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Laboratory and field experiments were conducted to evaluate the usefulness of Oxalis spp. as allelopathic ground-cover plants for weed management. Some Oxalis spp. have previously been reported to possess strong allelopathic activities but few studies have been conducted on their activities in fields. This study aimed to investigate allelopathic activities and the possibility of weed suppression in five species of common Oxalis : shamrock oxalis ( Oxalis articulata Savigny), Bowie's woodsorrel ( Oxalis bowiei Lindl.), trefoil ( Oxalis brasiliensis Lodd. ex Knowl. et West.), lucky clover ( Oxalis deppei Lodd. ex Sweet) and Oxalis hirta L. The effects of the leachates from dry leaves and the exudates from living roots of these plant species were tested in laboratory experiments. The leachates from O. articulata , O. bowiei , O. deppei and O. hirta and the exudates from O. deppei caused > 84% inhibition of the radicle elongation of lettuce seedlings, but no effect was observed on the seed germination of lettuce. In the field experiment, O. deppei significantly reduced the weed population in July. A significant relationship was observed between the weed population and the percentage ground coverage of Oxalis spp. In contrast to the weed population, a significant relationship was observed between the weed above-ground biomass and the allelopathic activity of exudates from Oxalis spp.  相似文献   

Kava is a perennial pepper plant from the Oceanic region, which is commonly used as a drink by natives and for pharmacological purposes. Results of this study concluded that Kava has allelopathic potential and suppressed germination and growth of lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L), barnyardgrass ( E. crus-galli Beauv var. formosensis Ohwi.), and duck-tongue weed ( M. vaginalis Presl var. plantaginea Solms-Laub.) Moreover, Kava inhibited emergence of weeds in paddy soils. The inhibition of Kava became stronger as the applied concentration increased. In a greenhouse experiment, Kava had the greatest inhibition on emergence and weed growth in paddy soils when a dose of 1 ton ha−1 of Kava was divided and applied at 3, 16, and 23 days after watering. Inhibition by Kava varied among weed species. Results from this study suggest that Kava might be useful for weed control in rice or reduce dependence on herbicide.  相似文献   

Cover crops grown in the period between two main crops have potential as an important component of a system‐oriented ecological weed management strategy. In late summer and autumn, the cover crop can suppress growth and seed production of weeds, whereas the incorporation of cover crop residues in spring may reduce or retard weed emergence. Based on these two criteria, six cover crop species were evaluated for their weed suppressive potential in 2 years of experimentation in the Netherlands. Fodder radish, winter oilseed rape and winter rye had the strongest competitive ability in autumn; the competitive strength of Italian ryegrass was intermediate and white lupin and lucerne were poor competitors. Competitiveness was strongly correlated to early light interception. Surprisingly, doubling the recommended sowing density did not increase weed suppressive ability. Although a poor competitor in the fall, after incorporation in spring, lucerne had the strongest inhibitory effect on seedling establishment, followed by winter oilseed rape and white lupin. Winter rye and fodder radish did not affect seedling establishment, whereas Italian ryegrass was not evaluated because of re‐growth after incorporation. Competition in autumn and subsequent residue‐mediated suppression of weed establishment in spring varied among the cover crop species, with winter oilseed rape offering relatively strong effects during both periods.  相似文献   

Weeds tend to aggregate in patches within fields, and there is evidence that this is partly owing to variation in soil properties. Because the processes driving soil heterogeneity operate at various scales, the strength of the relations between soil properties and weed density would also be expected to be scale‐dependent. Quantifying these effects of scale on weed patch dynamics is essential to guide the design of discrete sampling protocols for mapping weed distribution. We developed a general method that uses novel within‐field nested sampling and residual maximum‐likelihood (reml ) estimation to explore scale‐dependent relations between weeds and soil properties. We validated the method using a case study of Alopecurus myosuroides in winter wheat. Using reml , we partitioned the variance and covariance into scale‐specific components and estimated the correlations between the weed counts and soil properties at each scale. We used variograms to quantify the spatial structure in the data and to map variables by kriging. Our methodology successfully captured the effect of scale on a number of edaphic drivers of weed patchiness. The overall Pearson correlations between A. myosuroides and soil organic matter and clay content were weak and masked the stronger correlations at >50 m. Knowing how the variance was partitioned across the spatial scales, we optimised the sampling design to focus sampling effort at those scales that contributed most to the total variance. The methods have the potential to guide patch spraying of weeds by identifying areas of the field that are vulnerable to weed establishment.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify factors determining weed species composition in soyabean crops in Hungary, where its expanding production faces difficult weed problems. The abundance of weed flora was measured in 262 fields across the country, along with 38 background variables. Using a minimal adequate model containing 24 terms with significant net effects, 21.6% of the total variation in weed species data could be explained. Plot location (edge vs core position, the single site variable in our analysis) was found to be the most important explanatory variable that was followed by a set of environmental (temperature, precipitation, altitude, soil texture, pH, Ca, K, Na and humus content), cultural (cultivar maturity, organic manure, fertiliser P and N, row spacing) and weed management (flumioxazin, pendimethalin, dimethenamid, propaquizafop, bentazone, quizalofop‐p‐ethyl, quizalofop‐p‐tefuril, linuron, thifensulfuron) factors. Variation partitioning revealed that environmental variables accounted for about four times more variance than cultural and about two and half times more than weed management variables. Chenopodium album, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Hibiscus trionum, Echinochloa crus‐galli and Convolvulus arvensis were the most dominant and frequent weeds, but their abundance was influenced by different factors. The responses of weed species to the studied variables provide new information about their ecological behaviour, and our findings also can be used to develop better weed management strategies.  相似文献   

The effects of herbicide dose on rice‐weed competition were investigated to develop a combined model, which can be utilised to estimate an optimum herbicide dose for a given weed density in paddy rice cultivation. Field studies were conducted in Suwon for rice‐Echinochloa crus‐galli competition and Iksan for rice‐Eleocharis kuroguwai during 2007. The competitive effect of the weeds E. crus‐galli and E. kuroguwai decreased with increasing doses of flucetosulfuron and azimsulfuron, respectively, in the same manner as the standard dose–response curve. The combination of the rectangular hyperbolic model and the standard dose–response curve adequately described the complex effects of herbicide dose and weed competition on rice yield. Parameter estimates were used with the model to predict rice yield and estimate the doses of flucetosulfuron and azimsulfuron required to restrict rice yield loss caused by E. crus‐galli and E. kuroguwai, respectively, to an acceptable level. For a rice yield of 5.0 t ha?1, the model recommended flucetosulfuron doses of 8.7, 13.4 and 20.1 g a.i. ha?1 when infested with E. crus‐galli at 12, 24 and 48 plants m?2 respectively. For a rice yield of 5.2 t ha?1, the model recommended azimsulfuron doses of 3.9, 7.5 and 12.6 g a.i. ha?1 when infested with E. kuroguwai at 24, 48 and 96 plants m?2 respectively. The theoretical outputs of the combined model appear robust and indicate there are opportunities for reduced herbicide use in the field. These now require evaluation under field conditions.  相似文献   

How to model the effects of farming practices on weed emergence   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Early weed emergence models directly relate the weed seedbank to emerged seedlings, with constant emergence rates for each tillage tool. These models compare cropping systems at long term in a given region. Other models relate emergence to rain and air temperature. They are useful in no-till systems with seeds close to soil surface. Recently, other authors split emergence into germination and pre-emergence growth, depending on soil climate. But seed survival and dormancy as well as tillage were not yet integrated. Models advising farmers for strategic farming decisions in a large range of situations must split emergence into mechanistic relationships distinguishing the various underlying biological subprocesses in order to correctly quantify the effect of cropping system. The model Alomy Sys for Alopecurus myosuroides emergence follows this principle, based on submodels predicting (a) soil environment resulting from the cropping system, (b) vertical soil seed distribution after tillage, and (c) seed survival, germination and pre-emergence growth depending on soil environment, seed depth, characteristics and past history. This model can be used to determine the optimal tillage modes and sowing dates, depending on the preceding crop succession, the following crop and the work constraints of the farmer.  相似文献   

Seed‐attacking microorganisms have an undefined potential for management of the weed seedbank, either directly through inundative inoculation of soils with effective pathogenic strains, or indirectly by managing soils in a manner that promotes native seed‐decaying microorganisms. However, research in this area is still limited and not consistently successful because of technological limitations in identifying the pathogens involved and their efficacy. We suggest that these limitations can now be overcome through application of new molecular techniques to identify the microorganisms interacting with weed seeds and to decipher their functionality. However, an interdisciplinary weed management approach that includes weed scientists, microbiologists, soil ecologists and molecular biologists is required to provide new insights into physical and chemical interactions between different seed species and microorganisms. Such insight is a prerequisite to identify the best candidate organisms to consider for seedbank management and to find ways to increase weed seed suppressive soil communities.  相似文献   

To better understand the potential for improving weed management in cereal crops with increased crop density and spatial uniformity, we conducted field experiments over two years with spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) and four weed species: lambsquarters ( Chenopodium album ) , Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum ), white mustard ( Sinapis alba ), and chickweed ( Stellaria media ). The crops were sown at three densities (204, 449, and 721 seeds m−2) and in two spatial patterns (normal rows and a highly uniform pattern), and the weeds were sown in a random pattern at a high density. In most cases, the sown weeds dominated the weed community but, in other cases, naturally occurring weeds were also important. There were strong and significant effects regarding the weed species sown, the crop density, and the spatial distribution on the weed biomass in both years. The weed biomass decreased with increased crop density in 29 out of 30 cases. On average, the weed biomass was lower and the grain yield was higher in the uniform compared to the row pattern in both 2001 and 2002. Despite the differences in weed biomass, the responses of L. multiflorum , S. media , and C. album populations to crop density and spatial uniformity were very similar, as were their effects on the grain yield. Sinapis alba was by far the strongest competitor and it responded somewhat differently. Our results suggest that a combination of increased crop density and a more uniform spatial pattern can contribute to a reduction in weed biomass and yield loss, but the effects are smaller if the weeds are taller than the crop when crop–weed competition becomes intense.  相似文献   

Eyespot is an economically important stem base disease of wheat caused by the soilborne fungal pathogens Oculimacula yallundae and Oculimacula acuformis. The most effective method of controlling the disease is host resistance. However, there are only three genetically characterized resistances in wheat varieties and further sources of resistance are required. Previous studies have identified resistances in wild relatives, but use of these resistances has been limited by linkage drag with deleterious traits exacerbated by low rates of recombination. Therefore, the identification of novel resistances in hexaploid wheat germplasm is desirable. The Watkins collection currently consists of 1056 hexaploid wheat landraces that represent global wheat diversity at the time of its collection in the 1920s and 1930s. As such, it may contain beneficial agronomic traits such as eyespot resistance. The Watkins collection was screened for resistance to O. yallundae based on a glasshouse test of all 1056 accessions and a polytunnel test of 44 accessions selected from a previous field trial. Resistant lines identified in these tests were retested against both O. yallundae and O. acuformis. This identified 17 accessions with resistance to one or both of the pathogen species. From these, two accessions (1190094.1 and 1190736.3) provided a high level of resistance to both pathogen species. An F4 population derived from accession 1190736.3 indicated that the resistance to O. acuformis in this accession is conferred by a single gene and therefore would be suitable for introgression into elite wheat varieties to provide an alternative source of eyespot resistance.  相似文献   

The relative abundances of DNA of Mycosphaerella graminicola and Phaeosphaeria nodorum in archived wheat samples are closely correlated with UK anthropogenic emissions of oxidized sulphur over the last 160 years. To test whether this could be a causal relationship, possible modes of action of sulphur on the two fungi were examined. Mycelial growth of the two fungi in solutions of sulphurous acid was similar. Sulphurous acid at pH 4 reduced percentage germination of P. nodorum conidia more strongly than M. graminicola conidia. In spray inoculations of wheat cv. Squarehead's Master, Cappelle Desprez and Riband with water or sulphurous acid (pH 4), the ratio of leaves infected by P. nodorum to leaves infected by M. graminicola was increased by factors of 2·5, 2·1 and 0·6, respectively at pH 4. The same three cultivars of wheat were grown in sand and vermiculite and fertilized with nutrient solution containing 2·5 or 0·5 mm sulphate. Both pathogens infected less frequently at 2·5 mm sulphate, by a factor of about 2. The severity of infection by M. graminicola was reduced on all three cultivars by a factor of about 4·5 at 2·5 mm sulphate, but severity of P. nodorum was reduced only by a factor of about 2. Both elevated free sulphate concentrations in soil and sulphite in rainwater could therefore increase the prevalence of P. nodorum relative to M. graminicola, which is consistent with the historical changes in abundance.  相似文献   

Leaf rust caused by Puccina triticina is one of the most destructive fungal diseases of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Adult plant resistance (APR) is an effective strategy to achieve long‐term protection from the disease. In this study, findings are reported from a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) using a panel of 96 wheat cultivars genotyped with 874 Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) markers and tested for adult leaf rust response in six field trials. A total of 13 quantitative trait loci (QTL) conferring APR to leaf rust were identified on chromosome arms 1BL, 1DS, 2AS, 2BL, 2DS, 3BS, 3BL, 4AL, 6BS (two), 7DS, 5BL/7BS and 6AL/6BS. Of these, seven QTLs mapped close to known resistance genes and QTLs, while the remaining six are novel and can be used as additional sources of resistance. Accessions with a greater number of combined QTLs for APR showed lower levels of disease severity, demonstrating additive and significant pyramiding effects. All QTLs had stable main effects and they did not exhibit a significant interaction with the experiments. These findings could help to achieve adequate levels of durable resistance through marker‐assisted selection and pyramiding resistance QTLs in local germplasm.  相似文献   

Multiple herbicide‐resistant (MHR ) weed populations pose significant agronomic and economic threats and demand the development and implementation of ecologically based tactics for sustainable management. We investigated the influence of nitrogen fertiliser rate (56, 112, 168, or 224 kg N ha?1) and spring wheat seeding density (67.3 kg ha?1 or 101 kg ha?1) on the demography of one herbicide susceptible and two MHR Avena fatua populations under two cropping systems (continuous cropping and crop‐fallow rotation). To represent a wide range of environmental conditions, data were obtained in field conditions over 3 years (2013–2015). A stochastic density‐dependent population dynamics model was constructed using the demographic data to project A. fatua populations. Elasticity analysis was used to identify demographic processes with negative impacts on population growth. In both cropping systems, MHR seedbank densities were negatively impacted by increasing nitrogen fertilisation rate and wheat density. Overall, MHR seedbank densities were larger in the wheatfallow compared with the continuous wheat cropping system and seedbank densities stabilised near zero in the high nitrogen and high spring wheat seeding rate treatment. In both cropping systems, density‐dependent seed production was the most influential parameter impacting population growth rate. This study demonstrated that while the short‐term impact of weed management tactics can be investigated by field experiments, evaluation of long‐term consequences requires the use of population dynamics models. Demographic models, such as the one constructed here, will aid in selecting ecologically based weed management tactics, such as appropriate resource availability and modification to crop competitive ability to reduce the impact of MHR .  相似文献   

Biological invasion is increasing worldwide and the management of invasive species is becoming an important priority for vegetation managers. Success of invasive species management depends on a thorough understanding of the biology of the organism in question and the effectiveness of current management efforts, in order to identify the best practices for management improvement. In this review, we synthesised current biological knowledge of a noxious invasive weed Ageratina adenophora to identify knowledge gaps and assessed management efforts to identify best practices. Finally, we proposed some priority areas for future research to fill knowledge gaps and improve management. Our analysis showed that A. adenophora has already invaded 40 countries, mainly in Asia, Oceania, Africa and Europe. Phenotypic plasticity, allelopathic interference and invasion‐mediated changes in the soil microbial community are the proposed mechanisms that facilitate rapid spread of this weed. However, allelopathy as a mechanism of invasion success of this weed has not been supported by ecologically meaningful experiments. Though mechanical, chemical and biological control measures have been used, their success remains limited and the weed continues to spread in new regions. Among seven biological control agents examined to date, gall fly (Procecidochares utilis) and leaf spot fungus (Passalora ageratinae) have been effective in limited areas to suppress growth of this weed. Some perennial native grasses (e.g. Setaria sphacellata and Lolium perenne) have shown potential to competitively suppress A. adenophora. In conclusion, understanding the invasion mechanisms, exploring further to identify effective biological control agents, combined with approaches of ecological restoration, could help in the management of this weed.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the increase in wheat resistance to blast, caused by Pyricularia oryzae, potentiated by silicon (Si) is linked to changes in the activity of antioxidative enzymes. Wheat plants (cv. BR 18) were grown in hydroponic culture with either 0 (–Si) or 2 mm (+Si) Si and half of the plants in each group were inoculated with P. oryzae. Blast severity in the +Si plants was 70% lower compared to the ?Si plants at 96 h after inoculation (hai). Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POX), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione‐S‐transferase (GST) activities were higher in the leaves of the ?Si plants compared with the +Si plants at 96 hai. This indicates that other mechanisms may have limited P. oryzae infection in the +Si plants restricting the generation of reactive oxygen species, obviating the need for increased antioxidative enzyme activity. In contrast, glutathione reductase (GR) activity at 96 hai was higher in the +Si plants than in the ?Si plants. Although the inoculated plants showed significantly higher concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) than the non‐inoculated plants, lower MDA concentrations were observed in the +Si plants compared with the ?Si plants. The lower MDA concentration associated with decreased activities of SOD, CAT, POX, APX and GST, suggest that the amount of reactive oxygen species was lower in the +Si plants. However, GR appears to play a pivotal role in limiting oxidative stress caused by P. oryzae infection in +Si plants.  相似文献   

In winter wheat in the USA, Aegilops cylindrica is one of the most troublesome weeds, while the pathogen Oculimacula spp. causes foot rot disease. Imazamox‐resistant (IR) and foot rot‐resistant (FR) wheat cultivars represent effective tools to control the weed and prevent disease infection. However, resistance allele (RA) movement between wheat and A. cylindrica facilitates the introgression process under herbicide and disease selection pressure. Field experiments using IR and FR A. cylindrica plants intermixed with susceptible plants were conducted to measure the proportion of the RAs in the progeny and RA movement with and without herbicide and disease selection. Yield components of A. cylindrica plants were determined across treatments. The herbicide RA proportion in the progeny was greater when plants were treated with the herbicide imazamox in both years. Disease RA proportion was greater with disease occurrence only in one year. Herbicide RA movement from resistant to susceptible plants was greater with herbicide than without it only in one year. Plants carrying the RAs had greater total spikelet weight and 1000‐spikelet weight compared with susceptible plants with or without selection. However, susceptible plants produced more spikelets than the resistant ones in the absence of selection. If plants within an A. cylindrica population acquire the herbicide RA, its proportion will increase each generation under selection. These findings contribute to the understanding of crop allele introgression into related species and the evolution of increased weediness, with weed management implications.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether genetically differentiated groups of Puccinia triticina are present in Europe. In total, 133 isolates of P. triticina collected from western Europe, central Europe and Turkey were tested for virulence on 20 lines of wheat with single leaf rust resistance genes, and for molecular genotypes with 23 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. After removal of isolates with identical virulence and SSR genotype within countries, 121 isolates were retained for further analysis. Isolates were grouped based on SSR genotypes using a Bayesian approach and a genetic distance method. Both methods optimally placed the isolates into eight European (EU) groups of P. triticina SSR genotypes. Seven of the groups had virulence characteristics of isolates collected from common hexaploid wheat, and one of the groups had virulence characteristics of isolates from tetraploid durum wheat. There was a significant correlation between the SSR genotypes and virulence phenotypes of the isolates. All EU groups had observed values of heterozygosity greater than expected and significant fixation values, which indicated the clonal reproduction of urediniospores in the overall population. Linkage disequilibria for SSR genotypes were high across the entire population and within countries. The overall values of RST and FST were lower when isolates were grouped by country, which indicated the migration of isolates within Europe. The European population of P. triticina had higher levels of genetic differentiation compared to other continental populations.  相似文献   

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