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对蒙古油[歺又鱼](Hemiculter bleekeri warpachowskyi)的繁殖季节、繁殖习性、繁殖力、性比等繁殖生物学指标进行了研究。结果表明:蒙古油[歺又鱼]属敞水性产卵类型,粘性卵,为一次产卵类型。蒙古油[歺又鱼]初次性成熟年龄为1龄,繁殖季节为6月中旬至7月下旬,以7月中旬为产卵盛期。蒙古油[歺又鱼]个体绝对生殖力F为2021~15470粒,个体体长相对生殖力FL为230~1137粒/cm,个体体重相对生殖力FW为273~700粒/g;个体体长相对生殖力、个体体重相对生殖力分别和体长、体重成二次方程和三次方程关系。繁殖前期雌雄性比1∶0.83,繁殖期雌雄性比为1∶1.11。  相似文献   

2016年4-12月在监利长江何王庙故道采集591尾样本,对长江中游贝氏(Hemiculter bleekeri)性比、初次性成熟大小、繁殖季节、产卵类型、产卵群体组成及繁殖力等繁殖生物学指标进行了分析。结果显示:贝氏总体雌雄性比1.44∶1,与1∶1存在极显著性差异;繁殖期间雌雄比2.5∶1,非繁殖季节雌雄比为0.91∶1。繁殖群体年龄结构为1-3龄,以1龄补充群体为主,属于第Ⅱ类型。初次性成熟体长:SL♀50=8.08 cm,SL♂50=8.47 cm,最小观测性成熟个体分别为:雌性7.5 cm,体重6.65 g,1龄;雄性8.2 cm,体重8.13 g,1龄。根据成熟系数变化和性腺发育期观察,推测其繁殖季节为4-6月,可能延至7月份。贝氏绝对繁殖力为1 703~9 601粒/尾,平均为(5 876.6±1 837.8)粒/尾,与体重、性腺重均呈线性关系,与体长呈幂函数关系。相对繁殖力(FW)为204.7~406.5粒/g,平均(322.3±49.7)粒/g,与成熟系数呈幂函数相关;相对繁殖力(FL)为212.0~827.6粒/cm,平均(552.4±136.1)粒/cm,与体重幂函数相关。  相似文献   

长江中游贝氏(鳖)繁殖生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2016年4-12月在监利长江何王庙故道采集591尾样本,对长江中游贝氏(鳖)(Hemiculter bleekeri)性比、初次性成熟大小、繁殖季节、产卵类型、产卵群体组成及繁殖力等繁殖生物学指标进行了分析.结果显示:贝氏(鳖)总体雌雄性比1.44:1,与1:1存在极显著性差异;繁殖期间雌雄比2.5:1,非繁殖季节雌雄比为0.91:1.繁殖群体年龄结构为1-3龄,以1龄补充群体为主,属于第Ⅱ类型.初次性成熟体长:SL♀50=8.08 cm, SL♂50=8.47 cm,最小观测性成熟个体分别为:雌性7.5 cm,体重6.65 g, 1龄;雄性8.2 cm,体重8.13 g, 1龄.根据成熟系数变化和性腺发育期观察,推测其繁殖季节为4-6月,可能延至7月份.贝氏(鳖)绝对繁殖力为1703~9601粒/尾,平均为(5876.6 ± 1837.8) 粒/尾,与体重、性腺重均呈线性关系,与体长呈幂函数关系.相对繁殖力(FW)为204.7~406.5粒/g,平均(322.3 ± 49.7) 粒/g,与成熟系数呈幂函数相关;相对繁殖力(FL)为212.0~827.6粒/cm,平均(552.4 ± 136.1) 粒/cm,与体重幂函数相关.  相似文献   

研究了神农架多鳞铲颌鱼的繁殖生物学。生殖季节可凭"珠星"等副性征辨别雌雄,首次性成熟年龄雌鱼为3龄、雄鱼为2龄;雌雄性比为1.08∶1。繁殖期为每年的4月底至6月中旬,属多次性产卵类型。个体绝对繁殖力为1527~15875粒,平均为(5568±3172)粒;个体相对繁殖力为11~41粒/g,平均值为(27.14±7.46)粒/g。  相似文献   

中华鲱鲇繁殖生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究中华鲱鲇繁殖生物学,为中华鲱鲇的人工繁殖及种质资源保护提供依据。2013-2015年在澜沧江中下游景临桥江段、糯扎渡江段、景洪江段及支流补远江勐仑江段采集中华鲱鲇标本及活体1 000余尾。结果表明:中华鲱鲇繁殖期从5月初一直延续至8月底,6月中旬至7月中旬为高峰;最小性成熟个体雌性体重27.10 g、体长12.8 cm,雄性体重23.65 g、体长12.1 cm;雌雄比例1.18∶1;每1 g卵巢卵粒数1 208~1 872粒,绝对繁殖力20 143~101 301粒,均值(56 367±26 800)粒;相对繁殖力222~379粒/g,均值(276±61)粒/g。中华鲱鲇为单批产卵类型鱼。绝对繁殖力随着鱼体体长、体重的增长而增大。  相似文献   

大宁河贝氏高原鳅的繁殖特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以长江上游巫山段支流大宁河的贝氏高原鳅(Triplophysa bleekeri)为对象,研究其繁殖特性。结果表明:贝氏高原鳅第二性征明显,雌雄易于区分。繁殖群体雌雄性比为1.09∶1,最小性成熟年龄雌雄鱼均为2龄。精巢1对,成熟系数为0.05~1.30;卵巢1个,成熟系数为1.10~48.23,雌雄的成熟系数曲线均为双峰型。雌性绝对繁殖力为1 080~4 040粒,平均2 865粒。相对生殖力F/OW为198.49~941.68粒/g,平均690.97粒/g。相对生殖力F/L为14.21~53.16粒/mm,平均41.10粒/mm。卵径分布曲线亦为双峰型,卵径0.2~1.1 mm,平均卵径0.66 mm。贝氏高原鳅具有一年繁殖两次、精巢长期具有成熟精子的特点。  相似文献   

日本七鳃鳗冬季两性形态及个体生殖力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘鹏  陈辉  赵文阁 《淡水渔业》2008,38(1):53-56
采用SPSS13.0软件的t检验、回归检验和因子分析等方法,对2006年12月于黑龙江中下游萝北江段捕到的日本七鳃鳗(Lampetra japonica)的两性形态及个体生殖力进行了研究。结果表明:日本七鳃鳗雌雄个体的体长、体重、净体重和肥满度等指标在繁殖前没有显著差异,而性腺重和成熟系数两性差异显著。日本七鳃鳗的个体绝对生殖力平均为(101959.47±23259.82)粒,体长的相对生殖力(FL)平均为(2219.36±496.84)粒/cm,净体重的相对生殖力(FW)平均为(964.1±260.9)粒/g。体长绝对生殖力、体长相对生殖力(FL)和净体重相对生殖力(FW)均与卵巢重和成熟系数显著正相关。卵巢重、成熟系数、绝对生殖力、体长相对生殖力(FL)和净体重相对生殖力(FW)是与个体生殖力密切相关的主要因子,而体长、体重、净体重和肥满度可以间接地反映个体生殖力的大小。  相似文献   

报道了细鳞鲴(Xenocypris microlepis)繁殖生物学的初步调查研究结果。细鳞鲴雌雄个体在繁殖季节的显著区别是雄性个体有珠星。繁殖季节雄雌性比为1.55∶1,最小性成熟年龄为2龄,繁殖群体主要由2、3龄组成。细鳞鲴的绝对繁殖力F为8247~157899粒,平均78629.3粒。体重相对繁殖力FW为95~487粒,体长相对繁殖力FL为894~5110粒,平均相对繁殖力FW为(225.8±58.32)粒、FL为(2738.4±135.53)粒。其绝对繁殖力F随体长(L)、体重(W)、空壳重(W0)、性腺重(Wx)的增加而增加,对相对繁殖力FL和FW影响较大的分别是性腺重(Wx)和性成熟系数GSI。  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾繁殖生物学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)繁殖生物学进行了研究。结果显示:克氏原螯虾的性成熟年龄为1年左右;雌虾最小体长为6.4 cm,最小体重为10 g;雄虾最小体长为7.1 cm,最小体重为20 g。5~9月为交配期,其中以6~8月为交配高峰期。克氏原螯虾交配后大约为30 d左右产卵。繁殖期为7~10月,高峰期为8~9月。10月底以后抱卵的虾由于水温逐步降低,一直延续到第2年春季才孵化。克氏原螯虾的繁殖行为与掘洞行为密切相关,繁殖期的掘洞数量较非繁殖期明显增多。7~10月,亲虾均栖息在洞内繁殖,洞穴深度为50~80 cm。卵巢为一次产卵类型。雌雄比例为1∶1。克氏原螯虾的个体绝对繁殖力的变动范围为172~1158粒,平均为517粒。个体相对繁殖力(F/W)的变动范围为2~41粒/g,平均为21粒。个体相对繁殖力(F/L)的变动范围为47~80粒/cm,平均为63粒。  相似文献   

白洋淀中华鳑鲏的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对白洋淀野生中华鳑鲏Rhodeus sinensis Gunther的生物学特性进行了研究。发现其种群仅由Ⅰ龄鱼构成;体长与体重关系式为W=0.021L2.714、生长良好;雌鱼的平均肥满度为1.12、雄鱼则为1.20;中华鳑鲏为杂食性鱼类;属分批产卵型鱼类;标本雌雄性比为1∶1.22;雌鱼平均绝对生殖力为93枚,平均相对生殖力为270枚/g。  相似文献   

光裸方格星虫繁殖习性的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭慧婧  杨家林  邹杰  文雪 《海洋渔业》2012,34(2):231-234
2011年6、7、8月每月10日,挑选♀∶♂为5∶1的性成熟光裸方格星虫(Sipunculus nudus)亲体,在水泥池中暂养20 d,观察其产卵习性、产卵量及其体腔中生殖细胞的变化。结果表明,光裸方格星虫雌雄异体、体外受精;卵母细胞分批成熟,分批产卵;产卵时间不固定,昼夜皆可产卵,但夜间产卵次数和产卵量均高于白天;大量产卵时集群游动;6、7、8月的雌光裸方格星虫平均产卵分别为:3.20×104、4.43×104、3.46×104cell,平均受精率达98.3%;6、7、8月日累计产卵量y与时间x的变化方程分别为:y=0.430 5x3-25.971x2+503.39x-582.56(R2=0.982 0)、y=0.583 3x3-33.942x2+659.04x-712.43(R2=0.984 7)、y=-0.31x3+1.4676x2+245.11x-278.22(R2=0.994 3)。6、7、8月成熟卵细胞相对百分含量分别降低4.8%、9.0%、26.0%(P<0.01);6、7月的光裸方格星虫产后具有较好的再繁殖能力。  相似文献   

杨骏  何兴恒  孙治宇 《水产科学》2020,39(2):209-217
对采自四川省广元市旺苍县东河的113尾中华花鳅的生长和繁殖生物学进行研究。结果显示,旺苍县东河的中华花鳅体长34.92~102.85 mm,体质量0.34~9.84 g,净体质量0.31~8.09 g。分为5个年龄组,以2~4龄个体为主。生长以3龄为分界,3龄前生长速度快,3龄后生长速度减慢。体长(m1)与体质量(L)呈幂函数关系:m1=0.00001215L2.896,r2=0.939,接近等速生长。肥满度<1,雌性和雄性的Fulton肥满度差异不显著,雄性略小于雌性;而除1龄的个体外,其他年龄的雄性Clark肥满度均略大于雌性。雌、雄性比为1∶1.69。雌、雄鱼最小性成熟年龄均为2龄。精子在蒸馏水中的平均寿命为14 s;随NaCl溶液质量分数的增大,中华花鳅精子平均寿命先增后减,在NaCl溶液质量分数为0.25%时寿命最长,达184 s。绝对繁殖力为427~4047粒/尾,平均1949.82粒/尾;相对繁殖力为107.56~566.09粒/g,平均356.07粒/g。6月中旬至8月中旬为产卵盛期。分批产卵,且各批次生殖力大致相同。受精卵为微黏性的沉性卵。  相似文献   

Abstract. The reproductive biology of a popular and abundant freshwater catfish, Mystus nemurus Cuvier & Valenciennes, was examined, including sex ratio, gonadosomatic index, ova diameter and fecundity. The numerical ratio of male to female was 1:1.06 and was not significantly different (P > 0.05). Mean female gonadosomatic indices (GSI) in April and September corresponding to north-east and south-west monsoons were significantly different (P < 0.05) from the dry season (May, June, July and August). Thus the apparent GSI maxima in April and September were indicative of peak spawning period. However, there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the fluctuation of the measure of GSI except for those in the dry months, which probably suggested the existence of a protracted breeding season. Mean male GSI in February and November were similarly significant (P < 0.05) to the dry season, although not statistically different (P > 0.05) from those of January, March, April, July, August, October and November. This was probably attributable to an extended breeding period with spawning peaks in February and November corresponding to early and late monsoons. The aseasonal reproduction is common in tropical fishes. GSI were positively correlated with rainfall and water level fluctuations. Fecundity varied from a minimum 6900 to a maximum 93510 in specimens with total lengths of 34.8cm and 45.0cm respectively. Fecundity was found to increase linearly with length and weight and was significantly different (P < 0.05) from them.  相似文献   

对蒙古油(Hemiculter bleekeri warpachowskyi)的生化成分进行了分析。结果表明:蒙古油肌肉水分含量为78.12%。在肌肉干物质中,蛋白质含量为80.47%,脂肪含量为11.35%,总糖含量为0.39%,灰分含量为6.28%。蒙古油氨基酸(AA)总量占肌肉干重的76.40%,其中必需氨基酸(EAA)占32.75%,非必需氨基酸(NEAA)占33.10%,鲜味氨基酸(FTAA)占31.28%。蒙古油肌肉中鉴定出23种脂肪酸,其中饱和脂肪酸(SFA〗)4种,不饱和脂肪酸(UFA)19种。饱和和不饱和脂肪酸含量分别为22.30%和70.26%。EPA+DHA的含量为10.32%。脂类组成中甘油二酯(DG)为0.76%,甘油三酯(TG)为62.95%,游离脂肪酸(FFA)为11.70%,极性脂(PL)为22.34%,胆固醇(CHO)为2.25%。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The dolphin fish, Corphaena hippurus Linnaeus, is one of the most important migratory fishes on the east coast of Taiwan. Present results are based on an investigation of 1439 specimens caught using long-line and driftnet, and set net collected monthly between September 1996 and September 1997. The sex ratio of female to male and female combined was 65%, demonstrating a female predominance. Oocytes became mature and transparent when they attained 1.0 mm in diameter. The total number of oocytes per ovary was estimated to range from 2.78 × 105 to 23.48 × 10>5, but batch fecundity was noticeably lower than the total number of ovarian eggs, ranging 5.3–32.7% (average 30.1%), and the relative fecundity ranging 10–344/g bodyweight (mean 111/g bodyweight). Minimum body size at sexual maturity was estimated to be 51 cm for both sexes. Dolphin fish spawned throughout the year with reproductive activity peaking in February to March. It is suggested that the dolphin fish has an extended spawning season, during which it lays eggs almost continuously.  相似文献   

2015年1-12月(除2-4月外)在嘉陵江不同江段(上、中、下游)采集蛇鮈(Saurogobio dabryi)样本,进行繁殖生物学比较研究。结果显示:嘉陵江蛇鮈的最小性成熟年龄均为1^+龄,性比接近1∶1,且在不同江段间无显著性差异;不同江段蛇鮈的最小性成熟规格存在一定差异,其中,上游、中游最小性成熟个体体长、体重均无显著差异,但都显著大于下游蛇鮈;上、中、下游的蛇鮈繁殖期分别为2-6月、2-5月、2-4月;蛇鮈绝对生殖力和相对体长生殖力的变化趋势均为上游>下游>中游,相对体重生殖力的变化趋势为下游>上游>中游,卵径大小变化趋势为:中游>上游>下游。  相似文献   

Abstract –  The reproductive activities of two dominant fish species, roach Rutilus rutilus and rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus were investigated from August 2000 to July 2002 in an oligotrophic lake, Lake Sapanca, in the northwest of Turkey. A total of 907 roach and 593 rudd individuals were examined. Macroscopic appearance of ovary, gonadosomatic index and oocyte diameter frequency distribution suggested that the spawning season of roach and rudd were from early April (13 °C) to late May (18 °C) and from early May (17.5 °C) to late June (23.5 °C), respectively. The spawning cycles of both species showed the same tendency in two successive years. The estimated mean total lengths at first maturity ( L T50) were 12.26 and 14.98 cm for male and female roach, respectively, and 7.12 and 8.10 cm for male and female rudd, respectively. The sizes at 50% maturity corresponded to 3 years for roach and 1 year for rudd, for both sexes. The ratio of males to females was 1.3:1 and 1.2:1 for roach and rudd, respectively. The average condition factor K was 1.21 for rudd and 1.14 for roach, and it was not affected by sex or reproductive effort. Absolute fecundity varied from 7829 to 95,387 eggs between ages 3 and 9 for roach and from 1807 to 35,629 eggs between ages 1 and 7 for rudd. Comparisons of these results with earlier studies from more northern regions revealed that spawning of both species in this area started earlier, but spawning temperature and the duration of spawning was approximately the same.  相似文献   

Data on reproductive traits in a cultured population of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in southern Chile were collected over three consecutive reproductive seasons: 1999, 2000 and 2001, corresponding to the first (at 3 years), second and third spawnings in females. Data were collected from individual females (n=238, 273 and 169 respectively). The reproductive season lasted mainly from June to August. The peak (July) tended to increase with each season (55.46%, 62.27% and 80.81% of total spawning fish respectively). Female body weight (470.8±102.5, 735.0±150 and 1263.9±263.4 g), total fecundity (1182±344, 1904±595 and 2744±605) and egg diameter (4.64±0.11, 4.67±0.27 and 5.24±0.12 mm) increased significantly (P<0.01) over successive reproductive seasons, particularly between the second and third spawnings. Relative fecundity, on the other hand, decreased significantly with each season (3577±471, 2591±900 and 2181±360). Following analysis of the variables over the three seasons, the correlation pattern of female body weight with total fecundity (r=0.91, n=458; P<0.001) and relative fecundity (r=?034, n=451; P<0.001) proved similar to that described in other salmonid females. Fertilization rate and survival to the eyed egg stage were also positively correlated (r=0.73, n=453; P<0.001). The systematically high values obtained for these latter variables over the seasons evaluated (consistently above 90%) are clearly greater than those we registered in other species of salmonids bred in Chile under similar conditions and suggest highly efficient biological variables that determine the gamete fertilization of this species. The brown trout is, therefore, an interesting potential aquaculture resource in Chile.  相似文献   

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