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Emission trading is considered to be an economically sensitive method for reducing the concentrations of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. There has been debate about the viability of using urban tree plantings in these markets. The main concern is whether or not urban planting projects can be cost effective options for investors. We compared the cost efficiency of four case studies located in Colorado, and used a model sensitivity analysis to determine what variables most influence cost effectiveness. We believe that some urban tree planting projects in specific locations may be cost effective investments. Our modeling results suggest that carbon assimilation rate, which is mainly a function of growing season length, has the largest influence on cost effectiveness, however resource managers can create more effective projects by minimizing costs, planting large-stature trees, and manipulating a host of other variables that affect energy usage.  相似文献   

Urban green infrastructure, including street trees, plays a key role in providing ecosystem services to urban residents. However, to fully understand the effective role of trees in the urban context, it is also necessary to evaluate the disservices that they can produce in the development of their functions if not managed in an adequate and integrated way. This contribution aims to demonstrate an approach to assess three disservices (pavement damage, aesthetic damage, likelihood of tree failure) of street trees at the municipal level, starting from the existing municipal tree inventory. In this case study, from the street tree population, a sample of approximately 5% of the trees was drawn by stratified random sampling, where the strata were composed of groups of tree species. In particular, a sampling scheme is adapted in which the probability to select a tree in the sample is greater for bigger trees, under the assumption that the bigger the trees the greater are the disservices caused. In this way, a greater precision of the estimates of the considered disservices for the population of urban trees is expected. The results show a high variability of disservices provision among species groups. The results also confirmed a positive correlation between the considered disservices and tree diameter at breast height, while other tree attributes such as total height and crown diameter were found to be positively related only to pavement damages. Finally, severe pruning can lead to a high level of the aesthetic and functional disservices even for shorter and younger street trees.  相似文献   

Vegetation in urban areas provides benefits to people, which are increasingly assessed and valued as ecosystem services (ESS). The regulation of the urban microclimate is one of these services, since trees have the potential to reduce urban heat loads by evapotranspiration and shading. Simultaneously, it has been suggested that trees from dry habitats should be used to cope with the increasing risks of drought under climate change in Central Europe. The underlying properties that enable those trees to reduce dependence on the environment, however, are assumed to come at the expense of biomass production and water loss. In the potentially conflicted area between drought tolerance and ESS we compared water consumption, water-use efficiency (WUE), crown structure and growth of six roadside species/cultivars, which are assumed to vary in drought tolerance, due to differing resource supplies in their native habitats. Acer platanoides, Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’, and Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’ were compared with Acer campestre, Ostrya carpinifolia, and Tilia tomentosa ‘Brabant’, the latter presumably being less water-demanding. Measurements took place in the municipal nursery of Munich during summer 2016.Surprisingly, the less water-demanding species/cultivars exhibited on average 1.24 times higher values of maximum daily sap flux density and up to seven times higher growth rates, both contributing to higher WUE. Scaled to leaf level, however, their mean daily transpiration rates were on average lower (0.21 and 0.31 kg H2O m−2 d−1, respectively). They also showed higher flexibility in response to changing weather with increased growth and transpiration under favorable conditions in early summer, but a more conservative water use in dry late summer. The results suggest that these species/cultivars tend to regulate their water use stronger under increasing dryness, whereas canopy size and leaf amount are still the main important determinants of species and cultivar differences in water use.  相似文献   

In urban ecosystems, tree cavities provide critical habitat for a variety of wildlife, and their occurrence is influenced by tree health, management, and cavity excavators. Changes over time in vegetative structure, human use patterns, and built environment affect the formation and persistence of tree cavities, and these changes may differ in various urban habitats. Trees with some decay are often associated with tree cavities, however, parks and residential habitats which are highly managed often lack highly-decayed trees, and large trees which are dead and damaged are likely to be removed and replaced with saplings. We surveyed changes over seven years (in 2013 and 2020) in the abundance of both excavated woodpecker cavities and decay cavities, in three urban habitats (forest, park, and residential) in the Chicago region, IL, USA. We observed greater stability of cavity abundance in managed park and residential habitats over time. Low numbers of highly-decayed trees in park and residential habitats were associated with reduced excavated cavity presence compared to forests. As expected, in both 2013 and 2020, the probability of cavity presence for both excavated and decay cavities was increased with greater tree size and higher levels of tree decay, though the patterns of this association varied between habitat types and years. The continued replacement and maintenance of existing trees means that managed park and residential habitats were more stable than unmanaged forest remnants, which are vulnerable to large changes in tree characteristics which could foster unpredictable booms or busts in cavity supply. A stable inventory of tree-cavities depends on preserving large trees, and decay of urban trees benefits habitat quality for cavity-nesters. Pruning of branches or removal of dead trees curtails the life-cycle of tree cavities in decayed branches, so that more highly managed habitats contain fewer cavities than the number of trees could potentially support. Cavity abundance could be improved in stable habitats through reduced intervention where safe, allowing cavity development to occur in situ.  相似文献   

The global intensification of urbanization is driving a disconnect between humans and nature. Communicating ecosystem services (ES) and disservices (EDS) to city residents offers an opportunity to help reassociate people with ecological processes of the urban forest, benefiting support for urban forest management. It has been theorized that the complexity of ES and EDS may dissuade their coverage by journalists in print media. Further, the complexity of the interrelationship of ES and EDS could represent a challenge for communication. To examine communication of ES and EDS, we conducted a literature review of newspaper articles published in two prominent newspapers in Winnipeg, Manitoba between January 2010 and May 2021. During the study period, 114 urban forestry articles mentioned ES and/or EDS. Cultural services were the most frequently discussed, followed by regulating services. Provisioning services were discussed least which may reflect their reduced importance in urban forestry discourse/management. Twenty-three articles mentioned EDS, only eight of which also mentioned ES. Only six articles referenced the related ES to the EDS, all of which were in articles focused on tree planting. Despite the complexity of many ES discussed in the articles, the interrelatedness of some ES and EDS were not well described. Counter to previous newspaper reviews, we found that ES were discussed more than EDS. However, the communication of EDS remains an important component of urban forest discourse. While navigating communication on the intersection of ES and EDS may prove challenging in print journalism, we argue restructuring EDS communication such that it is framed in ES discourse could mitigate public concerns surrounding urban forestry, while creating equitable coverage of urban forest affairs. We identify the need for further research on the impact of social media and television as alternative venues for urban forestry discourse.  相似文献   

Urban tree inventories are useful tools to assess the environmental and socio-economic services provided by urban forests. These inventories enable the evaluation of the climate change risk to urban forests, and governments rely on such inventories for urban planning and management. Here, we assessed the future climate risk of Australia and the state of urban tree inventories across 116 local government areas (LGAs), representing 21 % of the country’s LGAs and encompassing 55 % of the national human population. We evaluated projected changes in temperature and precipitation by 2050 for each LGA and conducted a survey to obtain information on the extent and types of data available in existing urban tree inventories. Additionally, we compiled demographic, socio-economic, and geographical data for all LGAs to explore correlates with tree inventory status. Temperature increases in 2050 were predicted in all LGAs, with higher latitude and smaller LGAs identified to undergo greater increases in temperature compared to larger and lower latitude LGAs. Decreases in seasonal precipitation were predicted for 97 LGAs. Seventy-six (66 %) of surveyed LGAs had urban tree inventories, which most commonly included trees along streets and in parks. Sixty-one LGAs record information on tree mortality, while 31 LGAs dynamically update their inventories. The presence of an inventory and the area it covered were positively associated with human population density. More than 30 years ago, in 1988, John Gray wrote that “insufficient statistics were available in Australia to provide an accurate picture of the urban forest estate”. Our research shows there has not been a significant advance in the adoption and use of urban forest inventories over the past three decades. Long-term, dynamically updated inventories are crucial for urban forest management to inform planting choices to support sustainable and resilient cities.  相似文献   

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and web-based GIS platforms are typically used by large organizations and government agencies for the purpose of data storage, query, analysis, and spatial data mapping. Google Fusion Tables, however, provides cloud-based computing services for data management and easy user collaboration through the Google Maps interface. Fusion Tables are oriented towards smaller organizations that previously were unable to publish data online due to limitations of database knowledge, high cost of start-up, and restrictions on implementation. In this research project, we assess the functionality and limitations of Fusion Tables and associated API as a spatial data management system by programming an interactive web-based mapping platform, the CityTrees.ca Project, designed to showcase the benefits of trees growing on the campus of Ryerson University, Toronto. Specifically, Fusion Tables functionality, such as data storage and manipulation, is used to build a query interface (both attribute and spatial) that permits users of CityTrees.ca to search for and map trees by species, diameter, height, and location. We found that Fusion Tables performed well as a storage medium for our campus tree data, which could easily be explored through our creation of a JavaScript-enabled query tool. Our project provides a unique roadmap for small to medium-sized urban forestry organizations and environmental non-profits seeking to create interactive mapping applications where data privacy and advanced spatial analysis are not fundamental.  相似文献   

Urban trees play an important role in green infrastructure planning for the ecosystem services they provide. These services include carbon sequestration, the provision of clean air through oxygen production and filtering of airborne pollutants, and the offsetting of the urban heat island effect by providing shade and cooling. In addition to the well-studied positive effects of urban trees, under specific conditions, there are some unwanted side effects that need to be considered. Such negative side effects, such as allergies caused by tree pollen, traffic hazards from falling trees or tree parts or damage from roots or branches in resource supply or waste disposal infrastructures, are termed ecosystem disservices. An ecosystem disservice that is not very often illuminated in the urban context is the presence of poisonous urban trees. This paper provides a spatially explicit view of the distribution of poisonous urban trees in the city of Berlin, relating the spatial distribution of the hazard from this urban ecosystem disservice with the conditions under which it can have the most damaging effect by considering nearby playgrounds and areas with a high population density of children under 5 years old, the most vulnerable group within the urban population.  相似文献   

The ability of plants to tolerate stress is determined in part by the carbon allocated to their reserves. We studied two common urban tree species in northeastern North America, Acer saccharinum (Silver maple, native) and Acer platanoides (Norway maple, exotic), to assess the dynamics of non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) concentrations immediately following a maintenance pruning of 30% of the tree crown. NSC concentrations were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography in branches, main stems, and root tissues for both pruned and un-pruned trees at three intervals during the growing season. NSC concentrations in tree organs of A. platanoides were 75% higher than in A. saccharinum. Maintenance pruning did not have any significant depletion effect on carbohydrate concentrations in the tissues of either species. Yet, there was a significant increase in the NSC concentrations in un-pruned branches of pruned trees of A. platanoides at the end of the growing season, but no effect was observed in A. saccharinum. Higher levels of carbohydrates after pruning in woody plant tissues suggested that A. platanoides may have compensatory mechanisms that allow this species to respond better to maintenance pruning than A. saccharinum.  相似文献   

Although there is a common trend towards increasing green space in modern cities, urban green spaces provide not only ecosystem services but also disservices for urban dwellers. However, the relationship between urban greenness and ecosystem disservices has been poorly examined. We aimed to understand the effect of greenness level on the abundance and species composition of hornets – critical pests in Japan and to identify the best spatial scale for estimating their abundance with reference to greenness levels. We used a dataset that contained eight years of abundance data for four hornet species at 11 sites in Nagoya city. The levels of greenness around the hornet sampling points were measured using averages from the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with radiuses of 0.1–10.0 km. We analysed the relationship between abundance and species composition of hornets and NDVI at different spatial scales using generalized linear mixed models. Higher NDVI values positively affected the abundance of all the hornet species except Vespa analis. The abundances were estimated most effectively using the NDVI average with a 1–2 km radius for all species. The species composition of hornets drastically changed along the gradient of NDVI values; V. mandarinia was dominant in greener areas (over 0.2–0.3 NDVI average with a 2 km radius) and V. analis in less green areas (below 0.2–0.3 NDVI average). Our study showed that the abundance and species composition of hornets were both strongly associated with the level of urban greenness. This suggests that increases in the greenness of urban areas can increase hornet abundance and alter the species composition of hornets; a more aggressive species, V. mandarinia, may also increase in urban areas, although V. analis is currently the most critical species according to regional consultants. Balancing ecosystem services and disservices has become crucial for the planning and management of green spaces, particularly when urban green space increases. We also demonstrate how human tolerance towards wildlife may have to be improved in order to live in greener environment where wildlife can be expected.  相似文献   

Urban green infrastructure provides a number of cultural ecosystem services that are greatly appreciated by the public. In order to benefit from these services, actual contact with the respective ecosystem is often required. Furthermore, the type of services offered depend on the physical characteristics of the ecosystem. We conducted a review of publications dealing with demand or social factors such as user needs, preferences and values as well as spatially explicit supply or physical factors such as amount of green space, (bio)diversity, recreational infrastructure, etc. and linking demand and supply factors together. The aim was to provide an overview of this highly interdisciplinary research, to describe how these linkages are being made and to identify which factors significantly influence dependent variables such as levels of use, activities or health and well-being benefits. Commonly used methods were the combination of questionnaires with either on-site visual recording of elements or GIS data. Links between social and physical data were usually established either by using statistical tools or by overlaying different thematic maps. Compared to the large number of variables assessed in most studies, the significant effects in the end were relatively few, not consistent across the studies and largely dependent on the context they were seen in. Studies focused on aesthetic and recreational services, while spiritual, educational and inspirational services were not considered when creating links to spatially explicit ecological structures. We conclude that an improvement and harmonization of methodologies, cross-country studies and an expansion of this line of research to a wider range of services and more user groups could help clarify relationships and thereby increase applicability for urban management and planning.  相似文献   

The Fraxinus genus consists of ca. 65 deciduous, rarely evergreen trees found mainly throughout Europe, Asia and North America. Fraxinus species possess the aesthetic characteristics desired of urban trees (autumn colour, attractive bark and flowers); however, no scientifically based tolerance ranking exists for many genotypes within this genera. Aims of this study were to identify whether differences in drought tolerance exist within the Fraxinus genus and thereby provide information as to their usefulness for planting in urban landscapes where water stress poses a threat to transplant survival. At the cessation of a 2-week drought stress and subsequent recovery period, marked differences in drought tolerance among genotypes were distinguished based on net photosynthesis, leaf chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll concentration. In addition, measurement of light absorbance, light trapping, electron transport and dissipation fluxes per leaf cross section of photosystem II at the cessation of the drought period provided an insight into mechanisms of drought damage and resilience among the genotypes tested. The results of this investigation indicate that F. excelsior ‘Aurea Pendula’, F. nigra Marsh., F. ornus L., F. angustifolia ‘Raywood’, F. excelsior L. and F. excelsior ‘Jaspidea’ should be considered for urban planting sites, where water supply is limited. Care should be taken when planting F. americana L., F. americana ‘Autumn Purple’ and F. velutina Torr., into urban environments as results indicated these species are sensitive to drought.  相似文献   



Cultural landscapes provide essential ecosystem services to local communities, especially in poor rural settings. However, potentially negative impacts of ecosystems—or disservices—remain inadequately understood. Similarly, how benefit–cost outcomes differ within communities is unclear, but potentially important for cultural landscape management.


Here we investigated whether distinct forest ecosystem service–disservice outcomes emerge within local communities. We aimed to characterize groups of community members according to service–disservice outcomes, and assessed their attitudes towards the forest.


We interviewed 150 rural households in southwestern Ethiopia about locally relevant ecosystem services (provisioning services) and disservices (wildlife impacts). Households were grouped based on their ecosystem service–disservice profiles through hierarchical clustering. We used linear models to assess differences between groups in geographic and socioeconomic characteristics, as well as attitudes toward the forest.


We identified three groups with distinct ecosystem service–disservice profiles. Half of the households fell into a “lose–lose” profile (low benefits, high costs), while fewer had “lose–escape” (low benefits, low costs) and “win–lose” (high benefits, high costs) profiles. Location relative to forest and altitude explained differences between the “lose–escape” profile and other households. Socioeconomic factors were also important. “Win–lose” households appeared to be wealthier and had better forest use rights compared to “lose–lose” households. Attitudes towards the forest did not differ between profiles.


Our study demonstrates the importance of disaggregating both ecosystem services and disservices, instead of assuming that communities receive benefits and costs homogenously. To manage cultural landscapes sustainably, such heterogeneity must be acknowledged and better understood.

Urban green spaces provide important ecological, environmental, and cultural benefits, including biodiversity conservation and human wellbeing. However, a significant portion of urban green space is currently managed as highly manicured grassy lawns that provide limited ecosystem services. Managing urban green spaces as diverse meadows can have a multitude of ecosystem benefits such as biodiversity conservation, stormwater infiltration, and aesthetics. Relatively little is known about the range of ecosystem services or disservices in managing urban green spaces as lawns versus meadows. In this paper, we separately characterize three major categories of ecosystem services and disservices (provisioning, regulation and maintenance, and cultural) delivered by urban lawns and meadows while highlighting several trade-offs and synergies associated with urban lawn and meadow management strategies. Additionally, we suggest specific research priorities to better evaluate ecosystem services and disservices across these urban green spaces. Understanding ecological, environmental, and cultural trade-offs and synergies of managing different urban green spaces is key to maintaining multiple ecosystem services in urban environments.  相似文献   

Urban greening has rapidly emerged as a key urban climate change adaptation strategy. Urban greening is thought to confer manifold socio-ecological benefits upon residents in towns and cities. Yet proponents of urban greening have seldom considered how people’s support for greening policies may be shaped by weather and climate. This paper reports the results of exploratory research examining public expectations of adverse weather changes and people’s attitudes toward the functional benefits of urban trees and green space. Results of a questionnaire survey of 800 residents of Hong Kong indicate a positive relationship. Respondents tended to rate functional benefits as more important if they anticipated adverse weather changes in the near future, namely, rising temperatures, more tropical cyclones and prolonged rain. This subjective weather effect is more salient when these weather changes are perceived as a threat to one’s daily life. We found urban greenery is assigned a higher value by individuals concerned about exposure and vulnerability to climatic stressors. Affinity for greening appears to be related to how weather and climatic variability is perceived. This observation is informed by a broader geographic perspective, which construes weather and climate as part of the spatial environment in which urban nature is apprehended and comprehended. An explanation for our findings is that increasingly volatile weather can potentially reshape urban residents’ interactions with nature, based on perceived relief and/or protection from climate-related threats.  相似文献   

Healthy and sustainable tree populations require a high diversity of genera and species. This study examined the occurrence and contents of tree inventories in Denmark's 30 largest municipalities. 59% of the municipalities had a tree inventory for street trees, but only about half of these were complete and updated. Only one municipality had a registration for trees other than street trees. Based on data from the tree inventories, the diversity of road side trees was analyzed at genus level and species level. A total of 82,072 street trees are part of the study. 11 different genera account for 92% of the total street tree stock, and 2–6 genera account for 40–80% of the street tree stock in the individual municipalities. Tilia was the most dominating genera (26%). 12 species account for 73% of the total street tree stock. The 6 most common species account for almost 50% of the total tree population. The species representing the largest numbers were Tilia × europaea (12%), Acer platanoides (10.9%), Platanus × acerifolia (7.2%), Tilia cordata (7.2%), Fraxinus excelsior (6.2%) and Sorbus intermedia (5.9%). The four most urbanized municipalities had a surplus of non-native species, but all municipalities apart from one had most street trees belonging to native species. The concluding recommendation of this study is that tree managers need to start working more strategic with their tree stock, in order to reduce the vulnerability, due to potential attacks from pests or diseases and climate change effects. A risk spreading system for the urban tree population is proposed, suggesting that no genera should account for more than 10% and no species for more than 5% of the tree population.  相似文献   

Tree roots cause significant and costly damage to sewer systems. However, the contributions made by tree and sewer characteristics to sewer system damage are not yet well understood. Previous research has proved inconclusive and there is a lack of agreement on the importance of the variables involved, which means that the results cannot be extrapolated globally. This study presents a methodology to improve the understanding of tree root-sewer conflicts through a geostatistical analysis of a tree inventory and CCTV video fault reports. The methodology is applied to a 11 km2 case study in Bogotá, Colombia. The analysis used tree and sewer pipe georeferenced data, principal component analysis, and linear, Logit, and Poisson regression models. The proposed methodology identifies the pipe characteristics and the tree species most responsible for the root intrusion events into sewers. As expected, larger trees are prone to cause more pipe damage; therefore tree-pipe distance is a relevant parameter control for reducing potential deterioration. Cumulative precipitation and pipe length showed no effect on observed root intrusion events, and pipes made from brick had higher odds to present root intrusion in contrast with concrete pipes. The presented methodology uses readily available information and software, and can be modified depending on the requirements of each particular case study. This approach will therefore allow for more efficient use of costly, site-specific pipe investigations, and is especially useful for cases where there is a general lack of knowledge regarding the characteristics that favour the negative interactions between pipes and tree roots.  相似文献   

Research points to numerous benefits provided by urban street trees including qualitative and quantitative public health, economic, and environmental advantages for a city and its residents. As with other key aspects of city management that help develop municipal success, urban forestry requires foresight, commitment and planning that lead to effective policies and strategies. Good street tree management based on effective policies can maximise street tree benefits. Poorly conceived policies or the absence of effective policies can lead to the opposite result. A case study of the neighbouring cities of Loma Linda and Redlands, California illustrates this difference. The urban tree care and protection policies in these two cities have evolved differently. The differences may be attributable to contrasting municipal commitments to preservation and to best-practice management principles. Based on a comparative analysis of street tree policies of the two cities, it can be concluded that a local culture favouring tree protection and reflective guidelines and policies can result in proactive and successful management of an urban forest. Such policies also include provision for gathering data essential for strategic tree planting, care and removal.  相似文献   

Urban green space is important for alleviating high temperatures, pollution, and flooding in cities. Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly clear that urban green space is important for the mental and physical health of humans residing in cities and that urban green space may harbor unique biodiversity. Understanding the extent and drivers of urban green space is thus important. While urban green space has been mapped and studied at local to national scales, the global patterns and drivers of urban green space remain unknown, potentially hampering effective planning and allocation of resources toward reaching sustainable development goals. Here, we quantified the effect of environmental and socio-economic drivers (temperature, precipitation, human development, and population density) on urban green space globally by focusing on national capital cities. We used satellite imagery to map urban green space using two measures: the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and the fractional cover of “green” land cover classes. NDVI is useful as it includes all vegetated surfaces, also small ones like gardens. However, land cover classes allow the exclusion of certain classes such as sports fields or cropland. We used boosted regression trees to show that climatic variables accounted for 75 % of the relative influence in urban green space, with a positive effect of precipitation and a negative effect of temperature. Importantly, socioeconomic variables accounted for 25 % of the influence on global urban green space, with a positive effect of human development index (HDI) and a negative effect of population density. HDI in relation to urban green space has not previously been tested globally, and our study shows that significantly affects urban greenspace. The results demonstrate that cities where development status is low and population densities are high, typically in the Global South, have less urban green space than the climate would predict. The results therefore suggest that human wellbeing does not only benefit directly from increasing human development and decreasing population densities in urban areas, but that these effects may be compounded by also improving nature’s contribution to people.  相似文献   

Urban paved sites are complex stress environments and when selecting trees for such sites, tree planners must prioritise stress tolerance above aesthetic appeal and functional aspects. This requires detailed information about the tolerance of tree species to environmental stresses, so as to support urban tree planners in selecting a wide range of trees. In Scandinavia there is currently no overview of the extent to which the character of information about stress tolerance and its dissemination in books and papers support urban tree planners in selecting a wide range of species for paved sites. Books on dendrology, literature on plant use in cities, tree nursery catalogues and scientific papers were therefore reviewed. For the review, eight tree species were selected along a gradient representing their intensity of use in Northern Europe. We examined the character of information and assessed it relative to tree planners’ requirements for information to be; contextual, local to Scandinavia, referring to existing plantings in paved sites and recommendations for use of the species in paved sites. The results showed that existing information is piecemeal and that most is either too general (dendrology literature) or too specific or contradictory (scientific literature) to meet the requirements of urban tree planners, while books intended for plant use in cities do not sufficiently integrate the local perspective. Moreover, contextual information local to the Scandinavian region is mainly provided for already much used species. These findings led to suggestions on how future urban forestry and arboriculture research and dissemination efforts in Scandinavia can encourage tree planners to use a greater variety of tree species in urban paved sites.  相似文献   

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