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从广西南宁、柳州、桂林、钦州等地区采集的35号植物根结线虫病标本,按照国际根结线虫协作组(IMP)综合鉴定方法,对种每根结线虫病的病原线虫进行分类鉴定,其结果如下:来自南宁的穗状鸡冠花、胡椒、雍菜、胡罗卜、芭蕉芋、鸡蛋果、芜荽(香菜)、苋莱、茄子、吉庆果,萝芙木、桅子根结线虫病的病原都属南方根结线虫(Meloidog- yne incognita)1号小种.凤仙花、辣椒、雍菜、番茄、美登木根结线虫病的病原有一种是南方根结线虫1号小种,另一种是爪哇根结线虫(M.javanica).甜叶菊、姜根结线虫病的病原有一种是南方根结线虫1号小种,另一种是花生根结线虫(M.ar- enaria)1号小种.罗汉果、丝瓜、红麻根线虫病的病原有一种是爪哇根结线虫,另结一种是花生根结线虫1号小种.来自柳州的吉庆果、四季海棠的根结线虫病的病原是爪哇根结线虫.黄麻、黄穗苋的根结线虫病的病原是南方根结线1号小种.红穗苋和独头鸡冠花的病原一种是南方根结线虫1号小种,另一种是爪哇根结线虫.来自桂林的罗汉果、黄麻、柳树根结线虫病的病原一种是南方根结线虫1号小种,另一种是爪哇根结线虫.荷包豆根结线虫的病原是南方根结线虫1号小种.来自合浦的花生根结线虫病的病原是花生根结线虫1号小种.浦北的芹菜根结线虫病的病原一种是南方根结线虫1号小种  相似文献   

红麻根结线虫生活习性及防治研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究表明,我国红麻上的根结线虫有南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)1号和2号小种,爪哇根结线虫(M.javanica)和花生根结线虫(M.arenaria)2号小种,南方根结线虫是优势种。它们都不为害棉花、花生、小麦、芝麻和苎麻,对高粱和玉米为害极轻。丝瓜、西瓜、番茄和空心莲子草为其共同寄主。南方根结线虫还侵染大豆、豇豆、苦瓜、菜瓜、南瓜、茄子、辣椒、烟草、黄麻、甘薯、黄瓜、白菜、莴苣、菜豆和扁豆等作物。红麻根结线虫的二龄幼虫主要分布在0~40cm 土层内,砂壤土中的线虫密度大于黄壤土。病原线虫以卵和二龄幼虫主要在病株残体中越冬。实行轮作、清除病残和药剂处理土壤是防治本病的有效措施。  相似文献   

十五种根结线虫病害的病原鉴定   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
 从全国的不同地区采集的15种植物根结线虫病的病原,按照国际根结线虫协作组综合鉴定方法,对每种病原进行了分类鉴定。其中,花生、葡萄、唐松草(均采自北京)根结线虫病的病原都属于北方根结线虫;月季根结线虫病的病原(北京)有一种是北方根结线虫,另一种是花生根结线虫2号小种;泡桐根结线虫病的病原(河南禹县)也属于花生根结线虫2号小种;烟草(河南郑州)、番茄(湖南长沙)、西瓜(湖南长沙)、白菜(江西南昌)、萝芙木(广西南宁)和栀子(广西南宁)根结线虫病的病原都属于南方根结线虫1号小种;在广西南宁采集的美登木根结线虫病病原有一种是南方根结线虫1号小种,另一种是爪哇根结线虫;黄瓜(北京)和柳树(广西桂林)根结线虫病的病原都属于爪哇根线虫;在广东海南岛采集的青皮象耳豆根结线虫病的病原是国际上没有报道过的新种,定名为象耳豆根结线虫(Meloidogyne enterolobii)。  相似文献   

4种常见根结线虫基因组DNA的RAPD分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
 用120个随机引物对4种常见根结线虫10个小种和类型进行了全基因组随机扩增DNA多态性(RAPD)分析,筛选出的11个适宜引物共扩增出91条RAPD谱带,86条是多态性谱带,占总谱带的94.5%;OPL12、OPK01对4种根结线虫种及其小种扩增的谱型有明显的特异性。聚类分析显示在种间水平上4种根结线虫中花生根结线虫和爪哇根结线虫亲缘关系最近,遗传距离为0.532,北方根结线虫与另外3种根结线虫的亲缘关系最远,平均遗传距离为0.786;种下水平上同种根结线虫的不同小种和类型间存在不同程度的遗传差异,南方根结线虫4个生理小种间,花生根结线虫2个生理小种间亲缘关系较近,爪哇根结线虫2个酯酶谱带类型间,北方根结线虫2个细胞生物学小种间遗传差异较大。在RAPD技术的基础上探索根结线虫分类鉴定的分子方法有着良好的前景。  相似文献   

南方、爪哇和花生根结线虫的快速灵敏的PCR鉴定方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 为了研制南方、爪哇和花生根结线虫快速灵敏的检测和鉴定方法,分别分离了4个南方根结线虫和3个爪哇根结线虫特异性的随机扩增多态性DNA (RAPD)片段。在这些RAPD标记DNA序列的基础上,设计了多对SCAR PCR引物,并用源于国内外的南方、爪哇、花生、北方和象耳豆根结线虫群体验证其扩增特异性和灵敏度。最终确定了3对高效扩增的SCAR引物,它们组合使用可以可靠灵敏地鉴定南方、爪哇和花生根结线虫。3对引物的扩增灵敏度达1/3条的二龄幼虫、雄虫或雌虫,这表明本研究研制的PCR鉴定法可用于生产实践中土样和根样中3种根结线虫快速灵敏的鉴定。  相似文献   

对福建省龙岩市新罗区芹菜根结线虫病原进行了调查鉴定。结果显示,新罗区芹菜根结线虫包括南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)、爪哇根结线虫(M.javanica)和花生根结线虫(M.arenaria)。其中,南方根结线虫为优势种群。测定了根结线虫病对产量的影响,根结严重度达4级以上可以引起显著的产量损失;提出了对芹菜根结线虫病的防控对策。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国荞麦面积的迅速增加,根结线虫病呈逐年加重趋势,严重影响了荞麦的产量与品质。本研究于2014年对西南10个地区17个乡镇秋播苦荞麦根结线虫的分布、发生种类以及危害程度进行了调查。结果表明,西南地区危害荞麦的根结线虫种类有南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)、爪哇根结线虫(M.javanica)和花生根结线虫(M.arenaria)3种,其中南方根结线虫为优势种群。田间根结线虫种群大多数为单一种群,23.5%的样品为南方根结线虫与爪哇根结线虫(或花生根结线虫)组成的混合种群。调查发现前作为烟草或马铃薯的地块,荞麦根结线虫发生危害严重,平均被害株率为6.0%~77.5%,病情指数为1.4~26.1,而前作为玉米的荞麦根结线虫则较轻,被害株率最高为16.0%,相应病情指数为2.3。  相似文献   

为快速、准确、稳定的鉴定南方、花生和爪哇根结线虫,利用已报道的南方和爪哇根结线虫的两对特异性引物,结合本研究设计的花生根结线虫特异性引物,通过优化PCR反应体系,建立了3种根结线虫的PCR检测方法。结果表明,该方法能够特异性扩增以上3种根结线虫,特征片段长度分别为399、335和670 bp,灵敏度达到单条2龄幼虫的水平。研究结果将为以上3种根结线虫的快速鉴定提供技术支持。  相似文献   

用PhastSystem电泳仪快速鉴定根结线虫种类   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 应用瑞典Pharmacia Biotech.公司开发的全自动快速水平电泳仪(PhastSystem)进行酯酶和苹果酸脱氢酶电泳,对云南省烟草和观赏植物一串红上的根结线虫进行快速鉴定,得出4种根结线虫:花生根结线虫(Meloidogyne arenaria)、爪哇根结线虫(M.javanica)、南方根结线虫(M.incognita)和北方根结线虫(M.hapla)。文章提供电泳方法,认为PhastSystem电泳仪是根结线虫种类快速鉴定的理想设备。  相似文献   

根结线虫种群的线粒体DNA分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 在同工酶和形态学鉴定的基础上,利用引物#C2F3和#1108对42个根结线虫种群线粒体DNA (mtDNA)中的COⅡLrRNA间区域进行特异性PCR扩增,35个种群的扩增产物约为1.7kb,其中29个是南方根结线虫,6个是爪哇根结线虫;3个花生根结线虫种群的扩增产物约为1.1kb;1个种群的扩增产物约为0.7kb,为根结线虫属在中国的新记录种;3个北方根结线虫种群的扩增产物约为0.5kb。用单条2龄幼虫提取物作模板得到的结果与大量提取DNA作模板的结果相同。为了区分产生相同大小片段的南方根结线虫和爪哇根结线虫,用限制性内切酶HinfⅠ对扩增产物进行酶切,结果表明:所有供试的南方根结线虫都可以被HinfⅠ酶切,且产生约1.3和0.4kb的2个限制性片段;但供试的爪哇根结线虫种群不能被酶切。由此表明,利用mtDNA PCR及酶切实验可以作为快速而准确地鉴定常见根结线虫的方法。  相似文献   

Xu J  Narabu T  Mizukubo T  Hibi T 《Phytopathology》2001,91(4):377-382
ABSTRACT Root-knot nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne are economically important pathogens of a wide range of crops. The tomato resistance gene Mi typically confers resistance to the three major species, M. incognita, M. javanica, and M. arenaria. However, virulent populations completely overcoming the Mi resistance still occur. In an attempt to develop molecular markers for virulence against Mi and gain insights into the genetic relationships among virulent populations of different species and origins, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses of laboratory-selected virulent, field virulent, and avirulent populations of M. incognita, M. javanica, and M. arenaria were carried out. A RAPD marker, specific for selected virulent populations, was identified, and subsequently, converted to a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR). Sequence characterization of the SCAR locus showed that alleles from laboratory- and field-selected virulent populations were highly similar to each other and clearly different from alleles from natural virulent and avirulent populations. This result suggests that the genetic mechanism for virulence against Mi may be similar among selected virulent populations of the three Meloidogyne spp., but different between selected and natural virulent populations. Based on the nucleotide polymorphisms at the SCAR locus, codominant and dominant polymerase chain reaction-based markers were developed enabling rapid diagnosis of selected virulent genotypes in M. incognita, M. javanica, and M. arenaria.  相似文献   

Root-knot nematodes ( Meloidogyne spp.) are among the main pathogens of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) worldwide. Plant resistance is currently the method of choice for controlling these pests and all the commercially available resistant cultivars carry the dominant Mi gene, which confers resistance to the three main species Meloidogyne arenaria , M. incognita and M. javanica . However the emergence of virulent biotypes able to overcome the tomato resistance gene may constitute a severe limitation to such a control strategy. To date, little was known of the possible influence of the homozygous vs heterozygous allelic state of the Mi locus, or the tomato genetic background, on the expression of the resistance. In order to test both these factors, the resistance was evaluated of a large panel of L. esculentum genotypes (selected from the Vilmorin germplasm stock collection) to seven M. incognita lines avirulent or virulent against the Mi gene. Plant resistance was estimated by counting the egg masses on the root systems after inoculation with second-stage juveniles (J2). Reproduction of the nematodes was similar or, more often, significantly higher on heterozygous tomato genotypes than on homozygous ones, suggesting a possible dosage effect of the Mi gene. Data also indicated that the tomato genetic background had a major effect on the variations observed in nematode reproduction, especially when tomato genotypes were heterozygous for the Mi gene. These results have important consequences in terms of breeding strategies and durability of the resistance conferred by the Mi gene.  相似文献   

Nine Myrobalan plum clones ( Prunus cerasifera ) obtained from in vitro propagation were tested for host suitability to four root-knot nematode (RKN) isolates ( Meloidogyne incognita (2), M. javanica (1), and M. hispanica (1)) and one root-lesion nematode (RLN), Pratylenchus vulnus , isolate. The clones are characterized according to the Ma major resistance genes that control resistance to M. arenaria , M. incognita and M. javanica and are categorized into five resistant (R) and four host (H) clones to these RKN species. As expected, the clones ranged, regardless of the RKN species or isolate, into the same distinct R (P.2175, P.1079, P.2980, H.17 and H.21) and H (P.2794, H.18, H.23 and P.16.5) groups for RKN resistance. The P. vulnus tests showed that all the clones had higher final populations than initial populations ( P f :  P i > 1) and that P f :  P i ratios were equivalent in each RKN resistance group (R or H). Consequently, resistant alleles of RKN Ma genes in Myrobalan plum have no major effect on RLN multiplication. Our data must be taken into account for breeding strategies aimed at incorporating multiple resistance to both RKN and RLN in Prunus spp.  相似文献   

A California isolate of Meloidogyne javanica increased Fusarium wilt symptoms in cowpea cultivars California Blackeye No. 3 (CB3) (resistant to wilt) and Grant (tolerant) inoculated with each of the three races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tracheiphilum. The same isolate of M. javancia did not similarly increase wilt in wilt-resistant cultivar CB7977 inoculated with two isolates of race 3 of F. o. tracheiphilum. Six of seven isolates of M. javanica caused similar increases in vascular discoloration in cultivar CB3. but one isolate of M. javanica and seven of M. incognita did not. Vascular discoloration rating was positively correlated with galling severity. However, increasing the initial inoculum density, and thus galling index, of one isolate of M. incognita did not increase vascular discoloration. The vascular discoloration ratings for the wilt-susceptible CB5 controls in each experiment were higher than those for the wilt-resistant cultivars infected with M. javanica. It is hypothesized that M. javanica but not M. incognita reduces, but does not eliminate, resistance to all races of F. o. tracheiphilum in cultivars CB3 and Grant.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are sedentary, obligate endoparasites in plants, where they induce specialized feeding sites. The feeding sites act as strong metabolic sinks to which photosynthates are mobilized. The histopathological modifications in the nematode-induced feeding sites of artificially inoculated chickpea cv. UC 27 were qualitatively and quantitatively compared using five isolates of M. artiellia and one isolate each of M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica. All Meloidogyne isolates infected chickpea plants, but root gall thickening was significantly less for M. artiellia isolates than for the other Meloidogyne species. Nevertheless, neither the number of giant cells in the feeding site (averaging four to six) nor the area of individual giant cells was influenced by nematode species or isolate. However, the number of nuclei per giant cell was significantly smaller, and the maximum diameters of nuclei and nucleoli were significantly greater, in giant cells induced by M. artiellia isolates than in those induced by M. arenaria, M. incognita, or M. javanica. In a second experiment, M. artiellia-induced giant cells in faba bean and rapeseed also contained a small number of large nuclei.  相似文献   

Resistance to root-knot nematodes in tomato is conferred by the Mi resistance gene to the three most important species of Meloidogyne: M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica. Nevertheless, the Mi gene is unable to inhibit the reproduction of selected and naturally Mi-virulent populations of root-knot nematodes. As pathogenicity assays are time consuming, molecular markers were developed for the easy identification of Mi-virulent populations of Meloidogyne. The sequence characterized amplified region-Meloidogyne virulence locus (MVC) molecular marker is reported to differentiate Mi-avirulent and naturally Mi-virulent from selected Mi-virulent populations. This marker was used to compare acquired virulence in populations of M. javanica from Spain. The original populations used to develop the MVC marker were included as control for reference. Results showed that this marker did not amplify genomic DNA extracted from single juveniles or females of any of the populations tested either from Spain or Japan. In silico analyses performed with the recently published complete genome of M. incognita, indicated that the MVC marker is not correlated to a MVC or to any eukaryotic organism but to several betaproteobacteria genus from the family Comamonadaceae.  相似文献   

Qi L  Gulya T  Seiler GJ  Hulke BS  Vick BA 《Phytopathology》2011,101(2):241-249
Sunflower rust, caused by Puccinia helianthi, is a prevalent disease in many countries throughout the world. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Agricultural Research Service, Sunflower Research Unit has released rust resistant breeding materials for several decades. However, constantly coevolving rust populations have formed new virulent races to which current hybrids have little resistance. The objectives of this study were to identify resistance to race 336, the predominant race in North America, and to race 777, the most virulent race currently known, and to validate molecular markers known to be linked to rust resistance genes in the sunflower gene pool. A total of 104 entries, including 66 released USDA inbred lines, 14 USDA interspecific germplasm lines, and 24 foreign germplasms, all developed specifically for rust resistance, were tested for their reaction to races 336 and 777. Only 13 of the 104 entries tested were resistant to both races, whereas another six were resistant only to race 336. The interspecific germplasm line, Rf ANN-1742, was resistant to both races and was identified as a new rust resistance source. A selection of 24 lines including 19 lines resistant to races 777 and/or 336 was screened with DNA markers linked to rust resistance genes R(1), R(2), R(4u), and R(5). The results indicated that the existing resistant lines are diverse in rust resistance genes. Durable genetic resistance through gene pyramiding will be effective for the control of rust.  相似文献   

The Ma gene from Myrobalan plum is a TNL gene that confers a high-level resistance to all root-knot nematodes of major economic importance, including Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica, M. arenaria, and M. enterolobii. The nematode behavior in the roots and the corresponding histological mechanisms of the Ma resistance to M. incognita in the resistant (R) accessions of the plum 'P.2175' and the interspecific hybrid P.2175×almond-peach '35', carrying the Ma1 allele (Ma1/ma), were characterized in comparison with the susceptible (S) accessions in the plum 'P.2032' and the interspecific hybrid P.2175×almond-peach '253' (ma/ma). Second-stage juveniles (J2s) were inoculated in micropropagated plantlets grown in soil substrate under controlled conditions at 25°C. Nematodes penetrated both R and S plants preferentially along the apical zone or close to the young lateral buds and moved via similar routes. Then they migrated into the cortex downward in the direction of the apex and turned up in the meristematic apical region to colonize the differentiating stele. In R accessions, motile J2s neither swelled nor developed into J3s, and initiation of feeding sites was never observed. This complete absence of gall symptoms is associated with cell necroses and corresponding hypersensitive-like reaction (HLR) phenotypes occurring either in the stele or in the meristematic apical region or in the cortex. Nematode attacks often disorganized the meristematic apical tissues of R accessions, which induced the development of subterminal lateral roots replacing primary terminal apices and, thus, provided an active resistance reaction to HLR damage.  相似文献   

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