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国家对动物疫病防控和食品安全工作历来非常重视。近年来,农业部更是将保障农产品质量安全和动物卫生当作一件头等大事来抓。社会各界对动物源性食品安全和人畜共患病导致的公共卫生问题越来越关注,人民群众对动物产品消费数量需求和质量要求越来越高。这在给兽医兽药事业大发展带来机遇的同时,对生产企业重大动物疫病疫苗的有效供给、疫苗安全有效及各级兽医行政管理部门的监督管理水平和能力同样也带来新的挑战。  相似文献   

2009年6月,农业部兽医局和中国兽医药品监察所组织召开全国重大动物疫病疫苗定点生产企业负责人会议。农业部副部长高鸿宾指出,近年来,各级兽医主管部门和兽药监察所按照农业部的统一部署,积极实施驻厂监督、飞行检查、监督抽检等监管措施,切实加强疫苗质量监管,禽流感等重大动物疫病疫苗质量合格率保持在较高水平,为重大动物疫病总体疫情控制在近年来最低水平做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

加强重大动物疫病疫苗质量监管确保动物疫病防控工作成效2009年6月19日,农业部兽医局和中国兽医药品监察所组织召开全国重大动物疫病疫苗定点生产企业负责人会议。会议总结了2008年以来全国重大动物疫病疫苗监管工作取得的成绩,分析了目前重大动物疫病疫苗监管工作面临的形势和存  相似文献   

为加强重大动物疫病疫苗质量监管,保证疫苗质量,满足动物疫病防控工作需要,按照全国春季重大动物疫病防控工作视频会议的部署和要求,中国兽医药品监察所统一行动,于2012年3~4月集中组织开  相似文献   

加强重大动物疫病疫苗质量监管确保动物疫病防控工作成效2009年6月19日,农业部兽医局和中国兽医药品监察所组织召开全国重大动物疫病疫苗定点生产企业负责人会议。会议总结了2008年以来全国重大动物疫病疫苗监管工  相似文献   

为加强重大动物疫病疫苗质量监管,保证疫苗质量,满足动物疫病防控工作需要,根据全国春季动物防疫督查工作视频会议部署,农业部兽医局安排中国兽医药品监察所于2013年3~5月集中组织开展春季兽用生物制品质量监督检查工作,派24个监督检查组共计61人次,采取生产督导、飞行检查和专项检查  相似文献   

最近,农业部兽医局对兽药监管工作做出全面部署,要求各级兽医管理部门增强责任感和紧迫感,下更大的力气,采取更有力的措施,以确保重大动物疫病疫苗质量和动物产品质量安全为重点,切实做好兽药监管工作,保障畜牧业健康发展,维护公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

近日,农业部兽医局对下半年兽药监管工作做出全面部署,要求各级兽医管理部门增强责任感和紧迫感,下更大的力气,采取更有力的措施,以确保重大动物疫病疫苗质量和动物产品质量安全为重点,切实做好下半年兽药监管工作,为  相似文献   

2012年12月11日,中国兽医药品监察所在北京组织召开了全国重大动物疫病疫苗定点生产企业负责人会议。会议对重大动物疫病疫苗生产检验、供应及产品质量安全等情况进行了全面分析,并就贯彻落实《国家中长期动物疫病防治规划(2012-2020年)》(以下简称"规划")精神,进一步做好全国重大动物疫病疫苗质量和监管工作进行了安排部署。农业部兽医局张弘副局长、中国兽医药品监察所李向东书记、徐肖君副所长、杨劲松  相似文献   

<正>据农业部秋冬季防疫工作安排和重大动物疫病疫苗质量监管工作需要,中国兽医药品监察所于2010年10月27日在北京组织召开了"2010年全国重大动物疫病疫苗质量监管座谈会"。  相似文献   

选取兰州市区有代表性的两个足球场作为研究对象,调查足球场草坪质量和赛事质量,并分析其关系。结果表明,足球场草坪质量的好坏影响运动员在赛事过程中的行为和比赛质量,不同质量的足球场草坪对球员犯规次数、跌倒次数和门将扑球次数均有明显影响,对比赛中过程中射门、进攻、抢球和传球等也具有显著影响。  相似文献   

牧草品质评价体系及品质育种的研究进展   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20  
简要介绍了牧草品质的评价体系,以及牧草品质育种的主要目标性状包括营养价值、消化率、适口性等。并着重概括了国内外牧草品质育种的研究进展。  相似文献   

Higher education is adapting to new technologies and to the evolving pedagogies that accompany change. Maintaining quality begins with identifying purpose and assessing progress. Using the Sloan Consortium's quality framework, this article provides resources for measuring quality in online environments.  相似文献   

采用二因素试验设计,以无添加剂处理作为对照,研究了甲酸以及两种乳酸菌类青贮添加剂(Sila-Max,Sila-Mix)对小黑麦和黑麦青贮营养品质和发酵品质的影响,以期为小黑麦和黑麦青贮饲料的调制奠定基础。结果表明:甲酸处理组的中(酸)性洗涤纤维含量显著低于其他处理(P<0.05),可溶性碳水化合物(WSC)含量和干物质消化率(DMD)显著高于对照组(P<0.05),青贮营养品质最优;Sila-Max和Sila-Mix处理组的DMD和乳酸含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05),pH值和NH3-N/TN显著低于对照组(P<0.05),青贮营养品质和发酵品质均优于对照组,其中Sila-Max用量最少,发酵品质最优;青贮原料间小黑麦的营养品质和发酵品质均优于黑麦,更适于调制青贮饲料。综上,小黑麦添加甲酸调制青贮饲料的营养品质最优,小黑麦添加Sila-Max处理调制青贮饲料的发酵品质最优。  相似文献   

Essentially all animal commodity organizations have established quality assurance programs designed to ensure food safety and quality. Most of these programs were originally implemented to address problems with veterinary drug residues. Many of the current programs have or plan to include food safety critical control points with specific guidelines on how to control or reduce pathogen load. The continued focus placed on food safety by today's consumer demands that American producers ensure that their commodities are wholesome, safe, and of high quality in order to remain competitive in the global marketplace. Veterinarians should recognize that it is important to encourage food animal producers to participate in quality assurance programs for their clients' economic health and for food safety and protection of public health. Commodities certified as being produced under good production practices or by producers certified as following a recognized and validated quality assurance program often bring a premium price. Also, some slaughter establishments are beginning to require producers to be certified as practicing under a recognized quality assurance program before animals are accepted for processing. This practice is being driven partially by the demands placed on slaughter establishments by the US Department of Agriculture's implementation of the Pathogen Reduction, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Systems regulation. Regardless of why producer trade association quality assurance programs have come into existence, veterinarians should promote the programs as an excellent mechanism to help ensure everyone's goal of a safe, wholesome food supply.  相似文献   

Image quality in B‐mode ultrasound is important as it reflects the diagnostic accuracy and diagnostic information provided during clinical scanning. Quality assurance programs for B‐mode ultrasound systems/components are comprised of initial quality acceptance testing and subsequent regularly scheduled quality control testing. The importance of quality assurance programs for B‐mode ultrasound image quality using ultrasound phantoms is well documented in the human medical and medical physics literature. The purpose of this prospective, cross‐sectional, survey study was to determine the prevalence and methodology of quality acceptance testing and quality control testing of image quality for ultrasound system/components among veterinary sonographers. An online electronic survey was sent to 1497 members of veterinary imaging organizations: the American College of Veterinary Radiology, the Veterinary Ultrasound Society, and the European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, and a total of 167 responses were received. The results showed that the percentages of veterinary sonographers performing quality acceptance testing and quality control testing are 42% (64/151; 95% confidence interval 34–52%) and 26% (40/156: 95% confidence interval 19–33%) respectively. Of the respondents who claimed to have quality acceptance testing or quality control testing of image quality in place for their ultrasound system/components, 0% have performed quality acceptance testing or quality control testing correctly (quality acceptance testing 95% confidence interval: 0–6%, quality control testing 95% confidence interval: 0–11%). Further education and guidelines are recommended for veterinary sonographers in the area of quality acceptance testing and quality control testing for B‐mode ultrasound equipment/components.  相似文献   

Background: Density gradient centrifugation was reported as a technique of semen preparation in assisted reproductive techniques in humans and animals. This technique was found to be efficient in improving semen quality after harmful techniques such as cryopreservation. Recently a modified technique, single layer centrifugation,was proposed as a technique providing a large amount of high quality spermatozoa, and this treatment was performed before conservation. Single layer centrifugation has been studied prevalently in stallions and in boars,but limited data were available for bulls. Occasionally bulls are known to experience a transient reduction in semen quality, thus techniques that allow improvement in semen quality could be applied in this context. The aim of this study was the evaluation of single layer and double layer centrifugation by the use of iodixanol, compared with conventional centrifugation and non-centrifuged semen, on the sperm characteristics during the cryopreservation process in bulls with normal and poor semen quality.Results: Single layer centrifugation and double layer centrifugation both significantly increased the percentage of normal spermatozoa and decreased the percentage of non-sperm cells in poor quality samples, while both were ineffective in those of normal quality. Sperm characteristics in poor quality samples increased after single layer centrifugation and double layer centrifugation, reaching values similar to those recorded in normal samples, and this trend is maintained after equilibration and after cryopreservation. On the other hand, SLC and DLC resulted in a consistent reduction in the spermatozoa recovered, and this resulted in a reduction of the absolute amount of spermatozoa cryopreserved in the normal samples, without a clear improvement in sperm characteristics in this type of sample.Conclusions: These data suggested that both SLC and DLC could be performed in practice, but their application should be limited to the cases in which the quality of the spermatozoa recovered is more important than the total amount of spermatozoa.  相似文献   

为了科学的评价不同白沙枇杷品种果实品质指标,建立高效白沙枇杷果实品质评价体系,本研究通过相关性分析法和主成分分析法对23份白沙枇杷果实的11个品质指标进行了系统分析。结果表明,不同品种的果实各个品质指标之间存在较大差异,且具有不同程度的相关性。采用主成分分析法从11个品质指标中提取出4个主成分因子。综合相关性分析和主成分分析,可溶性糖、可滴定酸、氨基酸(AA)和单果重作为白沙枇杷果实品质性状评价的核心指标。采用相关性分析和主成分分析综合评价方法为评价品质优良的白沙枇杷品种提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Several aspects of meat quality are briefly discussed, outlining the complex of parameters affecting meat quality as a whole. Particular attention is paid to the main sensory meat quality characteristics, which can be assessed analytically, and are known to be related to consumers' appreciation, when buying, preparing and consuming meat. After some compositional and structural characteristics of muscle have been outlined, the major physiological factors effecting the conversion of muscle into meat are discussed. Finally commonly used methods for the assessment of sensory meat quality are reviewed.  相似文献   

作为《中国兽药典》2020年版科研任务的一部分,研究制定马波沙星原料的质量标准。标准研究的核心内容是有关物质检查、残留溶剂检查和含量测定方法。建立的质量标准考察项目全面,能有效地控制马波沙星原料的质量。  相似文献   

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