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Extensive evidence exists on the benefits provided by urban green space (UGS) but evidence is lacking about whether and how socio-economic benefits accrue to all residents or disproportionally depending on their socio-economic status or residential location. We model joint effects of socio-economic and locational attributes on attitudes and use of UGS in Brussels (BE). The analysis is based on a survey conducted along an urban–suburban continuum with respondents sampled across non-park public space. Patterns of use are depicted by the frequency and the distance travelled to the most used UGS. Attitudes are analyzed along three dimensions: willingness to (i) pay for UGS, (ii) trade off housing for green space and (iii) substitute private for public green. Our results stress the importance of separating effects of attitudes from socio-economic and locational effects to quantify UGS use, and suggest endogenous effects of green space with residential sorting.  相似文献   

As cities become more densely populated, urban green spaces (UGS) are increasingly important due to the environmental and social benefits they provide. Cities are confronted with the challenge of equitable supply of high-quality urban green that meets the demand of residents. This is particularly relevant in lower-income neighborhoods, which tend to suffer from the lowest supply of (high quality) UGS. In this paper, we perform spatial analysis on the responses of an online user survey to explore how UGS frequency of use, choice, and satisfaction differ by use pattern and place of residence in the Brussels Capital Region. Additionally, we identify the “push-pull” factors of individual UGS by identifying the desirable (pull) and undesirable (push) qualities that may attract or repel the use of a UGS. We find that use pattern is related to choice and experience of UGS. Compared to people who use UGS for social purposes, those who use UGS for nature-oriented reasons more often choose to visit UGS that are substantially farther from their home but are more often satisfied with the UGS they use. Our findings also show that respondents living in areas with higher proportions of disadvantaged groups tend to travel substantially farther to reach their UGS and are more often dissatisfied with the UGS they visit. Finally, our push-pull analysis indicates that characteristics that are important to nature-oriented users, such as quietness and calmness, are often more negatively experienced in dense city center UGS. Our research thus demonstrates the need to bring more green, particularly green that elicits a feeling of “naturalness”, to areas of the city where low green space quality and quantity overlap with areas inhabited by vulnerable populations.  相似文献   

Although many researchers highlight the benefits of Urban Green Spaces (UGS) to city dwellers, understanding of residents’ emotional association with UGS remains an incomplete and exciting area of place research. In this study, we conducted an empirical assessment of residents’ Place Attachment (PA) towards UGS in the Greater Tokyo region. For this, we tested a widely used PA model consisting of four dimensions, namely, place identity, place dependence, social, and nature bonding. Data were collected from an online questionnaire survey (n = 2093) and subjected to an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to examine the underlying place dimensions. To examine the association of PA with socio-demographic variables, we performed a multiple regression analysis with the factor scores and key socio-economic variables (e.g. age, gender, income, marital and parental status, etc.). Additionally, we compared the PA constructs among three different groups, namely (1) men and women, (2) married and unmarried, and (3) people with and without children. Results indicated a three-dimensional PA model, consisting of ‘place identity’, ‘place and nature dependence’, and ‘social bonding’. In particular, variables originally used for nature bonding co-loaded with the variables for place dependence. The other tested dimensions, nonetheless, remained identical with conventional PA models. The finding indicates that personal connections to nature - as hypothesized in the nature-bonding dimension - may not be truly replicable for UGS. As such, the influence of demographic variables on the overall place-construct remains minimal, although a significant but relatively weak positive influence was observed for age and frequency of green space visits. In the comparative analysis, women reported a significantly higher-level place and nature dependence. Besides, a significant difference of mean was observed among married and unmarried respondents, as well as the persons with/without children for all three-place dimensions. Overall, the findings are imperative to better understand the human-green space relationship in large cities and call for further directed research on creating ‘green places’ and not just ‘green spaces’.  相似文献   

The objective benefits that humans derive from natural ecosystems and their enduring manifestation in urban green spaces (UGS) is well-know. Nevertheless, citizens’ preference, and perceived necessity of UGS is not always evident and therefore often not accounted for, especially in the context of urban planning decisions, where it could positively influence the effectiveness of greening strategies. This information is especially important in the Mediterranean islands, due to their unique character. Here we address these aspects, including the way they are affected by UGS perceived adequacy, accessibility, maintenance, distance, and other self-reported obstacles using a questionnaire completed by 703 residents of the Island of Crete, Greece. To integrate results, main covariates are compiled into the newly developed public UGS approval index. Survey results show that, 87.82 % of the participants consider public UGS highly necessary for their wellbeing, while only 69.22 % consider private UGS equally necessary. Nevertheless, private UGS were the most frequently visited green at 16.3 ± 0.7 days/month. Public UGS is considered more necessary for female respondents, under 35 years, living in an apartment in the city. However, it emerged that despite the significantly higher need for public UGS in the urban centers of the island, residents consider UGS inadequate and often inaccessible for people with mobility problems. Integration of the results in the new approval index, shows that citizens of Crete, are on average neutral or disapprove of local public UGS. The outcomes can be used for targeted interventions at existing and strategic planning in new UGS.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the landscape characteristics and the residents’ recreational activities in the urban green spaces in Fuyang, Hangzhou, China. It explores the correlation of the desire to be in close proximity to urban green space to engage in recreational activities (the need for recreation) related to residents’ demographic and socio-economic factors: gender, education, monthly income and dwelling location. Residents’ preferences for landscape elements and attributes of urban green space are examined using principal components analysis. In addition, regression analysis identifies that coherence and vegetation are the most relevant factors correlated with perceived overall recreational appropriateness of the three most frequently visited urban parks. The purpose of the study is to attempt to quantify people's recreation needs in urban green space; identify the landscape components in urban green space which can encourage more outdoor visits and/or greater recreational activities; and provide proposals and strategies on planning, management and conservation for recreation-oriented urban green space which will enhance people's enjoyment and wellbeing by improving landscape esthetic quality, recreational and ecological function.  相似文献   

To stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) governments around the world implemented lockdowns restricting public travel. In the Australian state of Victoria, this included limiting permitted reasons for leaving home and restricting movements to within a 5 km radius of one’s home. In 2020, we conducted a state-wide survey (N = 1024) of Victorians that coincided with a lockdown. We asked respondents where they had spent time in nature and how they perceived lockdowns affected the amount of time they spent in nature. We then considered demographic and spatial predictors of spending more or less time in nature. Women, younger people, and those living in areas with higher socio-economic status were likely to report spending more time in nature. Closer proximity of residents to parks and waterways and higher proportional area of native vegetation within a 1-km radius were also associated with more time in nature. Understanding how different groups were affected by restrictions on access to nature can help improve government management of crises like pandemics, including through urban planning for green space, supporting improved individual and societal resilience. We discuss the implications of our findings for improving access to nature during lockdowns as well as opportunities for a post-pandemic relationship with nature, particularly in urban settings.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces (UGSs) enhance the quality of urban dwellers’ lives. Thus, efficient policies for improving UGSs—which should reflect urban residents’ needs—are necessary. Additionally, it is crucial to manage the spatial distribution of residents’ preferences to find regions that can produce greater utility within limited budgets. Using online surveys conducted in 2015, which obtained 414 valid responses, this study analyzed urban residents’ preferences for UGS improvement policies and investigated spatial preference heterogeneity for such policies in the planned city of Seongnam, South Korea. A mixed logit model was applied to analyze policy preferences, and the preference heterogeneity level was assessed by coefficient of variation. Additionally, hot spot analysis was performed to examine spatial heterogeneity. The Getis-ord Gi* was computed to identify the spatial clusters of the estimated coefficients and the marginal willingness to pay (WTP). The results indicated a high preference for enhancing quality and connectivity. While the results showed that preference heterogeneity existed in each UGS improvement policy, heterogeneity levels differed per attribute. Statistically significant local spatial clusters of estimated coefficients and marginal WTP were observed for each UGS improvement policy despite global autocorrelation being insignificant. It was observed that estimate coefficients with low coefficient of variation can make extensive spatial clusters; otherwise, the opposite trend might occur. Additionally, marginal WTP hot spots did not change according to attribute but appeared in similar locations. Therefore, spatial heterogeneity analysis is necessary to manage UGSs with higher net utilities given limited budgets. These findings will ensure the satisfaction of all urban residents by identifying their preferences for UGS policies. They will also help prioritize cost-effective implementation of policy considering spatial preference heterogeneity.  相似文献   

A person’s health and wellbeing are contingent on the amount of social support that they receive. Similarly, experiencing nature has been shown to improve people’s health and wellbeing. However, we do not know how relationships between social cohesion, nature experiences and nature connection could interrelate and vary across different types of urban green spaces, and in non-Westernised cultures. We conducted a study on 1249 residents in Singapore, a tropical city-state, and measured three dimensions of social cohesion (i.e. general social cohesion; trust and sense of community; and social interactions), various types of nature experiences (i.e. amount of green space around one’s residence; frequency and duration of urban green space visits; frequency and duration of visits to gardens), and three dimensions of one’s connection to nature: self-identity with nature, desire to experience nature, and environmental concern (using the nature relatedness scale). We found that people who strongly identify with nature, who enjoy being in nature, and who had more frequent gardens visits were more likely to have a stronger sense of social cohesion across two dimensions. However, those with stronger environmental concern reported an overall weaker sense of social cohesion, possibly due to the perception that society’s contributions to conserve environmental problems was insufficient. Further, people who gardened more frequently were also more likely to visit green spaces, self-identify with nature and exhibit a stronger desire to experience nature. We propose that strategies targeted at encouraging people to engage in nature-related, collaborative activities at the local community level, such as spending time in local gardens, will increase urban residents’ daily nature experiences and its associated benefits such as improving social cohesion.  相似文献   

Empirical assessments of the experiences and perceptions of urban green space (UGS) in a social housing context are scant. Studying UGS perception in these contexts is important to understand how people experience and derive benefits from UGS in disadvantaged communities. This short communication provides interdisciplinary and methodological guidance on how to conduct empirical assessment of UGS experience and perception in social housing neighborhoods. For conducting these types of studies, we suggest researchers go beyond simply calculating UGS abundance around communities and consider assessing UGS experiences and perceptions. We suggest designing studies that account for the mixed nature of many social housing communities and that develop useful UGS perception measures that can be associated with wellbeing and community indicators. Finally, we also recommend: (1) designing studies at the local scale and developing strong relationsihps with the social housing communities before and while conducting these studies; (2) considering safety as a key component of UGS perception measures; (3) considering the association between UGS perception measures and wellbeing and community experience indicators to strengthen existing models of UGS benefit provision.  相似文献   

Promoting Urban Green Space (UGS) is one of the major requests of green cities for urban planners and local officials, and it is linked to myriad environmental and social benefits. However, scant literature has positioned the UGS into the background of fast regionalisation to unravel their relationships and mechanisms. This study delves into the impact and mechanisms of regional cooperation upon the provision of UGS in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA), a dynamic city-region in southern China. Through social network analysis, panel data analysis, documentary review (analysis), and in-depth interviews, this study found that overall, regional cooperation has positive impacts on UGS provision in the GBA in the spheres of economic, social, institutional, and environmental affairs. We argued that economic cooperation encroaches on UGS by fostering infrastructure and economic zones; it also upgrades the industrial sectors and intensifies land use to positively affect UGS provision. Social cooperation reinforces population influx yet fosters social cohesion, sustainable lifestyles, and green economics to support the delivery of UGS policies. Environmental cooperation among local officials facilitates the implementation of urban greening projects, and institutional cooperation is conducive to urban governance in spatial greening planning. For the local government, the focal point for pursuing the green city vision is collaborative actions across the economic, social, environmental, and institutional spheres.  相似文献   

Urban wild food foraging is increasingly attracting attention as an activity in urban green spaces that encourages urban residents’ interaction with their natural environment. However, little is known about the criteria influencing urban foragers’ selection of foraging locations that could inform urban green space management and planning to encourage urban foraging. To elicit these criteria, we conducted 21 semi-structured expert interviews with urban foraging stakeholders in Vienna, Austria, and analysed the data using qualitative content analysis. The respondents suggested 11 criteria that influence the selection of foraging locations. These are related to spatial factors, management of public urban green spaces and the green space activities of other visitors. However, the respondents reported that urban foragers do not uniformly follow these different criteria, but subjectively assess and apply them depending on the specific locations and the plant materials and mushroom species being targeted. For some foragers, even intensively managed public urban green spaces can offer certain advantages. Thus, urban residents forage in public urban green spaces that have diverse properties and management strategies. We suggest that urban foraging is best supported by biodiversity- and wilderness-friendly green space management that supports access to foraging locations, clear foraging regulations and codes of conduct, and comprehensive information about contamination for urban residents. Implementation of these suggestions would not only benefit urban foraging, but also enhance urban biodiversity and guarantee the multifunctional benefits of public urban green spaces for urban residents and urban nature.  相似文献   

Nature’s contributions to people (NCP) include the regulating, material, and non-material benefits of urban vegetation that improve well-being. It is increasingly important to plan cities that provide multiple types of NCP equitably to all residents of the city. However, due to historical legacies and planning policies, it is common for the most socially and economically vulnerable urban residents to suffer reduced access to the benefits of urban ecosystems. Previous studies of urban NCP have drawn attention to inequity in one or several types of NCP, but few have analysed a broad range. Here we analysed inequity in nine diverse forms of urban NCP across an index of economic and social vulnerability designed specifically to characterise vulnerability to environmental pressures. Furthermore, we used spatial analysis to map co-variance in vulnerability and a composite indicator of urban NCP, thus highlighting priority regions for future investments in green infrastructure. We applied this approach to the city of Christchurch/ Ōtautahi in Aotearoa/ New Zealand, which provides a valuable case study due to its multicultural population and recent history of widespread damage and regeneration following the 2011 earthquake. Overall, the distribution of urban NCP is inequitable to the disadvantage of more vulnerable residents. Residents of more vulnerable neighbourhoods experienced reduced provision of carbon stock, runoff retention, air quality enhancement, shade, educational green space, public outdoor space accessibility, private green space, and bird biodiversity contributions. Conversely, more vulnerable neighbourhoods had greater provision of erosion mitigation (although negligible in magnitude). The wide range of indicators used and assessed in response to vulnerability, coupled with an assessment of the type of vegetation cover (i.e. grass, tall trees) provides greater insights into how inequities in urban NCP can be addressed in future redevelopment.  相似文献   

People attach multiple values to urban green spaces which play varied roles in cities. Properly designed monetary valuation surveys can ascertain their non-market value and underlying motives. This study investigates Hong Kong residents’ recreational use of urban green spaces and assesses the monetary value of these areas. A total of 495 urban residents from different neighbourhoods and socio-economic groups were interviewed. About 70% of the respondents visited urban green spaces at least weekly. Major companions during patronage were family members and then children. Exercises and clean air topped the list of visit purposes. The recreational pattern is associated with the cramped private living condition that pushes people to public open areas which are construed as extension of home space. The valuation question solicited overwhelming support, with over 80% of the respondents willing to pay to recover a possible loss of urban green spaces area by 20%. It yielded a monthly average payment of HK$77.43 (approx. 9.90 USD) per household for five years. Non-instrumental aspects played some role in the respondents’ bidding decision. The findings could assist green space planning and nature conservation, and hinted the need to consider the pluralistic community views and expectations in relevant public policies.  相似文献   

Public green spaces are fundamental and indispensable to urban settlements, given the diverse social, economic and environmental benefits that they can provide. However, the absence of knowledge regarding the allocation and access status quo consistently hinders the suitability and rationality of follow-up green space planning, which could eventually impair the livability and sustainability of cities. This study evaluates disparities in access to public green space for urban residents and the spatial mismatches among public green space provision, residents’ visits and the demands of socially vulnerable groups within the Central City of Shanghai. The results show that disparities in public green space accessibility exist pertaining to social status and household composition status. Sub-districts with higher social status or larger proportions of family households composed by children and married inhabitants tend to have better public green space access. In contrast, sub-districts with larger proportions of aged or unemployed populations unexpectedly show worse public green space access. To a certain degree, this reduced access can be considered to be an environmental injustice. Additionally, the mismatches among public green space provision, residents’ visits and the demands of socially vulnerable groups are observed to vary in space, indicating potential problems of resource shortage, supply-demand mismatch, underuse and congestion. The findings could offer urban planners and policy-makers insights into optimizing public green space resources and equitably providing proximal public green space to urban residents, especially vulnerable groups, such as children, the elderly and the unemployed.  相似文献   

We present a new spatial model to quantify and map health-related impacts of urban green space (UGS), with the aim to address major shortcomings of existing models and to meet the needs of urban spatial planners for quantitative, spatially-explicit assessment of both the health benefits and burdens of UGS. This GIS-based model uses publicly available high-resolution geospatial data to estimate street-level values of five major determinants of urban health that are significantly influenced by urban spatial design (including UGS): unattractive views, heat stress, air pollution, perceived unsafety and tick-bite risk. We also describe a potential major application of the model for urban spatial planners, a so-called hotspot analysis for a set of five urban design-related health problems, which can assist in setting spatial priorities in urban greening strategies as well as in designing effective greenspace interventions. Hotspots are areas within a city where urban design-related health problems are the largest. An analysis for Maastricht (The Netherlands) showed that in hotspots UGS was mostly a net burden, but also that redesign of UGS could make its role more beneficial for human health.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces’ well documented role as a hub for physical and mental health was enhanced by restrictions to mobility issued worldwide as a response to COVID-19. In this context, managers of urban green spaces (UGS) were prompted to provide controlled access under impromptu safety protocols. This unprecedented challenge required planning and operational strengths reflecting flexibility, innovation and learning. These management features are essential for an adaptive governance – an underdeveloped research topic within the study of UGS. Using eighteen semi-structured interviews from six countries, we analyze adaptive governance as reflected by UGS managers’ responses across Latin America – a region where access to UGS is a matter of public health and of environmental justice. We document responses that can be categorized based on the governance arrangement in place. On one hand, both polycentric and dedicated-management governances have been able to learn through piloting ideas, adapting personnel roles and the function of UGS infrastructure, and adjusting their decision-making process. On the other hand, managers within municipal public services areas – the most prevalent governance arrangement across Latin America – report difficulty to adapt – likely due to their dependence on political will, limited autonomy, insufficient budgets, absence of formal paths to self-funding, shortage of technical know-how, and insufficient citizens’ involvement. We discuss implications of UGS adaptive governance in terms of capacity to deal with future public health, climate-related or other types of shocks.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces (UGSs) play an essential role in sustainable urban development and are closely related to public health and human well-being. Previous studies seldom consider the relationships between spatial patterns and equity for the heterogeneity of built-up residential types in the city, not to mention how to place the pragmatic design strategies to explore green injustice for vulnerable neighborhoods. To address this gap, our study adopts a cascade of three methodological stages: 1) applying an urban morphological spatial pattern analysis (MSPA) to compare urban UGS patterns and the UGS-adapted Gini coefficient to measure the spatial equity of UGS distributions in three local built-up areas, 2) employing the minimum cumulative resistance (MCR) model to determine the location of the newly added UGSs and adopting the ‘just green enough’ strategy into the redistribution of UGSs for the marginal neighborhood and at the same time to avoid inequality associated with green gentrification, and 3) exploring an integrated design and implementation method for the newly added UGSs that can accommodate both normal conditions and the possibility of future pandemics. The results indicate that there is a strong correlation between socioeconomic status and the distributional justice of UGSs among built-up types, while disadvantaged people living in the densest residential neighborhoods have lower UGS provisions. This paper demonstrates a multifunctional and pragmatic approach for realizing multiscale UGS optimization by exploring it at the subdivision and neighborhood scales. This implication can also help guide decision-makers and planners to understand the complex interplay between social vulnerabilities, gentrification, and urban greening, thus formulating effective policies and hands-on strategies to address green injustice that are not only crucial for this study region but also of great significance for developing countries in the Global South.  相似文献   

Having access to and visiting urban green space (UGS) improves liveability and provides considerable benefits to residents. However, traditional methods of investigating UGS visitation, such as questionnaires and social surveys, are usually time- and resource-intensive, and frequently provide less transferable, site-specific outcomes. This study uses social media data (Twitter) to examine spatio-temporal changes in UGS use in London associated with COVID-19 related lockdowns. It compares georeferenced Tweets posted in a 3 month period from 23 March to 23 June for 3 years covering the first lockdown in the UK in 2020, with Tweets for the same period in 2019 and 2021. The results show that (1) the land-use type of Public Park and Garden was the most frequently visited type of UGS, which may be correlated with these UGS areas remaining opening during the lockdown period; (2) the usage of UGS decreased in central London and increased in other areas during lockdown, which may correlated with working from home restrictions; (3) activities were positively associated with Physical activities maybe as a result of allowing people to take a single daily exercise, and (4) people spent more time in UGS areas on weekdays than weekends compared to pre-lockdown. This is the first study to examine social media data over consistent time period before, during and after the lockdown in relation to UGS. The results show that the findings and method can inform policy makers in their management and planning of UGS, especially in a period of social crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

In the context of rapid urbanization and global warming, how to use urban green space (UGS) with high-efficiency to mitigate the urban heat islands (UHIs) effect in different climate zones has become an urgent issue. However, few studies have provided specific guidance for urban vegetation planning adapting to different climate zones on a global scale. In this study, a cooling effect framework was employed to analyze the influence of UGS patch characteristics, natural and anthropogenic factors on its cooling effect across different climatic zones. We found that the urban cooling islands (UCI) intensity, extent, and gradient of UGS increased with latitude, with lower cooling effect concentrated in arid zones around 30 °N, while the largest (0.38 ha) and smallest (0.24 ha) threshold value of efficiency (TVoE) were found in the temperate and arid climate zones. The larger the UGS area, the better the cooling effect in all climate zones. Moreover, complex shapes have a greater UCI intensity in tropical and temperate zones than other regions, while the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) has a stronger effect in arid zones. In the continental zone, patch characteristics had little effect. The overall explanation rate of natural and anthropogenic factors on the cooling effect of UGS was 53.5 %, among which natural factors were approximately twice that of anthropogenic factors. Notably, natural factors dominated in the tropical and arid zones affecting UCI, and anthropogenic factors dominated in the temperate and continental zones. The findings of this study expand our understanding of the cooling effect of UGS in different climatic zones around the world and provide insights for urban sustainable development.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores the topic of mental health/wellbeing with reference to exposure to urban green space (UGS). It builds on previous research, which has highlighted the potential for green space interaction for supporting positive emotional and mental wellbeing, particularly in times of stress and uncertainty. Using this basis, the paper explores whether UGS interaction also helped to mitigate the negative mental health impacts brought about by the first COVID-19 lockdown. The specific focus is on students and expatriates living in Berlin, Germany as this population groupbecame increasingly vulnerable during this time as a result of uncertainty and restrictions in their daily lives brought about the enforced lockdown measures. More specifically, this paper investigates how a change in their daily routines created opportunities to interact with and experience UGS differently and how their emotional response and perception towards these spaces changed. Semi-structured interviews allowed for stories, experiences and emotions to unfold, which revealed that the participants’ gained an appreciation for the potential of UGS to support their wellbeing during a stressful and isolating time. UGS interaction also allowed them to form tangible memories of summer 2020 as it provided a safe arena for them to maintain social contact with friends outdoors, or to escape their home environment and experience respite and relaxation in a natural setting. The findings demonstrate that for this sub-group of the population UGS became a reliable constant and a valuable public health resource, which may also help to mitigate the long-term adverse mental health impacts of the pandemic.  相似文献   

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