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黄花菜受精过程的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
 利用常规石蜡切片技术对黄花菜受精过程进行了详细的研究, 获得如下结果: 1. 授粉后1~2 h花粉在柱头上萌发长出花粉管, 只有生殖细胞进入花粉管内。2. 花粉管在花柱道内生长历经20~22 h,生殖细胞分裂形成2个精子。3. 花粉管在子房室中轴胎座表面生长经历2~4 h。4. 授粉后26~28 h花粉管进入1个助细胞, 释放2个精子。5. 精卵融合经历4~6 h, 形成合子。6. 精核与次生核融合经历2~4 h, 形成初生胚乳核。7. 自花粉在柱头萌发至合子形成, 受精过程持续总时间为29~36 h。8. 合子分裂发生在授粉后39~48 h。9. 讨论了研究结果对黄花菜遗传育种与分子育种的意义。  相似文献   

何莉  张天伦  贾国瑞  王伟 《北方园艺》2007,(10):197-198
以4种不同农药对防治黄花菜蚜虫效果进行了对比试验.结果表明:藜芦碱对黄花菜蚜虫的防效上表现出与化学农药一样的速效和高效.200倍、500倍2种浓度在防效差异上并不显著,久效磷在防效明显低于2种不同浓度的藜芦碱和吡虫啉.  相似文献   

荔枝果皮超微结构的比较观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以黑叶,糯米糍,桂味,禾虾串荔枝品种为材料,应用扫描电镜观察了果皮的超微结构。所有品种的果面均由峰谷组成,峰即肉眼可见的龟裂片,谷即联接龟裂片的低洼部位,峰谷均由许多小突起构成。不同品种果面小突起的排列方式与突起程度有别。小突起受到破坏后,形成蜂窝状凹陷。  相似文献   

孔艳辉  申家恒  李伟  王艳杰  樊庆颖  房宇 《园艺学报》2014,41(12):2455-2464
利用透射电镜技术研究了大车前(Plantago major L.)合子及其原胚发育特点。结果如下:大车前胚胎发育类型为柳叶菜类型。合子发育过程中,合点端的细胞壁逐渐形成,合子体积增大,极性增强,质体内贮藏淀粉。合子分裂通常发生在初生胚乳核分裂之后,第1次横分裂形成基细胞和顶细胞。基细胞经多次分裂形成单列细胞构成发达的胚柄;顶细胞多次分裂形成胚体,胚体细胞核大,核仁明显,细胞器的种类与数量多,呈现旺盛分生能力,具有很高的代谢活性。原胚发育过程中,小球胚初期,胚胎发育的营养物质主要来自合子储存的以及胚柄吸收并转运的营养物质;小球胚至中球胚期,胚柄组织迅速发育,依赖发达的胚柄自珠被组织吸收营养物质并转运至胚体;大球胚后期,胚柄开始解体,胚体外围细胞吸收胚乳的降解物作为胚胎发育所需营养物质。  相似文献   

黄花菜,又名金针菜,可鲜食或制成干制品。崇仁县石桥垦殖场味味黄花菜品牌2013年荣获首届江西鄱阳湖绿色农产品(深圳)展销会金奖等多项荣誉。本文介绍了其合理密植与采收环节的一些经验。  相似文献   

以黑叶、糯米糍、桂味、禾虾串荔枝品种为材料,应用扫描电镜比较观察了果皮的超微结构。所有品种的果面均由峰谷组成,峰即肉眼可见的龟裂片,谷即联接龟裂片的低洼部位,峰谷均由许多小突起构成。不同品种果面小突起的排列方式与突起程度有别。小突起受到破坏后,形成蜂窝状凹陷。小突起与蜂窝状凹陷的表面均呈皱褶的网状。果面普遍观察到微裂口与表皮毛。禾虾串上观察到特有的联接龟裂片的长条状组织。讨论了荔枝果皮结构与贮藏保鲜的关系  相似文献   

缺锌苹果树叶片超微结构的观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

采用太阳能、蒸汽、微波、药物4种方法处理黄花菜,研究不同杀青方法对黄花菜营养成分的影响。结果表明:蒸汽杀青处理的黄花菜总糖和蛋白质含量高于国家标准,分别为55.66 %、11.54 %|太阳能杀青处理的黄花菜蛋白质含量(11.35 %)高于国家标准,VC(489.0 mg?kg-1)和β-胡萝卜素含量(36.5 mg?kg-1)最高,而总酸度(2.90 %)低于国家标准,干制黄花菜品质最优,营养成分流失最少,加工简便,且节能环保。  相似文献   

北方特产黄花菜的生产技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕振华 《中国园艺文摘》2013,29(2):150-150,175
黄花菜富含营养成分,东南亚一些国家和地区把它称为“健脑食品”,种植黄花菜很有发展空间。文章重点介绍黄花菜繁殖和栽培管理技术。  相似文献   

庆阳黄花菜的优势分析及产业化建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张博  石国玺  李东波 《北方园艺》2016,(11):178-181
为进一步推动庆阳黄花菜产业的发展,在国际市场创立更好的名牌效应。对庆阳黄花菜的栽培历史、区域优势、土壤条件、品质优势和品牌效应方面进行了分析。结果表明:庆阳黄花菜具有栽培历史悠久、区域优势明显、土质肥厚、气候条件适中、品质优良、名牌效应较强的优势特点,是一种高钙、低糖低脂肪、富含营养的药食两用蔬菜,并为进一步推动庆阳黄花菜产业化发展提出了重要建议。  相似文献   

喷施6-BA和PP333对大花萱草‘红运’分蘖能力的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用L9(34)正交实验设计,研究了6-BA(200、1 000、1 500 mg/L)、PP333 (25、150、50mg/L)喷药浓度和喷施时期(盛花期、末花期、花后期)三因素三水平组合对大花萱草‘红运’分蘖能力的影响.结果表明:6-BA、PP333和喷施时期3个因素对其分蘖都有着极显著影响,其大小排序为C(喷施时期)>A(6-BA) >B(PP333);筛选出末花期喷施+6-BA 1 000 mg/L+PP33325mg/L为最佳组合.该试验生产成本低廉、易操作、简单实用,是提高大花萱草在大田中自然分蘖能力的有效途径.  相似文献   

应用石蜡制片技术研究了大车前胚乳与胚发育过程的细胞胚胎学特征,为车前科胚胎学及分类地位的确立提供相关资料。结果表明:大车前成熟雌配子体为七细胞七核的蓼型。经双受精后形成合子与初生胚乳核。胚乳发育类型为细胞型,初生胚乳核第1次横分裂产生珠孔室与合点室胚乳细胞。珠孔室胚乳细胞经1次纵分裂或2次连续相交的纵分裂形成2个或4个胚乳细胞;进而同步进行横分裂形成2排,即4个或8个胚乳细胞;靠近珠孔的2个或4个胚乳细胞分化并发育成为单核的管状胚乳珠孔吸器;靠近合点室胚乳细胞的2个或4个细胞进行各个方向的分裂形成胚乳本体,并将合子分裂所形成的胚包围其中;与此同时,合点室胚乳细胞的细胞核进行1次核分裂但不伴随胞质分裂,在合子期便形成具有两个细胞核的胚乳合点吸器;胚乳吸器为胚乳本体的发育从珠被与合点吸收并转送营养物质。胚胎发生属于柳叶菜型,经原胚期、心胚期、鱼雷胚、子叶胚形成成熟种子。珠被绒毡层发达。对胚乳本体以及球胚的流式细胞仪细胞核DNA分析表明,胚的DNA含量为二倍体,而胚乳为三倍体。  相似文献   

Genxu  Wang  Xiaoyin  Guo  Yongping  Shen  Guodong  Cheng 《Landscape Ecology》2003,18(4):363-375
The relationship and feedback between landscape pattern, function and process serve to describe the behavior of a regional landscape. Based on landscape function characteristics such as biological productivity, soil nutrient content, vegetative cover, etc., a quantitative method and digital model for analyzing evolving landscape functionality in the headwaters area of the Yellow River in the People's Republic of China were devised. Through the analysis of three-phase remote sensing data from 1975, 1985 and 1995 and based upon the well-defined characteristics of this region's evolving landscape over the past 30 years, the attendant ecology of the different functional landscape ecotypes was investigated. Between 1975 and 1995 the area of AC&S (alpine cold meadow and steppe) in the source area of the Yellow River has decreased by 27.25%, ACSW (alpine cold swamp meadow) has decreased by 27.04%, ALP (alpine steppe) by 38.18% and lakes by 9.78%. The grass biomass production decreased by 752.37 Gg, of which AC&S meadows accounted for 83.8% of these losses. The overall stock capacity of the headwaters area of the Yellow River decreased by 518.36 thousand sheep units. Soil nutrients showed a similar pattern, soil nutrient loss was greater from 1985–1995 than from 1975–1985. Changes in the overall ecological functionality of the area were not simply a result of a summation of the changes associated with individual evolving landscapes, but rather an integration of positive and negative influences. Landscape evolution occurs in two main directions: degradation and strengthening (expanding and improving). An understanding of the direction, force and integration of parameters influencing landscape evolution as it impacts the attending ecosystems can allow one to foresee how the landscape of the Yellow River source area will evolve in the coming years. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

杨扇舟蛾幼虫取食量及成虫羽化节律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王佳璐  谭荣荣 《北方园艺》2010,(24):172-174
对杨扇舟蛾幼虫的取食量及成虫羽化节律进行研究。结果表明:随着龄期的增大,幼虫的取食量逐渐增多,取食速度也逐步加快;成虫的羽化主要集中在第7天,在24 h内,羽化高峰期主要集中在20:00左右,羽化率为84.5%。  相似文献   

冰糖橙和冰糖脐橙的性状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与普通冰糖橙比较,冰糖脐橙的果实成熟期比冰糖橙晚10~15 d,果实增大,平均单果重增加,果实整齐度提高,果皮薄而光滑,呈橙黄色,肉质细嫩,化渣,果汁增多,总糖含量略低,总酸含量增高,与冰糖橙有较显著差异,风味加浓,果实品质更好.  相似文献   

Effects of sea level rise and different coastline management options on the phreatic level in a coastal dune area are calculated, using a scenario with 60 cm sea level rise in the course of the next century, resulting from global climatic changes. Changes in the phreatic level - both lowering and rising - are evaluated for their effects on the dune slack vegetation, using a newly developed interaction model hydrology-vegetation. Some indications of changes in nature conservation values are presented.  相似文献   

AIM:To Study on the expressive levels of PTTG and FHIT and detect their clinicopathological significances in gastric cancer and pericancerous tissues.METHODS:Immunohistochemical method was used on routinely paraffin-embedded sections of 49 cases with gastric cancer and 20 subjects with pericancerous tissues. RESULTS:The positive rate and score of PTTG in gastric cancer were significantly higher than those in pericancerous tissues (P<0.05,P<0.01),but those of FHIT were opposite (P<0.05,P<0.01),the positive cases of PTTG and negative subjects of FHIT showed severely-atypical hyperplasis. The positive rate and score of PTTG were significantly lower in the cases of infiltrating depth T1-T2 and without-metastasis of distant organs than those in the subjects of infiltrating depth T3-T4 and with-metastasis of distant organs(P<0.05,P<0.01). The positive rate and score of FHIT were significantly higher in the cases of infiltrating depth T1-T2,without-metastasis of lymphnodes,with-metastasis of the first site lymphnodes,and without metatstasis of distant organs than those in the subjects of infiltrating depth T3-T4,with-metastasis of lymphnodes,with-metastasis of the third site lymphnodes,and with-metastasis of distant organs(P<0.05,P<0.01). The significantly negative correlation was found between the score of PTTG and FHIT in gastric cancer tissues(r=-0.36,P<0.01). CONCLUSION:The expression of PTTG and FHIT might be important biological markers for reflecting the carcinogenesis,progression,invasive potential,metastastic status and prognosis of gastric cancer. The assays of PTTG and FHIT in benign lesions might have clinical values for the prevention and early-stage finding of gastric cancer.  相似文献   

王云生  林顺权 《园艺学报》2012,39(10):1913-1918
 为了从野生型驯化为栽培品种的角度了解枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)的遗传多样性,对55个来自世界各地有代表性的栽培品种及多份野生枇杷的cpDNATrnS-TrnG及cpDNATrnQ-rps16基因位点序列的核苷酸多态性进行了比较分析。结果显示:栽培枇杷群体在这两个基因位点不存在变异,而野生枇杷群体在cpDNATrnS-TrnG位点出现了两个替代变异及1个插入/缺失变异,在cpDNATrnQ-rps16位点出现了3个替代变异及两个插入/缺失变异,表明在从野生型驯化为栽培品种的过程中发生了严重的遗传瓶颈,导致了栽培枇杷群体的遗传基础狭窄。  相似文献   

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