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We investigated the farm factors associated with the prevalences of brucellosis and border disease (BD) in small-ruminant herds in the Madrid region of Spain. These infections were used as models of diseases of well-known and totally unknown distribution, respectively, to assess the association between the perception of the importance of a given disease on the relative contributions of veterinary services and the farmer's attitudes to its prevention. Sera, farming-management information and data concerning veterinary assistance and farmer characteristics were collected from 60 sheep or goat herds. The overall sero-prevalence of brucellosis was 5.7% (complement fixation) and for BD was 17.9% (ELISA test). The relationship between sero-positivity and the variables in the questionnaire was assessed by multivariable analysis using random-effects logistic-normal regression. ‘Availability of veterinary services' was a major protective factor for brucellosis. In contrast, no association with veterinary services was observed for BD, whereas ‘membership in a farmers' organization' (a variable associated with good farming practice and animal care) was a protective factor. ‘Membership of a farmers' organisation' and two other farmer variables indicative of good husbandry (‘youth' and ‘schooling') were associated with a lower sero-prevalence of brucellosis in univariable analysis but they did not remain significant in the multivariable model. Our observations suggest that veterinary-activity variables predominate over non-specific protective farm factors related to good husbandry in the case the disease is subject to disease surveillance. This underscores the importance of organized control programs for veterinary services to be effective in terms of animal disease prevention.  相似文献   

南方优质肉鸭种苗产业体系构建与关键技术集成推广   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉鸭产业在我国南方畜牧业经济中的重要地位逐渐凸显,对促进畜牧业健康发展和农民增收具有重要作用。本文针对目前南方肉鸭产业所存在的问题,构建包含种苗繁育、饲料营养、生态养殖、疾病防控、屠宰加工、远程疾病诊断、循环利用、产业化基地建设、管理制度等9个方面的南方优质肉鸭种苗产业体系与关键技术的集成推广,建立完善的肉鸭产业链,推进南方优质肉鸭持续健康稳定发展。  相似文献   

兽药粉(散)剂、预混剂与饲料添加剂的管理探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合兽医用药和畜牧业生产实践,对现行管理法规界定下的兽药粉(散)剂及预混剂等有关概念进行剖析,研究各组概念的区别和内在联系,探讨如何准确定位、科学管理兽药粉(散)剂、预混剂以及饲料添加剂,建议在动物疫病防控和畜牧业生产中协同发挥各类投入品作用。  相似文献   

The collection, storage, disposal and processing of slaughterhouse by-products is an important part of veterinary care in regions with intensive animal husbandry and meat production. Transmission of diseases and environmental pollution through an improper and/or incorrect handling of slaughterhouse by-products needs to be prevented. The use of animal by-products as feedstuff could be of economical benefit to slaughterhouses and could add nutritive value to animal feed. As a results of the centralisation and intensification of slaughtering, the amount of slaughter by-products produced at a single location is increasing. Until now, hardly any attention, in practice or in research, has been paid to the collection and disposal of these by-products. There are important socio-economic reasons to increase scientific knowledge about the handling of slaughter by-products. Several animal by-products were contaminated with Salmonella. We also showed that rapid breakdown of amino acids in poultry by-products occurs during storage at 20 degrees C. It is concluded that as far as safety, environmental care and nutritive value of animal by-products is concerned, diversification and separation of slaughter by-product collection, storage, disposal and processing is necessary. Measures at source, the slaughterline, and some technologies are suggested for future use.  相似文献   

畜产品质量安全关系人民群众身体健康和生命安全,是重要的民生问题,也是备受关注的社会热点。我国历来高度重视畜产品质量安全监管工作,进行了一系列的探索和改革,明确提出实施食品安全战略,通过建立最严的标准、实施最严格的管理、实行最严厉的处罚,坚持最严肃的问责,保障畜产品质量安全,让人民吃得放心。畜牧兽医工作者肩负着养殖、调运、屠宰环节食用畜产品质量安全监管的重任,通过投入品监管、产地检疫、屠宰检疫以及兽药残留抽检,确保畜产品的质量安全。做为一名基层畜牧兽医工作者,通过多年的实际工作,笔者就目前市、县两级畜产品安全监管工作中存在的问题进行了分析,提出了相应的对策建议,望与各位同行共同探讨。  相似文献   

高职院校畜牧兽医专业是以培养从事畜牧兽医生产、服务及管理等工作第一线的高级应用型人才为目的。随着现代畜牧业的快速发展,用人单位对畜牧兽医专业毕业生综合实践能力提出了更高的要求。从如何提高教师素质、优化课程体系、完善实践教学环节、改进教学内容、建设专业特色教学资源库以及人才培养考核评价体系等方面探讨了新形势下畜牧兽医专业应用型人才的培养模式。  相似文献   

Lesions were detected in 208 culled cattle examined at a slaughterhouse. Eighty-two of them had a veterinary certificate, and 30 of these had been slaughtered on the farm. The principal diagnoses included lameness (88 cases), mastitis (35), chronic infections (32), complications of parturition (20) and fractures and dislocation (14). Most of the 126 animals sent for slaughter by farmers without a veterinary certificate were suffering from lameness (71), mastitis (29) or chronic infections (18). Over 90 per cent of the animals with complications of parturition or traumatic injury had a veterinary certificate. The carcases of 33 (26 per cent) of the animals sent for slaughter without a veterinary certificate were rejected by the meat inspector, and 29 (35 per cent) of those with a veterinary certificate were rejected; the difference was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Driven by consumer demands, European legislation has suggested the use of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) as the quality risk management programme for the whole dairy chain. Until now, an exception has been made for primary producers, but as regulations evolve, on-farm HACCP-like programmes should be ready to assure food safety as well as animal health and animal welfare. In our field experiment, the HACCP-concept was used to combine both optimal farm management and formalisation of quality assurance in an on-farm situation in the Netherlands. The process of young stock rearing was chosen, since its importance for the future of the farm is often underestimated. Hazards and their associated risk factors can be controlled within the farm-specific standards and tolerances, as targets can be controlled by corrective measures and by implementation of farm-specific worksheets. The veterinarian is pivotal for the facility-based HACCP team, since he/she has knowledge about on-farm risk assessment and relations between clinical pathology, feed and farm management. The HACCP concept in combination with veterinary herd health and production management programmes offers a promising approach to optimise on-farm production processes (i.e., young stock rearing) in addition to a structural approach for quality risk management on dairy farms.  相似文献   

Animals are subjected to various events that cause physical exhaustion and psychological stress during transfer to slaughter. This can lead to defective meat quality. Some animals may be better able to withstand the stress of transfer, depending on their previous experience of transport and on their finishing conditions (mixing, farmers' attitudes). The objective of this study was to assess the impact of 1) the conditions of transfer to slaughter (including duration of the journey, waiting time at lairage, etc.); and 2) the bulls' previous history (including experience in transport, mixing during finishing, and the farmers' attitudes) on the reactions of bulls to transfer and on their meat quality. We conducted a survey in commercial conditions. The history of the bulls and the facilities on the farms were noted; farmers were questioned on their attitudes; the bulls' reactions to loading into and unloading from the truck were observed; journey-related data were collected; and cortisol concentration at slaughter and the pH of the LM and the rectus abdominis were measured. Our study confirmed that certain physical factors associated with transport can increase stress and limit the decline of meat pH. These factors include the absence of loading facilities on the farm, transport on a warm day, or a short waiting time at lairage. Social aspects also played a role; the presence of bulls from the same finishing group limited stress and improved the pH decline. Events and management before transfer were also of importance; the farmer awareness of the sensitivity of bulls to humans or to feeding schedules but the absence of a positive attitude toward close contacts with bulls were all likely to limit stress or its consequences on meat pH. Although these results need to be confirmed in controlled experiments, they suggest that good management of beef bulls before and during transfer is essential to meat quality.  相似文献   

近几年来,畜产品质量安全问题一直是社会关注的焦点,动物疫病的流行,畜产品投入品的不当使用,是造成动物源性食品安全的重要因素。因此,加强畜产品质量安全监管,对于确保畜产品消费安全,促进畜牧业和农村经济的健康发展具有十分重要的意义,本文结合康乐县畜牧兽医工作的情况,从防疫监督,疫病防控,动物检疫监督等方面分析了本县的畜产品质量安全现状,指出了影响畜产品质量安全工作的主要因素,并指出了针对性的对策及建议。  相似文献   

目的:了解国内黄芪、当归、党参等3类中草药在"畜牧与动物医学"领域的研究状况,为后续研究提供参考。方法:运用文献计量学与计算机统计分析的研究方法,以国内3种中草药在"畜牧与动物医学"领域研究的期刊文献为样本,进行文献学特征、文献主题内容的分析与研究。结果:当归是3种中草药中"畜牧与动物医学"领域研究最早、时间跨度最大的中药材;3种中草药的主要饲喂或治疗对象有鸡、猪、牛、鼠、犬等;主要饲喂或用药类型有单药、组方、提取物、注射液、散剂、汤剂等;主要对症有增强免疫机能、生长性能、生产性能、治疗前胃疾病等。结论:在国内,高校是3种中草药"畜牧与动物医学"领域研究最主要机构,3种中草药在"畜牧与动物医学"领域应用范围较广、应用技术日趋成熟,普遍遵循着扶正祛邪、调节阴阳平衡的中兽医治疗原则。  相似文献   

通过在德期间的实习和考察,充分体验了德国农场的日常经营与管理,初步了解了德国基层畜牧兽医管理的基本情况和鲜明特点,对德国的农业生产与管理有了较深的认识,这将为今后推动我国畜牧兽医管理工作起到一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

近年来,消费者对于肉类食品的需求随着生活水平的提高而不断增加,全国生猪存栏量和出栏量都有所提高,畜牧兽医专业人才缺口越来越大。《猪生产与管理》作为畜牧兽医专业必修的核心课程,理论性与实践性都比较强,可以为养猪业提供重要的技术支撑。自非洲猪瘟在国内出现已有四年多时间,进入后非瘟时代,养猪企业依然面临很大的防疫压力,《猪生产与管理》课程相关实训内容需要的养猪实验场地无法在校内建设,课程教学急需改革,而虚拟仿真技术为教学带来新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

兽用生物制品质量的好坏直接影响着畜禽疫病的防疫工作,关系着畜牧业的持续稳定健康发展,关系着食品卫生安全、公共卫生安全和生物安全。本文比较了国内外GMP规范的差异,总结了国内外生物制品生产企业的质量管理经验,指出了打造生物制品高端产品生产管理的关键点,为同行者提供了参考。  相似文献   

A model was developed to explain the influence of different local and regional factors on the prevalence of foot-pad dermatitis in broilers at the time of slaughter. Data from a recent two-year study of broiler foot-health in Sweden were used to construct the model. The model was based on regression analysis, using a Tobit model for censored data. This type of Tobit regression model has been used for several decades in econometrics and can also be found in the medical-scientific literature. It has, however, reportedly not been used in veterinary medicine although there appears to be several situations where it should be considered useful. Week of slaughter was significantly (p<0.001) associated with total foot-pad score, which decreased over time. The birds' age at slaughter was also significantly (p<0.01) associated with total foot-pad score. Five out of the 11 slaughterhouses included in the study were included as significant (p<0.01) variables in the final model. Three feed suppliers (p<0.05) and four regions (p<0.01) were also included as significant variables in the model. There were also significant (p<0.001) interactions between several of these factors (mainly, between the time variable and specific slaughterhouses, feed suppliers or regions, respectively).

The information gathered in this study regarding the influence of a number of risk factors for the development of foot-pad dermatitis and their reciprocal interactions will enable us to modify the Swedish broiler foot-health programme.  相似文献   

基于高职院校畜牧兽医类专业岗位实习管理模式的实践,本文从岗位实习的组织、实习咨询及问题处理、安全保障、监督与抽查、管理中的突出问题及成因分析与优化途径方面进行了梳理与总结,并据此提出了加强信息共享,积极推进信息化管理;基于“三全育人”理念,引导学生树立正确实习观念;持续推进规范化管理,建立长效机制的实施路径,以期为我国高职院校畜牧兽医类专业岗位实习管理模式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

畜牧兽医专业实践性强,人才培养成长周期较长,随着规模化养殖业的发展,畜牧兽医专业人才需求日渐旺盛。因此,如何培养专业知识扎实、技能过硬的高质量人才就成为高校教学工作的重点。对畜牧兽医专业实行现代学徒制的教学方法进行了探索和研究,旨在为畜牧行业人才培养提供参考和思路。  相似文献   

我国畜牧养殖产业迅猛向前发展,养殖规模扩大的同时,各种养殖安全问题凸显,瘦肉精、毒奶粉等事件频繁爆发,使食品安全问题备受社会大众关注。猪肉作为人们日常餐桌上的蛋白质来源,品质和质量会对消费者的身心健康产生严重威胁。为更好地贯彻动物防疫法规和生猪屠宰检疫管理条例,确保消费者吃上放心肉,需要严格按照国家相关规定要求开展生猪屠宰检疫,并按照程序对确诊带病的猪肉制品进行严格的无害化处置,避免带病动物上市销售威胁消费者身心健康。该文论述猪屠宰检疫方法和带病猪肉组织的处置措施。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to give an overview of existing databases in Denmark and describe some of the most important of these in relation to establishment of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administrations' veterinary data warehouse. The purpose of the data warehouse and possible use of the data are described. Finally, sharing of data and validity of data is discussed. There are databases in other countries describing animal husbandry and veterinary antimicrobial consumption, but Denmark will be the first country relating all data concerning animal husbandry, -health and -welfare in Danish production animals to each other in a data warehouse. Moreover, creating access to these data for researchers and authorities will hopefully result in easier and more substantial risk based control, risk management and risk communication by the authorities and access to data for researchers for epidemiological studies in animal health and welfare.  相似文献   

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