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At present Denmark has the status of a 'non-vaccinating' country for Newcastle disease and its poultry population should therefore be free of antibodies to avian paramyxovirus 1 (APMV-1). Three live avian vaccines against infectious bronchitis, avian encephalomyelitis, and chick anaemia which had been found to be contaminated with APMV-1 viruses of low virulence for chickens were examined. The vaccines were produced by the same company and the affected batches had been used in Denmark in 1996/97. Furthermore, APMV-1 isolates of low virulence were obtained from three commercial broiler breeder flocks, one of which had been vaccinated with two of the contaminated vaccines. The flocks belonged to the same hatchery organisation. A comparison of viral F0 gene sequences and typing of virus isolates with a panel of monoclonal antibodies showed that the vaccine and field isolates were identical.  相似文献   

Kim T  Tripathy DN 《Avian diseases》2006,50(2):288-291
Pathogenicity of two avian poxviruses isolated from endangered Hawaiian wild birds, the Hawaiian Goose and the Palila, was compared with fowl poxvirus in chickens. Immune responses were measured by ELISA pre- and postimmunization with Hawaiian poxviruses and after challenge with fowl poxvirus. Both isolates from Hawaiian birds developed only a localized lesion of short duration at the site of inoculation in specific-pathogen-free chickens and did not provide protection against subsequent challenge with virulent fowl poxvirus. On the other hand, birds inoculated with virulent fowl poxvirus developed severe lesions. In contrast to high antibody response in chickens immunized with fowl poxvirus, birds immunized with either of the two Hawaiian isolates developed low to moderate antibody responses against viral antigens. The level of immune responses, however, increased in birds of all groups following subsequent challenge.  相似文献   

从浙江省某麻鸭养殖基地的产蛋下降病鸭生殖器官内分离到1株致产蛋锐减、不致鸭死亡的病毒,经鉴定该病毒属于禽副黏病毒1型,命名为YH99V株。该毒株经动物回归试验能成功诱导鸭发病并回收同样的病毒,通过SPF鸡胚盲传至第9代时致病性突然增强,第11代出现血凝特性,第15代血凝价趋于稳定,鸡胚半数致死量EF15ELD50为10-4.8。MDT、ICPI和IVPI毒力学指标测定以及毒力相关基因序列结构分析表明,分离株的MDT为112h,ICPI为0.225,IVPI为0.41;YH99 V株F0蛋白裂解位点(112~117位)区域氨基酸推导序列为Gly-Arg-Gln-Gly-Arg-Leu,与弱毒株相一致。证明该毒株为新城疫弱毒株。  相似文献   

Pigeon paramyxovirus-1 (PPMV-1) was isolated from pigeons from east-central Alabama and used in association with chicken anemia virus (CAV), infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), or finch Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) in specific-pathogen-free chickens to assess dinical disease and pathology. PPMV-1 infection in all groups was conducted at day 10 of age via the ocular route. The low passage PPMV-1 isolate was inoculated into chickens in different groups at 10 days post-CAV infection, 6 days post-IBDV infection, and 6 days post-finch MG infection, respectively. Additionally, to obtain information on the status of paramyxovirus infection in the wild bird population of the region, we used a multispecies competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit to assess serum samples from 180 wild birds representing 24 species obtained throughout 2001. Mild respiratory signs characterized by sneezing were observed in PPMV-1-infected chicks. In the brain, PPMV-1 caused disseminated vasculitis in the neuropile and meninges, sometimes with small foci of gliosis. Most brains had only mild lesions. In the upper respiratory tract, lesions were confined to the larynx and proximal trachea as hyperplasia of laryngeal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. In the lung, PPMV-1 caused minimal to moderate multifocal interstitial pneumonia. Lymphocytic expansion occurred in the interstitium of the Harderian gland. PPMV-1 in the spleen caused expansion of the white pulp as a result of hypertrophy of the macrophages in the periarteriolar sheaths accompanied by lymphocytic hyperplasia at the periphery. No severe aggravation of either signs or lesions could be attributed to any of the avian pathogens used in association with PPMV-1. The serologic survey in wild birds showed antibody levels that were considered negative or doubtful. Interestingly, significantly (P < 0.05) higher mean titers were observed during the months of October and November 2001, following closely multiple PPMV-1 episodes of mortality in wild collard doves in northwestern Florida.  相似文献   

Strains of paramyxovirus type 1 (PMV-1) have been isolated from diseased racing pigeons in Sweden. One of these isolates was selected for studies of the pathogenicity and contagiousness in chickens.The same isolate was previously found to have a high intravenous pathogenicity index (IVPI) in 6 weeks old chickens.In three experiments it was found that the PMV-1 isolate was very pathogenic for 1 week old chickens but not pathogenic for 120 day old pullets inoculated intranasally and ocularly.Symptoms in the young chickens were similar to those seen in the neurotropic form of Newcastle disease. The mortality was high and the incubation period 5–11 days.The disease easily spread to young chickens kept in contact with diseased birds.The microscopic examination revealed an interstitial nonpurulent pneumonia and a nonpurulent encephalitis in the young chickens. In the pullets the only finding was a mild encephalitis.PMV-1 was recovered from all young chickens but not from the pullets.Both the chickens and the inoculated pullets developed antibodies to PMV-1.  相似文献   

Avian paramyxoviruses (APMVs) belonging to the subfamily Avulavirinae within the family Paramyxoviridae. APMVs consist of twenty-two known species and are constantly isolated from a wide variety of avian species around the world. In this study, the APMV isolates obtained from wild birds and domestic poultry during 2009–2020 in Taiwan were genetically characterized by phylogenetic analysis of their complete fusion protein gene or full-length genome. As a result, 57 APMV isolates belonging to seven different species were obtained during this period and subsequently identified as APMV-1 (n=17), APMV-2 (n=1), APMV-4 (n=25), APMV-6 (n=8), APMV-12 (n=2), APMV-21 (n=2) and APMV-22 (n=2). Sanger sequencing was performed to provide 22 full-length genome sequences and 35 complete fusion protein gene sequences for the APMV isolates. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the recovered viruses were closely related to Eurasian strains, except five class I APMV-1 and four APMV-4 isolates were related to North America strains. Our findings provided more evidence for the intercontinental transmission of APMVs between Eurasia and North America by wild birds. In addition, according to the criteria of the classification system based on complete fusion protein gene sequences, three novel genotypes within APMV-2, APMV-12, and APMV-22 were identified. Together, this investigation provided a broader perspective on the genetic diversity, evolution, and distribution of APMVs in multiple avian host species sampled in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity for chickens of 91 strains of avian influenza A virus isolated from such free-living waterfowl as whistling swan, pintail, tufted duck, mallard and black-tailed gull in Japan was tested. The majority of the virus strains infected and were pathogenic for the chickens. The virulence of these viruses seemed not to be as high as that of fowl plague virus. There were no significant differences in the intracerebral index score among the viruses belonging to the same subtype, irrespective of year of isolation or host.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Several reports of avian influenza virus (AIV) have been made on commercial chickens and wild birds in sub-Saharan Africa, but there is paucity of...  相似文献   

分别制备了源于鸡、鹅、鸽、鹌鹑、孔雀、画眉鸟、珍珠鸡的禽型副粘病毒(APMV-1)7个强毒分离毒株和商品弱毒疫苗株克隆30(C30)的灭活油乳剂苗,并用这8种灭活油乳剂苗和C30株的活疫苗分别在鸡、鹌鹑、鹅和鸽进行了免疫及交叉攻毒保护试验。免疫后(PI)分别测定试验禽血清的新城疫病毒(NDV)血凝抑制(HI)抗体的滴度,并于PI 5周用强毒株进行攻毒。结果表明,鸽的HI抗体几何平均滴度(MAT)为9.00~10.0 log2,鸡的为7.13~7.63 log2,鹌鹑的为5.00~5.13 log2,鹅对灭活油乳剂苗的为5.63~6.38 log2、而对C30株活疫苗的仅为3.38log2;除了C30株活疫苗免疫鹅提供的保护率比较低(20%)外,8种油乳剂苗都能对同源或者异源强毒株的攻毒提供比较高的保护率(66.75%~100%)。研究结果表明,经典疫苗株C30与近年来从各种不同禽类分离的致病性APMV-1野毒株之间、不同禽源分离株之间的抗原性,以及各种不同禽源分离株的之间的免疫原性差异均不大。  相似文献   

Due to concerns that wild birds could possibly spread H5N1 viruses, surveillance was conducted to monitor the types of avian influenza viruses circulating among the wild birds migrating to or inhabiting in northern Vietnam from 2006 to 2009. An H5N2 virus isolated from a Eurasian woodcock had a close phylogenetic relationship to H5 viruses recently isolated in South Korea and Japan, suggesting that H5N2 has been shared between Vietnam, South Korea, and Japan. An H9N2 virus isolated from a Chinese Hwamei was closely related to two H9N2 viruses that were isolated from humans in Hong Kong in 2009, suggesting that an H9N2 strain relevant to the human isolates had been transmitted to and maintained among the wild bird population in Vietnam and South China. The results support the idea that wild bird species play a significant role in the spread and maintenance of avian influenza and that this also occurs in Vietnam.  相似文献   

The potential of low pathogenicity (LP) avian influenza virus (AIV) isolates of wild bird origin to establish infection in commercial turkeys and broiler chickens was studied. Isolates, representing subtypes H5N1, H7N3, H6N2, and H3N6, were recovered in 2005 and 2006 from waterfowl and shorebirds in the Delmarva Peninsula region of the east coast of the United States. The LP AIV isolates were not pathogenic for 2-wk-old meat-type turkeys and broiler chickens. No mortality, clinical signs, or gross lesions were observed following intratracheal and conjunctival sac routes of exposures with 10(6.0) EID50 (embryo infectious dose) per bird. Isolates resulting in an established infection based on virus isolation were: A/mallard/Maryland/1159/ 2006 (H5N1) in the upper respiratory tract of turkeys; A/mallard/Delaware/418/2005 (H7N3) in the upper respiratory and intestinal tracts of turkeys and chickens; and A/shorebird-environment/Delaware/251/2005 (H3N6) in the upper respiratory and intestinal tracts of chickens. Infections were also confirmed by production of AIV-specific serum antibodies detected by hemagglutination inhibition.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of six Newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolates recovered from chickens (Ckn-LBM and Ckn-Australia) and wild (Anhinga) and exotic (YN parrot, pheasant, and dove) birds was examined after the isolates had been passaged four times in domestic chickens. Groups of 10 4-wk-old specific-pathogen-free white leghorn chickens were inoculated intraconjunctivally with each one of the isolates. The infected birds were observed for clinical disease and were euthanatized and sampled at selected times from 12 hr to 14 days postinoculation or at death. Tissues were examined by histopathology, by immunohistochemistry (IHC) to detect viral nucleoprotein (IHC/NP), and by in situ hybridization to detect viral mRNA and were double labeled for apoptosis (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling ([TUNEL] or IHC/caspase-3) and viral nucleoprorein (IHC/NP). Birds infected with the three low virulence viruses (Ckn-LBM, YN parrot, and Ckn-Australia) did not develop clinical disease. Microscopic lesions were observed only at the inoculation site and in organs of the respiratory system. The detection of viral nucleoprotein (N) was restricted to the inoculation site. The pheasant and dove isolates were highly virulent for chickens with marked tropism for lymphoid tissues, confirmed by the presence of large numbers of cells positive for viral N protein and viral mRNA. Viral N protein was detected early in the cytoplasm of cells in the center of the splenic ellipsoids. The apoptosis assays (TUNEL and IHC/caspase-3) showed increased apoptosis in the splenic ellipsoids as well. Apparently, apoptosis is an important mechanism in lymphoid depletion during NDV infection.  相似文献   

在浙江地区进行鸭病病因的调查过程中,从患病鸭群中分离到一株引起鸭产蛋锐减而不死亡的病毒,经鉴定该病毒属于禽副粘病毒Ⅰ型,命名为YH99V株。以YH99V株的基因组RNA为模板,通过RT—PCR一步法扩增出其HN基因的cDNA片段,然后将其克隆至pMD18-T载体中,对其进行序列测定。测序后拼接出HN基因的序列长度为1785bp,该基因的ORF总长为1734bp,编码577个氨基酸。将YH99V株HN基因序列和推导的氨基酸序列与新城疫毒株的HN基因相应序列比较后发现,它们的核苷酸序列同源性分别在82.1%~99.7%,氨基酸序列同源性为87.2%~99.5%。在同源性比较的基础上,进一步绘制了Ⅰ型禽副粘病毒株HN基因的系统发育树。这对于Ⅰ型禽副粘病毒毒力基因的功能分析和该病的分子流行病调查有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

Five cases of dual isolations of different serotypes of avian paramyxoviruses (APMV) from domestic and wild birds are described: one case of mixed infection by APMV-1 and APMV-4 and four cases of infection by APMV-1 and APMV-2 serotypes. The double infection was proven by consecutive isolations of two viruses from allantoic fluid samples derived from single swabs after their respective treatment by antisera against each suspected virus. The finding of double APMV infection in poultry farms appears to be important for epizootiology and pathogenesis of APMV-caused diseases.  相似文献   

Avian paramyxoviruses (APMV) are divided into nine serotypes. Newcastle disease virus (APMV-1) is the most extensively characterized, while relatively little information is available for the other APMV serotypes. In the present study, we examined the pathogenicity of two divergent strains of APMV-3, Netherlands and Wisconsin, in (i) 9-day-old embryonated chicken eggs, (ii) 1-day-old specific pathogen free (SPF) chicks and turkeys, and (iii) 2-week-old SPF chickens and turkeys. The mean death time in 9-day-old embryonated chicken eggs was 112 h for APMV-3 strain Netherlands and > 168 h for strain Wisconsin. The intracerebral pathogenicity index in 1-day-old chicks for strain Netherlands was 0.39 and for strain Wisconsin was zero. Thus, both strains are lentogenic. Both the strains replicated well in brain tissue when inoculated intracerebrally in 1-day-old SPF chicks, but without causing death. Mild respiratory disease signs were observed in 1-day-old chickens and turkeys when inoculated through oculonasal route with either strain. There were no overt signs of illness in 2-weeks-old chickens and turkeys by either strain, although all the birds seroconverted after infection. The viruses were isolated predominantly from brain, lungs, spleens, trachea, pancreas and kidney. Immunohistochemistry studies also showed the presence of large amount of viral antigens in both epithelial and sub-epithelial lining of respiratory and alimentary tracts. Our result suggests systemic spread of APMV-3 even though the viral fusion glycoprotein does not contain the canonical furin proteases cleavage site. Furthermore, there was little or no disease despite systemic viral spread and abundant viral replication in all the tissues tested.  相似文献   

The H3 subtype avian influenza virus (AIV) is one of the most frequently isolated subtypes in domestic ducks, live poultry markets, and wild birds in Korea. In 2002-2009, a total of 45 H3 subtype AIVs were isolated from the feces of clinically normal domestic ducks (n=28) and wild birds (n=17). The most prevalent subtypes in domestic ducks were H3N2 (35.7%), H3N6 (35.7%), H3N8 (25.0%), and H3N1 (3.6%, novel subtype in domestic duck in Korea). In contrast, H3N8 (70.6%) is the most prevalent subtype in wild birds in Korea. In the phylogenetic analysis, HA genes of the Korean H3 AIVs were divided into 3 groups (Korean duck, wild bird 1, and wild bird 2) and all viruses of duck origin except one were clustered in a single group. However, other genes showed extensive diversity and at least 17 genotypes were circulating in domestic ducks in Korea. When the analysis expanded to viruses of wild bird origin, the genetic diversity of Korean H3 AIVs became more complicated. Extensive reassortments may have occurred in H3 subtype influenza viruses in Korea. When we inoculated chickens and ducks with six selected viruses, some of the viruses replicated efficiently without pre-adaptation and shed a significant amount of viruses through oropharyngeal and cloacal routes. This raised concerns that H3 subtype AIV could be a new subtype in chickens in Korea. Continuous surveillance is needed to prepare the advent of a novel subtype AIV in Korea.  相似文献   

鹅副粘病毒NA-1分离株HN蛋白基因的克隆与序列分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
鹅副粘病毒分离株NA-1经11日龄鸡胚增殖后纯化.提取病毒的基因组RNA,采用RT-PCR扩增出与预期设计的1.7kb大小相符合的特异条带.将扩增产物提纯后克隆入pMD 18-T载体,经纯化、筛选及酶切鉴定后,初步获得了含鹅副粘病毒HN基因的阳性克隆,并对阳性克隆进行测序.测序后拼接得出HN基因的全序列长度为1 740bp,该基因的ORF总长为1 716 bp,编码571个氨基酸.与GenBank下载的15株参考毒株比较HN基因编码区全核苷酸序列,发现所测NA-1毒株与参考毒株YG97核苷酸序列同源性为97.3%,与F48E9同源性为84.5%,与La Sota为82.2%.同源性分析表明NA-1相对于NDV在HN基因上发生了较大的变异.  相似文献   

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