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Trees provide important health, ecosystem, and aesthetic services in urban areas, but they are unevenly distributed. Some neighborhoods have abundant tree canopy and others nearly none. We analyzed how neighborhood characteristics and changes in income over time related to the distribution of urban tree canopy in Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, MD. We used stepwise multiple regression analysis to identify strong predictors of UTC, from variables found in neighborhoods with different patterns of wealth-stability over time. We then built spatial lag models to predict variation in UTC cover, using the results of a Principal Component Analysis of the socioeconomic, demographic, and housing characteristics of the two cities. We found that: (1) stable-wealthy neighborhoods were more likely to have more, and more consistent, tree canopy cover than other neighborhood types; (2) decreases and increases in income were negatively associated with UTC in Washington, D.C. but not Baltimore, where income stability in both wealthy and impoverished neighborhoods was a significant predictor of UTC; and (3) the association of high socioeconomic status with UTC coverage varied between the two cities.  相似文献   

Green infrastructure (GI) provides a suite of ecosystem services that are widely recognized as critical to health, well-being, and sustainability on an urbanizing planet. However, the distribution of GI across urban landscapes is frequently uneven, resulting in unequal delivery of these services to low-income residents or those belonging to underserved racial/ethnic identities. While GI distribution has been identified as unequal across municipalities, we investigated whether this was true in public schoolyards within and among urban school districts. We examined schoolyards in four metropolitan areas of diverse socio-economic and demographic compositions in North Carolina, USA to determine if they provided equal exposure to GI, then compared whether this was true of the broader urban landscape. We first classified the land cover of elementary schoolyards and their neighborhoods, then used bivariate and multivariate approaches to analyze the relationships between GI (i.e. tree canopy cover and total GI) and the socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity of the schools and surrounding neighborhoods, respectively. We found that the extent of tree canopy cover and total GI in schoolyards was unrelated to the socioeconomic status and the race/ethnicity of students across the four school districts. In contrast, neighborhoods with lower socioeconomic status and larger populations of underserved race/ethnicity residents had less tree canopy cover and total GI. Although total GI was more evenly distributed in schoolyards, the extent of tree canopy cover and total GI in schoolyards was lower than that in the neighborhoods. This suggests opportunities for school districts to expand GI in schoolyards, leveraging their potential to increase ecosystem services to all children, from increased educational opportunities to improved mental, physical, and environmental well-being.  相似文献   

Recent studies have emphasized the presence of microclimates in urban settings, but most do not have the high resolution observations necessary to understand the interactions taking place at a neighborhood scale. This study used a network of 10 identical weather stations and high resolution land cover data in Knoxville, Tennessee, to analyze the microclimates of a medium-sized city with a temperate climate. Two stations were installed in each of four urban neighborhoods in locations with varying localized tree cover, and two additional stations were installed in the center of downtown and in a nearby urban nature center. The intra-neighborhood results suggested that there is significant temperature variability within a single neighborhood based on the tree canopy density immediately surrounding a given weather station. However, the inter-neighborhood variability (differences between neighborhoods) was similar in magnitude, which suggests that the overall differences in neighborhood characteristics also have an effect on climate. Land cover at the neighborhood scale (in particular tree canopy percentages at the 500-m radii) had the highest correlation with the minimum daily temperature (Tmin) during the summer season. Maximum daily temperature (Tmax) relied most on the distance of each station from Downtown and the amount of impervious area in the 50 m surrounding each station. Tmax was also most influenced by surrounding land cover during dry conditions (a Dry Moderate air mass). Overall, highly localized impervious land cover percentages and larger-scale forested canopy were important in explaining temperature fluctuation, pointing to the importance of scale in microclimate assessments. Dry air masses enhanced the relationship between land cover and temperature during the day, while moist air masses did the same overnight. These data can be used to better inform planning strategies to build resiliency to extreme heat into urban environments by considering the influence of tree canopy.  相似文献   

Urban green space has various environmental and ecological benefits, and uneven access to such amenities has drawn substantial attention from policy makers in developing sustainable community planning. In this study, we illustrate the spatial distribution of publicly owned and maintained trees in Edmonton, Canada and assess neighborhoods’ heterogeneous tree availability by using the container approach. Through spatial regression models, we further investigate the association of neighborhood public tree availability with socio-economic status (SES). We contribute to the existing literature by taking resident modes of transportation into consideration, in addition to many other commonly examined SES such as household income and ethnicity. Another unique contribution of this study is that we distinguish trees planted on different location types (i.e., boulevard, park, and buffer areas) when exploring the unequal coverage across neighborhoods and among different SES groups. Key results include: (1) a general examination without differentiating location types can lead to misleading results and thus provide inappropriate policy recommendations; (2) resident modes of transportation is a critical factor associated with a neighborhood’s public tree coverage; and (3) there exists evident spatial dependence on public tree availability between neighborhoods. The results from this study provide important information to better understand the issue and to allocate public resource (such as tree coverage) more efficiently and effectively to support sustainable community development.  相似文献   

In urban areas, the pattern of trees is often a result of municipal policy, built form, neighborhood socioeconomic conditions, and the actions of local actors. Recent research has focused on the role of neighborhood socioeconomics, and begun to explore the underlying causes of uneven distributions of urban forests associated with different socioeconomic groups. To date, little work has explored property-level tree conditions in relation to disaggregated household characteristics and actions, yet the household is the scale where most decisions about residential tree planting and care are made. This study examines the role of property-level built conditions, household socioeconomics, and residents’ actions and attitudes in relation to property-level canopy cover and tree density. The study area is four neighborhoods in the City of Mississauga (ON, Canada). Regression analyses were conducted to explore significant variables related to the two tree measures for all properties together and separately by neighborhood. The results indicate that property conditions and residents actions are more important in relation to tree variations than socioeconomic factors. Additionally, several significant factors have opposite relationships with percent canopy cover and tree density. These results highlight the need to consider property-level built conditions, residents’ actions, and multiple measures of the urban forest to better understand the patterns of trees in cities.  相似文献   

Using multispectral imagery and LiDAR data, we developed a high-resolution land cover dataset for a semi-arid, Colorado (USA) suburb. These data were used to evaluate patterns of land cover composition and vertical structure in relation to land use and age of development. Landsat 5 TM thermal band data for six separate dates were used to compare land surface temperature (LST) in urbanized and remnant shortgrass steppe reference areas. We used 2010 census blocks to extract LST and various explanatory variables for use in Random Forest models evaluating the relative importance of land cover composition, LiDAR-derived vertical structure variables, and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) on LST patterns.We found that land cover, vertical structure, and LST varied between areas with different land use and neighborhood age. Older neighborhoods supported significantly higher tree cover and mean tree height, but differences in LST were inconsistent between Landsat image dates. NDVI had the highest variable importance in Random Forests models, followed by tree height and the mean height difference between trees and buildings. Models incorporating NDVI, vertical structure, and land cover had the highest predictive accuracy but did not perform significantly better than models using just vertical structure and NDVI. Developed areas were cooler on average than shortgrass steppe reference areas, likely due to the influence of supplemental irrigation in urbanized areas. Patterns of LST were spatially variable, highlighting the complex ways land cover composition and vertical structure can affect urban temperature.  相似文献   

Urban tree cover is inequitable in many American cities, with low-income and non-white neighborhoods typically having the least coverage. Some municipal and non-profit tree planting programs aim to address this inequity by targeting low-income neighborhoods; however, many programs face lack of participation or resistance from local residents. In this study, we aimed to uncover the economic, social, cultural, and physical barriers that community leaders face in planting trees and fostering engagement in a neighborhood with low tree canopy. In collaboration with an urban greening nonprofit in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (US), twenty in-depth interviews were conducted with community leaders in a low canopy neighborhood, North Philadelphia. Half of these leaders were already involved with local tree planting programs, while the other half were not. Findings reveal that despite broad appreciation for trees and greenspaces, there are concerns about the risks and costs residents assume over the course of a tree’s life cycle, the threat of neighborhood development and gentrification associated with trees, limited plantable space, and limited time and capacity for community organizations. Additionally, these barriers to participation may be amplified among low-income and communities of color who face the legacies of historical tree disservices and municipal structural disinvestment. Addressing community concerns regarding the long-term care of trees beyond the initial tree planting would likely require further programmatic support. Overall, this research highlights the complexity of addressing inequities in tree canopy and the importance of integrating resident and community leader perspectives about disservices and management costs into tree planting initiatives.  相似文献   

Urban greenspaces can provide a significant cooling service, which extends beyond the greenspace boundaries. Consequently, greenspaces are recognised for their ability to locally reduce the urban heat island, a phenomenon that has negative implications for the thermal comfort and health of urban citizens. However, the amount of cooling provided by a greenspace and the distance over which that cooling extends depend on factors such as greenspace size and characteristics. Based on data collected in and around eight London greenspaces, with areas ranging from 0.2 to 12.1 ha, this work models the distance and magnitude of cooling provided by each greenspace and defines the relationships between cooling extent and the size of greenspace or the areas of tree canopy and grass. Such data, illustrating the value of expanding the area of urban greenspaces and explaining how cooling relates to greenspace size/coverage characteristics, will be of use to urban planners and climatologists concerned with finding solutions to the urban heat island. Modelling was statistically valid on calm warm nights (with mean air temperatures ≥10 °C and wind speed ≤3 m s−1). On those nights, cooling distance increased linearly with increasing area of greenspace, tree canopy and grass, but the relationship between those factors and the amount of cooling was non-linear. Cooling distance was most strongly related with tree canopy whereas the amount of cooling was most strongly linked to the grass coverage. Our results suggest that a comprehensive cooling service on calm warm nights within cities with similar climate/characteristics to London may come from greenspaces with 3–5 ha, situated 100–150 m apart.  相似文献   

Easy access to green space and the presence of lush tree canopy in neighborhoods provide substantial psychophysical benefits to residents. However, these urban amenities are often unevenly distributed between white and racial/ethnic minority residents. In this study, we investigated racial/ethnic disparities in access to parks and tree canopy using a geographic information system (GIS) and remote-sensing techniques in six Illinois cities. An accessibility index based on a new Google Maps application programming interface (API) was used to calculate walking distances between points of origins and parks, and integrated classification techniques were applied to calculate the amount of tree canopy. Kernel-smoothing function was applied to both canopy and park layers to transform point value to continuous surface value. Both ordinary regression and spatial regression were used to find the relationship.The results of this study show that racial/ethnic minorities have less tree canopy in their neighborhoods, but it did not find significant differences in terms of access to parks. Spatial regression was determined to be an effective modeling approach for the data used in this study. Methods used in this study can be extended to study accessibility to various destinations using different means of transit, and the results can guide intervention programs to help reduce environmental inequity.  相似文献   

Research has shown there is a positive relationship between urban greenness and the well-being of city residents. But greenness is often unevenly distributed across a city, raising environmental justice issues. In 2011 and 2012 the USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis program installed ground plots in the urbanized areas of Oregon and Washington. We analyze these data for the urban areas west of the Cascade Mountains, linking it with demographic data from the U.S. Census to examine the relationship between greenness and socioeconomic status at a sub-regional scale. To explore some relations between urban forest measures and socioeconomic conditions and measures we developed four models: presence of tree canopy cover with a logistic mixed model, and on a subset of the data, percent tree canopy cover with a linear mixed model and tree count and tree species count with Poisson mixed models. We found that median household income, house value, land use, and years in the Tree City USA program contributed to explaining measures of greenness, such as canopy cover presence, percent canopy cover, tree counts, and tree species counts. This agrees with other studies, but does so at a broad scale covering the most densely populated areas in the Pacific Northwest.  相似文献   

Urban tree canopy yields numerous environmental and social benefits. This study investigates whether the marginal contribution of tree canopy cover to home values depends on certain characteristics of a property and its location. We address this using a hedonic property analysis with data from Baltimore, Maryland. Both Ordinary Least Square and Spatial Lag models were conducted, all including interaction terms between tree canopy cover and various site factors. Our results indicated that, on average, the amount of tree canopy in the 100–400 zone around a single-family property is positively associated with home price. We also find that the marginal impact of canopy on property price increases for properties that are larger in lot size and closer to downtown Baltimore. Model results were mixed in terms of the interactive effects of crime and proximity to major roadway with tree canopy. We suggest that the benefits that tree canopy provides in the form of added privacy, reduced urban heat, noise and pollution may influence these price increases. These findings may signal concerns about the potential for urban greening to contribute to gentrification. In a competitive housing market, those with the capacity to afford to pay more for urban tree canopy and the benefits it provides such as a cooler downtown environment, privacy on larger lots, or reduced noise and pollution from a major roadway may price out those who are unable to pay this urban tree canopy premium. There is, therefore, the potential for unequal increases in home equity across neighborhoods following tree planting and urban greening in Baltimore.  相似文献   

Urban greenspace plays a positive role in improving the urban living environment, and thus extensive studies have paid attention to the mapping of urban greenspace for various applications. Recently, open and high-resolution land-cover (LC) data have been viewed as essential sources for urban greenspace mapping. However, few studies have performed a global-scale analysis; moreover, as there are commonly different LC types in an LC dataset, few studies have investigated how the definition or selection of different LC types as greenspace impacts urban greenspace mapping. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the spatial pattern of urban greenspace at a global scale and the impact on selecting different LC types for urban greenspace mapping. We employed two global open datasets (FROM-GLC10 and GHS-UCDB) and identified 13,079 global urban areas. Various LC types that potentially relate to urban greenspace and three different selections of LC types were analyzed. Results show that: 1) The spatial pattern of global urban greenspace may vary with the use of different selections; 2) The impact of whether or not to select each LC type as urban greenspace relates to not only the LC type itself but also the geographic locations. The findings may benefit urban planners and designers to select proper LC type(s) for urban greenspace studies.  相似文献   

The Woodlands Township, TX, has a tree protection policy that consists of tree removal permits and minimum tree and shrub cover regulations. This paper examined the effect of The Woodlands’ tree protection policy on surface urban heat island (SUHI) at the neighborhood scale by comparing the mean land surface temperatures (LSTs) derived from 37 thermal infrared bands of Landsat TM images between The Woodlands’ neighborhoods and nearby control neighborhoods without such a policy. To rule out the effect of confounding factors that may influence LSTs, the control neighborhoods were selected to be similar in physical and socioeconomic status to The Woodlands’ neighborhoods. LSTs of The Woodlands’ neighborhoods were, on average, 1.5–3.9 °C lower than those of the control neighborhoods. The cooling effect of The Woodlands’ tree protection policy was more prominent in summer when SUHI mitigation was mostly needed. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that a local tree protection policy is effective in mitigating SUHI at the neighborhood scale.  相似文献   

Urban greenspace benefits urbanites in numerous ways ranging from regulating flooding, air quality, and local climate to providing opportunities for exercise and relaxation. These benefits may influence human health. Greenspace, for example, may facilitate exercise, thereby helping to reduce body mass index (BMI) and combat obesity, a current epidemic of great public health concern. Little evidence exists to support this assertion, however, and we lack a full understanding of the mechanisms whereby this relationship operates, the populations for whom greenspace is linked to weight status, and the aspects of urban greenspace that are linked to weight status. This study seeks to identify relationships among the composition and arrangement of greenspace and BMI for different populations using regression models for eight age and gender groups in Cleveland, Ohio, US. We find that several greenspace variables are related to BMI for women under 65 years and males under 51 years, but not for older groups, and that the aspects and types of greenspace that are significantly related to BMI vary among groups. Relationships between greenspace attributes and BMI are generally stronger for female groups and for younger groups. Providing access to greenspace with particular attributes such as greenspaces with water, canopy cover, or connected greenspaces could support a healthy weight status for some populations, but these attributes are not consistent across age and gender groups. These results could help to inform policy aimed at designing urban greenspace to benefit the health of different population subgroups.  相似文献   

The desire to improve urban sustainability is motivating many city planners to adopt growth strategies that increase residential density, leading to substantial changes to urban landscapes. What effect this change will have on biodiversity remains unclear, but it is expected that the role of public greenspace in providing wildlife habitat will become critical. We explored the role of urban “pocket parks” as habitat for birds, and how this role changed with increasing residential density in the surrounding neighbourhood. We found that parks in neighbourhoods with high levels of public greenspace (corresponding to less residential land) supported more bird species and individuals overall, and more woodland-dependent species, insectivores and hollow-nesters. Total greenspace area was more important (included in the best ranked models for all bird responses) than the configuration (number, average size and connectivity) of greenspace patches. The majority of species were common suburban birds, indicating that species we assume are tolerant to urban areas will be negatively affected by increasing residential density. Parks form part of an interconnected network of urban open space. For parks to continue to support a diverse native bird community, the network must be viewed, managed, and maintained in its entirety. We suggest three key management actions to improve the bird diversity values of urban greenspaces in compact cities: (1) Increase urban greenspace cover in residential neighbourhoods. (2) Increase vegetation structure in greenspace. (3) Encourage homeowners to plant trees and shrubs.  相似文献   

Little is known about urban forest planning, management and its benefits in emerging countries. The uneven distribution of tree canopy cover and parks in urban area is related to environmental justice, especially with disadvantaged socio-economic and marginated communities. However, the inequity of urban forest in many cities of emerging countries where often found irregular and unregulated land use patterns and social and socio-economic inequities, is hardly highlighted. This study explores the inequity of distribution of tree canopy cover and public park in Cali, Colombia. Utilizing the traditional socio-economic indices, the stratification, linear regression analysis is conducted to describe relationship between total tree canopy cover, tree canopy cover of various land use types, number of parks and park area per capita. The result demonstrates that lower income communities have lower tree canopy cover, fewer parks and smaller park area than higher income communities. This paper discusses importance of accounting for urban forests and ecosystem service in city planning efforts and better strategies of reducing inequity in emerging countries. Addressing the inequity of urban forest could be a better strategy to create resilient, sustainable, safe and livable cities in emerging countries.  相似文献   

Trees provide multiple ecosystem services in urban centers and increases in tree canopy cover is a key strategy for many municipalities. However, urban trees also experience multiple stresses and tree growth can be impacted by urban density and impervious surfaces. We investigated the impact of differences in urban form on tree growth in the City of Merri-bek, a local government area in metropolitan Melbourne, which is the temperate climate zone. Merri-bek has a gradient in population density and urban greenness from north to south, and we hypothesized that tree growth in the southern areas would be lower because trees were more likely to have less access to water with high levels of impervious surfaces. We selected three common native evergreen species, Eucalyptus leucoxylon, Melaleuca linariifolia, and Lophostemon confertus that exhibit differences in climate vulnerability and assessed the tree canopy expansion in four urban density zones in Merri-bek between 2009 and 2020 using aerial image analysis. The differences in urban form did not significantly influence tree canopy growth and all species showed similar canopy expansion rates. However, smaller trees showed a greater relative canopy increase in the ten years, whereas larger trees had a greater absolute canopy growth. Thus, older and larger trees should be protected and maintained to achieve the canopy expansion. Our study indicated that differences in urban form are unlikely to have major impacts on the growth and canopy expansion of well adapted native tree species in open, suburban centers.  相似文献   

Declining urban tree canopy cover in the United States underscores the importance of elucidating factors that influence the distribution of urban trees. This is particularly relevant as most urban trees are located on private property while their canopies maintain ecosystem services that constitute public goods. Thus, municipalities establish institutions in the form of canopy cover goals and various policies to incentivize private actions to meet those goals. However, urban land use, as governed by municipal zoning policies, plays a role in the abundance, distribution, and potential future location of urban trees independent of policies meant specifically to manage canopy. For instance, previous research finds that lands zoned for residential and park development have the highest canopy cover relative to other land uses. Yet, little research has explored whether this conclusion holds across scales of analysis and how it might influence our understanding of potential canopy cover and relative canopy cover. Thus, we ask, does the nature of the relationship between zoning and canopy cover change between aggregated and disaggregated zoning scales and how might this knowledge improve the sustainability of urban forest management? To answer this question, we classified high resolution National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) images of Bloomington, Indiana land cover and compared existing, potential and relative canopy cover across aggregated and disaggregated zones. Results demonstrate an important exception to the oft-cited theory that residential lands have higher canopy cover, a conclusion that our data supports only at the scale of an aggregated interpretation of zoning. At a disaggregated scale, residential high density zones are significantly different than all other residential zones and more akin to commercial zones in terms of all canopy metrics. For urban forest managers and urban planners, this suggests the relevance of fine-scale variation in land-use policies and related canopy cover policies.  相似文献   

Environmental and green justice problems occur globally, especially in cities with unequal access to urban greenspaces. Recently, inequality in school greenspaces has drawn growing attention, given the importance of campus green environments in young students’ health and academic performance. However, the commonly used Normalized Differences Vegetation Index (NDVI) method for measuring greenspace from satellite imagery is hindered by the saturation issue and tend to underestimate greenspace at high vegetation cover areas, causing large uncertainties in greenspace inequality studies at a national scale. Besides, despite the progress on the inequality of public greenspace exposure, our understandings of primary school greenspace provision and inequality, as well as the driving factors, for young students in a developing world (e.g., China) is still limited. To address these issues, we first adapted a spectral unmixing technique based on multi-sensor remote sensing for more accurate measurements of greenspace provision. Then, we evaluated the provision and inequality of greenspace for 19,681 primary schools in China’s 31 major cities and examined the driving factors using an integrated path analysis. Our findings revealed that: (1) Our proposed multi-sensor remote sensing-based method for greenspace measurement is reliable across our study area with a R2 of 0.81 and RMSE of 0.14; in contrast, the traditional NDVI-based greenspace measurement saturated at the range of 0.7–1.0, leading to much lower accuracy (a R2 of 0.72 and RMSE of 0.24). (2) Most of the cities under study had low to moderate levels of inequality in primary school greenspace (Gini index < 0.5), but the overall greenspace provision was relatively low; Five cities under study facing high inequality in greenspace exposure (Gini index ≥ 0.5) as well as low greenspace provision (mean fraction cover < 0.25). (3) The monthly maximum temperature and the mean cover of greenspace in primary schools were identified as variables directly affecting the inequality in primary school greenspace (R2 = 0.76, p-value < 0.05), whereas the city-level government revenue manifests its effects through the mean cover of greenspace in primary schools and city-level mean greenspace cover. By developing a novel framework for examining the provision and inequality of greenspace in all primary schools in China’s major cities, our study provides valuable insights for designing and evaluating school greening programs in support of healthier learning environment development for next generations.  相似文献   

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