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Surface ozone (O3) concentrations have proved to be difficult to control and regional (03) concentrations appear to be increasing in many parts of the world. Eucalyptus species are widely used as plantation trees in many regions that have Mediterranean, warm temperate and subtropical climates. An increased knowledge of the effects of tropospheric O3 on Eucalyptus trees may assist in the management of these plantations. The present study was set up to evaluate injury and measure growth reduction caused by O3 in eight Eucalyptus species. Seven month old saplings were exposed to diumally varied concentrations of 26 or 172 nil?1 (03) (7h mean) 7h day?1, 5 days in every 14 days, for 18 weeks. The plants were grown in open top field chambers fitted with rain excluders. Significant differences were found between the responses of different species. There was no visible injury or dry weight reduction in E. globulus. However O3 exposure caused a 30% weight reduction and 90% leaf injury in E. microcorys. E. gomphocephala also experienced a 30% weight reduction but no significant leaf injury. Hence Eucalyptus plantations in regions with the potential for photochemical smog formation, such as some of the rapidly developing industrialising nations in Asia and South America, will need to consider O3 tolerance when selecting plantation trees.  相似文献   

Ninety potted red spruce saplings enclosed in open-top fumigation chambers were exposed to O3 (charcoal-filtered air, non-filtered air, 1.5 × ambient, or 2 × ambient) and simulated rain (pH 3.1, 4.1 or 5.1) for two growing seasons (June to October). Foliage was sampled for mineral nutrients, total soluble sugars, and starch in September 1988 at the end of the second season of exposures. The development of cold tolerance of individual trees was assessed using the electrolyte leakage technique. Ozone and simulated rain treatments had marginal effects on mineral nutrient concentrations of current and 1 yr old foliage. Ozone did not affect foliar carbohydrate levels but the simulated rain treatments of pH 3.1 tended to depress levels of total soluble sugars and starch in 1 yr old foliage and of starch in current year's foliage. During mid to late October, the current year's foliage of trees receiving rain of pH 3.1 was less tolerant to cold than the current year's foliage of trees receiving rain of pH 4.1 or 5.1. Following the October period, trees in all three acidic rain treatments had similar tolerances to cold.  相似文献   

为了研究臭氧在水中的衰减行为,采用靛蓝二磺酸钠法和碘化钾法测定水中的臭氧浓度.其中靛蓝二磺酸钠法,在pH值2.0条件下,48 h内空白的吸光度降低了3%,含样品溶液的吸光度降低了40%;在pH值6.8条件下分别降低了1%和2%;在pH值11.9条件下分别降低了83%和52%.该法测定水中臭氧含量的应用条件仍需研究.用碘化钾法测定时发现,蒸馏水中臭氧浓度变化的总体趋势是衰减的,臭氧浓度在曝气停止后大约42 min前后衰减速度不同,在42 min以前衰减较快,之后一直到3h内基本稳定;自来水和营养液中60 min内臭氧浓度变化的总趋势是稳定的,与蒸馏水中表现不同;3种液体中的臭氧浓度的高低顺序是蒸馏水中(约15 mg/L)>自来水中(约10 mg/L)>营养液中(约3 mg/L).  相似文献   

水中臭氧浓度的检测及三种液体中臭氧的稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究臭氧在水中的衰减行为,采用靛蓝二磺酸钠法和碘化钾法测定水中的臭氧浓度。其中靛蓝二磺酸钠法,在pH值2.0条件下,48 h内空白的吸光度降低了3%,含样品溶液的吸光度降低了40%;在pH值6.8条件下分别降低了1%和2%;在pH值11.9条件下分别降低了83%和52%。该法测定水中臭氧含量的应用条件仍需研究。用碘化钾法测定时发现,蒸馏水中臭氧浓度变化的总体趋势是衰减的,臭氧浓度在曝气停止后大约42 min前后衰减速度不同,在42 min以前衰减较快,之后一直到3h内基本稳定;自来水和营养液中60 min内臭氧浓度变化的总趋势是稳定的,与蒸馏水中表现不同;3种液体中的臭氧浓度的高低顺序是:蒸馏水中(约15 mg/L)>自来水中(约10 mg/L)>营养液中(约3 mg/L)。  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a series of experiments designed to identify the relative importance of various factors which modify the responses of a sensitive species to ozone. The experiments were conducted in a closed chamber exposure system, enabling clover plants (Trifolium subterraneum L. cv Geraldton) to be exposed to ozone doses ranging from 0 to 1800 ppb.h, accumulated over 40 ppb (AOT40), for 7 h d?1, over 1 to 3 days. Microclimatic conditions during exposure ranged from 80 to 460 μmol m?2 s?1 photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), 26 to 61 percent relative humidity (%RJH) and 16 to 36 °C temperature. No clear dose response relationships were established for 1, 2 or 3 day exposures due to the influence of microclimatic and other factors during exposure. Artificial Neural Networks were used as a tool to identify patterns within the dose response data set and to clarify the effects of various microclimatic and dose topography responses, during multiple day exposures. Analysis of the trained neural network revealed that AOT40 on individual exposure days was the most important influences PAR on the first and third days of exposure, the mean relative humidity and the mean temperature for all days also had strong influences. Leaf age also had an influence but this was weaker. This paper describes these results in relation to the influences acting upon the plant and how these affect ozone uptake and resulting ozone injury.  相似文献   

High ozone (O3) levels have been recorded in eastern Spain. A project was developed to identify the areas of elevated O3 and determine if these levels were above critical concentrations for plant damage. Thus, a network of bioindicators was established in two Autonomous Communities of Spain: Catalunya (31.930 km2) and Valencia (23.305 km2) to assess O3 phytotoxicity. Three tobacco cultivars, (Bel-W3, Bel-C and Bel-B) were used during the 1994 growing season in both Regions. In Catalunya the highest O3 phytotoxicity was recorded in coastal areas, while the phytotoxicity decreased as plants were grown further in-land. A lower O3 phytotoxicity was observed in coastal sites of the Valencia Autonomous Community, compared to Catalunya, although the O3 injury was observed downwind from Valencia city in the most resistant cultivar Bel-B. The results in the Valencian Community were difficult to interpret, since plant viruses were widely distributed, not only in indicator plants, but also in commercial crops grown in the area. The analysis of O3 concentrations, meteorological parameters and visible injury at the Catalan sites showed that high relative humidity levels could favour O3 phytotoxicity. Therefore, the interactions between O3 exposure and environmental conditions on plant response should be further studied for the establishment of sound critical levels.  相似文献   

Grain sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) is an important animal feed crop, and it is sometimes planted as a substitute for field corn. Although sorghum is grown in areas of the central and southern U.S. where potentially damaging concentrations of O3 exist, no data are available regarding the sensitivity of grain sorghum to O3. Plants of grain sorghum (DeKalb A28+ ) were field-grown in open-top chambers and exposed to O3(7-hr day?1 seasonal mean concentrations of 0.016, 0.040, 0.059, 0.078, 0.102, and 0.129 ppm) for 85 days to determine the impact of O3 on grain yield. A randomized complete block design incorporated three replicates of all treatments. Foliar injury was noted at the two highest 03 treatments. Analysis of variance of the data indicated highly significant O3 effects on overall grain yield. There was a general decrease in yield as O3 increased, and the overall grain yield reductions were caused primarily by reductions in individual seed weight. Quadratic, Weibull, and plateau-linear models all adequately described the response of grain sorghum to O3. Yields were not markedly affected at O3 concentrations below the 0.10 ppm treatment, and the predicted yield loss of 15% at a seasonal 7-hr mean O3 concentration of 0.13 ppm indicates that grain sorghum exhibits considerable tolerance to O3.  相似文献   

冷藏配合臭氧处理进行果蔬保鲜是一项新型的保鲜方式。掌握不同产量的臭氧发生器在不同类型冷库中应用时臭氧浓度的变化规律,对果蔬贮藏具有重要意义。该文研究了臭氧产量分别为0.2、0.49 和0.94 g/h的3种臭氧发生器,分别放置在两种类型、容积均为100 m3、温度为(0±0.5)℃冷库中,臭氧浓度的积累规律。结果表明,臭氧发生器的产量对库内臭氧积累量有极显著影响,随发生器产量的增大积累浓度增加。装配式气调库在120~140 min、砖混结构冷库在60~90 min时臭氧浓度达到最高值,而后基本维持在最高值时的浓度水平上。产量为0.94、0.49 和0.2 g/h的3种臭氧发生器在装配式冷库中臭氧累积最高浓度分别为1.37、0.71和0.30 mg/m3,臭氧浓度与时间的回归曲线相关系数分别是0.9234、0.9252和0.9689;在砖混结构冷库中,臭氧累积最高浓度分别为1.25、0.62和0.23 mg/m3,臭氧浓度与时间的回归曲线相关系数分别是0.7293、0.8816和0.9105。装配式气调库内臭氧累积浓度显著高于砖混结构冷库内臭氧累积浓度。  相似文献   

A system of 16 open-top chambers was used to investigate the effects of a range of ozone concentrations typical of those found in southern Britain on the species composition of calcareous grassland communities. Two experimental approaches were adopted: the first involved the use of artificial communities of species typical of calcareous grasslands, whilst the second involved semi-natural chalk grassland swards transplanted from the field. Elevated ozone had little effect on total biomass of the artificial communities, but did significantly alter the species composition. The proportion of forbs decreased linearly with increased ozone exposure above 40ppb. Species composition was stable in the transplanted swards receiving filtered air, whilst there was a shift towards what appeared to be a more calcareous grassland community in the swards treated with higher ozone exposures. Thus, both experiments provide evidence that ambient levels of ozone in southern Britain can cause changes in species composition of semi-natural calcareous grassland communities.  相似文献   

Pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merv.] were exposed to O3 to determine the interactions of growth temperature, exposure temperature, K nutrition and doses of O3 on their foliar sensitivity. Pinto bean developed more foliar injury than soybean. Pinto bean were most sensitive when grown and exposed at 28°C. Growth and exposure temperature interacted in the development of foliar injury on pinto bean, but only growth temperature influenced the amount of foliar injury on soybean. Both species developed more foliar injury when grown with low K nutrition. There was no relationship between foliar injury and reducing sugars or sucrose content of the leaves.  相似文献   

The stratospheric ozone layer, which protects the biosphere from biologically active (mostly harmful) ultraviolet-B (UV-B) solar radiation, thinned during the latter half of the 20th century. In this paper some of the effects of UV-B radiation on cryptogams (cyanobacteria, algae, lichens, mosses, liverworts, pteridophytes and fungi) are reviewed. Effects vary among species, and therefore changes in UV-B radiation may affect species frequencies. Effects also depend on other factors, such as water conditions.  相似文献   

稻草秸秆的碱性臭氧预处理效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究碱性臭氧预处理对稻草秸秆酶水解、表观结构及成分的影响,将稻草秸秆碱性臭氧预处理后进行酶水解,对处理前后的稻草秸秆进行了扫描电镜观察及成分分析,并对处理后溶液进行了紫外光谱分析。结果表明:碱性臭氧预处理能将稻草秸秆中的木质素氧化降解为小分子的有机酸,降低了稻草秸秆中木质素的含量,提高了纤维素的含量。扫描电镜观察显示经碱性臭氧预处理过的稻草秸秆,机械组织暴露,孔隙度大,酶解的有效比表面积大。在pH值5.0、每单位底物加酶量31.2 mg/g、45℃条件下,碱性臭氧预处理稻草秸秆酶水解120 h时还原糖达到了902 mg/g,糖化率为92.57%。在相同酶解条件下,碱性预处理与未处理稻草秸秆的糖化率分别为74.90%与53.53%。碱性臭氧预处理稻草秸秆的糖化率明显高于碱性预处理与未处理稻草秸秆的糖化率。  相似文献   

Effects of ozone treatment on postharvest strawberry quality   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The effect of ozone treatment on the postharvest quality of strawberry was evaluated. Strawberry fruits (Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cv. Camarosa) were stored at 2 degrees C in an atmosphere containing ozone (0.35 ppm). After 3 days at 2 degrees C, fruits were moved to 20 degrees C to mimic retail conditions (shelf life). The changes in several quality parameters such as fungal decay, color, sugar and acids distribution, and aroma were evaluated during the strawberries' shelf life. Ozone treatment was ineffective in preventing fungal decay in strawberries after 4 days at 20 degrees C. Significant differences in sugars and ascorbic acid content were found in ozone-treated strawberries. At the end of cold storage, the vitamin C content of ozonated strawberries was 3 times that of control fruits. A detrimental effect of ozone treatment on strawberry aroma was observed, with a 40% reduced emission of volatile esters in ozonated fruits.  相似文献   

Potatoes are an important staple crop, grown in many parts of the world. Although ozone deposition to many vegetation types has been measured in the field, no data have been reported for potatoes. Such measurements, including the latent-heat flux, were made over a fully grown potato field in central Scotland during the summer of 2006, covering a 4-week period just after rainfall and then dry, sunny weather. The magnitude of the flux was typical of many canopies showing the expected diurnal cycles. Although the bulk-canopy stomatal conductance declined as the field dried out (~300 mmol-O3 m?2 s?1 to ~70 mmol-O3 m?2 s?1), the total ozone flux did not follow the same trend, indicating that non-stomatal deposition was significant. Over a dry surface non-stomatal resistance (Rns) was 270–450 s m?1, while over a wet surface Rns was ~50% smaller and both decreased with increasing surface temperature and friction velocity. From the variation with relative humidity (RH) it is suggested that three processes occur on leaf surfaces: on a very dry surface ozone is removed by thermal decomposition, possibly enhanced by photolytic reactions in the daytime and so Rns decreases as temperature increases; at 50–70% RH a thin film of liquid blocks the “dry” process and resistance increases; above 60–70% RH sufficient surface water is present for aqueous reactions to remove ozone and resistance decreases.  相似文献   

Leaf cuticular surface absorption of O3 was investigated inBetula pendula Roth leaves which have no stomata on their adaxial surface. A two-component absorption model was assumed to approximate experimental data. The first component, having second order kinetics, decreased exponentially during ozonation, the second or residual component remained constant. The residual ozone conductance of the leaf cuticle was about an order of magnitude higher than the leaf cuticular conductance to water vapour. It is concluded that leaf surface absorption must be taken into consideration during short term experiments and in those with low ozone concentrations.  相似文献   

Heat stress is a major environmental stress limiting wheat productivity in most cereal growing areas of the world. The objective of this study was to evaluate heat stress tolerance in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) genotypes. For this purpose, 45 genotypes were grown during two growing seasons (2012–2013 and 2013–2014) under non-stress (normal sowing) and heat-stress (late sowing) conditions. The heat tolerance indices were calculated based on grain yield under normal sowing (Yp) and late sowing (Ys) conditions. Results of combined analysis of variance showed the significant influences of heat stress on grain yield as well as significant differences among genotypes for grain yield and the indices. Results of correlation coefficients and multivariate analyses revealed that the stress tolerance index (STI), geometric mean productivity and mean productivity (MP) indices were the most profitable criteria for selection of heat tolerant and high yielding genotypes. Using STI, GMP and MP, the genotypes G29, G41 and G10 were found to be the best genotypes with relatively high yield and suitable for both normal and heat stressed conditions. Based on biplot analysis using Yp, Ys and the indices, it was possible to identify superior genotypes across the conditions.  相似文献   

大气中臭氧浓度变化对蔬菜的影响研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用OTC-1型开顶式气室对菠菜和青菜进行不同O_3浓度熏气试验结果表明,当大气中O_3浓度升高,菠菜和青菜气孔阻力增大,光合作用速率下降,地上部和地下部生物量大幅度降低,当O_3浓度达200μmol/kmol时,菠菜和青菜地上部生物量分别不足对照的1/9和1/3,地下部生物量分别下降79.8%和69.3%。  相似文献   

刘迪林  蔡杰 《农业工程学报》2005,21(14):221-224
该文综合分析国内外有关近地面臭氧伤害作物,臭氧污染呈上升趋势的资料,以及对温室臭氧状况做尝试性监测后认为,因光化学反应,温室环境会存在臭氧污染,其浓度有可能达到伤害作物的程度。温室臭氧规律有待深入调查。温室中使用臭氧气体防治病虫害是个错误。  相似文献   

The gas phase oxidation of elemental mercury by ozone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The gas phase reaction between elemental mercury (Hg0) and ozone (03) has been studied in sunlight, in darkness, at different temperatures, and different surface-to-volume (s/v) ratios. At 03 concentrations above 20 ppm, a loss of Hg0 and a simultaneous formation of oxidized mercury (Hg(II)) was observed. The results suggest a partly heterogeneous reaction, with a gas phase rate constant of 3±2×10?20 cm3 molec.?1 s?1 at 20 °C. This corresponds to an atmospheric Hg half-life of about one year at a mean global 03 concentration of 30 ppb.  相似文献   

Of the oxidants and nitrogenous compounds found in ambient air, O3 and NO2 are among those most thoroughy investigated. Large health data bases have been compiled in air quality criteria documents, which serve as the basis for review of primary (health) national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for each pollutant. When comparisons can be made, O3 is generally more toxic than other photochemical oxidant species at or near ambient levels, although NO2 does not appear to be of more concern with respect to carcinogenesis. Public health effects of concern for O3 range from acute symptoms (e.g. cough) and decreased lung function to persistent functional changes and permanent scarring of lung tissue, a possible precursor to chronic lung disease. Impairment of immune defenses and increased susceptibility to lung infection have also been associated with O3 exposure. Populations at greatest risk include exercising healthy persons, children, and those with preexisting lung disease. Nitrogen dioxide exhibits similar health effects but at higher concentrations. These effects include acute symptoms and lung function impairment, increased susceptibility to acute respiratory infection, and possibly conditions leading to chronic lung disease. Populations potentially at risk include children, asthmatics, and individuals who exercise in the presence of NO2. Health effects data for O3 and NO2 are under consideration in the current review of both primary NAAQS.  相似文献   

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