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发挥图书馆优势做好农业信息服务工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过农业情报系统、公共系统图书馆如何根据云南边疆实际,配合政府“兴边富民工程”,积极做好农业信息服务工作。  相似文献   

农业科技在云南兴边富民工程中的地位和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高边疆民族地区人民生活水平,实施兴边富民工程势在必行.结合全国兴边富民工程发展状况,分析了农业科技在云南兴边富民工程中的地位和作用.  相似文献   

最近,广西提出在8个边境县(市、区)实施新一轮兴边富民行动。本文从如何充分发挥:件普的功能作用,切实加强边境地区的科普工作,提升边境地区居民科学素质的角度,阐述广西科普助力兴边富民的必要性和重要性,总结科普助力兴边富民的相关探索与实践,提出科普助力广西兴边富民的思考与建议,为广西推进科普兴边富民工作提供参考思路。  相似文献   

20 世纪80 年代以来,中朝边境民族地区朝鲜族劳动力人口大规模、持续不断地离开乡村,向国内大城市、向 国外务工,致使乡村经济社会面临着劳动力不足,产业发展滞后、农业机械化水平低、乡村人才匮乏、边境管控能力弱 化等问题。中朝边境民族乡村是集民族地区、边境地区于一体,兴边富民行动的持续实施和乡村振兴战略的全面推 进,为中朝边境民族地区经济社会跨越式发展带来新机遇。然而,分析其兴边富民行动与民族地区乡村振兴的价值意 蕴及面临问题,进而提出健全人才培育机制、助推乡村产业振兴、不断增强边境管控能力、实现振兴边境富裕边民等兴 边富民行动与乡村振兴路径,不仅为中朝边境地区兴边富民行动与乡村全面振兴提供依据,而且也为其他民族地区兴 边富民行动与乡村全面振兴提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

江城县以亲民爱民为民为切入点,突出“五心”做好“兴边富民送温暖活动”,切实帮困助贫解民忧。  相似文献   

根据1999年中央民族工作会议部署,2000年兴边富民行动正式实施,至2010年是兴边富民行动实施10周年。近日,经国务院批准,国家民委、国家发改委、财政部在云南昆明联合召开了全国兴边富民行动10年总结暨经验交流会。兴边富民行动,就是要振兴边  相似文献   

兴边富民行动是一项国家重点建设工程,旨在推动边疆地区各民族边民共同繁荣发展,自实施以来,在促进边疆地区经济繁荣、社会稳定、民族团结、巩固边防等方面发挥了重要作用。麻栗坡县独具特色的富民强边之路,具有一定的可参考、可借鉴价值。文章以回顾麻栗坡县兴边富民行动的实践为逻辑起点,梳理了麻栗坡县兴边富民行动的发展阶段;既总结了麻栗坡县兴边富民行动取得的辉煌成就和宝贵经验,又立足客观实际,分析了麻栗坡县当下进一步开展兴边富民行动面临的挑战与困难;最后,针对问题提出了具有一定指导意义的对策与建议。  相似文献   

新中国成立70年来,云南农业大学根据边疆和民族地区经济社会发展需要,着力培养创新型实用人才;立足资源禀赋在农业生物多样性利用、动植物品种选育、地方特色生物产业开发等领域开展"顶天立地"的科学研究;创新社会服务模式,扎实推进精准扶贫、富民兴边工作;抓住建设面向南亚东南亚辐射中心机遇,以科技合作为引领推进国际化办学;聚焦资源建平台,不断拓展社会服务空间,走出了一条扎根边疆特色办学的发展之路,为云南经济社会发展做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

国务院印发《兴边富民行动规划》2011年6月5日,国务院印发《兴边富民行动规划(2011~2015年)》,促进边境地区经济社会快速发展,人民生活水平明显提高,民族团结、社会稳定、边防稳固,为富民、兴边、强国、睦邻。十二五时期是边境地区全面建设小康社会的关键时期。为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于深入实施兴边富民行动的战略部署,促进边境地区经济社会又好又快发展和社会和谐稳定,国家民委、发改委和财政部组织编制了本规划。  相似文献   

积极参与农业开发探索富民兴社之路──宝坻县供销合作社联合社近年来,我们宝低县社在深化供销社改革中,结合农村经济发展的大趋势,把供销社和“三农”紧密地连为一体,坚持在为农村服务中振兴。在兴农中求取自身发展,积极投身种植。养殖等农业开发项目,取得了富民兴...  相似文献   

近年来,云南边境民族地区农村基层党组织在社会管理能力建设方面取得了一些好经验、好做法,但也面临着“村规民约”影响力大、宗教活动盛行、“黄赌毒敌艾”等问题.正确处理好村规民约与国家法律法规之间的关系,宗教信仰与社会主流价值之间的关系,加大“黄赌毒敌艾”违法犯罪执法力度,增强边民国家意识,健全在低保、结婚登记和信访等方面的制度体系,是进一步提升边境民族地区农村基层党组织社会管理能力建设的重要内容.  相似文献   

Third World farmers are faced with development projects that foster one-way information flows from the government or organization to the farmers, despite the scholarly and practical interest in participatory development models. This article discusses why development projects do not better support power-sharing and proposes introducing sensemaking methodology into the planning and evaluation stages of agricultural development projects.Participation has been difficult to operationalize for many reasons including that communication models used in development are based on the transmission model of communication in which information is envisioned as a thing external to people and communication is the movement of that information from the source to the audience. Sense-making methodology, however, is based on a constructing model of communication in which information is conceptualized not as external to people but a result of their observing and communicating activity. Communication is a constructing process. And the audience is not the target for messages but active participants in creating information.  相似文献   

Increasingly, it is accepted wisdom for agricultural scientists to get feedback from indigenous peoples—peasants—about new improved seeds and biotechnologies before their official release from the experiment station. What is not yet accepted wisdom is the importance of cognitive science to research on farmer decision making, especially of the type Why don't they adopt. In this paper, the impact of the cognitive revolution on models of farmer decision making is described, and decision making models before and after the cognitive revolution are contrasted. An example of a decision model after the cognitive revolution is given by the Malawi farmer's decision whether to use chemical fertilizers or organic fertilizers or both. Results of testing the model show that in Malawi, smallholders' lack of capital and credit are more important factors constraining use of chemical fertilizers than are indigenous beliefs in organic fertilizers or fears of a future dependency on chemicals.Christina H. Gladwin is Associate Professor in the Food and Resource Economics Department at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Her research interests include the cognitive relationship between norms, plans, and decision processes and large-scale shifts in norms and choice. The research for this paper was initiated while she was a Rockefeller post-doc assigned to the International Fertilizer Development Center.  相似文献   

Increasing attention has been given to indigenous knowledge in Third World rural societies as a potential basis for sustainable agricultural development. It has been found that many people have functional knowledge systems pertaining to their resources and environment, which are based on experience and experimentation, and which are sometimes based on unique epistemologies. Efforts have been made to include such knowledge in participatory research and projects. This paper discusses socio-political, institutional, and ethical issues that need to be considered in order to understand the actual limitations and contributions of such knowledge systems. It reviews the nature of local knowledge and suggests the need to recognize its unique values yet avoid romanticized views of its potential. Local knowledge and alternative bottom-up projects continue to be marginalized because of the dominance of conventional top-down R&approaches, pressures of agrochemical firms, scientific professionalism, and for other political-economic reasons. It is argued that the exploitation of local knowledge by formal institutions should be avoided; instead, people need to establish legitimacy of their knowledge for themselves, as a form of empowerment.Lori Ann Thrupp is presently a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of California Berkeley (in the Energy and Resources Program), pursuing work on sustainable agricultural development strategies. She received her doctoral and masters degree in Development Studies from the University of Sussex (U.K.), and her bachelors from Stanford University in Human Biology and Latin American Studies. Her interests are natural resource management, sustainable development, political ecology, agricultural technology transfer, indigenous knowledge, and environmental policy issues in developing countries. Her doctoral dissertation research was on The Political Ecology of Pesticide Use in Costa Rica, supported by a Fulbright Scholarship. She has also received grants from the National Wildlife Federation, Marshall Foundation, and Dudley Seers Fund. Her professional experiences include consulting, teaching, and research on natural resource issues and agroecology for organizations such as CATIE (a Tropical Agriculture Institute) in Costa Rica, the Pragma Corporation, USAID, the Organization of Tropical Studies, the International Institute for Environmental and Development (on a fuelwood energy project in Kenya), the Intermediate Technology Development Group, the Worldwatch Institute, Resources for the Future. She has published in both Spanish and English (including co-authorship of a book on EI Uso de los plaguicidas en Costa Rica, and co-editing a book with Robert Chambers and Arnold Pacey on Farmer First: Farmer Innovation and Agricultural Research).  相似文献   

文件档案是国家机关、社会团体和个人在社会活动中形成、保存备查的信息,是具有历史价值和经济价值的资源。随着知识经济社会的到来,人们对文件档案信息作用的认识日益深刻,文档形式的多样化及文档信息开发的网络化,使人们对文档信息管理现代化的认识和要求也日益迫切。要实现这一目标,就必须克服现有文档信息管理中存在的不足,注重观念创新,加强文档制发、归档、管理、开发等的过程管理,强调管理工作的标准化和信息化。  相似文献   

Hunger in Canada     
Hunger is defined as the inability to obtain sufficient, nutritious, personally acceptable food through normal food channels or the uncertainty that one will be able to do so. After the depression of the 1930s, widespread concerns about hunger in Canada did not resurface until the recession of the early 1980s when the demand for food assistance rose dramatically. The development of an ad hoc charitable food distribution system ensued and by 1992, 2.1 million Canadians were receiving food assistance. In the absence of national monitoring systems, this remains the best available estimate of the prevalence of hunger. Hunger appears to be linked to poverty, unemployment, and numbers of people receiving social assistance. Although the Canadian social security system has traditionally been characterized by government-run universal and targeted programs designed to address income issues, hunger raises concerns about the current safety net. The primary response to hunger has been the proliferation of food banks, the agencies at the heart of the charitable food assistance system. On a smaller scale, community-based programs and advocacy initiatives have emerged. Nonetheless, the demand for food assistance continues to rise. The trend raises questions about future directions for social policy in Canada and concerns about the development of a two-tiered food distribution system—one for those with adequate money and one for the poor.Barbara Davis is the former Chair of The Canadian Dietetic AssociationAd Hoc Committee on Hunger, Editor of the Canadian Dietetic Association Nutrition and Food Security Network Newsletter, and Coordinator of the Masters in Health Science Program in Community Nutrition at the University of Toronto.  相似文献   

论新疆屯垦文化的特征及其在新疆文化发展史中的地位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在新疆两千多年的屯垦实践中,产生了与之相适应的屯垦文化.这是一种以内地文化特别是汉文化为母体,以开发边疆、保卫边疆的屯垦实践为表现形式,以主要发展农业伴以商业和游牧业为经济基础,以一批又一批的屯垦军民为主要载体,在不断吸收新疆各民族文化成分的基础上,形成具有自身独特特征的文化体系.在新疆屯垦文化产生和发展的过程中,屯垦文化不仅是新疆多民族文化并存格局中的一个重要组成部分,是一种跨民族存在的文化,而且屯垦文化对推进新疆历史发展,促进新疆社会进步产生了极为重要的影响,特别在增进新疆各民族文化的互补性认同上,产生了极为重要的影响,并由此在新疆文化的发展中发挥了重要的历史作用.  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue that there is no essential inconsistency between a well-constructed free trade policy and environmental sound development. From an examination of the concept of free trade, I argue that free trade must mean environmentally sustainable trade. The argument is conceptual in nature. I argue that free trade must mean trade free of subsidies in which the price of a good fairly reflects the costs of its production. I then argue that environmentally unsustainable commodity trade is in fact subsidized. Therefore, the international regulation of this trade would be consistent with the goal of free trade. Moreover, such regulation could promote both environmental conservation and the long-run interest of developing countries. However, ethical and practical considerations demand that these regulations must be structured so that they do not have a negative short-term economic impact on developing countries. A mechanism to implement this policy is suggested.Notes 1. Work on this project was funded by a grant from George Mason University's International Institute.  相似文献   

当前,国有企业在建立现代企业制度和资本运营的实践和认识中还存在几个误区:一是误认为现代企业制度就是“三会四权”法人结构;二是误认为资本运营就是资本重组;三是误认为资本运营只是企业的事;四是将现代企业制度和资本运营割裂开来。要走出上述误区,必须正确理解和把握现代企业制度和资本运营的深刻内涵,并把二者有机结合起来,使之相互促进,协调、健康发展,进而从整体上搞活国有企业。  相似文献   

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