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Abstract– Ageing and calculation of growth rate of eels has always been controversial, and remarkably little validation has been reported. This article describes the growth of yellow eels from three lakes in the Burrishoole system, Ireland, as determined by back-calculation from otoliths prepared by burning and cracking. Eels captured by fyke net ranged in length from 25.0 cm to 98.5 cm and the ages ranged from 6 to 49 years. Back-calculated growth was slow, with mean annual increments of 2.08 cm, 1.40 cm and 1.97 cm for the three lakes. Yellow eels captured in the Burrishoole system in 1987 and 1988 were marked by Pan Jet inoculated alcian blue dye and released back into the three lakes. Recaptures made over the following three years yielded considerable growth data. Mean annual growth rates recorded were 2.30 cm, 1.07 cm and 0.97 cm. These data compare favorably with the calculated growth rates, thereby validating the otolith analysis for the eels in the Burrishoole system.  相似文献   

Abstract. Sampling was carried out at 93 sites on the River Severn, England and at 8 sites on the River Dee, Wales. The age structure of the population shifted gradually from the younger to the older age-classes with distance upstream. This was related to the time required for the eels to reach these regions and to the increase in the proportion of females.
In the Severn, eels can migrate (unaided by tidal transport) at rates of between 20 and 30 km year−1, while in the Dee, passage upstream is between 10 and 20 km year−1. It is suggested that this slower rate is related to a more arduous migration, resulting from the steeper gradient of the Dee, In the lower reaches of the Severn, eels aged from 7 to 8 years were generally the most abundant, while in the middle and upper reaches, eels aged 13 years occurred most frequently and in the greatest numbers.
The age structures of the populations were classified using twinspan into three main groups and related to distance, upstream of the region of flow reversal, using discriminant analysis. The analysis demonstrated that age structure was related to the distance upstream of the region of flow reversal and that 60–76% of the twinspan site groupings could be classified in terms of distance.  相似文献   

Overwintering dormancy behaviour was studied in female silver eels in Lake Mälaren in Sweden between 2008 and 2010. Depth choices and movements in relation to temperature were analysed from pressure and temperature records for 13 eels with implanted data storage tags, covering 17 overwintering periods and three intervening summer periods. Dormancy commenced in October–November as temperatures fell below 4–12 °C. Eels tended to remain motionless throughout the winter, with some short periods of activity signalled by small changes in depth distributions. During dormancy, the eel shows a clear avoidance of shallow areas <5 m in favour of the 10–25‐m‐depth interval. Activity tended to resume 4–6 months later in April–May as temperatures rose above 3–7 °C and ice cover broke, and eels spent more time at shallower depths of <5–10 m. The majority of the eels were assessed as being in the silver eel stage at the time of tagging. During the autumn months, the diving behaviour, with frequent and large vertical excursions and periods at the surface, was similar to that seen in migrating eels in the Baltic and Atlantic Ocean. In spring and summer, the behaviour differed, being dominated by more gradual depth variations, implying that the eels reverted from silver eel migration behaviour to yellow eel foraging behaviour. Body weight declined during dormancy, but other studies of starvation over comparable time periods showed significantly higher average specific weight losses, implying that the Mälaren silver eels must have fed between the end of dormancy and recapture.  相似文献   

Differences in eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), head shape were the result of greater increases in head width, rather than changes in head length. The ratio of head width:total length (HW:TL) increased significantly ( t -test, P < 0.05) from the glass-yellow eel stage. Cultured yellow eels were exclusively narrow headed (mean HW:TL = 0.027, range = 0.023–0.032), while wild yellow eels displayed an array of head shapes (mean HW:TL = 0.033, range = 0.023–0.046). Therefore, broad heads (HW:TL 0.033) occurred only among wild yellow eels sampled and may have resulted from diet. Cultured yellow eels consumed only small pellet material. Of wild yellow eels stomachs containing food, 78% of broad-headed eels consumed large and/or hard-bodied organisms (e.g. beetles, fish, molluscs and Notonecta sp.), while 83% of narrow-headed eels consumed exclusively small/soft-bodied prey (e.g. amphipods and chironomids).  相似文献   

Abstract –  Knowledge of maturation state of eels ( Anguilla anguilla , L.) based on ocular index (OI) serves management and research functions, such as estimating how much silver eel actually could escape from a particular basin or determining more precisely the developmental biology of a particular eels. OI implies the measurements of five variables (total length and eyes diameters) in a formula which can be sensitive to measurement error. To investigate this issue, we carried out a comparative study using 13 European eels harvested in Camargue (Rhône Delta, France) and three replicated measurements by three different observers. The estimated amplitude of OI imprecision at a 95% confidence level was 1.8 whatever eel and observer. Such error may lead to classification problems particularly when OI values are close to the threshold values used to discriminate between yellow and silver stages. This study not only raised the problem of the OI imprecision but also brought up the need to develop standardised protocol for identifying silver eels. To reach this goal, two different ways are proposed in conclusion.  相似文献   

Abstract– Studies were performed with both a mechanical and a photosensory arrangement of the experimental tanks. Silver (migratory) eels were more active than yellow (stationary) eels. Comparison of pooled data on yellow eels tested under natural geomagnetic field conditions with those on eel tested under unnatural ones prcded no evidence of difference in activity. Silver and yellow eels showed stronger activity during the 6 days around new moon compared with the phase around full moon as well as a peak before new moon and a smaller peak before full moon. Under each kind of unnatural field condition, the activity relationships reversed or were cancelled. The directional choice of eels under natural conditions (controls) pointed to magnetic NW and mostly also in the opposite direction. When the magnetic north was changed by 90°, the tested yellow eels followed this change to about the same degree. The additional change of both the inclination (from 68° or 45° or 30°) and total intensity (by a reduction to 31% of the natural field) resulted in a change of the preferences of about 90° relative to magnetic north. Reversal of magnetic north by 180°, which is identical to a change of the inclination from 68° to 112°, also resulted in a change of the preferences by about 90°. Three experiments using compensation of both the horizontal and the vertical geomagnetic field led to circular directional preferences at random in two cases and in one case to about NW of the residual field magnetic north. The navigational abilities of the eel, on the basis of its magnetic sensitivity, are discussed.  相似文献   

Monitoring of yellow‐phase and silver‐phase Anguilla anguilla during their continental life history is necessary for evaluation of stock recovery measures. Eel population data for an Irish lake (Lough Sheelin) were compiled for the period 1993–2014. Catch data from 2009 to 2014 provided minimum estimates of recent silver eel production ranging annually from 0.79 to 1.84 kg/ha. Long‐term changes in yellow eel abundance and silver eel size structure were assessed as part of a fishery monitoring programme. Yellow eel catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the lake (from longline surveys) was considerably higher in the 1990s (52.2–62.1 eels/100 hooks) than 2002–2008 (1.9–15.8 eels/100 hooks). Conversely, during 1993–2014, the mean size of silver eels migrating from the lake increased significantly (< .001), from 659 mm to 838 mm. The results suggest that in the absence of direct yellow eel abundance data, interannual variation in silver eel size structure may be a useful monitoring tool for local eel stocks as part of Eel Management Plans (EMP's).  相似文献   

Abstract –  The downstream migration of European silver eels in the River Frémur was examined to determine the potential effects of the numerous migration barriers that exist on waterways in western France. The Frémur has a 14 m high dam which creates a 3 × 106 m3 water supply reservoir, 6 km from tidal limit. Based on 8-year records (1996–2004) of migrant silver eels captured in a Wolf trap located about 1 km below the dam, the influence of this dam on the migration was examined. These records indicate that 91% of silver eels were captured when the dam was overtopped (i.e. when the water reservoir was full). The timings of the overflow periods varied greatly between years mainly because they are function of the duration of the filling period which in turn is dependent on the level of summer water abstraction and annual hydrological conditions. Consequently, migration periods occurred at variable dates (between November and April) which is late in comparison with nonobstructed European river systems (generally between August and December). During overflow periods the migration of silver eels increased markedly during rain events (increasing river flow). This indicates that flow flushes, are essential so that settled silver eels can orientate themselves and pass over the dam. The hypothesis of a 'dam effect' that could stop temporarily or permanently some of silver eels in the reservoir is discussed. Finally, the influence of the migration delays on the condition of silver eels is considered.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Changes in the numbers and size-class structure of European silver eels, Anguilla anguilla , in the River Frémur (France) were examined over a 9-year period after installation of downstream eel passes. The number of silver eels migrating downstream peaked in 1999, then decreased strongly and steadily after 2000, reaching relatively low levels. At the same time, a gradual shift in the silver eel sex ratio from a dominance of males (size from 270 to 442 mm, age from 3 to 6 years) to females (size from 366 to 1112 mm, age from 4 to 9 years) was recorded. Possible explanations for the escapement patterns observed are environmental sex determination and the installation of eel passes on the main hydraulic engineering structures in 1992 and 1996.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Modelling-governing patterns of European eel ( Anguilla anguilla L.) distribution of four eel size classes (<150, 150–300, 300–450 and >450 mm) in the Frémur basin (northwest France) was done using artificial neural network (ANN) techniques and ecological profiles. Our results demonstrate the high predictive power of the ANN models. Some macro- and microscale factors, such as distance from the sea, depth and flow velocity, have the most significant influence on the models. Influence of distance from the sea appears to be very different from the spatial organisation usually described in river systems. In fact, the general tendencies of total eel densities according to the distance from the sea showed that densities increase weakly upstream. Another outcome was the variations in habitat preference according to the eel size, even if this species is spread over practically every type of microhabitat. Small eels were mainly found in shallow habitats with strong abundance of aquatic vegetation, whereas large eels tend to be found in intermediate to high depth with small to intermediate abundance of aquatic vegetation. Finally, we hypothesise that European eels change behaviour and microhabitat characteristic preference around a size of 300 mm.  相似文献   

Under aquaculture conditions, European eels (Anguilla anguilla) produce a high percentage of males (80–95%) that normally stop growing at 100–200 g. Females continue to grow to 500–750 g and obtain higher market value. Therefore, increasing the percentage of females in a population would be beneficial to the culture of eels. The present study was carried out in order to examine the effect of oestradiol and phytooestrogens on sex differentiation and growth rate of eels. Juvenile European eels with undifferentiated gonads were fed pellets containing oestradiol‐17β (E2) or phytooestrogens for 100–150 days. Feeding E2 resulted in 50–61% increase in body weight compared with the control. Oestradiol‐17β and phytooestrogens both elevated significantly the percentage of females in the population. Feeding E2 at 20 mg kg?1 feed resulted in 70% females, while lower concentration of E2 (2 mg kg?1) resulted in only 30% after 100 days (Experiment 1). The same dose given for 150 days (Experiment 2) resulted in 88% females, indicating that both, the concentration and duration of E2 treatments had a significant effect on sex differentiation. Fish fed genistein at 2 mg kg?1 for 100 days, resulted in 55% of females, but at a higher dose of 20 mg kg?1 there were only 15% females. These results demonstrate that phytooestrogens can be used as alternatives to gonadal steroids for sex manipulation in eels, but the optimal concentrations and duration are still to be determined.  相似文献   

Different carbohydrate sources—wheat meal, bread meal, soluble corn starch, native potato starch and sorghum meal—were included at 30% in isonitrogenous diets for European eels (Anguilla anguilla) weighing 4.6 g kept in tanks. Growth and body composition were determined and feed utilization was evaluated. Total gains/m2 per day were as follows: on wheat, 3.20 g; bread meal, 2.77 g, soluble starch, 2.28 g; sorghum, 1.21 g; and potato, 0.78 g.Percent of protein in whole carcasses was similar for all diets, but percent of fat was higher with wheat and bread meal and lowest with potato starch. Food conversion, protein retention and energy retention were higher for eels fed wheat meal or bread meal than the other carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Abstract– A total of 8,903 eels were collected in 503 fyke-net samples during the months March to December from 1981 to 1994 in a small bay in Lough Derg, a mesotrophic lake. Variations in catch between months and between years are described. In addition to expected decreases in catch in the colder months, a regular reduction was observed in June. Low catches were observed from 1985 to 1987, coinciding with low water temperatures. A very low catch in August 1994 may have been a chance variation but could have been a first indication of the effects of poor recruitment or of increased commercial fishing effort. The results support the initial hypothesis that a long-term study is required to determine the extent of variation in an eel population.  相似文献   

Preliminary experiments in intensive culture showed the possibility of raising healthy eel with obvious growth in water of moderate temperature, when fed a special diet.  相似文献   

Eels cultured in recirculation systems are regularly confronted with high concentrations of nitrite, a well-known toxicant for fish. In this study, the acute toxicity of nitrite to European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), was assessed by determination of a 96-h LC50. The 96-h LC50 measured for eels was 143.7 ± 2.3 gm-3 NO2-N (mean SD), which is high compared with the LC50 for other fish species. The sublethal effects of nitrite on growth and feed utilization were evaluated in a feeding trial lasting 77 days, divided into an acclimation period and two experimental periods. Eels of 24 g on average were divided over 20 aquaria, connected to five separate recirculation systems. In each system, the desired nitrite concentration level was maintained by water suppletion and continuous addition of NaNO2. Fish were continuously exposed to levels of 0, 1, 5, 10 or 20 g m-3 NO2-N. Half of the experimental groups were fed ad libitum to study effects on feed intake, while the other half were fed a restricted ration to study effects on feed utilization. At the start and end of each experimental period, nitrite in the blood plasma, haemoglobin and methaemoglobin were measured. Fish weight and body composition were used to calculate specific growth rate and conversion efficiencies. In the range of concentrations studied, no significant effect of nitrite on maximum growth rate or feed utilization could be demonstrated. At the start of the experiment, low concentrations of nitrite were detected in the blood plasma, which suggests an ability of the eel to adapt to environmental nitrite. Nitrite, in the range normally encountered in intensive eel farms (max. 15 g m-3 NO2-N), can therefore be considered a factor of little significance.  相似文献   

Diet-related differences between the ratio of intestine length to body size and the enzymatic activity in the intestinal tract of wild and reared European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) were studied. Compared with reared eel, wild eel showed significantly shorter relative intestine length. For the purpose of histochemical examination, different parts (anterior, middle and posterior) of intestine proper were used. Activities of non-specific esterase, alkaline and acid phosphatase, and aminopeptidase were examined in each segment. All enzymes were present in the intestines of both wild and reared European eel. Fish from both groups showed similar enzyme distribution within the enterocytes, but distribution and intensity of enzyme activity along the intestine vary depending on the group. Generally, reared European eel showed highest enzymatic activity and wider distribution of enzymes throughout all parts of the intestine. These results suggest that different diets could be one of the reasons for observed changes.  相似文献   

Abstract. In four experiments, performed at the Agricultural University, Wageningen and the Netherlands Institute for Fishery Investigations, the effects of attractants on feed acceptance and growth of glass eels, Anguilla anguilla L., were studied. The results show that extracts from natural food or a mixture of synthetic amino acids improve acceptance of a trout fry crumble at first feeding of glass eels. Overall results can be greatly improved by initiating the feeding behaviour of the fish by feeding cod roe for the first few days. The results also demonstrate a strong effect of the feeding level on feed acceptance. At relatively high feeding levels no significant effect of attractants could be detected.  相似文献   

The kinetics and hypocalcemic potency of stanniocalcin (STC) were examined in freshwater and seawater eels. The secretion rate and the metabolic clearance rate of STC were calculated from the STC disappearance curve after intra-arterial injection of trout STC. Basal plasma STC concentrations in freshwater and seawater eels did not differ but the STC secretion rate and metabolic clearance rate in seawater eel were 70–75% higher than in FW eel. The increased STC distribution space in seawater eels suggests that the STC receptor density was increased. STC had a higher hypocalcemic potency in seawater than in freshwater eels. These observations support the hypothesis that seawater fish require more hormonal control over transcellular influx of calcium than freshwater fish.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

Abstract Bath treatments with mebendazolc (MBZ) are commonly used for control of pseudodactylogyrosis in intensive eel eulture systems in Europe. To assess the potential for selection of drug-resistant gill parasites in these systems, the authors have conducted a number of sub-therapeutic treatments of an anthelmintic naive population of Pseudodactylogyrus bini (Kikuchi, 1929) Gussev, 1965, and P. anguillae (Yin et Sproson, 1948) Gussev, 1965, with different eoncentrations of MBZ. Parasite populations subtherapeutically treated seven times during a 7-month period with 0.05 and 0.005 mg MBZI−1 developed a high and low relative resistance to MBZ, respectively. It was shown that low temperatures decreased the effect of MBZ. In addition, the benzimidazoles albendazole and triclabendazole produced a comparatively lower parasiticidal effect, and it is suggested that treatments at low temperatures or with low effect bcnzimidazoles will increase the risk of selection of drug-resistant gill parasites in eel farms.  相似文献   

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