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OBJECTIVE: To determine blood flow patterns in the common carotid artery and external jugular vein in cows before and after sedation achieved by administration of xylazine hydrochloride. ANIMALS: 30 clinically normal Swiss Braunvieh cows. PROCEDURE: A 5.0-MHz sector transducer was used to examine the common carotid artery and external jugular vein before and after cows were sedated by administration of xylazine. Several variables were calculated, including diameter of the blood vessels, blood flow velocity, and flow-time volume. RESULTS: The common carotid artery before sedation had a maximum systolic velocity of 89 +/- 8.5 cm/s, maximum diastolic velocity of 36 +/- 6.0 cm/s, mean velocity of 35 +/- 5.4 cm/s, and flow-time volume of 28.2 +/- 3.48 cm3/s. In all cows, sedation achieved by administration of xylazine resulted in a significant decrease in velocity of arterial blood flow and flow-time volume. The external jugular vein before sedation had a maximum velocity of 65 +/- 8.3 cm/s, maximum velocity of retrograde venous blood flow of 20 +/- 6.6 cm/s, and flow-time volume of 29.7 +/- 5.42 cm3/s. These values decreased significantly after cows were sedated by administration of xylazine. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Doppler ultrasonography is particularly suitable for evaluation of blood flow patterns in the common carotid artery and external jugular vein of healthy cows. The results reported here provide a basis for use in examination of cows with cardiac and blood vessel disease.  相似文献   

Variations in the milk composition of Nigerian cattle, sheep and goats (Bunaji, Yankasa and Red Sokoto breeds, respectively), as well as residual phenotypic correlations between the milk constituents, were investigated. Results indicated that sheep and goats differed significantly (P < 0.05) from cattle in all constituents except protein percentage, which averaged 5.43%, 5.43% and 5.49%, respectively. Caprine milk contained the highest percentages of fat (5.80%), total solids (15.37%) and ash (0.77%), and bovine milk contained the least percentages of fat (0.68%) and lactose (1.84%). Overall, the milk compositions of sheep and goats were very similar as they were not statistically different from each other (P > 0.05). Residual phenotypic correlations between the milk constituents revealed highly significant (P < 0.01) and positive relationships between total solids and solids‐not‐fat (0.97 and 0.98 in cattle and sheep, respectively). All other correlations were positive in cattle (ranging from 0.12 to 0.77), except between protein and total solids (?0.44) and protein and solids‐not‐fat (?0.64). Multiple linear regression equations were fitted to predict the percentages of protein and fat. It was demonstrated that the protein percentage could be predicted from total solids and solids‐not‐fat with the highest accuracy of 94%, 86% and 82% in cattle, sheep and goats, respectively. On the other hand, the accuracy of prediction of fat percentage was very low in all the species (R2 = 0.01, 0.3 and 0.37 in cattle, sheep and goats, respectively).  相似文献   

为了检测雌性山羊颈动脉体中是否存在卵泡刺激素受体(FSHR),探讨卵泡刺激素(FSH)是否可以影响雌性山羊颈动脉体的活动,本试验采用免疫组织化学SP法观察卵泡刺激素受体(FSHR)在山羊颈动脉体内的分布特点,利用IPP 6.0图像半定量分析系统分析FSHR在颈动脉体中实质细胞和非实质细胞上的表达量差异。结果显示,FSHR主要分布在颈动脉体的实质细胞(Ⅰ型细胞和Ⅱ型细胞)。Ⅰ型细胞中FSHR强阳性产物分布于细胞核,中等阳性产物分布于细胞膜,弱阳性或阴性产物分布于细胞质;Ⅱ型细胞中有强阳性产物;血管内皮细胞中有中等阳性或强阳性产物。FSHR在颈动脉体的实质细胞与非实质细胞中相对表达量呈显著性差异(P<0.05)。结果表明,证实FSHR在雌性非妊娠山羊颈动脉体内广泛表达,提示颈动脉体可能接受FSH的调节,这为研究FSH作用于非生殖系统及颈动脉体神经内分泌调节机制提供形态学依据。  相似文献   

The carotid rete-cavernous sinus structures of sheep and goats were frozen with liquid nitrogen or with Freon liquid spray and were cryo-sectioned at -20 C. The main concentration of sodium- and potassium-dependent adenosine triphosphatase was on the tunica intima, especially on the endothelial cells of rete branches and the cavernous sinus. Little reaction product was discernible in the tunica media and the tunica adventitia.  相似文献   

皮肤切片采用HE染色方法,对辽宁绒山羊常年长绒型品系和季节长绒型品系皮肤表皮厚、真皮厚、次级毛囊和初级毛囊深度、密度,次级毛囊和初级毛囊毛球宽度,S/P值等作了详细统计观察,从形态学方面研究了辽宁绒山羊皮肤毛囊在1年内的变化规律。结果表明:两品系辽宁绒山羊毛囊的兴盛期为4~10月,退行期为11~12月,休止期为1~3月,持续时间分别为7、2、3个月。兴盛期经历时间最长,退行期最短。但在毛囊的退行期,因为大多数毛囊的活性还很高,因此在退行期绒毛仍在生长,特别是在退行前期(10、11月份)还是绒毛的快速生长期。  相似文献   

为了研究大足黑山羊血液生理生化指标与其他羊种的差异,试验采用全自动血液细胞分析仪和全自动生化分析仪测定了大足黑山羊、南江黄羊和萨能奶山羊的31个血液生理生化指标,并与其他山羊进行比较分析。结果表明:不同山羊品种部分生理生化指标比较接近,但一些主要的生化指标也存在着一定差异。说明不同品种山羊在生长的地理环境、适应能力、免疫能力、营养水平、生长速度、生产性能等方面存在差异。  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic aspects of diminazene aceturate were studied in lactating goats and sheep after single intravenous and intramuscular administrations of 3.5 mg/kg b.wt. Plasma and milk concentrations were determined by use of reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after ion-pair extraction. Following intravenous injection, the disposition of diminazene in goats and sheep conformed to a two-compartment model with rapid distribution and slower elimination phases. Values of (t1/2 beta) were obtained indicating a slower final disappearance of the drug from plasma of sheep (21.17 h) than in goats (16.39 h). Diminazene concentrations were maintained for more than 4 days in the plasma of goats and sheep. In both species of animals, diminazene was rapidly absorbed following intramuscular administration of 3.5 mg/kg b.wt. The peak plasma concentrations (Cmax) were 7.00 and 8.11 micrograms/ml and were attained at (Tmax) 0.92 and 1.12 hours in goats and sheep, respectively. The elimination half-life (t1/2el) of diminazene after intramuscular administration was shorter in goats (16.54 h) than in sheep (18.80 h). Systemic bioavailabilities (F%) of diminazene after intramuscular administration were 94.94% and 82.64% in goats and sheep, respectively. Diminazene could be detected in milk of goats and sheep within 10 min post-injection. Milk concentrations of the drug were lower in goats than in sheep and were detected for 5 and 6 days following both routes of administration, respectively.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic disposition of closantel was examined following intraruminal (i.r.) or intramuscular (i.m.) administration to adult Merino sheep and to adult and 3-month-old, suckling Angora goats. In adult goats the maximum concentration (Cmax) and area under the plasma concentration with time curve ( AUC ) following 3.75, 7.5 and 15.0 mg closantel/kg given i.r. increased with dose however the time of Cmax (rmax= 2.6d) in plasma was unaffected by dose rate. The elimination phase (K10) of closantel was monoexponential with a half-life ( t ½) of 4.7d again unaffected by dose rate. Apart from a more rapid absorption phase and earlier Tmax following 3.75 mg closantel/kg i.m., pharmacokinetic behaviour was similar to that following i.r. administration at 3.75 or 7.5 mg/kg. Although absorption rate was more rapid in kids after i.r. administration at 7.5 mg/kg, pharmacokinetic disposition of closantel was otherwise similar to that in adult goats. No closantel was detected in milk of treated does or in the plasma of their kids. I.R. closantel at 7.5 mg/kg was more slowly absorbed in goats than in sheep but Cmax was similar in both species. However, K10 t ½ was significantly shorter in goats (4d) than in sheep (14d). Faster elimination resulted in an almost three-fold lowering of AUC in goats and could dramatically reduce the sustained action of closantel in this species compared with sheep.  相似文献   

Transrectal ultrasonography was performed on the cranial mesenteric artery and its major branches in 23 conscious adult horses. Ultrasonographically, 25 arterial segments were classified as either normal or abnormal. These ultrasonographic classifications were later compared with the gross and histologic evaluations of each artery following necropsy of each horse. In this study, transrectal ultrasonography as a diagnostic test for verminous arteritis had a 90% sensitivity for detecting normal arteries and an 86% specificity for detecting abnormal arteries, suggesting that ultrasonography may be useful in the antemortem diagnosis of verminous arteritis.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic behavior of sodium amoxicillin was studied after intravenous administration to six sheep and five goats to determine if there are species differences in disposition. The plasma drug concentrations vs. time following intravenous administration of 10 mg/kg were best described by the biexponential equations Cp = 42.9e-0.077.t + 3.68e-0.0134.t for goats, and Cp = 53.5e-0.06.t + 1.69e-0.015.t for sheep. The terminal disposition half-lives for sheep and goats were 46.3 and 66.9 min respectively and were not significantly different. Amoxicillin clearance for sheep and goats were 10.1 and 11.4 ml/min.kg respectively. There were no significant differences between any of the pharmacokinetic parameters measured in sheep and goats.  相似文献   

The aflatoxin B1 degrading abilities of two different ruminants were compared in this study. One set of experiments evaluated the aflatoxin B1 degradation ability of different rumen fluid donors (steers vs. goats) as well as the rumen fluid filtration method (cheese cloth filtered vs. 0.45 µm Millipore) in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Additional studies examined aflatoxin B1 degradation by collecting rumen fluid at different times (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 h) after feeding. Cannulated Holstein steers (740 ± 10 kg bw) and Korean native goats (26 ± 3 kg bw) were fed a 60% timothy and 40% commercial diet with free access to water. Rumen fluid from Korean native goats demonstrated higher (p < 0.01) aflatoxin B1 degradability than Holstein steers. However, filtration method had no significant influence on degradability. In addition, aflatoxin degradation did not depend upon rumen fluid collection time after feeding, as no significant differences were observed. Finally, a comparison of two types of diet high in roughage found aflatoxin degradability in goats was higher with timothy hay opposed to rice straw, although individual variation existed. Thus, our findings showed the aflatoxin degradability is comparatively higher in goats compared to steers.  相似文献   

马头山羊与本地山羊补饲育肥对比试验   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
对农不同品种山羊进行补饲育肥对比试验,结果表明,在牧草旺盛时节补饲,晶增重公羊高于母羊,马头山羊高于本地山羊,尤其是本地母山羊日增重明显地低于本地公山羊及马头山羊母羊(P<0.05),极显著低于马头山羊公羊(P<0.01);本地公山羊日增重也显著低于马头山羊公羊(P<0.05),同马头山羊母羊间没有差别(P>0.05)。在牧草枯衰时节补饲,日增重公羊仍高于母羊,本地母山羊同本地公山羊间没有显著差异(P>0.05),但仍同马头山羊母羊间存在明显差别(P<0.05);本地公山羊同马头山羊母羊间没有差异(P>0.05),但与马头山羊公羊间存在差异(P<0.05)。在屠宰率、净肉率上4组间没有明显差别(P>0.05)。经济效益马头山羊优于本地山羊,公羊优于母羊。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge about the micromorphology of the porcine common carotid artery (CCA) during the period of growth over the bodyweight range of 10–40 kg. CCA samples from German landrace pigs (DL) aged either 2 or 3 months (DL-2 and DL-3) were compared with samples from Göttingen minipigs (GM) aged either 18 or 40 months (GM-18 and GM-40) using transmitted light (phase-contrast mode) and transmission electron microscopy. The GM-18, GM-40 and the DL-3 groups had typical muscular artery histological characteristics. Contrasting to this, the 2-month-old DL pigs had a transitional artery type being characterized by a significantly higher proportion of elastic fibres and a significantly lower number of smooth muscle cells than did the 1 month older DL-3. During the period of maturation, the tunica media of the CCA in GM animals thickened by 1.3× and in DL animals by 2.5× resulting in an overall increased vessel wall thickness. The cumulated thickness of the tunica interna (endothelium, stratum subendotheliale and internal elastic lamina) and the tunica media (including the external elastic lamina) of DL-3 and GM-40 pigs were similar to each other and comparable to that of humans. With an increasing vessel wall thickness, the luminal diameter decreased in GM by 19% and in DL by 11%. Additionally, in the older age groups, GM-40 and DL-3, the internal elastic lamina principally was continuous, but there were also interrupted large segments of elastic lamina separated by gaps. In addition, the principal internal elastic lamina was duplicated in several places.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that the rumenic acid (RA = cis-9 trans-11 C18:2 CLA) content of milk fat is usually higher in sheep than in goats, due partly to different dietary regimens. An experiment was conducted with 12 lactating dairy ewes and 12 goats with the objective to compare the two animal species (sheep/goats) fed diet with the same forage/concentrate (F/C) ratio, on their milk fatty acids (FA) profile with emphasis on RA and vaccenic acid (VA) production. The experiment was carried out in three consecutive phases, lasted 3 weeks each, immediately after weaning of lambs and kids. In phase I, the ewes and the goats were fed according to their maintenance and lactation requirements, with 14 kg alfalfa hay, 4 kg wheat straw and 12 kg concentrate the 12 ewes (F/C ratio = 60/40), and with 14 kg alfalfa hay, 4 kg straw and 24 kg concentrate the 12 goats (F/C ratio = 43/57). In phase II, 14 kg alfalfa hay, 4 kg straw and 14 kg concentrate were offered daily to each group of sheep and goats, with a F/C ratio = 56/44. In phase III, all ewes and goats were fed individually with 0.8 kg alfalfa hay, 0.2 kg wheat straw and 0.8 kg concentrate daily with a F/C ratio = 56/44. The results showed that the different F/C ratio between sheep and goats diets, in phase I, changed significantly the milk FA profile, with no significant difference in RA and VA milk fat content between sheep and goats in phase I. In phases II (group feeding) and III (individual feeding), where sheep and goats fed with the same amount of food of the same F/C ratio, the sheep milk fat had higher RA and VA content compared to goats. In conclusion, these findings support the hypothesis that there are species differences, as RA and VA production concerns, which needs further investigation.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the antinociceptive, sedative and cardiopulmonary effects of subarachnoid and epidural administration of xylazine-lidocaine in xylazine-sedated calves.Study designProspective, crossover study.AnimalsSix clinically healthy Holstein calves.MaterialsThe calves were allocated randomly to receive two treatments, subarachnoid or epidural xylazine (0.025 mg kg?1)–lidocaine (0.1 mg kg?1) diluted to a total volume of 5 mL with physiological saline. Prior to either epidural or subarachnoid injection, sedation was induced in all calves by intravenous administration of 0.1 mg kg?1 xylazine. The quality and duration of antinociception and sedation were monitored. Areas of the cranial abdomen, umbilicus, and caudal abdomen were evaluated for antinociception using pinprick tests with a scoring system of 0–3 (0, none; 1, mild; 2, moderate; 3, complete). Sedation was assessed by using a 4-point scale (0, none; 1, mild; 2, moderate; 3, deep). The following cardiopulmonary variables were monitored: heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (fR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), blood pH, arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2), bicarbonate (HCO3), base excess (BE), and oxygen saturation (SaO2).ResultsXylazine sedation and subarachnoid xylazine-lidocaine resulted in significantly higher nociceptive block than the epidural technique. Moreover, subarachnoid xylazine-lidocaine induced a significantly longer duration of complete antinociception (median [IQR]) in the cranial abdomen (15.0 [15.0–30.0] versus 7.5 [1.3–10.0] minutes; p < 0.05) and umbilicus (45.0 [32.5–57.5] versus 10.0 [6.3–17.5] minutes; p < 0.05) compared with epidural xylazine-lidocaine. There was moderate sedation with both techniques. In both treatments, blood pH, MAP and PaO2 decreased significantly, and PaCO2 increased significantly during anaesthesia. No change was evident in HR, fR, HCO3, BE, or SaO2.Conclusion and clinical relevanceThe subarachnoid injection provided better quality and longer duration of antinociception than epidural administration of the same doses of xylazine-lidocaine in xylazine-sedated calves, while cardiopulmonary depressant effects were observed with both regimens.  相似文献   

Transrectal ultrasonography was successfully used to image the cranial mesenteric artery and its branches in 23 adult horses. The artery could be imaged from its origin at the aorta distally to identify several bifurcations. The method for transrectal imaging of the cranial mesenteric artery and its major branches required 3 distinct transducer positions. One position was used to locate the cranial mesenteric artery by imaging the caudal portion of the aorta from the aortic bifurcation cranially to the level of the cranial mesenteric artery. The second position was used to image the origin of the cranial mesenteric artery. The third position was used to image the major branches of the cranial mesenteric artery.  相似文献   

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