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The Education Committee of the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology has identified a need for improved structure and guidance of training residents in clinical pathology. This article is the third in a series of articles that address this need. The goals of this article are to describe learning objectives and competencies in knowledge, abilities, and skills in cytopathology and surgical pathology (CSP); provide options and ideas for training activities; and identify resources in veterinary CSP for faculty, training program coordinators, and residents. Guidelines were developed in consultation with Education Committee members and peer experts and with evaluation of the literature. The primary objectives of training in CSP are: (1) to develop a thorough, extensive, and relevant knowledge base of biomedical and clinical sciences applicable to the practice of CSP in domestic animals, laboratory animals, and other nondomestic animal species; (2) to be able to reason, think critically, investigate, use scientific evidence, and communicate effectively when making diagnoses and consulting and to improve and advance the practice of pathology; and (3) to acquire selected technical skills used in CSP and pathology laboratory management. These guidelines define expected competencies that will help ensure proficiency, leadership, and the advancement of knowledge in veterinary CSP and will provide a useful framework for didactic and clinical activities in resident‐training programs.  相似文献   

眼是视觉系统中最重要的器官,随着宠物医疗技术的高度发展,犬的眼科疾病日益被临床兽医所重视。事实上眼部疾病常囊括部分全身疾病的局部体征,虽然相关的眼科检查仪器逐步导入临床,使视诊范围日益增宽,但由于缺乏对眼科生理、病理的认识,势必影响对眼科疾病的诊断能力。国外小动物眼科学发展很快,各种高科技检查仪器早已成为临床医生的诊察手段。  相似文献   

A provisional diagnosis of azoturia and/or haematuria was made in a Greyhound. This condition was differentiated from the syndromes of acute abdominal accident, acute nephritis, cystitis and spinal pressure on sensory nerves by means of the clinical pathology aids of biochemistry, serum enzymology, haematology and urine analysis and the physical aid of X-ray and ECGT. The results indicated that the animal was suffering from acute azoturia.
Résumé. Un cas d'azoturie et/ou hématurie fut diagnostiquée comme probable chez un Lévrier. Cet état fut différencié des syndromes de troubles abdominaux accidentels aigus, de néephrite aiguë, de cystite, et de pression spinale sur les nerfs sensoriels, au moyen des aides procurées à la pathologie clinique par la biochimie, la séroenzymologie, l'hématologie et les analyses d'urine, et avec l'aide de la physique, par Rayons-X et électro-encéphalographie. Les résultats indiquèrent que l'animal souffrait d'une azoturie aiguë.
Zusammenfassung. Eine Wahrscheinlichkeits-Diagnose der Azoturie und/oder Blutharnen, wurde im Windhund vorgenommen. Diese Kondition differenzierte sich den Syndromen von Bauchakzidenz, akuter Nierenentzündung, Blasenentzündung und Rückgratsdruck des Sinnesnerven durch physikalische Hilfe von Röntgenstrahlen und EEG. Das Untersuchungsergebniss deutete an, dass das Tier von akuter Azoturie litt.  相似文献   

Enzootic calcinosis in Corriedale sheep was characterized by degeneration and mineralization of elastic connective tissue of aorta, arteries, lung, and kidney and by ulceration of cartilage of joints of limbs. Results of serum chemical analysis revealed low Ca X P value and significantly low, but inconsistent magnesium concentration and normal inorganic phosphorus content. The Ca:P ratio in bone was low in affected sheep. Clinicopathologically, calcinosis of sheep at Mattewara, India, appeared to be similar to the disease described as Enteque seco in South America, Naalehu disease in Hawaii, Manchester wasting disease in Jamaica, and calcinosis in central Europe, Israel, and South Africa. The disease might be due to complex mineral imbalance, although the possibility of a plant poisoning has not been ruled out.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the available literature on the clinical pathology and pathophysiology of heartwater and makes comparisons with unpublished results obtained from a recent study in experimentally-induced heartwater in calves. The pathophysiological changes seem to center on an increased capillary permeability the result of which is reflected most noticeably in cardiac and lung function. There is a marked drop in cardiac output in severe cases and some workers have recorded a severe drop in diastolic blood pressure in the advanced stage of the disease. Changes in lung function are variable, depending on the stage of the disease, and may change from a respiratory alkalosis in the early febrile stage to a respiratory acidosis in more advanced cases. The basic cause for the increased capillary permeability is not known. The main clinical pathological changes measured include a progressive anaemia, fluctuations in total and differential white cell count, of which an eosinopenia and a lymphocytosis are the most marked, increases in total bilirubin which coincide with darkening of plasma colour, and a drop in total serum proteins mostly shown in the albumin levels.  相似文献   

Fifty-six cats with naturally occurring Babesia felis infection were studied. No breed or sex predilection could be identified, but there was an apparent predilection for young adult cats less than 3 years of age. Macrocytic, hypochromic, regenerative anaemia was present in 57% of the cats and in-saline agglutination tests were positive in 16%. No characteristic changes were observed in total or differential leukocyte counts. Thrombocyte counts were variable and thrombocytopaenia was an inconsistent finding. Hepatic cytosol enzyme activity and total bilirubin concentrations were elevated in the majority of cats. Serum protein values were mostly normal, but increased values were occasionally observed and polyclonal gammopathies were observed in all cats with increased total globulin concentrations. No remarkable changes in renal parameters were observed. A variety of electrolyte abnormalities occurred in a number of cats, but no consistent pattern of change could be identified. A close correlation was evident between peripheral and central parasite counts. Concurrent infections with Haemobartonella felis, feline immunodeficiency virus and/or feline leukemia virus were identified in a number of cats.  相似文献   

An experiment including 39 pairs of housed twin lambs was performed to evaluate the effect of an oral iron supplement (Fe-MAX Starter) on clinical pathology, growth rates and disease occurrence. Significant differences between the iron supplemented group (Fe-group) and the controls were seen, for varying periods of time, for all red blood cell and iron parameters examined. In spite of this, 25% of the iron supplemented lambs had haemoglobin values below 80 g/L 4 weeks after treatment, whereas 33% of the controls had corresponding values 3 weeks after treatment, indicating that one single iron dose was insufficient to prevent iron deficiency anaemia. No significant positive effect on live weights was seen. However, the Fe-group had a poorer daily weight gain during the first week after dosing (p < 0.01), but a better daily gain during the second (p < 0.01) and third weeks. No effects were seen on disease occurrence. An additional trial with iron dextran injections to 5 untreated 21 days old lambs with varying haemoglobin values, revealed a rapid increase in the red cell distribution in anaemic lambs, with production of macrocytic, mainly normochromic erythrocytes. The new erythrocyte population was visible on the cytogram after 2 to 3 days and on the histogram after 5 days.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to evaluate the ability of diagnostic methods to detect naturally occurring Cheyletiella infestation in dogs, and to quantify and relate the number of mites and eggs present to clinical signs. Privately owned dogs with skin problems were eligible for inclusion in the study. Four diagnostic tests were performed on each dog in the following order: tape impression, hair plucking, skin scraping and vacuum cleaning. Dogs with positive test results for Cheyletiella infestation in at least one of the tests under evaluation were included in the study (n=27). The severity of pruritus and scaling was graded on a four-point fixed scale. The diagnostic findings in vacuum cleaning samples provided a semiquantitative measure of the grade of infestation. The vacuum cleaning test gave a positive test result in all dogs and was significantly more efficient than the other tests evaluated (P<0.01). The number of diagnostic findings varied considerably among the different vacuum samples. No significant relationship between the number of diagnostic findings and severity of clinical signs was detected.  相似文献   

Background: Fasting is an important preanalytical factor that may affect the interpretation of hematology and clinical biochemistry data in toxicology or pharmacology studies. Limited information is available on how the results may be affected by different durations of fasting. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of fasting duration on clinical pathology results in male and female rats and to determine an optimum fasting time for preclinical studies. Methods: Male and female Wistar rats (10 each per group) were fasted for 0, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 48 hours. Changes in body weight and in the results of routine CBC and clinical chemistry analysis were evaluated by 1‐way ANOVA. Results: Body weight was significantly decreased by 4 hours of fasting in all rats, and hemoglobin concentration was significantly increased at 16 hours in male rats. Serum glucose and triglyceride concentrations in both sexes and cholesterol and high‐density lipoprotein‐C concentrations in female rats were also significantly decreased beginning at 16 hours. The creatinine concentration was increased in females after 16 hours of fasting. Serum alkaline phosphatase and alanine aminotransferase activities were significantly decreased after 8 hours in males and 16 hours in females. Conclusions: Fasting‐induced changes in clinical pathology results were consistent with hemoconcentration and altered nutrition and metabolic function. Most changes occurred at 16 hours, with minimal subsequent changes. Hence, a 16‐hour fasting duration may be recommended for preclinical studies involving clinical pathology measurements.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Veterinary clinical pathology is a relatively new and emerging discipline in Europe that has gained momentum with the recent establishment of a specialty college. In this situation, veterinary faculties may face challenges in understanding and defining what clinical pathology is and how it can best be integrated into existing curricula. In addition, many schools in Europe may not yet have available a critical mass of suitably qualified faculty capable of teaching in all areas of clinical pathology. OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of this report is to describe the goals, procedures adopted, teaching material produced, and proposed future activities of a major European initiative designed to develop a veterinary clinical pathology curriculum. METHODS: Four working subgroups were formed to establish a list of course objectives and topics and prepare a series of lectures. These contents were reviewed and discussed several times at a series of general meetings. RESULTS: An undergraduate course on veterinary clinical pathology was designed with course objectives, a list of topics and a CD-ROM consisting of 24 lectures. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this project could be useful in the establishment or improvement of training programs in veterinary clinical pathology at the undergraduate level in Europe and in other places around the world. The provision of teaching resources for faculty could help to instill in veterinary students a strong understanding of the discipline and promote development of advanced training programs and career opportunities in clinical pathology in Europe.  相似文献   

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