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The genetic variation at four milk protein loci αs1‐casein (CSN1S1), β‐casein (CSN2), κ‐casein (CSN3) and β‐lactoglobulin (LGB) was investigated in 358 animals belonging to seven populations well adapted to hot climatic conditions, reared in Africa and Italy. Bos taurus (Somba, Lagune and Modicana), Bos indicus (Sudanese Zebu Peul, Azaouak and Adamawa), and B. taurus × B. indicus (Borgou) were studied by adapting different molecular methodologies to evaluate their genetic variability. All loci were polymorphic and a new CSN2 synonymous variant, named A2′, was detected and characterized. Noteworthy differences in the distribution of alleles and haplotypes were observed between zebuine and taurine cattle showing that milk protein polymorphism is suited for discriminating B. taurus from B. indicus efficiently, and also taurine breeds. Milk protein loci, being positively selected loci, can also provide information about the occurrence of germplasm particularly useful for breeding strategies and production improvement.  相似文献   

Following tsetse-transmitted infection with Trypanosoma congolense, major differences in development of localised skin reactions, the ability to control parasitaemia, the degree of anaemia and in antibody response to trypanosomes were found between the reputedly trypanotolerant breeds of cattle (N'Dama, N'Dama/Baoule crosses, Baoule) and the trypanosusceptible West African Zebu. The local skin reactions that developed in the Zebu were large and severe while those that occurred in the other breeds were smaller and less severe or mild. The timing of appearance of parasitaemia and the height of the first peaks were similar in all the animals, but the Zebu were less able to control subsequent waves of parasitaemia. Possibly reflecting these events, it was only in the Zebu that significant anaemia developed. Neutralizing antibody against homologous metacyclic trypanosomes developed between 14 to 18 days after infection in all breeds of cattle; however, marked differences were found when antibody to trypanosomes derived from first peak parasitaemias were tested in the Zebu and Baoule. Neutralizing antibody against these parasites appeared in the Baoule on day 24 but were not detected in Zebu until day 51. Furthermore, the antibody titres were 3 log2 higher in the Baoule. It was concluded that the trypanotolerance exhibited by the West African taurine cattle might be related to a) their ability to control trypanosome numbers in the skin and in the bloodstream, an outcome that was possibly brought about by the earlier and superior immune response and b) failure to develop anaemia which might be associated with their capacity to control parasitaemia.  相似文献   

A total of 137 cycling zebu cows, each receiving a single dose of prostaglandin PGF(2alpha)were used in an oestrus synchronization programme on three different farms. Of the cows on the three farms, 60.6 and 90.5% showed overt oestrus and luteolysis, respectively. Pregnancy rate to fixed time inseminations following single injection of PGF(2alpha)was 61.4% for farm 1, significantly higher than the values of 45.7 and 46.9% for farms 2 and 3, respectively. The pregnancy rates to second service of rebred cows were 53.3, 50.0 and 50.0% for the three farms, respectively, with no significant differences between each.Fertility classification of the cows based on progesterone (P(4)) concentration showed that 6.6% of cows on the three farms were incorrectly diagnosed as having corpora lutea; 2.9% of them had incomplete luteolysis and 5.1% may have lost their embryos between days 21 and 45 post-insemination. The pregnancy rate was 10% higher in the rainy season than in the dry season. Cows with body condition scores of 3 and 4 had a higher overall pregnancy rates than those with a body condition score of 2. The findings of this study further confirm the luteolytic efficacy of prostaglandin in inducing oestrus in zebu cattle and indicate that the nutritional status of the cows must be satisfactory before embarking on oestrus synchronization programmes.  相似文献   

A method for rapid electrophoresis of serum proteins on a cellulose acetate membrane is described.In order to experimentally identify the various larger globulin fractions in normal bovine serum, pure bovine y-globulin and a bovine attraction (Antitrombin III) were used.These fractions were electrophoretically compared with bovine serum and the various fractions on the diagram determined.A diluted veronal buffer with added Ga-acetate gave considerably better separation than the reported standard buffer.In the last part of the experiment normal percentage values for the composition of the protein fractions in bovine serum were calculated by the method described. The material consisted of 50 cows of the N.R.F. breed. The values are compared with corresponding figures reported by other authors, and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary An experiment was conducted in The Gambia to compare trypanosomosis incidence between zebu and N'Dama cattle. It was considered important to compare the 2 breeds under identical management conditions and the animals were maintained together at 3 locations, traditionally managed and under a range of tsetse challenges. The results show that trypanosomosis incidence was significantly higher in zebu than in N'Dama. Titre of antibody againstTrypanosoma vivax measured by an IFAT showed a significant difference between zebu and N'Dama. Variations in packed cell volume were greater in zebu than in N'Dama.
Estudios Comparativos De Tripanosomiasis En Cebu Y Ganado N'dama En Gambia
Resumen Se llev a cabo un experimento en Gambia para comparar la incidencia de tripanosomiasis en ganado cebú y N'Dama. Se consideró importante comparar las 2 razas bajo condiciones similares, en tres lugares diferentes con descargas minimas y máximas de tsetsé. Los resultados mostraron que la incidencia de tripanosomiasis fue significativamente mayor en cebú que en N'Dama. Los titulos de anticuerpos contraTrypanosoma vivax medidos mediante la prueba indirecta de anticuerpos fluorescentes, fueron significantivamente diferentes entre cebú y N'Dama. La variación en el volumen corpuscular celular fue mayor en cebú que en N'Dama.

Etude Comparee De La Trypanosomose Chez Des Zebus Et Des Bovins N'dama En Gambie
Résumé Une expérience a été effectuée en Gambie pour comparer l'incidence de la trypanosomose entre des Zébu et des bovins N'dama. Il a été considéré comme important de comparer les 2 races dans des conditions d'élevage identiques, les animaux étant regroupés ensemble en 3 endroits, en élevage traditionnel et avec une pression glossinaire identique. Les résultats montrent que l'incidence de la trypanosomose a été plus élevée chez les Zébu que chez les N'dama. Le taux d'anticorps antiTrypanosoma vivax, mesuré par l'épreuve indirecte des anticorps fluorescents, a montré une différence significative entre les 2 races. Les variations de l'hématocrite ont été plus grandes chez les Zébu que chez les N'dama.

Summary Body weight and scrotal circumference (SC) data were takenante mortem and genitalia collected after slaughter from Small East African zebu (SEAZ) bulls slaughtered during the wet (n=46) and the dry (n=53) seasons. Bulls slaughtered during the wet season were significantly heavier (47 kg) and had significantly larger SC measurements (3·3 cm) than those slaughtered during the dry season. Mean (±s.e.m.) paired testes weights were 233·7±13·8 and 292·8±11·3 g and epididymal weights 26·8±0·9 and 35·9±1·1 g in bulls slaughtered during the dry and wet seasons, respectively. Daily sperm production rates and epididymal sperm reserves were 2·2±0·1×109 and 3·0±0·1×109; and 16·1±0·3×109 and 17·6±0·4×109 in bulls slaughtered during the dry and wet seasons, respectively. These differences were significant. It was concluded that season affected reproductive capacity of zebu bulls probably due to variations in the quality and quantity of nutrition. However, the confounding effects of ambient temperature and nutrition on reproductive capacity of zebu bulls in tropical regions need further examinations.
Résumé Le poids vif et la circonférence scrotale de petits zébus males à courtes cornes d'Afrique de l'est a été mesuré anti-mortem au cours de la saison humide (n=46) et de la saison séche (n=53). Parallèlement, des organes génitaux ont été prélevés après abattage. Les veaux abattus pendant la saison humide étaient incontestablement plus lourds (47 kg) et les mesures de leur circonférence scrotale étaient bien plus importantes (3,3 cm) que celles des animaux abattus au cours de la saison sèche. Les poids moyens (+s.e.m.) des deux testicules étaient de 233,7±13,8 et 292,8±11,3 g; les poids de l'epididyme étaient de 26,8±0,9 et 35,9±1,1 g chez les males abattus durant la saison sèche et la saison humide. Les taux quotidiens de production de sperme ainsi que les réserves de l'epididyme étaient de 2,2±0,1×109 et 3,0±0,1×109 et 16,1±0,3×109 et 17,6±0,4×109 chez les males abattus durant la saison sèche et la saison humide. Les différences étaient significatives. On a conclu que les saisons affectaient la capacité de reproduction des zébus males probablement à cause des variations qualitatives et quantitatives de l'alimentation. Cependant, les effects interactifs de la température ambiante et de l'alimentation sur la capacité de reproduction des zébus males sous des climats tropicaux nécessitent de plus amples examens. Resumen Se tomaron el datos sobre peso corporal y la circunferencia escrotal (CE) ante-morten y después de sacrificados, en toros Cebú peque?os de Africa del Este. Para el efecto, se sacrificaron 46 animales durante la estación lluviosa y 53 durante la estacioń seca. Los toros sacrificados durante la estación seca fueron más pesados (47 kg) y tuvieron CE mayores (3·3 cm), que aquellos sacrificados durante la estación seca. El promedio de peso de los testículos fue de 233·7±13·8 y 298·8±11·3 g y de los epidídimos 26·8±0·9 y 35·9±1·1 g en toros sacrificados durante la estación seca y lluviosa, respectivamente. La tasa diaria de producción de esperma y las reservas epididimales fueron 2·2±0·1×109 y 3·0±0·1×109 y 16·1±0·3×109 y 17·6±0·4×109 en toros sacrificados durante la estación seca y lluviosa, respectivamente. Las diferencias fueron significativas. Se concluye que la estación afecta la capacidad reproductiva de los toros Cebú, probablemente debido a la cantidad y calidad de la nutrición. Sin embargo, la interacción entre ambiente y nutrición sobre la capacidad reproductiva del Cebú en regiones tropicales, necesita más estudios.

Mineral deficiencies in cattle, widespread in East Africa, impair optimal health and production and consequently place a great burden on the farmers' income. Therefore, detection of shortages and imbalances of specific minerals is essential. Our objective was to evaluate the mineral status of grazing cattle around the Gilgel Gibe catchment in Ethiopia and associated factors. In study I, individual animal plasma and herd faecal Ca, P, Mg, Na, K, S, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu concentrations were determined in adult zebu cattle (Bos indicus; n?=?90) grazing at three altitudes around the catchment, whilst recording body condition score and sex. In study II, liver samples of adult male zebu cattle (n?=?53) were analysed for Cu, Zn, Fe, Se and Mo concentrations and inspected for parasitic infections. Plasma and liver analyses revealed a Cu deficiency problem in the area, since 68 and 47 % of cattle, respectively, were Cu deprived according to diagnostic criteria for Bos taurus cattle. High hepatic Mo concentrations in 17 % of cases might reflect excessive dietary Mo intake. Liver Se and plasma Na concentrations were too low in 92 and 80 % of cattle. Plasma Mn concentrations were largely below the detection limit. Plasma Cu as well as Ca concentrations were lower in the lowest altitude compared to the highest altitude group (P?<?0.05), whereas lean to medium cattle had lower plasma Cu concentrations (P?<?0.05). No differences in hepatic mineral concentrations were detected between cattle with different types of parasitic infection. In conclusion, bovine mineral deficiencies were present in the Gilgel Gibe area and were associated with grazing altitude and body condition score.  相似文献   

A method for the rapid electrophoresis on a cellulose acetate membrane of serum proteins from horses, sheep and pigs is discussed.The various main globulin fractions in the serum of these animals were experimentally identified.Normal values for the percentage composition of serum from normal horses, sheep and pigs were calculated.In the horse there was great individual variation in the shape of the β-fraction, assumed to be due to different transferrin types. The mean value for β-globulin of 19.5 % in the horse was higher than for the other two species.The albumin percentage was highest in the sheep and lowest in the pig, 48.5 % and 43.2 % respectively. The sheep had the highest γ-globulin percentage, 22.8 %, while the horse had the lowest with 19.0 %.Finally the values were compared with corresponding figures reported by other authors and the results discussed.  相似文献   

The infectivity of a Theileria parva lawrencei stabilate, from a stock derived from an African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, was investigated. In the first experiment a buffalo and three cattle were inoculated with a stabilate from a stock passaged three times in cattle. All cattle developed fatal theilerial infections. Isolations from the buffalo by tick feeding and cell culture isolation showed that it was infected with T p lawrencei at the time of inoculation, but the second isolation made 19 days after inoculation behaved like T p parva in cattle, developing a high parasitosis, while the third isolation made three months later behaved like T p lawrencei with low parasitosis. It was concluded that two biological types of T parva could exist in a buffalo at one time, but it was not shown that the buffalo had become a carrier of T p lawrencei adapted to cattle. In the second experiment two buffaloes and three cattle were inoculated with T p lawrencei (Serengeti) stabilate which had been passaged six times through cattle and ticks. The two buffaloes had mild theilerial infections and developed serological titres in the indirect fluorescent antibody test, but the cattle had fatal infections. Tick and cell culture isolations of T parva were possible during the clinical reactions of the buffaloes, but no carrier state was demonstrated. Theileria-infected cell lines were established from the buffaloes and the cattle and were examined using monoclonal antibodies against T parva schizonts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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