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Forty-eight rats (80–125 g) were used to determine the nutritive value of two sprouted varieties of African yam bean. The cream and brown varieties were each sprouted for 36, 48 and 72 h and blended with corn in a 70:30 ratio (protein basis) to provide 1.6 g N/100 g diet for the entire study period. Sprouting for 48 h caused an increase in most of the parameters tested for both varieties. Sprouting increased natural enhancement of nutrients.  相似文献   

Changes in polyphenols and in vitro protein digestibility due to germination and cooking were studied in horse gram and moth bean. Horse gram had higher amounts of polyphenols than moth bean. Polyphenol content in horse gram decreased from 1.6% to 1.1% at 48h germination, but in moth bean there was a reduction in polyphenol content from 1.3% to 1.0% at 24 h germination with a significant increase from 1.0% to 1.7% at 36 h germination. Seeds germinated for 48 h also exhibited higher amounts of polyphenols than in raw moth bean. The germination had no effect on total protein content, but a progressive increase in free amino acid content was observed in both legumes. In the ungerminated form, horse gram protein was more digestible than moth bean protein. The in vitro protein digestibility of both the legumes increased during germination. Cooking decreased the protein digestibility of horse gram either in ungerminated or germinated form, but such a decrease was noticed in moth bean at only 36 h germination. Moth bean either in raw form or germinated for 24 h did not exhibit a decrease in in vitro protein digestibility after cooking. Cooking decreased polyphenol content by 20%–50%. The apparent decrease in polyphenols in moth bean and horse gram due to cooking has been attributed to a decrease in assayable polyphenols.  相似文献   

Chemical analyses and feeding experiments using rats were conducted to evaluate the nutritive value of winged bean and other legumes (soyabean, green gram, bambarra nuts, pigeon peas, field beans, cow peas) sources grown in Tanzania. Proximate analyses showed that the composition of winged bean was similar to soyabean, while the composition of the other legumes differed considerably. This was also the case for antinutritional constituents and minerals. As to the amino acid composition, the lysine level was high with the highest value in winged bean (7.5 g/16 g N). However, the concentration of methionine and cystine was low which limits their protein quality. Another important amino acid, threonine, was generally high, especially in winged bean (4.3 g/16 g N). With exception of field bean, true protein digestibility was above 80%, soyabean having the highest value (90.7%). The biological value was also highest in soyabean (76.1%) followed by winged bean (69.9%). Utilizable protein was high in soyabean (28.8%) and somewhat lower in winged bean (23.4%). Energy digestibility was around 80%, soyabean having the highest value of 85.8%. The study findings support the idea that winged bean is a good alternative plant protein source in Tanzania.  相似文献   

The effect of alkali treatments of common bean seeds with red seed coat on the stability of antinutritional factors such as tannins, phytates and trypsim inhibitors, vitamins such as niacin and riboflavin and on protein quality has been studied. The samples were processed by soaking and soaking and pressure cooking in alkalies such as sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. At low temperature sodium carbonate and at high temperature sodium bicarbonate were found to be most effective in the extraction of tannins. At both low and high temperatures sodium carbonate was found to be more efficient in destruction of phytates. In the case of trypsin inhibitors, extraction at both low and high temperatures with sodium bicarbonate was most effective. Sodium hydroxide treatment was found to be better as far as the retention of niacin and riboflavin was considered.  相似文献   

Abstract Cerastium holosteoides is a short‐lived plant often found in small proportions on dry and mesotropic semi‐natural, species‐rich grassland communities. To obtain more information about its nutritive value, two experiments on Arrhenatheretum elatioris grassland were carried out to examine the effect of harvest date on in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF), acid‐detergent fibre (ADF), acid‐detergent lignin (ADL), estimated net energy for lactation (NEL) and crude protein (CP) concentrations of C. holosteoides, and selection of this plant by dairy cows grazing on semi‐natural grassland. C. holosteoides starts flowering in spring and continuously develops new flowers on new branches throughout the summer. Harvests were made in relation to particular growth stages of Dactylis glomerata present in the sward: (A) tillering; (B) stem elongation; (C) ear emergence; (D) flowering; and (E) ripening. Chemical composition and nutritive value were evaluated in 1998 and 1999. With advancing maturity, IVOMD of C. holosteoides decreased from 0·771 at growth stage A to 0·485 at growth stage E. At the same time, CP concentration decreased from 153 to 69 g kg?1 dry matter (DM) and estimated NEL concentration from 6·00 to 4·07 MJ kg?1 DM. With advancing maturity, there was a significant increase in NDF, ADF and ADL concentrations. In the summer harvest season, C. holosteoides contained significantly higher NDF, ADF and ADL concentrations, lower NEL concentration and had a lower IVOMD value than in the spring. Differences between years were also found for IVOMD and for NDF, ADF, ADL and NEL concentrations. In a grazing experiment in the year 1999, at growth stage B, Simmental cows grazed an A. elatioris sward in which the main species was D. glomerata (0·092), and the proportion of C. holosteoides was 0·034. C. holosteoides was, on average, grazed by cows to the same relative extent as other species in the sward.  相似文献   

In recent years, dairy farmers in semi‐arid regions have shifted from maize (Zea mays L.) as their primary source of feed to drought‐tolerant crops, such as millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), due to lack of water for irrigation. However, millet alone may not provide feed of sufficient quality and crude protein content for dairy cows. A field experiment was conducted in 2 years to evaluate (i) whether intercropping millet with a relatively drought‐tolerant soya bean cultivar (Glycine max Merr, cv. Williams) could improve silage quality with minimum yield penalty, and (ii) if the application of molasses could further enhance the nutritive value of silage of millet–soya bean intercrops. There were three intercropping ratios (60% millet with 40% soya bean, 50% millet with 50% soya bean, 40% millet with 60% soya bean) and monocultures of millet and soya bean. Mixed forages were treated with three levels of molasses: M0 (without molasses), M1, and M2 (2·5 and 5% fresh matter respectively). Inclusion of soya bean in millet crops resulted in decreased silage yield compared with millet alone. The highest yield was obtained from the ratio of 60% millet with 40% soya bean. Molasses‐treated silage had higher lactic acid, lower pH, and lower acid detergent fibre (ADF) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF). Silage produced from millet–soya bean intercrops exhibited enhanced fermentation, indicated by lower pH (3·64) and higher lactic acid (16·63 g kg?1 DM) than silage from monocultures. Intercropping ratios had lower water‐soluble carbohydrate, ADF and NDF than millet monoculture. Overall, an intercropping ratio of 60% millet with 40% soya bean was advantageous over other ratios in terms of higher yield, nutritive value and economic value.  相似文献   

Twenty one cultivars of winged bean (17 of Indian origin and 4 exotic strains obtained from Sri Lanka) were cultivated on marginal (alkaline) soils in the sub-tropics and evaluated for their food value. Whereas the seeds showed wide variations in total protein content (38.1 to 45 per cent), the amino acid compositions were in close proximity to those of soybean. Nevertheless, some strains of winged bean registered higher levels of certain amino acids as compared to soybean.  相似文献   

Thirteen promising strains of Rice bean (Vigna umbellata) were analysed for their proximate compositions and antinutritional factors. Protein content in these varieties ranged from 17.50 to 23.10 per cent, ash from 3.06 to 4.48 per cent, ether extract from 2.4 to 3.9 per cent and crude fibre from 1.70 to 4.25 per cent. Trypsin inhibitor activity ranged from 112.63 to 163.98 units/g and polyphenols ranged from 0.58 to 1.19 per cent. Phytohemagglutinating activity was present in all the strains, except one, RB-32. Oligosaccharides, viz., raffinose, stachyose and verbascose, ranged from 0.32 to 0.91, 0.95 to 1.98 and 1.40 to 2.58 per cent, respectively. Attempts have been made to compare the results with a standard variety each of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), moong (Vigna radiata) and mash (Vigna mungo).  相似文献   

This study demonstrates variability in amino acid composition among accessions of several Philippine indigenous legumes. Moreover, two accessions ofD. lablab were identified to have high level of methionine (>2%). Methionine was identified as the first limiting amino acid with leucine, and threonine as the second limiting amino acids for most legumes studies.The IVPDs of the legumes under study ranged from >70 to 79%. Raw mature seeds had relatively low RNVs of 11 to 68% which increased to 68 to 94% and 51 to 89% after boiling and roasting, respectively.  相似文献   

Chemical composition and protein quality of the main chickpea varieties cultivated in Mexico were determined. The raw and cooked chickpeas analyzed were: Surutato, Surutato 77, Sonora, Sonora 80, Porquero, Macarena, Breve Duro and a mixture of broken seeds used mainly for animal feeding. The chemical composition of the raw chickpea studied was very similar; the average values of the nutrients were: ash 3.1±0.2, fat 5.0±1.0, protein 19.5±1.2 and fiber 3.7±2.1. Cooking diminished only the ash content and the Porquero variety was the only one that had a high content of crude fiber (9.1%). There was not found agglutinating activity to rabbit RBC in any of the raw chickpeas studied and the trypsin inhibitor activity average was 11.8±2.4 TUI/mg sample. Cooking destroyed 57% of this activity. Digestibility was the same in the raw and in the cooked chickpea (78%). There were not found significant differences in the PER values of the raw and cooked seeds: 1.65–2.30 and 1.80 to 2.61 respectively. The Surutato and Breve Duro varieties were statistically similar to the casein PER (2.5). It could be recommended to use these two varieties mainly for infant feeding.  相似文献   

Amino acid composition, protein digestibility, calculated protein efficiency ratio (C-PER and DC-PER), chemical scores and water-soluble vitamin content of cowpea seeds germinated at 25°C or 30°C for 24h were determined. Also, the effect of processing steps (heated-air drying, decortication and cooking) on these parameters were examined. Germination had little effect on amino acid profile of cowpeas. In vitro protein digestibility was not improved significantly by germination nor by decortication but was improved by cooking. C-PER and DC-PER ranged from 1.95 to 2.21 and from 1.63 to 1.82, respectively. DC-PER compared well withreported rat PER of cowpea products and seemed more sensitive than C-PER. Based on whole egg values, chemical scores ranged from 37.7 to 45.8% (mean±SD; 42.2±2.4%). Germination increased the contents of niacin, thiamin and riboflavin significantly. Decortication resulted in up to 30% loss in niacin while thiamin content was reduced 41% by cooking.  相似文献   

Seeds of three rice bean accessions had 17.26 to 21.42% protein, 3.46 to 4.03% fat, 61.09 to 64.73% carbohydrates 3.99 to 4.58% ash and 5.22 to 7.43% fiber (dry weight basis).The most limiting amino acids in the seed meal, albumin and globulin fractions, were methionine and cysteine with chemical scores of these fractions being 38% to 59%. The amino acid pattern of globulin and seed meal were similar.Thein vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) ranged from 82 to 86% for the seed meal, 86 to 88.5% for the albumin and 75.9 to 83.3% for the globulin. Relative nutritive values (RNV) of raw mature seed of two accessions were 22.6% and 42.4% and increased to 55.6% to 79.4% after boiling and roasting.Part of MS thesis of the senior author.  相似文献   

There are several mechanisms used by plants for survival in adverse environments such as drought, high temperature and salinity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the drought tolerance of tepary bean as a function of biochemical processes linked to isozyme synthesis and changes in enzymatic activity related to proline metabolism. Mature seeds of common beans var. flor de mayo, Phaseolus vulgaris and tepary beans Phaseolus acutifolius were grown under two water conditions (irrigation and drought), and four levels of urea. Vertical electrophoresis and spectrophotometric techniques were used to evaluate protein patterns, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), proline oxidase (PO) and pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (P5C reductase) enzyme activities. These enzymes were studied because they are directly related to protein synthesis. Electrophoretic patterns showed more proteins in tepary beans than in common beans with limited irrigation. GDH showed only one isozyme, with a molecular weight between 240 to 270 kDa. A decrease in PO activity was observed in common beans under drought stress with a value of 237 mol/min, in comparison to irrigation conditions of 580 mol/min. GDH and P5C reductase enzymes have had higher activity in common beans than in tepary beans under water stress. There was a significant difference only in glutamate dehydrogenase enzyme with respect to urea level. The results suggest that drought tolerance of tepary beans is due to biochemical processes related to proline metabolic enzymes.  相似文献   

Pea (Pisum sativum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L. spp. minor), and lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) meals, protein concentrates and isolates were analyzed for proximate composition, oligosaccharides, and amino acid composition. Protein quality was evaluated using a mouse bio-assay. The concentrates contained 59.2 to 70.6% and the isolates 86.7 to 90.8% protein (N × 6.25) on moisture-free basis. Glucose, sucrose, raffinose, stachyose and verbascose were present in the highest concentrations in the protein concentrates (7.1 to 11.1%), the pea protein concentrate contained 8.7% sugars and faba bean and lentil protein concentrates 7.1% and 6.6% respectively. The protein isolates were almost free (containing less than 0.79%) of the sugars. Amino acid composition of the meals, concentrates and isolates showed, as expected, sulfur-amino acid deficiency (about two thirds of the rat requirement), which was probably largely responsible for the low protein efficiency ratios (0.75 to 1.18), and net protein ratios (0.25 to 0.73) of the three products, compared to values of 2.56 and 2.18 respectively obtained for casein. The protein digestibilities of the meals, concentrates and isolates (81 to 90%) were similar to that of casein (87%). The poor growth-promoting abilities of the meals, concentrates and isolates were possibly also due to growth-depressing factors such as tannins, trypsin inhibitors and hemagglutinins present, particularly in faba bean and lentil.  相似文献   

Eight winged bean seed varieties were treated by two methods, autoclaving and soaking, to investigate their respective effects on the antinutritional behenic acid in winged bean seeds. Either method was not able to completely destroy behenic acid. Thirty minute autoclaving reduced the behenic acid content up to 5%, and 60 min autoclaving reduced by 15%. Soaking in water in 2 h did not make any change in behenic acid content in any of the varieties, while 20 h soaking reduced it by 1.5%.  相似文献   

The effects of different domestic processing and cooking methods on starch digestibility (in vitro) and protein digestibility (in vitro) of four strains of amphidiploids (black gram×mung bean) were investigated. An increase of 35 to 48% and 22 to 25% was observed in starch digestibility and protein digestibility, respectively, when the seed of amphidiploids were soaked for 18 h. Cooking (both of unsoaked and soaked seeds) and germination improved significantly the starch digestibility and protein digestibility of all the varieties.  相似文献   

The effects of various processing techniques on nutrient composition and anti-nutritional factors in baobab seeds (Adansonia digitata L.) and locust beans (Parkia filicoidea L.) were investigated. The methods used for processing include boiling in water, acid or alkali and fermentation. Using the water treated samples as controls, there were slight decreases in protein and carbohydrate contents of the fermented and alkali-treated meals. However, an increase in extractable oil content was observed in acid, alkali and fermented samples. The alkali treatment appeared to be the most effective method for reducing trypsin inhibitor and tannin contents and has the additional advantage of improving the protein digestibility.  相似文献   

Flour samples were prepared from fermented and unfermentedAfrican oil bean (Pentaclethra macrophylla) seeds (AOBS). The flour samples were evaluated for proximate composition and certain functional properties. The influenceof defatting on these properties was also determined. Fermentation significantly increased (p<0.05) the proteinand decreased the crude fiber, ash, fat and carbohydrate contents of the AOBS flours. The nitrogen solubility of both fermented and unfermented flours was pH dependent withminimum and maximum solubility at pH 4.0 and pH 8.0, respectively, and with increased nitrogen solubility in the fermented sample. The fermented and unfermented flour sampleshad least gelation concentrations of 14 and 16% (w/v), respectively. The water absorption capacity and foam capacitiesof the fermented flour were 36 and 34%, respectively, over the unfermented seed flour. On the other hand, fermentation decreased the fat absorption capacity, emulsion activity and emulsion and foam stabilities. Fermentation decreased (p<0.05) the bulk density of AOBS flour by 15%. Defattingimproved all the functional properties evaluated except emulsion activity. These results indicate potential food usesof fermented and unfermented AOBS flour samples as protein supplements in diets and as functional ingredients in formulated foods.  相似文献   

The phytate phosphorus in horse gram and moth bean seeds accounted for 57% and 55%, respectively, of the total phosphorus. During germination, there was a continuous decrease in the proportion of phytate phosphorus. In 48 h germinated seeds, the phytate phosphorus accounted for only 20% and 26%, respectively of the total phosphorus. A significant amount of calcium was leached out during germination. Other minerals were not affected significantly. Cooking decreased phytate phosphorus in ungerminated and germinated seeds of both the legumes. Calcium content in ungerminated and 12 h germinated moth bean seeds decreased significantly during cooking. Such a decrease was noticed in ungerminated seeds of horse gram. No significant changes were noticed in magnesium, iron, manganese, and zinc contents of both the legumes due to cooking.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of eleven foliar-applied fungicides on faba bean rust (Uromyces viciae-fabae (Pers.) J. Schröt.) and on the seed yield of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) were studied in growth chambers and in the field in Spain. Fungicides were tested at recommended and reduced rates. All the fungicides tested provided very effective preventive control in the growth chamber studies. Triazoles (difenoconazol, epoxiconazol, tebuconazol) and their mixtures with benzimidazoles (carbendazim-flutriafol and carbendazim-flusilazole) provided the most effective curative effect, even at 25% of recommended concentrations. They were followed by dithiocarbamates, copper dithiocarbamate mixture, carboxamide and chlorothalonil. Triazoles, benzimidazole-triazole mixtures and carboxamide maintained their effect until 15 days after fungicide application.Under field conditions, rust infection caused 22-26% yield reduction. All fungicides except mancozeb caused a significant decrease in disease severity under field conditions, but only treatments with triazoles and benzimidazole-triazole mixtures provided significant yield increases (22.7-15.6%) when applied twice. Three applications of oxycarbosin or copper-mancozeb were needed to provide a significant yield increase. Dithiocarbamates (thiram, maneb or mancozeb) or chlorothalonil reduced rust severity but did not provide a significant yield increase.  相似文献   

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