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Knowledge of patterns of genetic diversity among existing cultivars helps to broaden the genetic base of new cultivars and maximizes the use of available germplasm resources. This study examined the organization of diversity for morphological traits in 66 landraces of cultivated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) from Galicia and its relationship with phaseolin seed protein diversity. Data on growth habit, seed and pod traits obtained from field evaluations at two locations during the 1989—91 cropping seasons were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis. Cluster analysis based on 14 quantitative variables and five qualitative variables identified 11 groups. The landraces were also characterized by phaseolin electrophoresis. The results allowed separation of these landraces into Middle and Andean American groups, which could be further divided into at least eight groups within the Andean American cultivars and three within the Mesoamerican cultivars. These groups in turn corresponded to the previously described races Nueva Granada and Peru of South American origin, and races Durango, Jalisco and Mesoamerica from the Middle American domestication centre. These results confirm the existence of two major groups of germplasm in the cultivated common bean landraces from Galicia, Mesoamerican vs. Andean American.  相似文献   

The tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) is a desirable genetic resource for incorporation of improved disease, pest, and stress resistance into common bean (P. vulgaris L.). Reproductive barriers separate the two species and the degree to which tepary genes may be introgressed into the common bean genome has not been well described. Greenhouse studies of gene introgression through recurrent back-crossing to common bean were performed using two first backcross (BC1) and nine second backcross (BC2) populations. The truncate primary leaf characteristic of tepary bean was readily observed but the short primary leaf petiole and narrow bract tepary traits were infrequently observed in both BC1 and BC2 populations. In one BC, population high frequencies of adaxial stomata (characteristic of P. acutifolius) and the presence of a 30 kD cotyledon polypeptide from P. acutifolius were also observed; however, a diapho-rase isozyme from P. acutifolius appeared to be eliminated from BC1 progeny at a high rate whereas 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase alleles appeared to be transmitted normally. The expression of tepary primary leaf truncate morphology and bract width were correlated with decreased fertility in one of the two BC1 populations. Given suitable parental genotypes and population sizes it should be possible to transfer genes from P. acutifolius to P. vulgaris, especially in regions of the genome which are not associated with inviability or sterility. It will be difficult to transfer factors from certain regions of the tepary genome which are preferentially eliminated during introgression.  相似文献   

Genetic variance, heritability, and expected response from selection arc useful in devising alternative methods and criteria of: selection. The objectives of this study were to estimate these for seed yield and its components from 200 F2: populations involving 80 cultivars and lines of mostly small-seeded dry bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) of habits growth I, II, and III of Middle-American origin. All cultivars and lines were crossed in eight sets of ten parents each in a Design II mating system. The F2 populations, without parents, were evaluated in the field in a replicates-in-sets design at two locations in Colombia in 1983. Estimates of additive genetic variance were significant for yield, pods/m2, seeds/pod, and seed weight. Interaction with environments was also significant. Values for nonadditive genetic variance were not significant for either yield or yield components. The estimates of narrow sense heritability, based on the F2 population mean and unbiased by genotype x environment interaction, were 0.21 ± 0.13 for yield. 20 ± 0.13 for pods/m2, 0.57 ± 0.13 for seeds/pod, and 0.74 ± 0.15 for seed weight. The expected direct response from selection of the top 20 % of F2 populations for yield per se would result in a 4.30 % increase in yield with a correlated response of 0.21 % in seed weight. In contrast, the expected gain from direct selection for seed weight would result in a 11.76 % increase in seed weight with a, correlated gain of 0.28 % for yield. Direct selection for pods/m2 would decrease yield, seeds/pod and seed weight, while direct selection for seeds/pod would reduce pods/m2 and seed weight but increase seed yield by 0.37 %. Data on yield from replicated trials in the early segregating generations could be utilized for identification and selection of promising crosses and families or lines with crosses for dry bean yield improvement.  相似文献   

The inheritance of the localized necrosis, apical necrosis, and mosaic reactions induced by bean severe mosaic comoviruses in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), was studied in crosses of Great Northern 123 × Pitouco, Great Northern 123 × Iguaçu and Pitouco X Iguaçu. Great Northern 123 reacts with mild mosaic, Iguaçu with localized necrosis, and Pitouco with apical necrosis to bean severe mosaic comoviruses. The analysis of the F1 and F2 generations indicated that localized necrosis was dominant over mild mosaic, and apical necrosis was dominant over the localized necrosis and the mild mosaic. An independently inherited single dominant gene controlled the expression of localized and apical necrosis in cultivars Iguaçu and Pitouco, respectively. The dominant gene for apical necrosis (Anv) found in Pitouco, was epistatic over the dominant gene (Lnv) conditioning localized necrosis in Iguaçu, as suggested by the F2 of Pitouco × Iguaçu, that yielded a ratio of 12 apical necrosis: 3 localized necrosis:1 mild mosaic. The genotypes of Pitouco, Iguaçu and Great Northern 123 are: Anv Anv lnv lnv, anv anv Lnv Lnv, and anv anv lnv lnv, respectively.  相似文献   

To enlarge the number of microsatellite loci of Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) (common bean), a set of primer pairs has been obtained from public databases, to amplify DNA regions including simple sequence repeats (SSR), and they have been assayed in several P. vulgaris genotypes. Publically available DNA sequence data of P. vulgaris were searched for SSR motifs. Twenty sequences containing microsatellites were identified and primer pairs were designed to amplify those microsatellites. Primers were evaluated for their ability to detect polymorphisms within a set of P. vulgaris accessions, local landraces and hybrids and in addition, two accessions of the closely related species P. coccineus. Eighteen polymorphic SSR loci were identified. Polymorphisms were found at both levels of accessions and Phaseolus species.  相似文献   

M. Confalonieri    R. Bollini    N. Berardo    A. Vitale  A. Allavena 《Plant Breeding》1992,109(4):329-334
The abundant lectin phytohemagglutinin (10 % of total seed protein) does not contain sulfur amino acids and, being a potent antimetabolite, it is responsible for the lowering of the nutritional value of bean seeds. The aim of the present work was to improve the dry bean cultivar ‘Taylor's Horticultural’ (Asgrow), by genetically introducing the lectin null (lec/lec) character from two null genotypes: ‘Pinto UI 111’ and ‘Heidi’. Thirty-seven BC2F3 and fourteen BC6F5 inbred lines were evaluated in agronomical trials. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed significant differences among BC2F3 breedings lines for all traits under evaluation. Comparison of the LedLee genotypes versus lec/lec did not show statistically significant differences in the means for the following traits: yield, yield components and percentage of protein in the seed. Fourteen BC6F5 lines, compared together with their recurrent parent ‘Taylor's Horticultural’, showed significant differences among genotypes for 1000 seed weight, protein percentage on dry matter and ash percentage. No significant differences were observed for grain yield. The data indicate that lectin removal did not have a detrimental effect on the traits evaluated.  相似文献   

Lucia Lioi 《Euphytica》1989,44(1-2):151-155
Summary Variation of phaseolin, the major storage protein in Phaseolus vulgaris L., was analysed in seeds of a germplasm collection from the Mediterranean area. Results showed a number of subvariants differing from the reference patterns for the presence, absence or faintness of single polypeptides. Maximum concentration of variation was found in the Cyprus material. Sources and causes of variation are discussed.  相似文献   

研究了若干矮生菜豆品种在不同年份和采种设施下种子的胎萌发生特性.试验结果表明:(1)品种间在种子胎萌发生率方面存在显著差异,有的品种不发生胎萌,有的品种其胎萌种子发生频率在20%以上;(2)对于能够发生种子胎萌的品种而言,采种年份和设施对胎萌种子发生率有明显的影响;(3)种子胎萌一般在开花后35d左右开始发生;(4)胎萌种子的发生部位具有明显的规律,即胎萌种子主要发生在植株的下部和豆荚的近喙端.  相似文献   

The effect of bean common mosaic virus on yield, yield components, and seed protein content was studied in tour bean cultivars and their F1 hybrids. The results of this experiment showed 3 significant decrease for yield in diseased plants; the 100 seed weight was also significantly reduced in one of the diseased varieties. The percentage of protein was increased m virus-diseased plants: this increase was due to non-protein nitrogen. Usually, the percentage of heterosis in virus-diseased F1 hybrid of two susceptible varieties was decreased while in F1 hybrids of “susceptible × resistant” varieties it was increased. This study shows the danger of drawing conclusions in quantitative genetic studies then dealing with both diseased and healthy plants.  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of 51 individual pure lines from 13 landraces of three common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) mixtures from the southern highlands of Tanzania was undertaken using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. A dendrogram generated by cluster analysis from data derived from fragments amplified by 12 random 10-base primers divided the bean individuals onto two main branches with less than 60% genetic similarity. Branches A and B subdivided into two and four clusters, respectively. Mixture 2, comprising three landraces, was the most uniform, most plants appearing on cluster 4 of branch B. Three of the four landraces of mixture 1 appeared on cluster 3 of branch B while the fourth landrace appeared on major branch A. Mixture 3 showed the greatest genetic variation with components appearing on both major branches. The clear separation of the 13 landraces onto two main branches of the dendrogram together with phenotypic characters, notably variation in bean size, suggests that the two groups might represent two distinct gene pools of P. vulgaris. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

D. Sicard    L. Nanni    O. Porfiri    D. Bulfon    R. Papa 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(5):464-472
The genetic diversity of 66 Phaseolus genotypes was investigated, which included 14 local varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris and nine local varieties of P. coccineus, collected in Marche, central Italy. Their genetic diversity was assessed using three types of molecular marker: inter simple sequence repeats (ISSRs), nuclear gene‐tagged simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and chloroplast simple sequence repeats (CpSSRs). Phaseolus vulgaris shows a higher genetic diversity than P. coccineus for the SSRs and CpSSRs, but not for the putative neutral ISSR markers. These data suggest that selection by farmers and adaptation to heterogeneous environments has maintained the diversity in landraces of the common bean. Comparing genetic diversity in Marche with that of the American controls reveals that 71% of the local P. vulgaris varieties in Marche are of Andean origin. The two gene pools of the common bean can be found on the same farm, and there is some evidence of past hybridization events between these two gene pools.  相似文献   

Legumes' sensitivity to salt is exacerbated under growth conditions requiring nitrogen fixation by the plant. Phosphorus (P) deficiency is widespread in legumes, especially common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L). To examine the performance of P. vulgaris under salt stress conditions, a field experiment was conducted using two recombinants inbred lines (RILs) 115 (P‐deficiency tolerant) and 147 (P‐deficiency susceptible), grown under different salinity levels (L) (1.56, 4.78, and 8.83 dS m?1 as LI, L2, and L3, respectively) and supplied with four P rates (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg ha?1 P as P0, P30, P60, and P90, respectively) in order to assess the impact of P on salt tolerance. Results indicate that growing both RILs at P60 or P90 under all salinity levels (especially L1) significantly increased total chlorophyll, carotenoids, total soluble sugars, total free amino acids, and proline. Increasing P supply up to P60 under all salinity levels significantly induced higher accumulation of P, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ leaves in both RILs. Based on quadratic response over all locations, the maximum seed yield of 1.465 t ha?1 could be obtained at application of P 81.0 kg ha‐1 in RIL115, while seed yield of 1.275 t ha?1 could be obtained with P rate of 78.3 kg ha?1 in RIL147. RIL115 exhibited more salt‐tolerance with positive consequence on plant biomass and grain yield stability. Improved salt tolerance through adequate P fertilization is likely a promising strategy to improve P. vulgaris salinity tolerance and thus productivity, a response that seems to be P‐rate dependent.  相似文献   

为了研究外源硼酸对铀胁迫下四季豆生理生化以及铀富集能力的影响,笔者以四季豆(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)为材料,通过盆栽控制试验,在含有铀污染的土壤中分别施加0、10、20、30、40、50 mg/kg的硼酸,在温室中种植培养四季豆,待四季豆开花前取样测定其生理指标和铀富集含量。结果表明:(1)随着硼酸浓度的升高,最大光化学效率(FV/Fm)和光合性能指数PIABS以及单位反应中心吸收的光能(ABS/RC)、单位反应中心捕获的能力(TRo/RC)、单位反应中心捕获的用于电子传递的能量(ETo/RC)和单位反应中心耗散的能量(DIo/RC)均呈现先升高后下降的趋势;叶绿素、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸也呈现先上升后下降的趋势;丙二醛(MDA)呈现先下降后升高的趋势;(2)随着外源硼酸浓度的升高,四季豆地上部和地下部铀含量以及植物铀含量都升高。说明了外源施加适宜浓度的硼酸可以提高四季豆对重金属铀的抗性,增加四季豆对铀的富集能力和转移能力。  相似文献   

Abnormal hybrid seedling development hinders attempts to introgress diverse germplasm in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) breeding programs. In this study, the hypothesis that DL1 and DL2 loci control abnormal seedling development both in Phaseolus vulgaris L. intraspecific hybrids and in P. vulgaris×P. acutifolius A. Gray interspecific hybrids was tested. Hybrids from crosses between six P. vulgaris lines (two Andean dl1 d1, DL2DL2, two Mesoamerican DL1DL1 dl2 dl2, and two facilitators dl1dl1, dl2dl2) and P. vulgaris cultivar Ex Rico 23 developed normally, indicating that Ex Rico 23 has the facilitator genotype dl1, dl1, dl2dl2. Previous studies have shown that Ex Rico 23 ×P. acutifolius results in abnormal seedlings, but ‘ICA Pijao’, also dl1, dl1 dl2dl2, ×P. acutifolius results in normal seedlings. Neither the Andean nor the Mesoamerican lines crossed successfully with P. acutifolius, but crosses between one of the two facilitators (G3807) and P. acutifolius resulted in normal seedlings. These results support the hypothesis that different loci control intra- and interspecific hybrid seedling development.  相似文献   

Strategies employed by dry bean breeders to improve yield include early generation testing, ideotype breeding, selection for physiological efficiency, and selection based on genotypic performance and combining ability across gene pools of Phaseolus vulgaris. Ideotype breeding has been successfully deployed to improve yield in navy, pinto and great northern seed types. The ideotype method is based on an ideal plant architecture to which breeders target their selection. Breeding for physiological efficiency is important in combining increased biomass, high growth rates and efficient partitioning. Genotypic performance and combining ability are also critical for yield improvement, since crosses between gene pools can exhibit negative combining ability and problems with lethality, whereas interracial crosses within the same gene pool exhibit the greatest potential. Breeders must work within specific constraints for growth habit, maturity, seed quality and disease resistance. A three-tiered pyramidal breeding strategy is proposed to facilitate yield improvement in dry bean. Breeding of elite, agronomically acceptable germplasm within the same market class is restricted to the apex of the pyramid. The intermediate level has fewer constraints and greater access to diverse germplasm. Interracial crosses within the same gene pool are utilized to exploit genetic differences within adapted material. Extracting genetic diversity from unadapted sources, including wild germplasm and other Phaseolus species, is conducted at the base of the pyramid. The objective of this breeding strategy is the movement of improved germplasm towards the apex, using different breeding procedures to optimize improvement at each tier of the breeding pyramid. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

‘Jalo Vermelho’ is a large seeded Andean landrace of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) that constitutes an important source of anthracnose resistance, disease caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. This landrace has different resistance spectrum, when compared with cultivars of Andean origin, indicating the presence of an anthracnose‐resistant gene different from Co1 locus. This anthracnose resistance was characterized by inheritance and allelism tests were carried out on the following genes: Co1, Co12, Co13, Co15, Co2, Co3, Co4, Co5, Co6, Co7, Co9, Co10, Co11 and Co‐13. Resistance to races 23, 55, 89 and 453 in ‘Jalo Vermelho’ was conditioned by a single dominant gene. Allelism tests in F2 populations demonstrated that ‘Jalo Vermelho’ carries a dominant gene located at a distinct locus, differing from previously characterized genes. Based on its independence from previously described loci, the authors propose that the ‘Jalo Vermelho’s gene should be named Co12. This new gene is a valuable source of resistance to anthracnose which can be transferred to commercial cultivars to enhance the effectiveness of resistance gene pyramiding in bean breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Crosses were performed between nine Phaseolus vulgaris lines (as females) and seven P. acutifolius lines (as- male to examine parental compatibility for the production of vigorous hybrid And backcross plants, in vitro embryo rescue techniques were required to secure hybrid and backcross proseny following interspecific crossing. Seedling development appeared to be dependent on which allele the P. vulgaris parent carried at an interspecific incompatibility locus. Seven of the nine P. vulgaris lines tested carried an allele at this locus which interacted with a nuclear factor in the P. acutifolius genome resulting in stunted, sub-lethal hybrids. The lines, ICA pijao' and ‘Sacramento Light Red Kidney’ did not carry this allele and produced vigorous hybrid progeny in combination with all P. acutifolius parents. Intensive backcrossing produced progeny which also segregated for sub-lethal and viable plant development. The observed segregation patterns suggest that a bridge crossing scheme would facilitate the introgression of P. acutifolius germplasm into incompatible P. vulgaris lines. Similarities, with an intraspecific incompatibility system are discussed.  相似文献   

用超敏感银染SDS-PAGE方法绘制黄瓜、菜豆蛋白质指纹图谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用超敏感银染SDS-PAGE方法对黄瓜胚轴和菜豆胚轴、胚根组织的全蛋白指纹图谱作了初步分析,黄瓜胚轴至少有40条蛋白质谱带被检测到;黄豆胚轴中有50多条、胚根60多条蛋白质谱带被检出,谱带清晰、稳定,个体间谱型一致,且分离过程短,减少了蛋白质的部分变性和损失,结果较全面。  相似文献   

Forty accessions, forming a core collection of mainly bush type of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm in the Netherlands, were evaluated for 14 qualitative and quantitative traits at the Agricultural University, Wageningen (WAU), the Netherlands in 1992. These and an additional 117 Dutch accessions, mainly collected in private home gardens, were also evaluated for phaseolin seed protein pattern, and morphological and agronomic traits at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT, Spanish acronym), Cali, Columbia between 1987 and 1997. Multivariate and principal component analyses at both WAU and CIAT indicated existence of one large group with no discernable patterns among Dutch common bean collections of landraces, garden forms and cultivars. However, when phaseolin, an evolutionary, biochemical marker, was used as an initial classification criterion followed by use of morphological markers, the two major gene pools; Andean and Middle American with two races in each (Chile and Nueva Granada in Andean, and Durango and Mesoamerica in Middle American) were identified. The Andean gene pool was predominant (136 of 157 accessions), especially the race Nueva Granada (126 accessions) characterized by the bush determinate growth habit type I and T phaseolin. The new core collection comprised 31 accessions. Bean races Chile, Durango, and Mesoamerica were represented by 10, 7, and 14 accessions, respectively. Of the 9 French or snap bean accessions six possessed characteristics of race Mesoamerica and three belonged to Durango race. Occurrence of these and a large number of other recombinants strongly suggested considerable hybridization and gene exchange between Andean and Middle American gene pools, thus blurring the natural boundaries and forming a large single group of common bean germplasm in the Netherlands. The inter-gene-pool recombinants of both dry and French beans should be of special interest to breeders for use as bridging-parents for development of broad-based populations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A core collection of common bean from the Iberian peninsula   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Characterization of crop germplasm from specific regions helps understand the patterns of genetic variation that facilitates further germplasm collection, characterization, management and their more efficient utilization in genetics, breeding and other studies. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a traditional crop in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) where subsistence farmers have been growing and maintaining their own cultivars since their introductions from the Americas in the sixteenth century. Our objectives were to: (i) characterize diversity in the landraces collected from the Iberian Peninsula and (ii) form a core collection. Of 388 landraces from the major production regions characterized for 34quantitative and 13 qualitative characters, including morphological, agronomic and biochemical traits, 74.7% had an Andean origin, 16.8% a Mesoamerican origin and 8.4% had seed mixtures or were recombinants between the two gene pools. Landraces of indeterminate climbing growth habit Type IV(47.2%) and bush determinate Type I(26.4%) with large (52.9%) and medium(27.4%) seeds of white (38.8%) and cream(25.9%) colour were predominant. Similarly, the ‘T’ phaseolin pattern and common bean race Nueva Granada were the most frequent(51%). Some exceptionally large-seeded landraces of Andean (e.g., PHA-0917 with119 g 100-seed weight-1) and Mesoamerican (e.g., PHA-0399 with 66 g100-seed weight-1) were found. These and other possible recombinants between the two gene pools merit further investigation. Fifty two landraces (13%) were chosen to form a core collection representing the genetic diversity in the Iberian Peninsula. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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