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防堵和播深控制机构提高玉米免耕精量播种性能   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
免耕播种技术能够提高土壤的蓄水保墒能力、增加土壤有机质含量,因此在华北平原农作区被广为接受。该地区的耕作制度为小麦与玉米周年轮作,冬小麦在6月份收获,随后在小麦秸秆覆盖地上直接进行玉米免耕播种作业。受小麦秸秆的影响,播种后玉米种子的粒距均匀性和播种深度一致性很难保证,另外,玉米苗由于被小麦秸秆覆盖容易发生病虫害。为了解决以上问题,发明了一种安装防堵机构和播深控制单体的玉米免耕精量播种机,对该播种机和不带防堵机构和播深控制单体的普通播种机在4、6和8 km/h 3个播种速度下的播种性能进行了对比试验,测量并得出了拨草性能、播种深度、出苗率和粒距分布均匀性(合格率、重播率和漏播率)等指标参数。试验结果表明:防堵机构和播深控制单体能显著提高播种机的拨草性能、播种深度一致性、出苗率和粒距分布均匀性;防堵机构使播种机不易堵塞,播种速度为8 km/h时的凉籽率仅为1.8%;播深控制单体使播种机在所有播种速度下平均播深接近理论播深,播种速度为8 km/h时的播深变异系数仅为9.2%,使得出苗时间更集中,出苗整齐度高。以上结果说明:设计的安装防堵机构和播深控制单体的玉米免耕精量播种机能够满足小麦秸秆覆盖田玉米免耕精量播种的要求。  相似文献   

免耕播种机驱动圆盘防堵单元体的设计与试验   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2  
一年两熟区前茬残留物多为玉米残茬,连同杂草易使免耕播种机播种冬小麦时造成开沟器堵塞。针对该问题,提出了驱动圆盘刀嵌入组合式开沟器联合防堵原理,设计了一种驱动圆盘式防堵单元体,并分析和确定了其主要结构参数。田间试验表明,驱动圆盘防堵单元体能够有效解决秸秆堵塞问题,保证小麦免耕播种机的通过性。与条带粉碎式小麦免耕播种机相比,驱动圆盘式小麦免耕播种机根茬切断率提高了11.2%,土壤扰动量减少了58.8%。在小麦返青期的苗情监测表明,与条带粉碎式小麦免耕播种和传统耕作播种相比,利用驱动圆盘式防堵单元体播种的免耕地,0~20 cm土壤层含水率最高,小麦分蘖数和次生根数最多,较好地满足一年两熟区农艺要求。  相似文献   

棉花双膜覆盖精量播种机的研制   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3  
为弥补传统精量播种模式存在的不足、减少作业环节和人工消耗,在分析膜上、膜下穴播优缺点的基础上,根据双膜覆盖精量播种技术的农艺要求,研制出一种棉花双膜覆盖精量播种机。通过田间对比试验,表明双膜覆盖精量播种较常规穴播出苗早2~3 d,出苗率≥94%,苗株齐壮。20万hm2的生产实践表明,研制的2BMSJ-12双膜覆盖精量播种机空穴率≤3%,穴粒数合格率≥85%;窄行最小行距为9 cm,能适应新疆棉花密植种植农艺要求,有助于推进新疆棉花生产全程机械化进程。  相似文献   

固定道小麦免少耕播种机设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了减少农机作业对农田土壤的压实,改善作物生长环境,加强农机与农艺融合,该文结合固定道和保护性耕作技术要求,开发了固定道小麦免少耕播种机,设计了一种楔刀型开沟器与“Y”型、“L”型刀具相结合的防堵开沟装置,并确定了“Y”型、“L”型刀具等关键部件的参数,田间对比试验表明,所设计的固定道小麦免少耕播种机通过性能良好,各项指标满足免耕播种机设计要求。固定道模式下机具各项性能指标均略优于非固定道,种、肥深度合格率均达到84%以上,且一致性好,种肥间距加大5 mm,合格率达到85.2%,有效减少了烧种现象。固定道免少耕作业实施2年后,与非固定道作业模式相比,作业油耗降低22.01%,节油效果显著。因此,固定道免少耕播种技术能够提高播种质量,降低作业功耗。另外,随着中国土地流转政策地推进,研究成果将对土地规模化种植、高效化管理具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

2BFD-4型花生覆膜播种机的设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
摘要:根据中国北方地区花生垄作覆膜播种的特点,为提高花生播种机工作效率,改善作业质量,研制了2BFD-4型花生覆膜播种机。该播种机突破了一垄两行的播种模式,增加了排种单体和仿形机构,解决了单体运动干涉与仿形问题,实现了宽幅花生播种。对排种器与开沟器结构进行了优化,提高播种和开沟性能。整机结构紧凑,性能可靠,作业效率高,覆膜平整。经田间试验表明:该播种机播种质量较好,空穴率为0.58%,重播率为1.75%,种子破碎率为0.37%,穴粒数合格率为95.03%,种肥垂直间距为41.52 mm,出苗率为88.33%,各项指标均达到了相关标准,可以适应中国目前北方花生机械化的发展要求。  相似文献   

According to the kind of opener applied, no-tillage seeders can variously modify soil physical properties in relation to soil and climate conditions, thus potentially affecting crop emergence and early growth.The technological evolution of seeders for direct drilling of arable crops, progressively achieved in recent years, has been considerable, but new improvements now available need to be individually tested. In a field trial at Udine (NE Italy), the effects of a new kind of wide-sweep opener (i.e., side coulters curved upwards in their final part and slightly angled towards the direction of work) on soil physical properties in the seed zone and on crop emergence and early root growth of maize were evaluated in four different soils over a 2-year period (2002–2003), in comparison with the widely used double-disk opener.With respect to the double-disk opener, in general the wide-sweep type led to higher soil–residue mixing—without excessive reduction of the soil-covering index being observed, −27 and −6%, respectively. The wide-sweep opener also showed lower bulk density and soil penetration resistance in the top 5-cm soil layer of the seed furrow, although no greater root length density was found in maize at the three-leaf stage, probably due to the smoothing effect caused by the side coulters at the seeding depth. A certain delay in plant emergence in some cases was also revealed for the wide-sweep opener, which may be related to the lower soil/seed contact.Deviations from this general behaviour in the various soils (texture and initial conditions) are discussed.  相似文献   

针对目前中国马铃薯播种机普遍存在作业速度慢、精度低、重漏播率高等关键问题,根据中国北方马铃薯一季作区大规模、大面积和高效精量播种的农艺要求,该文研制了一种马铃薯气力式精量播种机,该机一次作业可完成马铃薯开沟、侧深分层施肥、高速播种和覆土等多项功能。设计了气吸式马铃薯播种机多臂均布式排种器结构、分体式滑刀开沟器、排种器风机和动态供种装置;确定了包括配气阀、吸种臂及2种(常规薯、微型薯)吸种嘴的排种器关键部件的结构参数。田间生产试验表明,马铃薯气力精量播种机作业速度可达到10.2 km/h,播种早出苗2~3 d,同苗率达到96%。200 hm2的生产应用表明,本文所研制的马铃薯气力精量播种机重播率≤1%,漏播率≤1%,株距变异系数≤10%,同苗率96%,均超过国家标准且满足马铃薯田间种植的农艺要求,为中国马铃薯机械化播种提供了一种新技术、新装备和新方法。  相似文献   

Two techniques for measuring seed placement distribution, a seedling tracing method and a soil core X-ray technique, were compared. Based on these methods, three determinant parameters were developed to define seed distribution; variation of depth, variation of lateral width and depth variation between rows.In the presence of a desirable in-groove micro-environment, both seed depth variations within and between rows had a negative relationship with seedling emergence percentage. Correlations between emergence and lateral width were low. Variations in seed depth were found to be associated with the mechanisms of seed ejection, and with the depth control method used on the openers.At two trial sites (in a sandy and silt loam soil) a simple winged chisel opener gave higher plant emergence than an experimental chisel S/2000 opener, a slot opener, a modified slot opener and a triple disc opener.  相似文献   

针对现有马铃薯播种机大多采用整体仿形,无单体仿形机构而引起的仿形效果不佳、播深合格率较低、出苗整齐度较差等关键问题,研究设计了一种马铃薯播种机播深调控装置。阐述了该播深调控装置的主要结构和工作原理,通过对播深调控装置的动力学分析,建立了播深稳定性的数学模型,结合马铃薯播种机播深一致性的农艺具体要求,确定了该装置的理论结构参数,并得出了影响开沟深度稳定性的关键因素。采用旋转正交的试验方法,以初始牵引角、弹簧刚度和机具作业速度为试验因素,开沟深度合格指数和开沟深度变异系数为试验指标。试验结果表明:在作业速度为1 m/s、初始牵引角为0、弹簧刚度为10 N/mm时,开沟深度合格指数为96.6%,开沟深度变异系数为8.9%,满足马铃薯播种作业的要求。该研究为提高马铃薯播种机播种深度一致性和马铃薯苗齐苗壮的播种关键问题提供了设计参考。  相似文献   

Crusting and hardsetting phenomena are major problems in the emergence of delicate seedlings through weak structured soils. When a hard layer develops on the surface, it can retard seedling emergence and the trapped seedlings may perish unless the hard layer is broken or weakened. The development of natural desiccation cracks on the soil surface creates a route by which seedlings can emerge. The work conducted by the same authors suggested that the compaction of soil strips over the seed rows creates longitudinal cracks along the planting lines to improve seedling emergence. This study is an attempt to develop an alternative method to create the linear cracks using the effect of surface micro‐relief. Preliminary experiments showed that the creation of small furrows (50 mm deep) on the soil surface caused the appearance of cracks mainly at the bottom of the furrows. Monitoring the movement of aggregates during drainage, where small depressions are formed on the soil surface, revealed that the aggregates on either side of the turning point of the depression move in opposite directions as a result of the greater water tension developed in the ridges causing development of cracks at the turning point. Laboratory experiments indicated that the radius of curvature at the turning point of the depression, the spacing between depressions and the shape of ridges either side of the depressions are key factors influencing crack development at the bottom of depressions. A field experiment in semi‐arid central Iran confirmed the feasibility of the technique by the use of a backward raked shaper to develop small ridge and furrows on the surface of the seedbed which resulted in the creation of longitudinal cracks in the furrow bottoms, coincident with the seed row. An outline design of a press wheel is given.  相似文献   

针对新疆南部砂质土壤“干播湿出”棉花种植模式下,春季耕整地连续作业存在作业阻力大、苗床整不平、压不实,严重影响棉花出苗率的问题,该研究设计了一种适合砂质土壤的苗床整备装置,可一次完成碎土、平土、灭茬、镇压、耱地等作业。采用分段平土装置代替耙组进行联合整备作业,分段平土装置为两段式,首段刮土板呈“W”型对称分布,通过刮土板角度对土壤流动性、平整度和作业阻力的运动分析,确定当刮土板倾斜角为45°时碎土和平土效果最好;台架试验结果表明,镇压辊直径400 mm、碎土辊直径400 mm时综合评分最高。样机性能对比试验结果表明:较耙片式联合整地机综合工作阻力降低8.67%,作业效率提升6.6%;地表平整度标准差为11 mm;耕深稳定系数为9.2%,碎土率为92.3%,表面未见秸秆残膜,分段平土装置能有效碎土、平土、灭茬;二次整备后浮动式土层构建装置能有效压实土壤构建出“上虚下实”土层结构,0~5cm播种土层平均土壤紧实度为169 kPa,适合砂质土壤精量铺膜播种作业和棉花生长,较对比机型种膜错位率下降62.5%,出苗率高于对比机型4.8%。研究结果可为砂质土壤苗床整地机研发与改进提供参考。  相似文献   

为了满足大蒜在栽植过程中保持蒜瓣鳞芽朝上垂直入土且蒜瓣弓背面朝向一致的农艺要求,该文根据蒜瓣的外形特征,设计了一种大蒜播种机种植机构并对该机构进行详细的理论分析,运用Solidworks软件对该机构进行建模并通过3D打印机打印出零件,然后组建试验台对该种植机构进行试验。试验数据显示采用该种植机构不但可以确保大蒜弓背面朝向一致,而且播种机前进速度的变化对蒜瓣垂直度的影响较小。该文为大蒜种植机械种植机构的设计提供了一种设计方法,为研究大蒜播种机和同类机具提供了参考。  相似文献   

Zero-tillage furrow opener effects on seed environment and wheat emergence   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Optimum emergence is necessary to attain maximum crop yields, particularly in reduced and zero-tillage systems. However, zero-tillage seeder performance under zero-tillage conditions is not always adequate, and thus may limit potential yield benefits from this soil and water conserving practice.

A study was conducted to measure the range of influence of zero-tillage openers on some soil physical properties of the soil-seed environment. Furrow opener design has direct consequences on soil surface disturbance, furrow compaction levels, and post-seeding soil water requirements in the seed row. While soil temperature and wheat cultivar differed between two distinct field trials, furrow opener designs conducive to adequate compaction of seed furrow with press wheels consistently resulted in better wheat emergence, when soil water potentials were not limiting.

This study demonstrates that seeding tool design has a quantifiable influence on seed furrow properties, and that this information can be used to develop precise guidelines for future designs of furrow openers and press wheels.  相似文献   

《Soil & Tillage Research》1988,11(2):167-181
Six techniques of sowing seed in an untilled seedbed, which subsequently became wet, were compared in the presence and absence of earthworms and surface residue. In the absence of earthworms, surface broadcasting produced the highest seedling emergence (89%), followed by a 100-mm-wide power-till opener (42%). All other openers produced poor seedling emergence (mean 20%). Where earthworms were present, however, a winged opener under residue produced high seedling counts equivalent to surface broadcasting (mean 82%). Power-till and hoe openers also performed reasonably well (63%), but triple-disc and corer openers failed (19%). Surface broadcasting was not considered practical because of its reliance on regular rain for a long period.Surface residues in the presence of earthworms had beneficial effects on most of the openers which performed well and which separated the seed from the residue, but little effect on the other treatments, including the power-till opener. High seedling-emergence counts were associated with high numbers and activity of earthworms close to the sown groove, high soil oxygen diffusion rate regimes, low soil bulk densities and high root and shoot weights.  相似文献   

导苗管式栽植器的设计与试验   总被引:8,自引:9,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对苗体在导苗管栽植系统内的运动和影响其直立度的因素进行了理论分析,并结合实际采用的导向和控制两种方式;即导苗管将苗体导向开沟器的回土口处;运用开沟器和复土镇压轮的二次复土方式,使苗体达到要求的直立度。通过对工作部件的大量试验,找出了导苗管,开沟器和镇压轮三者之间的相对位置,同时研制出了导苗管直落苗式栽植机,其田间试验直立度的优良率和合格率分别达到80%和90%。  相似文献   

玉米宽窄行深旋免耕精量播种机田间试验及效果   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
为了解决目前玉米播种机械播种质量不高,良好农艺措施与农机不配套等问题,研发了一种基于宽窄行条带深旋免耕技术的玉米精量播种机。该文对该机作业后的土壤质量、土壤含水率、玉米出苗、群体光照、根系生长和产量等性状进行了分析。结果表明:采用该机播种后,土壤耕层容重显著降低(P0.05),土壤蓄水保水能力提高,玉米的播种质量明显提高,群体整齐度增加,群体透光性明显改善,具有显著的增产作用。与普通播种机械相比,该机播种后的玉米出苗率平均提高6.2个百分点,玉米株高变异系数降低8.33%,玉米根系生长量增加15.79%,玉米生育后期的群体光能截获量明显增加,产量增加11.15%。实现了优良农艺措施与农机的有效结合。  相似文献   

不同油菜品种适栽期机械化移栽植株形态特征研究   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2  
油菜机械化移栽效果取决于移栽机栽植执行器结构和运动参数与移栽苗植株形态特征的耦合度。该文针对当前油菜移栽机械化程度低植株形态特征与栽植机构不匹配的实际问题,选择8个甘蓝型杂交油菜品在播种后28~40 d的适栽期内,应用LA-S系列植物图像分析仪进行了植株形态特征(苗长、苗幅宽、株形锥角、根长和根直径)的系统试验研究,并根据试验结果分析确定了油菜移栽机鸭嘴式栽植器部分结构参数和工作参数的合理设计区间。试验结果表明:不同油菜品种苗长、苗幅宽、株形锥角和根长差异显著;油菜苗播种后28~40 d适载期内植株形态特征服从正态或偏态分布;所构建的播种后28~40 d的适栽期内植株形态特征的生长模型表明,不同油菜品种的植株苗长、苗幅宽、根长和根直径等特征随生长时间增加呈正线性关系,平均相关系数为0.9736;株型锥角呈负线性关系,平均相关系数为0.9818。研究表明,油菜移栽应优选适应机械化移栽的品种,并根据植株发育形态调整油菜苗移栽时间,实现油菜机械化移栽的农机农艺融合。该研究可为油菜移栽机结构设计和优化提供依据。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted at Harran Plain on a clay silt soil (Xerosol in FAO/UNESCO soil classification) in Southeast of Turkey in 1996 and 1997 to study the effects of cotton planting system, tillage method, and row spacing on the performances of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), such as seedling emergence and yield. The tillage methods evaluated were: traditional (inversion) with a mouldboard plough (M) and conservation (non-inversion) with chisel tine (C). The seedbeds studied were: normal planting system (NS) with no-ridging, and ridge planting system (RS). Results showed that mouldboard plough had slightly greater yield than chisel in each year but the difference was not significance in 1997. Non-ridging had the second best emergence rate and yield according to 2 years mean. Ridging with chisel in 70 cm row spacing produced the highest seedling emergence for both years, but the difference was not significance in 1997. The yields obtained for ridging with mouldboard plough from 70 cm row spacing in 1996, and for ridging with mouldboard plough from 76 cm in 1997 were superior to the other applications. Finally 70 cm row spacing produced the highest seedling emergence and yield in both years regardless of the treatment. Row spacing of 90 cm resulted in the lowest seedling emergence and yield in both years regardless of the treatment. The results indicate that ridging can be used instead of non-ridging with 76 cm row spacing (suitable for mechanical harvesting) which gave similar yield to the ridging with 70 cm row spacing in 1997, and both of the planting systems with 76 cm seem to be suitable to mechanical harvesting.  相似文献   

往复切刀式小麦固定垄免耕播种机   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
针对西北灌溉农业区固定垄保护性耕作条件下玉米秸秆覆盖地垄作免耕播种小麦存在的机具堵塞、垄形破坏等问题,设计了一种集切茬、播种和修垄于一体的往复切刀式小麦固定垄免耕播种机。该机通过利用动力切刀往复垂直切茬和刀刃型开沟器水平切茬相结合的方式实现秸秆防堵,同时采用圆柱熟地型修垄犁解决垄形修复问题。田间试验表明,该机能有效地解决玉米秸秆堵塞问题,防堵能力强,修垄效果好;播种、施肥平均深度分别为46 mm和91 mm,均匀性好,可较好地满足西北灌溉农业区小麦垄作免耕播种的要求。  相似文献   

稻茬田小麦宽幅精量少耕播种机的设计与试验   总被引:4,自引:14,他引:4  
为解决长江中下游稻麦轮作区稻茬田免耕播种小麦机具堵塞及土壤黏附严重等问题,结合当地稻茬田播种小麦需要开排水沟的农艺要求,提出了"种-肥-种"宽幅精量播种和带状旋耕相结合的防堵思路,设计了双翼铧式开沟器、宽幅精量排种机构、种沟双圆盘开沟器和浮动覆土板等关键部件,研究设计了一种稻茬田小麦宽幅精量少耕播种机。试验结果表明,宽幅播种方式与带状旋耕相结合较好解决了稻茬田播种小麦堵塞的问题,小麦播幅平均为74.6 mm,平均播深为39 mm,播深合格率为86.7%,施肥方式为侧下方深施肥,平均施肥深度为81 mm,施肥深度合格率为93.3%,均满足国家标准。厢沟平均深度为175 mm,沟面宽度为238 mm,满足排水要求。该研究为应用于稻麦轮作区稻茬田小麦少免耕播种机的设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

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