity, and increased input costs will all be important in determining the availability of technology in the future. As demands to maintain and improve environmental quality increase, our ability to overcome poor soil management by increased inputs may be restricted. j To sustain soil as a resource more attention must be given to soil organic matter, structure, and water holding capacity. Cropping systems that increase crop residue returned to the soil and reduce tillage can increase soil organic matter levels and improve soil physical properties. Greenmanure crops may also help reduce pathogen populations. Soil compaction, soil erosion, and salinization represent the most significant threats to maintaining the soil resource. Compaction can significantly limit the soil’s ability to supply water and nutrients to the plant by limiting water holding capacity and root growth. Limiting rooting depth increases the potential for nitrates to be leached below the rooting zone. Erosion, through the removal of the most productive topsoil, has the potential to destroy soil productivity. The actual impact of erosion over time is very difficult to measure and has been compensated for by increased inputs. Salinization throughout history has decreased productivity of irrigated soils. The sustainability of the soil resource depends upon the development and use of Best Management Practices that maintain or improve soil physical properties, while minimizing soil compaction and erosion. These practices will have to be developed within the parameters established by changing human needs and expectations.  相似文献   

Population studies withVerticillium albo-atrum (microsclerotial form) have shown that a significant negative correlation exists between inoculum density in field soils determined before planting and yield of potatoes in some areas of Colorado but not in others. In Southern Weld and Morgan Counties where potatoes are planted early in sandy soils, reduced yield in Norgold Russet and Norchip cultivars occurred as inoculum densities increased. In Northern Weld County where potatoes are planted later in heavier soils, no such relationship was found. The significant relationship between inoculum density and reduced yield was associated with growing areas where conditions, particularly air temperature, appear to be favorable for verticillium wilt development when plants begin to mature. A minimum number ofVerticillium propagules was required to cause significant yield reductions in total, marketable and U.S. No. 1 grade categories. Below this minimum number, no significant yield reductions occurred. In Southern Weld and Morgan Counties, this minimum number was found to lie between 17.5 and 23 propagules per gram of soil. Controlled greenhouse studies showed that as air temperature decreased from 29.4 C (85 F) to 23.9 C (75 F) more inoculum was required to cause significant disease expression and to shorten plant life. This study has shown that in some areas soil inoculum assays prior to planting may provide a basis for selecting fields which are safe for planting potatoes to avoid severe losses from verticillium wilt. Furthermore, they may help in identifying fields where preventive control measures may be required for satisfactory potato production.  相似文献   

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