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1五味首乌蜜来源:《常见病饮食疗法》。原料:北五味子、制首乌各250g,蜂蜜500g,冰糖适量。制作:北五味子、制首乌快速洗净,倒人大瓦罐内,加冷水浸泡1h,用小火煎0.5~1.0h,约剩药液一大碗时,滤出头汁。再加冷水2大碗,煎二汁,约剩药液大半碗时,滤出二汁,弃渣。将头汁、二汁、冰糖、蜂蜜倒入沙锅内,用小火烧开后开盖再烧15min,离火,冷却,装瓶。  相似文献   

酸奶的品质与众多因素关系密切。对影响酸奶品质的因素进行综述,着重阐述原料乳品质、加工条件、发酵条件和冷却及贮藏条件的影响。  相似文献   

乳品能让你变苗条吗?很多人认为乳品容易使人发胖,往往会减少乳品在膳食中的比例。殊不知吃法得当,乳品也能抗肥胖,帮助你健康地控制体质量。美国田纳西大学营养学院主任、医学教授麦克泽梅尔博士的研究证实,乳品中的钙和其他成分(如乳清蛋白)可帮助人体燃烧多余脂肪,在摄入总热量不变时,如果每日膳食中增加乳品摄  相似文献   

超冷保鲜技术这种技术与非冷冻和部分冻结有着本质上的不同。鲜鱼的普通冷却冰藏保鲜、微冻保鲜、部分冻结保鲜等技术的目的是保持水产品的品质,而超级快速冷却是将鱼杀死和初期的急速冷却同时实现,它可以最大限度地保持鱼体原本的鲜度和鱼肉品质,原因是它能抑制鱼体死后的生物化学变化。  相似文献   

五味首乌蜜来源:《常见病饮食疗法》。原料:北五味子、制首乌各250g,蜂蜜500g,冰糖适量。制作:将北五味子和制首乌快速洗净,置于大瓦罐内,加冷水浸泡1h,用小火煎0.5~1.0h,约剩药液一大碗时,滤出头汁。药渣中再加冷水两大碗,煎二汁,约剩药液大半碗时,滤出二汁,弃  相似文献   

1.温湿度管理及贮藏设施果品蔬菜收获后,靠消耗体内的养分进行呼吸作用,其呼吸强度直接影响其鲜度。因此,果品蔬菜保鲜最好的方法是从其收获到消费整个过程一直保持低温高湿条件,即保持冷链的连续性。日本1965年就开始进行果蔬预冷的研究和应用。1971年,长野县小沼农协利用冷藏车将预冷后的大白菜和甘蓝首次投放东京市场,销售一举获得成功。预冷的方式主要有强制通风冷却、差压通风冷却、冷水冷却和真空冷却等。许多试验已证明果蔬预冷品的货架期远比非预冷品长。最近日本开发出一种记录果温数据的小型装置,它对了解果品收获后到消费之间温…  相似文献   

大豆含有丰富的蛋白质和脂肪,储藏稳定性差,不耐高温,易吸湿生霉、浸油赤变,对新入库偏高温大豆需快速降温,保证大豆安全度夏,保持品质。通过采用谷物冷却技术,能快速地调控大豆温度,取得良好的降温效果。  相似文献   

我国乳品工业现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
从乳品消费现状、生产现状和安全管理现状等方面,介绍我国乳品工业现状;从乳品结构更加多元化、乳品检测技术、乳品加工设备、完善乳制品质量标准及安全管理体系方面阐述乳品工业发展趋势。  相似文献   

研究了抗氧化剂对苹果汁褐变的抑制效果。结果表明,质量分数为0.15%的D-异VC钠、0.1%植酸、0.2%L-半胱氨酸处理,均能较好的抑制苹果汁的褐变;质量分数为0.03%的D-异VC钠+0.03%植酸+0.06%L-半胱氨酸复合处理的抗褐变效果最佳;苹果汁在85℃下杀菌15min,褐变度最小;杀菌后冷却时,分段冷却较自然冷却有利于苹果汁色泽的保持。  相似文献   

对四个品种(矮柱花草、钩柱花草、粗糙柱花草、粘质柱花草)种子进行不同的热处理。这些处理包括加热和冷却的变化速率及持续时间。所有处理为4个温度:75℃、85℃、95℃和105℃。这项研究为打破大批量成熟的硬实种子找到了途径。在处理中发现,温度是发芽率的决定性因素。然而,将种子快速地加热或继之以冷却至0℃,对减少硬实种子的数量是必要的。为打破成熟的硬实种子,建议把干种子加热到85℃1至2小时,然后冷却至常温。  相似文献   

基于温湿度指数的牛舍喷淋降温系统的控制   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
针对夏季高温对奶牛的不利影响,本文对适合应用于牛舍的喷淋降温系统的控制部分进行了研究。根据奶牛的生理特性,该控制系统以温湿指数(THI)为主控参数,结合时间控制参数等,编制的定时控制喷淋降温模式,能使奶牛生活环境得到更为合理的控制,能更加有效的减轻奶牛热应激。本文对该控制系统软硬件设计的主要内容进行了阐述。该控制系统主要采用单片机技术来完成对喷淋降温设备的控制,其研究主要包括单片机控制单元和动力驱动单元的设计。单片机控制单元以AT89S52单片机为核心,通过设计的外围电路及编写的功能程序实现对动力驱动单元的控制;动力驱动单元通过线路的设计布置,实现喷淋模式中降温设备的交替运行功能,从而对喷淋降温设备进行直接控制。  相似文献   

在富氮低氧储存条件下,对平房仓内气囊薄膜上下形成的空间,进行了三种不同空调控温安装方式的试验,试验结果表明,采用蒸发器(室内机)(不带风机)+中压风机组合,利用PVC管道及管道上开孔来输出冷气和回送气体,形成内部循环式的气流空调控温安装方式,可以有效控制平房仓的仓温。  相似文献   

Non‐flooded rice cultivation has been proven to be an effective measure to reduce water consumption in drought areas of Southeast China. However, rice cultivation under non‐flooded conditions leads to less stable productivity and lower grain yield. The objectives of this study were (1) to compare crop performance and yields among flooded and non‐flooded rice over several seasons, (2) to identify the yield performed in non‐flooded rice systems over seasons and whether the options which included no‐tillage, straw mulching and wet‐dry rotation system can narrow the grain yield gap between non‐flooded and traditional flooded condition. The results showed the difference between flooded rice (F) and non‐flooded rice (NF) with straw mulching was much lower than the difference between F and NF without straw mulching. Within late seasons, the difference of aboveground total biomass between non‐flooded rice without mulching and flooded rice gradually widened as the number of cropping seasons increased. Compared with the non‐flooded rice without mulching, straw mulching can reduce the decline of aboveground total biomass and grain yield. The yield difference between F and NF treatments became smaller in no‐tillage plots than complete tillage plots. It suggested that no‐tillage can keep the crop production more stable. In comparison with continuously non‐flooded cultivation, our study indicated that the wet‐dry rotation system can reduce the yield decline under non‐flooded condition.  相似文献   

A substantial proportion of ammonical fertilizers applied to lowland rice is lost as gaseous N from the soil–plant system. Besides various environmental factors, the low N use efficiency of flooded rice is also attributed to this factor. As atmospheric ammonia found in the leaf environment of the plants could also be responsible for differences in N use efficiency and fertilizer N losses from lowland rice, a greenhouse study was conducted on three rice cultivars varying in physio-morphological characteristics for their dry matter and nitrogen distribution to grains at maturity in response to ammonia (NH3) exposure at tillering and anthesis growth stages. The results revealed that ammonia exposure of plants at two growth stages did not affect the total dry matter and total N yield of the rice cultivars at maturity; however, the grain yield and grain N yield were negatively effected by NH3 exposure of the plants at anthesis. The variation observed in dry matter and N partitioning at maturity to grains/roots of the plants exposed to NH3 at anthesis indicated that the growth stage of the plants at which they are exposed to NH3 has an influence on N use efficiency of crop plants and subsequent vegetative as well as total N losses from the soil–plant system.  相似文献   

盆栽试验结果表明,常规淹水和无水层栽培,秸秆还田的水稻产量提高,油菜秸秆和小麦秸秆处理之间差异不显著,秸秆不同利用方式以覆盖效果较好。秸秆还田处理的后茬油菜产量比不施秸秆的提高1.8%~9.3%。对氮磷钾吸收的影响,常规淹水多于无水层栽培,但秸秆还田能促进氮磷钾的吸收利用。无水层栽培比常规淹水栽培的土壤有机质等养分提高,说明无水层栽培条件下更利于还田秸秆的养分释放和土壤对养分的保持。  相似文献   

为探索现阶段规模化奶牛场粪污处理与利用切实可行的模式,通过对大同四方高科农牧公司应用的粪污处理与循环利用模式从节约用水、环境污染、劳动力投入和运行资本等方面与常规模式进行对比分析。结果表明,与常规粪污处理模式相比,大同四方高科农牧公司粪污处理与循环利用模式年可处理粪便4.75万t,尿液2.70万t,污水0.91万t;通过污水循环利用,年节约用水2.63万t,节约开支302.7万元。因此,规模化奶牛场粪污通过固液分离后,尿液和污水通过循环利用,粪便发酵杀菌干燥后作为垫圈材料,对节约用水、改善环境污染、减少劳动力和能耗投入、降低运行成本、提高粪污资源利用效率等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为探究尿素深施入土壤后氮素在土-水系统中的迁移转化途径,采用自制装置模拟水田并测定土壤及表层水中氮素浓度及相关指标的变化,以此对氮素的迁移途径进行研究。结果表明:尿素深施方式下,氮素在表层水中发生的反应以氨挥发和硝化反应为主,在土壤中主要进行反硝化反应;尿素深施入土壤15天后系统中氮素损失量占总施肥量的14.86%,其损失来源于氨挥发和生物反硝化作用,分别约占总损失量的68.95%和31.05%。尿素深施方式下水田中氮素迁移转化过程十分复杂,通过分析土-水系统中存在的反应和氮素迁移转化途径可为合理施肥及控制农田面源污染提供技术参考。  相似文献   

The paper presents new arrangement types of electrothermal defrost tubes and manufactures four evaporator samples. Through a wind tunnel refrigeration experimental test-bed, relatively experiments for every sample are carried to study heat transfer and flow resistances characteristics of evaporator. The experiment results show that in experimental face velocity range from 1.5 m/s to 4.3 m/s compared with flat-fin evaporator, the unit area of cooling capacity of DK-8 evaporator increased 28.1% to 36.2%, the fin surface coefficient of heat transfer raises 79.2% to 83.5%, the compressor COP (Coefficient of Performance) improves 38.2% to 46.9%, and the air side flow resistance decreases 5.29% to 18.3% in the same experimental condition and geometric size. The increase amplitude of COP is obviously higher than air side flow resistance. The experimental investigation results prove that it is completely feasible optimized combing defrost design with heat transfer enhancement design.  相似文献   

The anoxic-aerobic process was used to treat n-phenylglycinonitrile wastewater from a chemical plant. Furthermore, the chemical process was used to remove ammonia from effluent of bio-chemical process. The results show that when the influent contains COD Cr 1 000-2 000 mg/L and NH 3-N 300 mg/L, the effluent would contain COD Cr 200-300 mg/L and NH 3-N 30 mg/L. The treated water can be reused as cooling water for the factory.  相似文献   

为探明不同供氮形态对烤烟烘烤特性的影响。采用大田试验方法,以烤烟品种K326为试验材料,设置5个不同供氮形态的处理,即N1(100%硝态氮)、N2(30%氨态氮+70%硝态氮)、N3(50%氨态氮+50%硝态氮)、N4(70%氨态氮+30%硝态氮)、N5(100%氨态氮),研究烘烤过程中不同处理的烟叶水分、叶绿素、多酚氧化酶、丙二醛等指标变化规律,比较烤后烟叶经济性状。结果表明:在施氮量为165 kg/hm2条件下,不同供氮形态对烤烟烘烤特性有不同影响。其中,30%氨态氮+70%硝态氮处理的烟叶在烘烤过程中各阶段失水速率接近其72 h内失水速率的平均值,烟叶失水均衡性好;其叶绿素降解速率与失水速率协调同步,有良好的变黄特性;同时,烟叶多酚氧化酶活性最低,丙二醛积累少且缓慢,膜脂过氧化水平最低,烟叶耐烤性好。此外,30%氨态氮+70%硝态氮处理的中上等烟比例和产值最高。可见,在粤北烟区,采用30%氨态氮+70%硝态氮的供氮形态可以获得优良的烟叶烘烤特性和烟叶质量。  相似文献   

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