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2010年以来,国内粮油市场价格在国家政策提振及国内粮食连续丰收的大背景下,总体保持了小幅震荡走高的行情,局部地区及个别品种受一些因素的影响出现了一定幅度的波动。1~5月,国内小麦市场受2010年最低收购价政策的支持继续呈现上涨走势。5月份,由于进入面粉的需求淡季以及新季小麦收获在即,小麦市场需求下降,局部地区小麦价格略显疲弱,市场成交清淡,总体维持高位运行状态。1~5月,受国内玉米减产以及国内玉米需求旺盛的推动,国内玉米价格出现持续上涨走势。5月份,受粮源紧张影响,国内玉米市场价格继续走高。近期,国家开始加大玉米市场调控力度,从而抑制不断上涨的玉米价格。2010年,受最低收购价政策支持及自身供求关系作用,国内稻米市场价格呈现上涨走势。5月份,受市场供给增加、市场需求转淡等因素影响,粳稻米价格冲高回落,籼稻米价格保持稳定,粳强籼弱格局继续维持。1~5月,在国家临时收储价格的支撑下,国内大豆市场收购价格维持在临储收购价格附近偏弱运行。5月份,由于临时收储期限结束,国内大豆市场价格小幅下跌,成交相对清淡。2010年以来,受国际市场价格疲软、国内食用油供给充足及市场需求不振等因素影响,食用油市场价格总体弱势运行,呈...  相似文献   

3月16日,德州美丽华大酒店大堂内车水马龙,人头攒动,这些一边签到一边不忘互相交流的参会者便是来自全国各地的白象集团面粉经销商。在2010年全国粮油产、销企业订货会暨全国粮油经销商联谊会隆重举办的同时,  相似文献   

程黔 《农业机械》2012,(18):23-25
2011年,国内玉米市场虽然迎来丰收好年景,但在国家政策及农户惜售等多重因素影响下,玉米现货价格呈现出令人难以置信的大涨行情,玉米期货价格更是创下历史新高。2012年上半年,国内玉米价格先扬后抑,至5月中旬疲态初现。经过此轮大涨行情之后,下半年玉米市场又将何去何从?  相似文献   

张华光 《农业机械》2012,(34):71-74
2012年农机市场运行特点1国内农机市场特点2012年中国农机市场非常诡异,很多经销商和企业反映销售不理想,但从宏观角度看,中国农机市场仍然保持高速增长的态势。另外,2012年中国农机市场发展非常不平衡,像玉米收获机就销售非常好,所有玉米机生产企业都出现供不应求,但拖拉机产品的销售就出现滑坡,尤其是小型拖拉机产品出现大幅下滑。  相似文献   

为探究圆形喷灌机条件下不同灌水施肥量对冬小麦产量、耗水量、茎数等指标的影响,本研究在北京顺义地区开展了田间试验。试验设置2个因素,3个灌水量水平S1、S2、S3(1 950、1 725、1 500m3/hm2)和2个施氮水平F1、F2(286.20、336.30kg/hm2),根据土壤含水率占田间持水量(FC)的百分率来设置灌水水平,在返青期、拔节期、灌浆期的灌水下限依次设定为75%FC、80%FC、65%FC。结果表明:当灌水量一定时,冬小麦叶面积指数、有效茎数随施肥量的增加而增加,但其耗水量、产量受肥料的影响不显著;当施肥量一定时,冬小麦产量在不同水处理下有显著性差异。试验测得最大产量的处理为S1F1,比对照组半固定式喷灌增产35%。水肥耦合对冬小麦产量的影响效应中,灌水量起主导作用,建议该地区冬小麦可以采用高水低肥的灌溉施肥模式。  相似文献   

农业部保护性耕作研究中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国农业大学工学院从1991年开始进行农机、农艺相结合的具有中国特色的保护性耕作技术研究,在黄土高原、华北、东北、西北、农牧交错区、绿洲农业区建立了保护性耕作试验基地,开发了适合不同技术模式的保护性耕作专用机具.1998年,在中国农业大学工学院保护性耕作课题组的基础上,成立了"农业部保护性耕作研究中心".目前,农业部保护性耕作研究中心共有专职研究人员9人,其中教授、副教授5人;另有非固定研究人员8人.拥有降雨模拟试验装置、田间风蚀测试装置、土壤测试仪器等固定资产约800万元,与国内数家农机企业、研究院所、高校等有良好的合作关系.  相似文献   

Irrigation management influences production costs and affects leaching of nutrients to groundwater. This study was conducted to compare irrigation scheduling techniques on a field-scale site and to determine whether significant irrigation water savings and equivalent yields could be achieved compared with the practices of other commercial growers in the local area. The effects of four irrigation scheduling techniques on seasonal irrigation water requirements and corn grain yields were studied for the 1990–1995 seasons at a field-scale (53.4 ha) site within the Oakes Test Area (OTA) of the Garrison Diversion Unit in southeastern North Dakota, USA. The four scheduling techniques, applied with field quadrants and seasons as dimensions of a modified Latin square statistical design, included irrigating based on tensiometer and infrared canopy temperature measurements, two water balance methods, and irrigating based on CERES–Maize estimates of plant-extractable soil water. No statistically significant differences in seasonal irrigation totals were found between irrigation scheduling methods or irrigation quadrants, while statistically significant differences were found for season. Corn grain yield was significantly affected by seasons, quadrants, and irrigation scheduling methods for both the current and previous seasons. Compared to other commercial growers in the OTA, this study maintained 5% higher yields and saved approximately 30% in irrigation inputs. Careful irrigation scheduling, based on any of the four techniques, offers the potential to reduce input costs for irrigated corn production in the area. Received: 3 February 1999  相似文献   

The Salt River Project (SRP) was created in the early 1900s to assure an adequate water supply for its shareholders in the Salt River Valley, Arizona, USA. The straight forward job of storing inflows and meeting demand from a single reservoir system soon became more complex. As the population of the Salt River Valley swelled, additional reservoirs were added to the system, alternative supplies of water were developed, and hydro-power generation became a financial consideration in reservoir operations. Nevertheless, the primary operational objective continues to be the conjunctive management of multiple sources of water to ensure an adequate carry-over supply of water for SRP’s shareholders in the Salt River Valley. This objective has traditionally been accomplished by managing the reservoir system as if each time the reservoirs fill to capacity is the beginning of an extended drought comparable to the worst historical drought in recorded history. Over the past 20 years, several subtle yet significant events have taken place which raise concerns regarding SRP’s traditional method of water planning and management. Changes in demand patterns as land is converted from mainly agricultural use to urban use, an ongoing drought rivaling the historical drought of record, tree-ring studies suggesting even more severe droughts having occurred in pre-historic times and, the specter of a changing climate due to global warming all suggest that a business as usual approach to water management and planning may no longer be appropriate.  相似文献   

Crop productivity and water use efficiency when saline irrigation water is used are highest when efficient irrigation systems are managed to meet the crop's leaching requirement. The objective of this experiment was to establish the leaching requirement. The objective of this experiment was to establish the leaching requirements for frequently irrigated wheat, grain sorghum, and head lettuce. The 4-year study in field plots consisted of six replicated leaching fraction treatments. The plots were pulse-irrigated daily with water having a total dissolved salts concentration of 1350 mg/l.The leaching requirements are 0.08 for wheat and sorghum, and 0.26 for lettuce. The respective evapotranspiration during each crop's growing season coincident with the leaching requirements was 440, 550, and 245 mm. A pan factor of 0.7 was consistent among these three crops at their respective leaching requirements. With daily irrigation, 90% of the crop's water uptake occurred above a soil depth of 0.6 m, independent of leaching fraction.  相似文献   

温州大学制造系统与自动化工程研究中心的前身为温州大学工业工程与管理研究中心,成立于2003年,现已形成产品数字化设计技术、数字化生产线设计与制造系统优化技术、产品质量的在线诊断与传感监控技术等研究方向,在高低压电器智能化和网络化、基于数字化样机的产品开发技术、面向大规模定制的制造系统优化及系统集成和基于MEMS的超微压力传感器设计与制造工艺等方面形成了特色并确立了优势.  相似文献   

2010年,农业部农机推广总站将认真贯彻落实2010年中央1号文件和中央农村工作会议、全国农业工作会议精神,围绕农业机械化工作重点,坚持‘情系三农、服务三农、造福三农工作理念,履行公益服务职能,推进农机推广体系改革与建设,大力推广先进适用农机化技术,为加快发展农业机械化,夯实农业农村发展基础,努力形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局做出新贡献.  相似文献   

2009年农业部农机推广总站将紧紧围绕农业部农机化司工作部署,认真贯彻党的十七届三中全会精神,深入实践科学发展观,按照2009年中央一号文件要求,强化“情系三农、服务三农、造福三农”的工作理念,强化公益服务职能,推进农机推广体系改革与建设,大力推广先进适用农机化技术,促进农业机械化又好又快发展,为促进农业稳定发展、农民持续增收做出新贡献。  相似文献   

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