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Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Query fever (Q fever), is among the most highly infectious zoonotic pathogens transmitted among livestock, with chronic effects challenging to veterinary and medical detection and care systems. Transmission among domestic livestock species can vary regionally due to herd management practices that determine which livestock species are raised, whether or not livestock are in contact with wildlife, and the susceptibility of these livestock to infection. To explore how different livestock management practices are associated with the risk of infection in multispecies environments, we carried out a comparative study of three types of herd management systems in the central Kenyan county of Laikipia: agro‐commercial, mixed conservancy/commercial, and smallholder ranches. We tested C. burnetii antibody seroprevalence in four common livestock species. Across all management types, the highest seroprevalence was in camels (20%), followed by goats (18%), sheep (13%), and cattle (6%). We observed a lower odds of testing seropositive for young compared to adult animals (adjusted OR = 0.44 [95% CI 0.24, 0.76]), and for males compared to females (adjusted OR = 0.52 [95% CI 0.33, 0.80]). Animals from mixed conservancy/commercial and smallholder operations had a higher odds of testing seropositive compared to animals from agro‐commercial ranches (adjusted OR = 5.17 [95% CI 2.71, 10.44] and adjusted OR = 2.21 [95% CI 1.17, 4.43] respectively). These data suggest that herd management practices might affect the transmission dynamics of C. burnetiiin arid African ecosystems like those seen in Kenya where several transmission modes are possible, risk of drought has promoted new livestock species such as camels, and multiple wildlife species may co‐occur with livestock on the landscape. Further longitudinal studies are needed to disentangle the mechanisms underlying these patterns, and further explore transmission patterns between wildlife, domestic animal, and human populations.  相似文献   

Q fever (caused by Coxiella burnetii) is a serious zoonotic disease that occurs almost worldwide. Occupational contact with animals increases the risk of exposure, and Q fever vaccination is recommended for veterinary workers in Australia. This study aimed to investigate C. burnetii seroprevalence among unvaccinated veterinary workers in Australia and determine factors associated with a positive serological result. During 2014 and 2015, convenience sampling at veterinary conferences and workplace vaccination clinics was undertaken. Participants completed a questionnaire and provided a blood sample for C. burnetii serology. Participants were predominantly veterinarians (77%), but veterinary support staff, animal scientists, and administration workers also participated. Blood samples (n = 192) were analysed by an immunofluorescence assay and considered positive where the phase I or phase II IgG titre was ≥1/50. Seroprevalence was 19% (36/192; 95% CI 14%–25%). A positive serological result was significantly associated with (a) working in outer regional/remote areas (odds ratio [OR] 6.2; 95% CI 1.9–20.8; reference = major cities; p = .009) and (b) having spent more than 50% of total career working with ruminants (OR 4.8; 95% CI 1.7–13.5; reference = <15% of career; p = .025). These findings confirm an increased risk of exposure to C. burnetii compared to the general population, providing new evidence to support Q fever vaccination of veterinary workers in Australia.  相似文献   

Q fever is zoonotic disease caused by Coxiella burnetii. Ruminants are the main reservoir of this pathogen, which is often asymptomatic but lead to abortion. This study aims to survey the seroprevalence and risk factors of this zoonose among ruminants in Kurdistan province, the west of Iran. 480 blood samples were collected from ruminants including sheep, goats and cows, each 160 samples, in the age groups of <1, ≥1−3, >3−5 year with and without the history of abortion in two groups border and non-border cities in Kurdistan province. Serums were tested by use of indirect ELISA to determine specific antibodies against C. burnetii. The results indicate the seroprevalence of 46.6 % for Q fever. Seroprevalence in sheep, goats and cows were 28.58 % (n = 64), 45.53 % (n = 102) and 25.89 % (n = 58), respectively. Seroprevalence is significantly higher in animals with abortion than in those without such history (P < 0.05). The seroprevalence in the border cities has been significantly higher than other geographical areas (P < 0.05). Seroprevalence had no significant correlation with animal age (P> 0.05). This study is the first seroepidemiological study done on Q fever in ruminants of Kurdistan province, Iran. The results indicate the high seroprevalence of Coxiella burnetii in the area under the study. Therefore, doing an epidemiologically study aimed at isolating C. brunetii in the human population of Kurdistan province is recommended, so that the epidemiological aspect of this pathogen in the people of Kurdistan province be clarified and subsequently disease control and prevention programs be applied.  相似文献   

Estimates of prevalence of faecal Salmonella shedding among dogs in the United States have varied widely. Surveillance among shelter dogs has been limited, although dogs in animal shelters may be at elevated risk of Salmonella infection because of their previous exposure history as well as factors inherent to shelter environments. Our objectives were to estimate the prevalence of Salmonella shedding among shelter dogs across Texas, to identify risk factors for shedding and to characterize the isolates. Using a repeated cross‐sectional study design, we collected faecal samples from dogs on two or three visits to each of seven Texas animal shelters between May 2013 and December 2014. Standard bacteriologic culture methods were used to isolate Salmonella from samples, and isolates were characterized via serotyping and anti‐microbial susceptibility testing. The prevalence of faecal Salmonella shedding among sampled dogs was 4.9% (27/554), and within‐shelter prevalence ranged from 1.9% to 8.3%. There was a marginal association (= 0.09) between watery faecal samples and positive Salmonella status, as estimated by a logistic regression model that controlled for shelter as a random effect. However, over 60% of Salmonella‐positive dogs had grossly normal faeces. Salmonella prevalence did not vary significantly by age group or sex. The most common serovars were Newport (22%) and Javiana (15%), both of which were widespread among shelters. Resistance to anti‐microbial agents was uncommon. The prevalence of faecal Salmonella shedding among shelter dogs in Texas appears to be comparable to that seen among pet dogs in general.  相似文献   

The Netherlands underwent a large Q fever outbreak between 2007 and 2009. In this paper, we study spatial and temporal Coxiella burnetii exposure trends during this large outbreak as well as validate outcomes against other published studies and provide evidence to support hypotheses on the causes of the outbreak. To achieve this, we develop a framework using a dose–response model to translate acute Q fever case incidence into exposure estimates. More specifically, we incorporate a geostatistical model that accounts for spatial and temporal correlation of exposure estimates from a human Q fever dose–response model to quantify exposure trends during the outbreak. The 2051 cases, with the corresponding age, gender and residential addresses, reside in the region with the highest attack rates during the outbreak in the Netherlands between 2006 and 2009. We conclude that the multiyear outbreak in the Netherlands is caused by sustained release of infectious bacteria from the same sources, which suggests that earlier implementation of interventions may have prevented many of the cases. The model predicts the risk of infection and acute symptomatic Q fever from multiple exposure sources during a multiple‐year outbreak providing a robust, evidence‐based methodology to support decision‐making and intervention design.  相似文献   

Q fever in humans and coxiellosis in livestock are both caused by Coxiella burnetii. The public health importance of vaccination against C. burnetii shedding from sheep and goats was evaluated using systematic review and meta‐analysis to provide evidence for policy direction to prevent potential zoonotic spread. Publications reporting shedding of C. burnetii in vaginal and uterine secretions, milk, placenta and faeces were included. A single observational (one goat) and seven experimental (four goat and three sheep) vaccine studies were included in the review. No relevant publications on other interventions were identified. Random effects meta‐analyses were performed for the risk of shedding in individuals in the control and vaccinated groups and for the mean difference in the level of bacterial shedding in sheep and goats stratified by age and previous exposure status. Limited data were available for further analytic evaluation. From the pooled analysis, an inactivated phase I vaccine significantly reduced the risk of shedding from uterine (RR = 0.10; 95%CI 0.05–0.20) secretions in previously sensitized goats. Individual studies reported significant risk reduction in milk (RR = 0.03; 95%CI 0.01–0.26), vaginal secretions (RR = 0.40; 95%CI 0.22–0.75) and faeces (RR = 0.79; 95%CI 0.63–0.97) from naïve goats. The pooled mean levels of bacteria shed from placental [mean difference (MD = ?5.24 Log10; 95%CI ?6.75 to ?3.7)] and vaginal (MD = ?1.78 Log10; 95%CI ?2.19 to ?1.38) routes were significantly decreased in vaccinated naïve goats compared with controls. Shedding through all other routes from vaccinated goats was not significantly different than shedding from control goats. No effect of vaccination was found on the risk of shedding or the mean level of shedding in vaccinated sheep compared with control sheep. Our conclusions are based on a limited amount of data with variable risk of systematic error.  相似文献   

Rabies is an essentially 100% fatal, zoonotic disease, caused by Lyssaviruses. Currently, the disease is vaccine‐preventable with pre‐ and post‐exposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP). Still, rabies virus is estimated to cause up to 60,000 human deaths annually, of which the vast majority occurs in rural Asia and Africa, due to the inaccessibility of prophylaxis and non‐existence of treatment. Despite these unmet clinical needs, rabies control mainly focuses on the sylvatic reservoir and drug innovation receives relatively little attention compared to other neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). As such, the lag of innovation in human rabies prophylaxis and treatment cannot be explained by limited return on investment alone. Strategies countering rabies‐specific innovation barriers are important for the acceleration of innovation in human rabies prophylaxis and treatment. Barriers throughout society, science, business development and market domains were identified through literature review and 23 semi‐structured interviews with key opinion leaders worldwide. A subsequent root cause analysis revealed causal relations between innovation barriers and a limited set of root causes. Finally, prioritization by experts indicated their relative importance. Root causes, which are fundamental to barriers, were aggregated into four types: market and commercial, stakeholder collaboration, public health and awareness, and disease trajectory. These were found in all domains of the innovation process and thus are relevant for all stakeholders. This study identifies barriers that were not previously described in this specific context, for example the competition for funding between medical and veterinary approaches. The results stress the existence of barriers beyond the limited return on investment and thereby explain why innovation in human rabies medication is lagging behind NTDs with a lower burden of disease. A re‐orientation on the full spectrum of barriers that hinder innovation in rabies prophylaxis and treatment is necessary to meet unmet societal and medical needs.  相似文献   

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