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为探讨不同温度和光照条件下增施 CO2 气肥对温室作物生长的影响 ,应用红外线 CO2 气体分析仪测定方法 ,对不同 CO2 浓度下结球莴苣光合作用速率的变化进行了深入系统的研究 ,并分别建立了低温条件下和中、高温条件下增施 CO2 气肥对光合作用速率影响的综合模型。研究结果表明 ,在一定范围内 ,随着光照度提高和温度上升 ,增施 CO2 气肥对于光合作用的促进效果提高 ,但是超过饱和点后会有负的效应。本实验条件下 ,结球莴苣光合作用最佳的生态因子组合为 :光照度 897.3μmol· m- 2 · s- 1 ,温度 2 8.9℃ ,CO2 浓度 2 16 0μL / L ,此时的净光合速率 (CO2 ) Pn为 36 .0 μm ol· m- 2· s- 1。  相似文献   

CO2气体是温室作物光合作用的重要原料之一。为掌握温室CO2气肥增施性能,以温室CO2气肥增施为研究对象,采用计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)技术建立二维紊流数值计算模型。基于FLUENT软件,结合SIMPLE算法,采用有孔介质模型、模型、离心坐标(discrete ordinates,DO)模型,添加组分传输模型,对气肥喷射高度、气肥增施流量等因素对CO2增施性能进行数值模拟,得到温室内CO2浓度变化和分布规律。研究结果表明:气肥增施过程对作物区的温度场影响较小,温室的作物区域最大温度与最小温度差值不超过0.5℃,作物区域的气流流场以及温度场分布较为均匀;由于CO2的沉积效应,温室下部区域的CO2浓度相对较高;气肥喷射高度越高,CO2扩散的范围越大,沉积在作物区的CO2相对越少,CO2的浓度也相对较低;气肥增施流量越大,作物区域的CO2浓度上升越快。试验结果表明,CO2浓度模拟值与试验值差异不大于5 %,模拟结果与试验结果较吻合,证明了模型的正确性。该研究对掌握温室CO2气肥增施性能的流场变化规律,开展温室气肥增施装备的优化设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

【目的】 日光温室冬春季栽培中CO2严重匮乏,探明增施不同浓度CO2对温室番茄光合特性的影响,明确北方地区日光温室番茄各生育期适宜生长的CO2浓度,可为其生产实践提供理论依据。 【方法】 用塑料膜将试验温室隔出四个52m2独立面积的隔间,于定植一周后到试验结束 (2016年11月—2017年4月) 采用CO2自动释放控制系统,通过调整CO2钢瓶上的流量计控制气体流速和循流风机将CO2均匀施入试验区,增施时间为晴天9:00—11:00,14:00—16:00。设增施3个CO2浓度水平:(600 ± 20)、(800 ± 25)、(1000 ± 30) μmol/mol,以大气CO2浓度 (400 ± 15) μmol/mol为对照,‘兴海12号’番茄为试验材料,在温室内进行小区试验。分别于番茄苗期、开花期、幼果期及成熟期,选取生长势一致的植株生长点以下第3或4片功能叶片,采用80%丙酮浸提法测定其光合色素含量,采用美国LI-COR公司的LI-6400便携式光合仪测定其光合特性参数,计算光合色素含量、光合作用、光响应曲线特征参数以及番茄产量对不同CO2浓度变化的响应。 【结果】 增施CO2显著增加了番茄各生育期光合色素含量,增幅在开花期和幼果期较大。叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量均以CO2 (1000 ± 30) μmol/mol处理的增幅最大;类胡萝卜素含量在开花期以CO2 (800 ± 25) μmol/mol处理增幅最大,其他生育期均以 (1000 ± 30) μmol/mol浓度的增幅最大。番茄叶片净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度及水分利用效率于各生育时期均显著增加,以CO2 (1000 ± 30) μmol/mol的增幅最大,(800 ± 25) μmol/mol次之;气孔导度与蒸腾速率则随着增施的CO2浓度的升高而显著降低。增施CO2能不同程度提高番茄各生育期叶片光饱和点、最大净光合速率及表观量子效率,降低番茄叶片光补偿点,且均以CO2 (1000 ± 30) μmol/mol效果最佳,(800 ± 25) μmol/mol效果次之。 【结论】 供试条件下,增施CO2后显著增加了番茄在开花结果期的光合能力,提高了番茄叶片光合色素含量、净光合速率,提高胞间CO2利用能力和水分利用效率,降低了非气孔限制及其光补偿点,有利于番茄产量的提高;在试验以增施CO2 800~1000 μmol/mol的效果较为适宜。   相似文献   

蔡颖  张继双  蔡创  朱春梧 《土壤》2021,53(2):265-271
为探究水稻叶片光合作用对高CO_2浓度([CO_2])的响应是否与氮素供给形态有关,利用人工气候生长箱,以粳稻(武运粳23号和淮稻5号)、籼稻(扬稻6号)和杂交稻(Y-两优6号)为试验材料,设置主处理:大气[CO_2]和高[CO_2]处理(+200μmol/mol),副处理:硝态氮和铵态氮处理,测定水稻新展开完全叶片的光合作用。试验结果表明:高[CO_2]会增加硝态氮处理下粳稻和杂交稻叶片的净光合速率(P_n)、铵态氮处理下粳稻武运粳23号叶片P_n以及各氮素供给形态下水稻叶片胞间[CO_2](C_i)和水分利用效率(WUE),其中在硝态氮处理下P_n和WUE的响应要高于铵态氮处理;高[CO_2]会降低水稻叶片的气孔导度(g_s)和蒸腾速率(T_r),其中在硝态氮处理下粳稻g_s和T_r的响应要高于籼稻,而在铵态氮处理下高[CO_2]对杂交稻g_s和T_r的影响要高于粳稻和籼稻。可见,不同的氮素供给形态会影响水稻叶片的光合作用对高[CO_2]的响应,且这种影响在水稻品种间存在很大差异。  相似文献   

王旭  李斐  赵世翔 《土壤通报》2022,53(3):728-737
在全球气候变暖背景下,愈加广泛和频繁的冻融现象将会对土壤碳的生物地球化学循环过程产生深远的影响,因此归纳总结冻融作用对土壤二氧化碳(CO2)排放的影响,可为科学揭示冻融作用对土壤CO2排放的影响机理提供理论支撑。在总结相关文献的基础上,系统地分析了冻融格局(冻融温度、循环次数及持续时间等)对土壤CO2排放量的影响,并从土壤理化性质、土壤微生物等方面归纳总结土壤CO2排放对冻融作用的响应机制。冻融作用能降低土壤团聚体稳定性,促进溶解性有机碳的释放,并能够使微生物的数量降低,细胞破裂,释放碳氮营养物质以供存活的微生物利用,从而促进土壤CO2排放的增加,且与冻结温度和冻融循环次数密切相关。但由于生态系统类型、土壤理化性质、冻结温度等的差异,冻融作用也可能会促进土壤团聚体稳定性增加,抑制活性碳的释放和微生物的活性,减少土壤CO2的排放。虽然目前已有研究能够对冻融作用对土壤CO2排放的影响及其驱动机制作出初步解释,但由于存在实验参数缺乏原位性、对土壤微生物的研究不够深入和数据难以量化等不足,致使研究结果存在较大的差异和不确定性,因此还需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高使水稻光合作用增强,而地表O3浓度增加则相反,但人们对大气CO2和O3浓度同时升高情景下水稻光合作用的响应和适应知之甚少。本文利用新型的自然光气体熏蒸平台,以杂交籼稻‘汕优63’为供试材料,设置室内对照(CK,大气本底浓度,实时模拟室外环境)、高浓度CO2(CO2本底浓度+200μmol·mol-1)、高浓度O3(O3本底浓度的1.6倍)、高浓度CO2+O3 4个处理,于拔节期、抽穗期和灌浆期测定稻叶的主要光合参数。整个布气期间,CO2和O3浓度平均的控制目标完成比(TAR)分别为1.04和1.00。与CK相比,CO2处理使拔节、抽穗和灌浆期净光合速率(Pn)分别增加15%、11%和28%,O3处理使对应生育期Pn分别降低32%、32%和88%,CO2+O3处理对拔节期和抽穗期Pn无显著影响,但成熟期Pn平均下降48%。CO2处理使拔节和抽穗期叶片气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)显著下降,但灌浆期无显著变化;O3处理对各期Gs和Tr的影响明显大于CO2处理,且以灌浆期的降幅最大;CO2+O3处理叶片Gs和Tr的降幅总体上明显低于单独的O3处理。CO2处理或CO2+O3处理叶片胞间CO2浓度(Ci)明显增加,而O3处理叶片Ci的变化相对较小。CO2处理使各期水分利用效率(WUE)增加,而O3处理则呈相反趋势,特别是生长后期。CO2+O3处理叶片拔节期和抽穗期WUE平均增加约15%,但灌浆期因O3的累积伤害,WUE不升反降。以上结果表明,大气CO2浓度升高将使杂交稻‘汕优63’叶片光合能力增强,但地表同步升高的O3浓度则使光合能力削弱并表现出明显的累积伤害,大气CO2和O3浓度同时升高可缓解O3胁迫对‘汕优63’光合作用的负效应。  相似文献   

增施CO2降低小白菜硝酸盐积累的机理研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以低硝酸盐积累基因型(东妃)和高硝酸盐积累基因型(高雄甜脆)两种小白菜为材料,采用溶液培养法研究了增施CO2降低蔬菜硝酸盐积累的生理机制。结果表明,CO2浓度升高能显著提高2种基因型小白菜的生物量和硝酸还原酶活性,并降低根、茎叶各部位的硝酸盐含量。CO2浓度升高不仅促进了植株对硝态氮的吸收,而且植株吸收硝酸盐的累积量增幅均高于鲜重的增幅。由此可见,除了鲜重增加的稀释作用,处理后生理机制的变化也可能是CO2浓度升高引起硝酸盐含量降低的重要原因。研究还表明,增施CO2后“东妃”的硝酸盐含量降低百分率与硝酸还原酶活性的增加百分率呈极显著相关,而“高雄甜脆”的硝酸盐含量降低百分率则与鲜重的增加百分率的相关性达极显著水平。说明增施CO2后植株各部位硝酸还原酶活性提高及鲜重的增加均为引起硝酸盐含量降低的重要原因,但贡献率具有明显的基因型差异。  相似文献   

为通过田间试验,研究和比较了商品有机肥和产CO_2气肥残余物对番茄生长和品质的影响。试验结果表明,施用商品有机肥和产CO_2气肥残余物均可促进番茄产量的增加,分别较CK处理增加了24.02%和28.59%,但二者之间没有达到显著性差异;通过对各处理中番茄品质指标的结果分析,可以得知,产CO_2气肥残余物显著降底了番茄坏果率,比有机肥和CK处理分别降低了18.18%和33.33%。产CO_2气肥残余物促进了番茄可溶性糖和维生素C含量的提升。由此可知,产CO_2气肥残余物较商品有机肥,可以增加番茄产量、显著降低番茄果实坏果率并改善番茄果实的品质。  相似文献   

Daily change of gas exchange parameter of wheat leaves was measured under different water conditions, the result have showed that, the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and intercelluar CO2 concentration are obvious change in daily. The trend of this change was differ from different water supply and it was influenced by many environment factors, such as soil water status, light, air temperature, and air humidity et al., but mainly determinated by stomatal conductance and photosynthetic characteristic of chloroplast.  相似文献   

等渗Ca(NO3)2和NaCl胁迫对番茄光合作用的影响   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:34  
研究了番茄的光合作用对等渗Ca(NO3)2和NaCl处理的响应。在等渗条件下120mmol.LNaCl和80mmol.LCa(NO3)2胁迫后,番茄叶片的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量、Chl.a/Chl.b比值、净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、原初光能转换效率(Fv.Fm)、光合电子传递量子效率(ΦPSII)、Fv.Fo、光化学猝灭系数(qP)均呈下降趋势,以NaCl处理的下降幅度大于Ca(NO3)2处理;而Ca(NO3)2处理的胞间CO2浓度(Ci)呈下降趋势,NaCl处理的Ci呈升高趋势。因此,两种盐处理均对番茄植株光合作用造成了伤害,NaCl造成的伤害较Ca(NO3)2较为严重,Ca(NO3)2胁迫净光合速率下降可能是气孔限制所引起的,而NaCl胁迫净光合速率下降可能是由非气孔因子限制引起的。  相似文献   

啤酒花浸膏液态CO2萃取及应用试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开发生产国产液态CO2酒花浸膏具有重要意义。该文系统地进行了酒花浸膏的液态CO2萃取试验研究,通过啤酒发酵试验,研究并确认了在啤酒酿造中以自制酒花浸膏取代进口酒花浸膏的可行性结论。  相似文献   

A Lagrangian experiment was conducted over Iowa during the daytime (9:00–17:30 LT) on June 19, 2007 as part of the North American Carbon Program's Mid-Continent Intensive using a light-weight and operationally flexible aircraft to measure a net drawdown of CO2 concentration within the boundary layer. The drawdown can be related to net ecosystem exchange when anthropogenic emissions are estimated using a combination of the Vulcan fossil fuel emissions inventory coupled with a source contribution analysis using HYSPLIT. Results show a temporally and spatially averaged net CO2 flux of −9.0 ± 2.4 μmol m−2 s−1 measured from the aircraft data. The average flux from anthropogenic emissions over the measurement area was 0.3 ± 0.1 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1. Large-scale subsidence occurred during the experiment, entraining 1.0 ± 0.2 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 into the boundary layer. Thus, the CO2 flux attributable to the vegetation and soils is −10.3 ± 2.4 μmol m−2 s−1. The magnitude of the calculated daytime biospheric flux is consistent with tower-based eddy covariance fluxes over corn and soybeans given existing land-use estimates for this agricultural region. Flux values are relatively insensitive to the choice of integration height above the boundary layer and emission footprint area. Flux uncertainties are relatively small compared to the biospheric fluxes, though the measurements were conducted at the height of the growing season.  相似文献   

为实现生物质水热高值转化,阐明洗涤预处理对生物质在二氧化碳气氛下水热转化的影响,该研究利用不同溶剂(去离子水、乙酸以及盐酸)对玉米秆进行了洗涤预处理,并在二氧化碳气氛下对处理前后的样品进行了水热试验(水热条件:3.7MPa、270 ℃)。研究表明:洗涤预处理可以有效脱除生物质中的无机质元素,从而可以提升二氧化碳在水热液相中的溶解度,最终促进了半纤维素及纤维素在水热过程中的水解并同时抑制了其水解产物的进一步裂解。在各洗涤溶剂中,乙酸不仅可以很好地实现无机质的脱除,而且可以较好地保留生物质中的有机组分,因此,乙酸洗涤后的水热生物油显现出了对纤维素及半纤维素水解产物最佳的富集效果,生物油中以纤维素及半纤维素水解产物(糠醛及5-羟甲基糠醛)为代表的醛类物质的质量分数由玉米秆原样中的14.31%上升至了乙酸洗玉米秆中的39.45%。该研究对深入揭示二氧化碳气氛下的生物质水热转化机理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

温室CO2气体浓度环境自动调控系统的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为了改善现代温室内气体环境的质量,提高温室的生产产量和产品品质,介绍一种新型温室CO2浓度自动调控系统,并运用射流理论,分析研究了系统的设计原理和方法,对系统的工作性能也作了相应的对比实验研究,结果表明该系统具有结构简单、自动控制性能好、造价低、运行经济可靠、补充CO2速度快、CO2浓度和气体流速分布均匀、增产效果和经济效益明显等特点。  相似文献   

The composition of the soil atmosphere is an indicator of biological processes, and soil CO2 gradients have been used to estimate CO2 efflux from the surface. Soil atmosphere samplers, constructed with gas-permeable materials, have been used to quantify soil CO2 concentrations. The type of material used can influence the perceived real-time concentrations of CO2 in the soil. Previous works have not directly compared different types of materials under the same conditions. The objective of this study was to determine the diffusion coefficient (D) and time of 95% equilibrium (teq) of CO2 through several materials, and to evaluate the effect of long-term soil burial (183 days) on diffusion characteristics. Materials tested included silicone, expanded Teflon (ePTFE), and ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (PE) tubing. The D of each material was determined using a closed-loop system consisting of a CO2-enriched (7800 ppm) chamber, a CO2 analyzer and an inner tube (experimental tubing) placed inside the chamber. Air was re-circulated through the inner tube, and as CO2 diffused from the chamber into the tubing, the analyzer recorded the increase in concentration. The silicone tubes had values of D ranging from 8.64 to 5.80×10−6 cm2 s−1 with corresponding teq between 3.9 and 9.7 h. Diffusion coefficients of the ePTFE (1.25×10−4 cm2 s−1) and PE (7.70×10−4 cm2 s−1) materials were 2 orders of magnitude greater, with teq<6 min. Exposure to the soil environment for 183 days did not visibly deteriorate the materials or significantly affect the D or teq values. Use of the ePTFE or PE materials, over the silicone materials, may allow for better characterization of dynamic CO2 concentrations in the soil based on the greater D and lesser teq values of these materials.  相似文献   

To understand the impact of rising levels of atmospheric CO2 on ecosystems, we need to understand plant responses to elevated CO2, as well as how those plant responses in turn affect their environment. An important component of the environment of a plant is the soil biota living near plant roots. Soil nematodes are representative of a large portion of this biota, since they are abundant and trophically diverse in most soils. In a three-year field experiment, we studied the responses of soil nematodes to increased root growth of trees growing in high and low nitrogen soils under ambient and twice-ambient atmospheric CO2, a two-by-two factorial experimental design. Our hypothesis was that in the high-N soil, increased root growth resulting from twice-ambient atmospheric CO2 would positively affect nematode density, supporting a more abundant and trophically complex nematode community. Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) were grown in twenty open-top chambers under the four treatments, replicated five times. In low-N soil, twice-ambient CO2 was associated with higher density of the most abundant plant-feeding taxon (Trichodoridae), lower density of one bacteriafeeding taxon (Rhabditidae), and lower evenness of the community, compared to ambient CO2. In high-N soil, twice-ambient CO2 was associated with higher density of predator/omnivores, lower diversity, and a larger value of Bonger's Maturity Index, compared to ambient CO2. In soils under young deciduous trees, such as the aspens in this experiment, increased root growth under elevated CO2 may result in significant changes in soil food web community structure that may provide clues about the fate of carbon under elevated CO2.  相似文献   

Tillage and wind effects on soil CO2 concentrations in muck soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations from agricultural activities prompted the need to quantify greenhouse gas emissions to better understand carbon (C) cycling and its role in environmental quality. The specific objective of this work was to determine the effect of no-tillage, deep plowing and wind speeds on the soil CO2 concentration in muck (organic) soils of the Florida Everglades. Miniature infrared gas analyzers were installed at 30 cm and recorded every 15 min in muck soil plowed with the Harrell Switch Plow (HSP) to 41 cm and in soil Not Tilled (NT), i.e., not plowed in last 9 months. The soil CO2 concentration exhibited temporal dynamics independent of barometric pressure fluctuations. Loosening the soil resulted in a very rapid decline in CO2 concentration as a result of “wind-induced” gas exchange from the soil surface. Higher wind speeds during mid-day resulted in a more rapid loss of CO2 from the HSP than from the NT plots. The subtle trend in the NT plots was similar, but lower in magnitude. Tillage-induced change in soil air porosity enabled wind speed to affect the gas exchange and soil CO2 concentration at 30 cm, literally drawing the CO2 out of the soil resulting in a rapid decline in the CO2 concentration, indicating more rapid soil carbon loss with tillage. At the end of the study, CO2 concentrations in the NT plots averaged about 3.3% while that in the plowed plots was about 1.4%. Wind and associated aerodynamic pressure fluctuations affect gas exchange from soils, especially tilled muck soils with low bulk densities and high soil air porosity following tillage.  相似文献   

[目的]从有机碳分子结构角度来揭示气候变化对黑土有机碳(SOC)稳定性的影响,阐明未来气候变化对黑土有机碳稳定性以及土壤肥力的影响。[方法]以中国科学院海伦农业生态试验站长期定位模拟气候变化开顶箱(OTC)试验为平台,对当前大气温度和CO2浓度(aTaCO2),增温2℃和当前大气CO2浓度(eTaCO2),增温2℃和CO2浓度增为(700±25)μmol/mol(eTeCO2)3个处理条件下0—20 cm黑土耕层土壤的团聚体和密度组分的有机碳含量和红外光谱特征进行分析。[结果]与aTaCO2相比,eTaCO2和eTeCO2均未对全土有机碳含量产生显著影响(p>0.05),但是eTaCO2使<0.053 mm团聚体和闭蓄态轻组(occluded light fractionation, OF)中SOC含量分别增加了13.45%和52.89%(p<0.05...  相似文献   

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