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Trees with root systems established well below grade due to deep planting or soil disturbance are common in urban landscapes, yet the long term effects of buried trunks and subsequent remediation strategies, such as root collar excavation are poorly documented. We evaluated the consequences of deep planting over a 10-year period on tree growth and stability, with and without root collar excavation, for red maple [Acer rubrum L. Red Sunset® (‘Franksred’)] and Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) planted at grade or 30-cm below grade. Sleeves to prevent soil-trunk contact were installed around trunks on a subset of deep trees. Root collar excavations were made during the 6th growing season for both species and trees were grown for an additional 4 and 3 growing seasons for red maples and Northern red oaks, respectively. Within two weeks of root collar excavations, pulling tests compared the effect of treatments on stability of red maples. Deep planting generally slowed growth of red maple but had no clear effect on Northern red oak. Root collar excavation had no lasting effect on growth of either species. Approximately 55% of deep red maples and 33% of deep Northern red oaks had roots crossing and in intimate contact with buried trunks, suggesting a potential for future girdling roots. Approximately 25% of deep maples had substantial adventitious rooting. All deep Northern red oaks had new roots emerging just above the first original structural roots but none were clearly adventitious. Trunk sleeves had no effect on growth for either species. Neither deep planting nor root collar excavation resulted in a loss of tree stability compared to trees planted at grade, although failure patterns varied among treatments. Overall, the biggest long term concern for deep-planted trees is the potential for girdling root formation.  相似文献   

The early-1990s’ war in former Yugoslavia led to severe damage to the urban and peri-urban forests of Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the Siege of Sarajevo (April 1992–March 1996), after the energy supplies to the city had been cut off, over three-quarters of all urban trees and nearly all peri-urban trees within the siege line were cut down for firewood by the desperate residents. After the war, the city trees were quickly and effectively replanted, and Sarajevo provides a useful case study of urban forest recovery. This study presents the observations and measurements, of trees that survived the war and the trees planted after the war, made in Sarajevo in May 2008. We summarize the lessons learned from the Sarajevo experience, regarding both damage and replanting, which include the close relationship between the urban tree damage and the specifics of military operations, the importance of the initial planting stock, and the advantages of collaboration between academic researchers and urban forest managers.  相似文献   

Accurately measuring tree vitality is important for arborists because urban trees are frequently impacted by various stressors. A research study was conducted to evaluate different techniques to determine vitality of live oaks (Quercus virginiana P. Miller). Glucose and starch content of trees was measured in a laboratory and compared with field techniques for assessing tree vitality, including a portable blood glucose meter, Lugol’s solution, chlorophyll fluorescence Fv/Fm, and cambial electrical resistances (Shigometer). An initial trial was conducted on a group of trees exhibiting varying stress levels. Results showed a strong association between glucose content determined in the laboratory and field results using a portable blood glucose meter. Irrespective of the visible level of stress observed in the initial trial, there was no significant change in Shigometer and Fv/Fm values between trees indicating that these techniques were less sensitive at detecting stress. A second trial focused on correlating the results from the techniques with the visual health of trees. Glucose content determined in the lab and Lugol’s solution did not have significant differences among different vitality groups, while starch content analyzed in a lab, Fv/Fm and Shigometer measurements taken in the field revealed significant differences between trees exhibiting poor and good vitality. Results indicated that electrical resistance readings can detect vitality differences in trees that were affected by severe stress conditions. This study revealed that a portable blood glucose meter appears to offer an easy and reliable technique for assessing glucose content in trees. However, lab analysis of glucose and starch content did not correlate well with visual differences in tree health or other tools used to evaluate vitality in the field. Results indicate that vitality is a complex variable to be assessed and that visual symptoms are still required in the tree vitality determination.  相似文献   

Christchurch, the second largest city in New Zealand is a planned city on a coastal plain on the east coast of the South Island. The birth of the city and the subsequent century of development was characterised by colonial values and tree and garden planting with familiar European species along with those from Australia, North America, and eventually all other continents. The image of an “English garden city” with classical parks of oaks and willow-lined rivers became the accepted norm and the way in which the city has been promoted to potential tourists. Gardening is one of the top two recreational activities and exotic species greatly outnumber native species in the flora and in gardens. This has had serious consequences for the highly fragmented and degraded indigenous vegetation and its co-adapted wildlife. A few hardy indigenous species continued to regenerate through this period, but since the 1970s, there has been a progressive change of attitude and interest in reclaiming the natural heritage of the city, manifest in widespread private and public planting of indigenous species and active habitat restoration. In this article we examine the indigenous and exotic shrub and tree components of the Christchurch flora as planted street trees, in domestic gardens, and in parks. We also present data on shrub and tree regeneration in parks and domestic gardens in the city. Indications are that the more sensitive, less intrusive management of urban environments, combined with the greater density of indigenous seed sources, has allowed regeneration of a wide range of indigenous species across a broad spectrum of habitats – from neglected gardens to pavement cracks to exotic plantations. This is despite the competition from the prodigious seed banks and density of exotic trees, shrubs, and ground covers and albeit minimal impacts of introduced browsing and seed eating mammals. If the present trends continue through appropriate management and facilitation, these tentative signs of native forest regeneration should eventually proliferate into a sustainable mixed origin urban forest that resurrects and preserves the natural character of the region.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the climate and growth response of the sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) and the northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) using dendrochronological methods. Tree-ring series of street trees in the city of Dresden, Germany and in a nature reserve close to the urban area were analysed, and the climate and growth response and moving correlation functions (CF) were computed. Moreover, the impact of 13 years of drought was examined by superposed epoch analysis (SEA). Our results show that differences emerge from peculiarities of the different site conditions, indicating that city oaks contain a higher level of noise in their ring width data due to human activities that degrade the strength of growth-climate associations. Importantly, climatic conditions during the previous summer and autumn and during the current spring season display significant correlations with annual growth. The stability of the climate–growth relationship was tested via moving correlation functions. A strong increase in the correlation with the temperature and precipitation in April was found for the trees of northern red oak in forests. Drought years induced significant reductions in radial growth for the northern red oak only. Nevertheless, the long-term impact of drought years must be considered as marginal because of the fast recovery of the radial growth after one to two years. In the future, the growth of the northern red oak may be restricted by an increased frequency of droughts and warmer and drier conditions in April.  相似文献   

Birds can serve as useful model organisms to investigate community level consequences of forestry practices. In this study we investigated the relationships between wintering bird communities and habitat and landscape characteristics of lowland managed forests in Northern Italy. This area is characterized by the spread of the black locust, an alien species that has been favored by forestry practices at the expense of natural oak forests. Birds were censused in winter by point counts in randomly selected plots of 50 m radius. We first addressed bird community–habitat relationships by means of habitat structure measurements, then we investigated bird community–landscape relationships by using GIS techniques. We used generalized linear models (GLM) to test for the effects of habitat and landscape variables on bird community parameters (namely bird species richness, diversity and abundance). Bird community parameters were influenced by oak biomass and tree age, and by oak area and core area, while the other forest habitat types showed less influence. In forest management terms, the main conclusion is that the retention of native oaks is the keyfactor for the conservation of winter bird diversity in local deciduous woods. At the habitat level black locust harvesting may be tolerated, provided that old, large, native oaks are retained in all local woodlots to preserve landscape connectivity and foraging resources. At the landscape meso-scale, large native oak patches, should be preserved or, where necessary, restored. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The main objective of this research was to investigate climate-growth relationships and if climate is a possible cause of oak decline in a very representative peri-urban forest in the Mediterranean area. The dendrochronological behaviours of healthy trees and declining trees were compared according to compromised vitality as assessed by crown defoliation. The analysed parameters were ring and latewood widths. The results showed that ring widths and latewood depended directly on spring precipitation (April-May-June) and, inversely, on spring-summer temperature (April-May-June-July). The growth histories of healthy and declining deciduous oaks in Castelporziano, as evaluated by their crown vitality, were very similar. The onset of decline dates back to the middle of the 1940s, and a further irreversible growth depression was based on the increase in temperature in the 1980s. This climatic change is reflected roughly 13 years later in declining trees, 17 years later in the healthy ones, in a strong growth depression that appears very exacerbated by the recurrent warm extreme events after the 2000s. Latewood in our study did not add more to the total ring-width measurements, potentially because of a high state of tree suffering. Declining trees were in general older than healthy ones, but in this study, the difference in age was not different from a statistical point of view.  相似文献   

Urban forests are important for the health of cities. These forests face high anthropogenic pressure, including demands on their multi-functional role. Therefore, the impact of pests-induced disturbances may be greater for urban forests than forests outside of cities. Monitoring of pests in their native environment is an important tool for the management of urban forests. To better understand how pest population density is affected by the forest environment, we used the Oak bark beetle, Scolytus intricatus, as a model organism. The study was carried out in 2014–2015 in the urban forests of Pardubice City, Czech Republic. Pest population density was studied at three levels: branch, tree and patch. The increasing branch diameter was identified as an important variable with a threshold of 70 mm for entrance holes and 45 mm for emergence holes. Increasing host tree diameter at breast height with a threshold of 46.8 cm was statistically significant at the tree level in terms of the number of entrance holes. Increasing spring canopy openness was identified as an important variable at the patch level with a threshold of 50.78% and had a decreasing trend for the number of reared adults and their total body size. Big oak trees with thick branches under closed spring canopy are the most susceptible to attack by S. intricatus. Based on our findings, we propose that the maintenance of mature oaks under open canopies is important for urban forest management. Avoiding mixed plantings of oaks and conifers should promote these open canopies and lead to multiple advantages regarding oak silviculture.  相似文献   

Increasing tree species diversity has become a key underpinning for communities to improve resilience of urban and community forests. Increasingly, urban forestry researchers are examining physiological traits to aid in selecting trees for urban sites. Knowledge of physiological responses also has implications for understanding species’ resilience to increased stresses associated with climate change. Here, we compare growth, leaf SPAD chlorophyll index, water relations, and gas exchange of seven genotypes of shade trees planted in two locations in downtown Detroit, MI, USA. Genotypes included Redpointe® maple (Acer rubrum ‘Frank Jr.’), Flashfire® maple (Acer saccharum ‘JFS-Caddo2′), Pacific Sunset® maple (Acer truncatum x platanoides ‘Warrenred’), Emerald City® tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera ‘JFS-Oz’), Chanticleer® pear (Pyrus calleryana ‘Glen’s Form’), swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor), and Emerald Sunshine® elm (Ulmus propinqua ‘JFS-Bieberich’). Trees were planted in either Lafayette Plaisance Park (Park), a large urban greenspace, or on the median of St. Aubin Avenue (Median), a nearby major thoroughfare. Tree height growth and leaf SPAD index were higher for trees planted in the Park location than on the Median. However, genotypic variation was larger than the effects of location or the interaction of Genotype × Location for most traits. Across measurement dates, midday leaf water potential was lowest for Pyrus trees and highest for Ulmus and Liriodendron trees. Pyrus and Quercus trees had relatively high rates of net photosynthesis (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) while Liriodendron, Acer saccharum, and Ulmus trees had low rates of A and gs. Liriodendron trees closed their stomata rapidly as leaf water potential (Ψw) declined (isohydric response), while Pyrus and Quercus trees maintained gs across a range of leaf Ψw (anisohydric response). Liriodendron trees also had the highest relative growth rates, suggesting that drought stress avoidance through isohydry is a viable drought tolerance mechanism in urban trees.  相似文献   

This study integrates two existing computer programs, the Pest Vulnerability Matrix and i-Tree Streets, into a decision-support tool for assessing municipal forest stability and recommending strategies to mitigate risk of loss. A report card concept was developed to communicate levels of performance in terms that managers and the public easily understand. Grades were assigned to four aspects of a stable and resilient municipal forest: Species Dominance, Age Structure, Pest Threat and Potential Asset Loss. The data pool of 29 California municipal forest inventories contained information on 836,943 trees. Letter grades (A–F) were assigned to the four criteria and each city received customized recommendations for improving its grades. Three inventories received final grades of As, 18 received Bs, 6 Cs and 2 Ds. Twelve inventories received their highest grade for Species Dominance. Thirteen inventories received their lowest grade for Age Structure, largely because juvenile trees were underrepresented. Pest Threat received the lowest grade in 11 inventories and reduce Pest Threat was the top priority recommendation in 18 inventories. Four multi-host pests posed the greatest risk: Granulate ambrosia beetle, Asian longhorned beetle, Armillaria root rot and red palm weevil. Sycamore/plane was the most vulnerable taxon, followed by oaks, ash and eucalyptus. Eliminating or limiting the use of highly vulnerable tree species was recommended in nearly every city to reduce Pest Threat and improve Species Dominance. Increased planting of vacant sites with species not vulnerable to the most abundant and severe pests was a frequent recommendation for improving Age Structure. Another common recommendation to improve Age Structure was planned removal and replacement of overabundant mature and senescent taxa such as pear, eucalyptus, jacaranda and carrotwood.  相似文献   

Urban stormwater is a major contributor to surface water degradation in the United States, prompting cities to invest in ways to naturally capture, store, and slowly release runoff through green infrastructure (GI). An often overlooked, yet integral, component of GI is urban tree canopy, which functions as GI through the process of rainfall interception (i.e., rainfall captured and stored within the canopy prior to returning to the atmosphere via evaporation). Nine trees from three native species commonly found in urban areas in the southeastern United States were studied in three parks in Knoxville, TN, USA to quantify interception. Throughfall (rainfall that passes through the canopy) and stemflow (rainfall that travels down the trunk) data were collected with continuous measurements by a network of automatic rain gauges positioned underneath each tree canopy. Data were collected from January 2018 to May 2019 which resulted in 98 storm events collected for each red maple (Acer rubrum) and willow oak (Quercus phellos), and 97 storm events collected for each white pine (Pinus strobus). Annually, red maples, white pines, and willow oaks intercepted 24.4%, 52.4%, and 33.2% of gross throughfall, respectively. Seasonally, white pines performed the most consistently with interception varying only from 49.2% to 57.0% between seasons compared to an interception range of 13.2–39.7% and 17.5–54.2% for red maples and willow oaks, respectively. Results demonstrated the effect of event duration, rainfall intensity, and seasonality on the interception potential of each species. Overall, these observations are a step toward allowing the storage capacity of urban trees to be properly credited as part of efforts to reduce stormwater runoff.  相似文献   

Urban tree cover is inequitable in many American cities, with low-income and non-white neighborhoods typically having the least coverage. Some municipal and non-profit tree planting programs aim to address this inequity by targeting low-income neighborhoods; however, many programs face lack of participation or resistance from local residents. In this study, we aimed to uncover the economic, social, cultural, and physical barriers that community leaders face in planting trees and fostering engagement in a neighborhood with low tree canopy. In collaboration with an urban greening nonprofit in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (US), twenty in-depth interviews were conducted with community leaders in a low canopy neighborhood, North Philadelphia. Half of these leaders were already involved with local tree planting programs, while the other half were not. Findings reveal that despite broad appreciation for trees and greenspaces, there are concerns about the risks and costs residents assume over the course of a tree’s life cycle, the threat of neighborhood development and gentrification associated with trees, limited plantable space, and limited time and capacity for community organizations. Additionally, these barriers to participation may be amplified among low-income and communities of color who face the legacies of historical tree disservices and municipal structural disinvestment. Addressing community concerns regarding the long-term care of trees beyond the initial tree planting would likely require further programmatic support. Overall, this research highlights the complexity of addressing inequities in tree canopy and the importance of integrating resident and community leader perspectives about disservices and management costs into tree planting initiatives.  相似文献   


London plane tree (Platanus acerfolia) is a popular street tree and is a hybrid between the American sycamore and the Oriental plane tree. Using AFLP markers, genetic diversity and phenetic relationships were estimated in 38 London plane tree samples from Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, and from several nurseries. This investigation was intiated in order to manage, more effectively, the replanting of London plane trees in an existing (approx. 100 yearold) stand of approx. 100 trees. Four selective primer combinations generated a total of 492 amplification products, and 381 polymorphic markers were detected. Polymorphism ranged from 60 – 82%, with an average of 77%. A phenetic tree was constructed using Nei and Li’s coefficient of similarity with UPGMA. Other clustering algorithms were examined and all gave similar co-phenetic correlation values. The phenetic tree separated the nursery trees from the Schenley Park samples. Bootstrap analyses were completed, and the values gave strong support for this clade. We investigated the different propagating techniques applied between these samples. The Schenley Park plants had been grown from seed or seedlings, while the nursery plants were clonally propagated, which correlated with the observed differences in similarity coefficients. The level of genetic variability detected by AFLP analysis within these London plane tree samples suggested that this is a reliable, efficient, and effective marker system that can be used for better management of rural tree plantings.  相似文献   

Isolated trees may significantly enhance biodiversity at the landscape level. However, our understanding of their impacts is still poor, particularly in environments with high soil moisture where research on this topic has been comparatively limited. We examined understorey vegetation and soil oribatid mite assemblages under live and dead Scots pine trees and in open treeless areas, all within the same Scottish upland wet heath system, to determine whether isolated live trees affected the understorey and mite components of the ecosystem, and whether these effects occurred in parallel. We also explored whether these responses might result from tree-driven reductions in soil moisture content. Live trees reduced soil moisture (relative to wet heath and beneath dead trees) and appeared to change vegetation from wet heath to dry heath type communities. These effects were strongly related to tree trunk diameter (tree size). No major effects of dead trees on understorey vegetation or soil moisture were apparent. Higher mite species abundance and richness were found under live trees than in treeless open heath. Although mite abundances were lower under dead trees than live trees, richness remained similar, thus different factors seem to be regulating mite abundance and community composition. These findings indicate that landscape-level biodiversity responses to environmental change such as habitat fragmentation cannot be predicted from vegetation patterns alone, and that even in heavily fragmented landscapes comparatively small patches such as isolated individual trees can enhance biodiversity.  相似文献   

We assessed the possible influences of dominant tree density (Butia yatay palm trees) and fire on the expansion of a riparian tree population (Myrcianthes cisplatensis) over El Palmar National Park, a protected savanna in Argentina. Our approach is based on Skellam’s model of population expansion, which predicts that populations with density-independent reproduction and random dispersal will exhibit Gaussian-shaped expansion fronts. Using Poisson regression, we fitted Gaussian curves to Myrcianthes density data collected at varying distances from a riparian forest, within four environmental conditions resulting from combinations of palm density (dense and sparse) and fire history (burned and unburned). Based on the estimated parameters, we derived statistics appropriate to compare attained expansion velocity, mean squared effective dispersal distance, and density-independent population growth among environmental conditions. We also analyzed the effects of palm density, fire history, and distance from the riparian forest on local maximum size of Myrcianthes individuals. Gaussian curves fitted the data reasonably well and slightly better than two alternative front models. Palm density and fire history interacted to control Myrcianthes spread, making unburned dense palm savannas the preferential avenue for Myrcianthes population expansion across the landscape. Limitation of Myrcianthes expansion by fire appeared to result from low survival of small individuals to fire, whereas facilitation of Myrcianthes expansion by palm trees may have resulted from increased population growth. Our results stress the interactive role of fire regime and local biotic influences in determining propagule pressure and tree establishment at the forefront, and the overall vulnerability of savannas to colonization by forest species.  相似文献   

Once renowned as India’s “garden city”, the fast growing southern Indian city of Bangalore is rapidly losing tree cover in public spaces including on roads. This study aims to study the distribution of street trees in Bangalore, to assess differences in tree density, size and species composition across roads of different widths, and to investigate changes in planting practices over time. A spatially stratified approach was used for sampling with 152 transects of 200 m length distributed across wide roads (with a width of 24 m or greater), medium sized roads (12–24 m) and narrow roads (less than 12 m). We find the density of street trees in Bangalore to be lower than many other Asian cities. Species diversity is high, with the most dominant species accounting for less than 10% of the overall population. Narrow roads, usually in congested residential neighborhoods, have fewer trees, smaller sized tree species, and a lower species diversity compared to wide roads. Since wide roads are being felled of trees across the city for road widening, this implies that Bangalore’s street tree population is being selectively denuded of its largest trees. Older trees have a more diverse distribution with several large sized species, while young trees come from a less diverse species set, largely dominated by small statured species with narrow canopies, which have a lower capacity to absorb atmospheric pollutants, mitigate urban heat island effects, stabilize soil, prevent ground water runoff, and sequester carbon. This has serious implications for the city’s environmental and ecological health. These results highlight the need to protect large street trees on wide roads from tree felling, and to select an appropriate and diverse mix of large and small sized tree species for new planting.  相似文献   

Oak wilt, caused by the invasive fungal pathogen Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt, is a serious and fatal disease of oaks, Quercus spp., with red oaks (section Lobatae) generally being more susceptible than white oaks (section Quercus). Oak wilt was first recognized in North America in 1944 and has since been confirmed in 24 eastern, midwestern, and southern states. The purpose of this paper is to review relevant literature on the efficacy of oak wilt treatment options. Root disruption, sanitation, and chemical control methods have been used most often to manage the disease. Root disruption has primarily focused on severing root grafts between oaks. Sanitation has focused on removal and proper disposal of potential spore-producing trees. Chemical control has focused on the use of systemic triazole fungicides. Efficacy of treatments can vary significantly, for example from 54% to 100% for root graft barriers. Educational programs can increase prevention efforts, detection, compliance with recommended management methods, and overall efficacy. Our review confirms that management programs should address underground and overland spread and include an educational component.  相似文献   

Visitors’ perceptions of traditional homestead windbreaks on the Ryukyu Archipelago were determined in this study by analyzing the user-generated comments (UGC) on Instagram. It was found that an overwhelming majority of tourists used phrases like “spiritual,” “greenery,” “nature,” and “healing” to describe their feelings while visiting the dense windbreaks, in comparison with local residents’ perceptions of “windbreak” and “firebreak” in their stories. By analyzing the Instagram UGC, useful information related to tourists’ assessments, perceptions of windbreaks, and disadvantages of trees with numerous mosquitoes, was obtained. Many tourists assessed dense tree lines as sacred and spiritual. Furthermore, many tourists preferred a comfortable tour by riding a bicycle and a micro kickboard without walking too much. This study demonstrated Instagram as an important source of tourists’ perceptions of landscape amenities, which can inform tourism management organizations (TMO). It is recommended that homestead windbreaks are promoted on the websites of TMO of isolated islands and remote areas, and as a popular destination that is part of local culture and alternative tourist attractions.  相似文献   

The determination of tree age is an important issue for urban green planning, forestry and dendrology; finding non-destructive and quasi-non-destructive methods for this purpose is of great theoretical and practical importance. The resistance drilling method is quasi-non-destructive because the average diameter of an opening that remains after drilling does not exceed 3 mm. Do electrically recording resistance drills allow precise assessment of tree age? The aim of this study is to assess the accuracy of determining the number of tree rings based on an examination of this special kind of drilling resistance profiles for three tree species, the pine Pinus sylvestris L., the oak Quercus robur L., and the birch Betula pendula ROTH. In 2015 and 2016, 15 pine trees, 15 oak trees, and 15 birch trees were randomly selected. For each studied tree, a measurement was conducted using the electrically recording resistance drill IML-Resi E400 with a flat-tipped 1.5/3 mm steel needle (research sample), and an increment core was taken (reference sample). The drill used was not a real Resistograph®. The analysis of the E400-profiles underestimated the number of tree rings; the mean bias error (MBE) values were –6.5, –2.5, and –6.0 years for pine, oak, and birch, respectively. The proportion of investigated trees with less than five years difference between the research and reference samples varied from 38.4 (birch) to 66.7 (oak) percent. The accuracy of tree age determination was lowest for birch and highest for oak. The binomial generalised linear model (GLM) revealed that the most accurate tree age assessments were obtained from tree rings wider than 2 mm. The measurements clearly showed that the electrically recording resistance drill IML-Resi E400 enables a quick, although approximate, tree age assessment. Future research should concentrate on electronically regulating and recording drills, providing a higher spatial and signal resolution, and a stronger correlation to wood density.  相似文献   

Residential properties in the United States represent a considerable amount of land area and contain substantial tree cover. Homeowners are important decision makers in the management of city trees because they influence the structure of urban forests, and ultimately, ecosystem service potential. To better understand the perceptions, knowledge, and practices of homeowners regarding residential tree preservation, we surveyed owners of newer versus older homes in a midwestern suburb in the United States. We found that newer homeowners were younger, wealthier, and less knowledgeable about the natural aspects of their property. During the redevelopment process, they relied on professionals to make major decisions regarding tree preservation. In contrast, owners of older homes often identified as retirees and gardeners, had more knowledge of the natural aspects of their property, and were more likely to hire an arborist. Regardless of these differences, both homeowner groups expressed equal appreciation for nature, planted, pruned, and mulched their trees, experienced tree loss, hired landscaping and tree care professionals, and communicated with the City’s Forestry Section. The results of our study further clarify the role that homeowners play in decision-making during development and highlight the important relationships that exist between homeowners and urban forest professionals.  相似文献   

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