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The recent DNA microarray technology enables us to understand a large number of gene expression profiling. The technology has potential possibility to comprehend mechanism of multiple genes were related to compounds which have toxicity in biological system. So, the toxicogenomics through this technology may be very powerful for understanding the effect of unknown toxic mechanisms in biological system. We have studied that the effect of compounds related to hepatotoxin in vivo system using DNA microarray and classified chemicals which have been well characterized. We have studied three compounds; 2 peroxisome proliferators: Clofibrate (ethyl-p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate), gemfibrozil (5-2[2,5-dimethyl-phenoxy]2-2-dimethyl-pentanonic), and an antiepileptic drug: phenytoin (5,5-diphenylhydantoin). Male Sprague-Dawely VAF(+) albino rats of 5-6 weeks old were treated with each compound for 24 hr and 2 weeks. 4.8 K cDNA microarray in house has been used for gene expression profiling. We found that the clustering of gene expression had similarity like as the toxic phenotype of compounds.  相似文献   

We proposed a novel statistical approach for the analysis of cDNA experiments based on mixed-model methodology combined with mixtures of distributions. Our objective was to detect genes that may be involved in conferring heritable differences in susceptibility to common infections in intensive pig production. We employed a microarray expression profiling strategy and a mixed-model approach to the analysis of the expression data. A cDNA microarray of pig with 6,420 probes from immune tissues and cells was used to compare gene expression in peripheral blood leukocytes of two pigs showing extreme performance in their response to infection with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. Principal components analyses were used to identify the two most extreme-performing pigs after infection (i.e., pigs whose measured responses to infection fell at the extremes). Blood samples and expression profiles from 0 to 24 h after infection were compared using a bivariate, mixed-model approach, in which the effect gene x immunological status interaction was treated as a random effect. Bayesian model-based clustering via mixtures of normal distributions of the resulting BLUP of the random interaction was approached and resulted in a list of 307 differentially expressed genes, of which 179 were down-regulated in the susceptible pig. The majority of the differentially expressed genes were derived from a cDNA library of leukocytes of A. pleuropneumoniae-challenged pigs that were subtracted against leukocytes before the challenge. These results provide evidence that the proposed statistical approach was useful in enhancing the knowledge of the mechanisms involved in the genetics of the immune response.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To create high-quality sequence data for the generation of an equine gene expression microarray and evaluate array performance by use of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure of synoviocytes. SAMPLE POPULATION: Public nucleotide sequence database from Equus caballus and synoviocytes from clinically normal adult horses. PROCEDURE: Computer procurement of equine gene sequences, probe design, and manufacture of an oligomicroarray were performed. Array performance was evaluated by use of patterns for equine synoviocytes in response to LPS. RESULTS: Starting with 18,924 equine gene sequences, 3,098 equine 3' sequences were annotated and met the inclusion criteria for an expression microarray. An equine oligonucleotide expression microarray was created by use of 68,266 of the 25-oligomer probes to uniquely identify each gene. Most genes in the array (68%) were expressed in equine synoviocytes. Repeatability of the array was high (r, > 0.99), and LPS upregulated (> 5-fold change) 84 genes, many of which were inflammatory mediators, and downregulated (> 5-fold change) 14 genes. An initial pattern of gene expression for effects of LPS on synoviocytes consisted of 102 genes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Use of a computer algorithm to curate an equine sequence database generated high-quality annotated species-specific gene sequences and probe sets for a gene expression oligomicroarray, which was used to document changes in gene expression associated with LPS exposure of equine synoviocytes. The equine public database was expanded from 290 annotated genes to > 3,000 provisionally annotated genes. Similar curation and annotation of public databases could be used to create other species-specific microarrays.  相似文献   

本研究旨在克隆G基因全长并与其他传染性造血器官坏死病病毒(IHNV)株进行分析,为IHNV的预防检测提供依据。通过提取IHNV-G蛋白RNA并进行扩增,将其克隆到p MD-18T并与p Chlamy-4载体相连,重组到莱茵衣藻中并提取总蛋白,结果可得:扩增片段长度为1 500 bp,经SDS-PAGE电泳得到一条大约为58 k Da的蛋白条带,Westen Blot分析结果显示,重组莱茵衣藻所表达的蛋白可以与6×HIS标签抗体特异性结合;并且以重组表达的G蛋白为抗原,鼠抗IHNV血清为一抗,辣根过氧化物酶标记的驴抗鼠IgG为二抗,再次进行Westen Blot检验,其结果显示,经诱导后的G蛋白能与鼠抗IHNV血清反应,并在58 k Da处出现了一条明显的特异性条带,具有良好的反应原性。表明重组莱茵衣藻表达系统构建成功。  相似文献   

Construction and application of a bovine immune-endocrine cDNA microarray   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A variety of commercial DNA arrays specific for humans and rodents are widely available; however, microarrays containing well-characterized genes to study pathway-specific gene expression are not as accessible for domestic animals, such as cattle, sheep and pigs. Therefore, a small-scale application-targeted bovine immune-endocrine cDNA array was developed to evaluate genetic pathways involved in the immune-endocrine axis of cattle during periods of altered homeostasis provoked by physiological or environmental stressors, such as infection, vaccination or disease. For this purpose, 167 cDNA sequences corresponding to immune, endocrine and inflammatory response genes were collected and categorized. Positive controls included 5 housekeeping genes (glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase, ribosomal protein L19, beta-actin, beta2-microglobulin) and bovine genomic DNA. Negative controls were a bacterial gene (Rhodococcus equi 17-kDa virulence-associated protein) and a partial sequence of the plasmid pACYC177. In addition, RNA extracted from un-stimulated, as well as superantigen (Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin-A, S. aureus Cowan Pansorbin Cells) and mitogen-stimulated (LPS, ConA) bovine blood leukocytes was mixed, reverse transcribed and PCR amplified using gene-specific primers. The endocrine-associated genes were amplified from cDNA derived from un-stimulated bovine hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal and thyroid gland tissues. The array was constructed in 4 repeating grids of 180 duplicated spots by coupling the PCR amplified 213-630 bp gene fragments onto poly-l-lysine coated glass slides. The bovine immune-endocrine arrays were standardized and preliminary gene expression profiles generated using Cy3 and Cy5 labelled cDNA from un-stimulated and ConA (5 microg/ml) stimulated PBMC of 4 healthy Holstein cows (2-4 replicate arrays/cow) in a time course study. Mononuclear cell-derived cytokine and chemokine (IL-2, IL-1alpha, TNFalpha, IFN-gamma, TGFbeta-1, MCP-1, MCP-2 and MIP-3alpha) mRNA exhibited a repeatable and consistently low expression in un-stimulated cells and at least a two-fold increased expression following 6 and 24 h ConA stimulation as compared to 0 h un-stimulated controls. In contrast, expression of antigen presenting molecules, MHC-DR, MHC-DQ and MHC-DY, were consistently at least two-fold lower following 6 and 24 h ConA stimulation. The only endocrine gene with differential expression following ConA stimulation was prolactin. Additionally, due to the high level of genetic homology between ovine, swine and bovine genes, RNA similarly acquired from sheep and pigs was evaluated and similar gene expression patterns were noted. These data demonstrate that this application-targeted array containing a set of well characterized genes can be used to determine the relative gene expression corresponding to immune-endocrine responses of cattle and related species, sheep and pigs.  相似文献   

选择与羊同源性较高的牛ras相关的雌激素调节的生长抑制因子(ras-related estrogen-regulated growth inhibitor,RERG)基因组序列设计特异性引物,通过RT-PCR技术对RERG基因进行克隆测序及生物信息学分析.结果显示,克隆了羊RERG基因cDNA序列629 bp,完整的开放阅读框(ORF)为20~620 bp,其编码199个氨基酸.GenBank登录号分别为JN672576、JQ917222和JN580309.通过实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术分析RERG基因在贵州三大地方品种同一年龄段不同组织中的表达情况.结果表明,成年羊肺脏和脾脏表达量是最高,胸腺表达量最低,肌肉表达量为相对中度表达.为进一步研究地方品种羊生长性状的改善提供科学依据.  相似文献   

To provide data for studies on avian disease resistance, goose MHC class I cDNA (Ancy-MHC I) was cloned from a goose cDNA library, it's genomic structure and expression analysis were investigated. The mature peptides of Ancy-MHC I cDNA encoded 333 amino acids. The genomic organization is composed of eight exons and seven introns. Based on the genetic distance, six Ancy-MHC I genes from six individuals can be classified into four lineages. A total of nineteen amino acid positions in peptide-binding domain showed high scores by Wu-kabat index analysis. The Ancy-MHC I amino acid sequence displayed seven critical HLA-A2 amino acids that bind with antigen polypeptides, and have an 85.4-98.9% amino acid homology with each genes, and a 59.8-66.0% amino acid homology with chicken MHC class I. Expression analyses using Q-RT-PCR to detect the tissue-specific expression of Ancy-MHC I mRNA in an adult goose. The result appeared that Ancy-MHC I cDNA was expressed in the liver, spleen, intestine, kidney, lung, pancreas, heart, brain, and skin. The phylogenetic tree appears to branch in an order consistent with accepted evolutionary pathways.  相似文献   

In functional genomic laboratories, it is common to use the same microarray slide across studies, each investigating a unique biological question, and each analyzed separately due to computational limitations and/or because there is no hybridization of samples from different studies on one slide. However, the question of analyzing data from multiple studies is a major current issue in microarray data analysis because there are gains to be made in the accuracy of estimated effects by exploiting a covariance structure between gene expression data across studies. We propose an approach for combining multiple studies using multivariate mixed models, with the assumption of a nonzero correlation among genes across experiments, while imposing a null residual covariance. We applied this method to jointly analyze three experiments in genetics of cattle with a total of 54 arrays, each with 19,200 spots and 7,638 elements. The resulting seven-variate model contains 752,476 equations and 56 covariances. To identify differentially expressed genes, we applied model-based clustering to a linear combination of the random gene x variety interaction effect. We enhanced the biological interpretation of the results by applying an iterative algorithm to identify the gene ontology classes that significantly changed in each experiment. We found 118 elements with coordinate expression that clustered into distinct biological functions such as adipogenesis and protein turnover. These results contribute to our understanding of the mechanistic processes involved in adipogenesis and nutrient partitioning.  相似文献   

The porcine erythropoietin (EPO) gene and its cDNA have been cloned and characterized. The cDNA encodes a protein of 194 amino acids. The gene structure and sequence show a high degree of homology to the corresponding human and murine gene. Steroid hormone receptor binding sites are present both in the promoter and in the 3' flanking region of the gene, which also contains an oxygen-sensing sequence. The promoter lacks classical promoter elements such as TATA and CAAT boxes. Expression analyses using a competitive RT-PCR assay showed that the kidneys contain about ten times more erythropoietin mRNA than the liver in five-week-old piglets, thus indicating that the shift from mainly hepatic to mainly renal EPO production has taken place at this age. The testes showed a higher ratio of EPO mRNA to total RNA than the liver. Spleen showed very low levels of expression, while no expression of erythropoietin mRNA was detected in brain tissue, bone marrow, lung, lymph nodes, and ovaries.  相似文献   

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