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可持续发展道路是解决中国的农业和农村当前问题的必经之路,我国政府也多次强调要将农业和农村经济的可持续发展作为中国经济可持续发展的前提和必要条件。它是整个国家稳定发展的前提和基础,也是我国现代化建设的重要任务之一。文章从农业和农村可持续发展的概念入手,对我国农业和农村可持续发展的当前的困境和挑战进行了分析,由此引出我国农业和农村的可持续发展的战略措施。  相似文献   

欧洲实践证明, 有效制定和实施林业政策能够推动城市林业的发展, 从而有效改善城市人居环境和促进居民身心健康。文中在收集关于中国和欧洲城市林业方面的文献以及对中国和欧洲进行城市林业实地考察的基础上, 对中国和欧洲城市林业政策与规划、城市林业管理手段、发展城市林业的工作方法进行了比较, 目的是吸收欧洲在城市林业政策制定和实施过程中的先进经验和最佳实践, 提高中国城市林业的政府决策者、管理人员、研究人员、利益相关者和社区在城市林业政策制定和实施方面的知识和能力, 改善中国城市和城市周边地区的环境质量, 最大限度发挥城市林业促进居民身心健康和福祉的作用。  相似文献   

3 山区生境和河溪交错带 山区生态系统的生境方法是坚实地基于动态开放系统的理念,根据这个理念,流域生境和河溪交错带成为山区生态系统的空间基石.当水陆生境与周边陆生和水生生境的生态过程相联时,就形成了河溪交错带.只有从功能和地理空间上,与土壤层和季节性吸水和出水相联系,流域生态结构才能被识别和绘制.  相似文献   

研究不同温度梯度(0℃、5℃和10℃)及不同处理时间(10d、20d和30d)对缬草种子萌发及过氧化物酶和淀粉酶活性的影响。结果表明:5℃30d条件下发芽率为39.7%,且种子中过氧化物酶和淀粉酶活性最高;0℃10d和0℃20d条件下发芽率仅分别为13.3%和19.3%,种子中过氧化物酶和淀粉酶酶相对较低。在同等低温条件下,种子的发芽率和发芽势随着处理时间的延长而增高,过氧化物酶和淀粉酶的活性也越高。低温处理能有效的提高缬草种子的发芽率和发芽势,不同处理会造成缬草种子发芽指标和酶活性的差异。  相似文献   

绿色和平组织批评PEFC和SFI认证绿色和平组织领导下的环境和社会非政府组织最近发表的报告,批评PEFC和SFI认证"受行业驱使",在木材和纸产品买主对可信认证产品所期望的重要生态和社会参数上是失败的。报告基于20多个案例研究,指出该二认证方案多方面忽视智利、加拿大和芬兰等国的本地人民的权利;并指责其将美国、澳大利亚和...  相似文献   

实施林业分类经营就是遵循现代林业思想,根据社会对生态和经济的要求,按照对森林多种功能和主导利用的不同,将林业划分为以发挥生态效益和社会效益为主的公益林和以发挥经济效益为主的商品林,并按照各自特点和规律,建立相应的管理体制、经营机制、投入机制和发展模式,逐步建立起比较完备的林业生态体系和林业产业体系,使森林的生态效益和经济效益得到整体发挥,促进人与自然的和谐。  相似文献   

随着经济发展和社会进步,人类对于森林的认识不断深化,人类保护和利用森林的方式不断创新。近年来,森林在全球经济社会发展和生态环境保护中的地位和作用日益突出和增强。  相似文献   

林权流转为森林资源进入市场转化为经济优势,找到了突破口和切入点,为非公有制林业的发展提供了广阔的市场和光明的前景,为林业生产注入了强大的生机和活力.本文对汉源县林权流转的现状进行调查、分析和研究,对如何加快林权流转提出建议和对策.  相似文献   

今天,湖南省隆重召开全省森林防火和森林公安工作会议,这充分体现了湖南省委、省政府对林业工作的关心和重视,对森林防火、森林公安工作的关怀和厚爱。借此机会,受贾治邦局长和孙扎根副局长委托,我代表国家森林防火指挥部和国家林业局森林公安局,对会议的胜利召开表示热烈祝贺,向战斗在一线的广大森林公安民警和同志们表示亲切的问候,向所有关心、支持森林防火和森林公安工作的各级领导表示诚挚的谢意!  相似文献   

财务报表分析是一定的财务分析主体以企业的财务报告和财务资源为依据,采用一定的标准,运用科学系统的方法,对企业的财务状况和经营成果、财务信用和财务风险以及财务总体情况和未来发展趋势的分析和评价.而新准则的出台,将会对企业利润和所有者权益造成影响,进而影响对财务报表的分析.  相似文献   

本文记述了中国松叶蜂昆虫两新种,马尾松吉松叶蜂和油松吉松叶蜂。文中附有形态特征图4幅。  相似文献   

调查研究江西省中北部6个毛竹林(Ⅲ度竹)的胸径、全株杆鲜重、全株枝叶鲜重、杆长、全杆节数、枝下节数、枝盘数、枝下高、叶长和叶宽、叶片长宽比、胸径处竹壁厚度、竹腔径、壁腔比、竹材含水率等表型特征。运用SAS8.1软件进行多元线性回归分析和偏相关分析,研究表明:全株杆鲜重、全株枝叶鲜重和胸径处竹壁厚呈现随经度变化的地理模式,其它表型特征随经度的变化不明显;所调查的表型特征均没有表现随纬度和海拔的变化而变化的地理变异模式。  相似文献   

Chemical study and medical application of saponins as anti-cancer agents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Saponins are a group of naturally occurring plant glycosides, characterized by their strong foam-forming properties in aqueous solution. The presence of saponins has been reported in more than 100 families of plants out of which at least 150 kinds of natural saponins have been found to possess significant anti-cancer properties. There are more than 11 distinguished classes of saponins including dammaranes, tirucallanes, lupanes, hopanes, oleananes, taraxasteranes, ursanes, cycloartanes, lanostanes, cucurbitanes and steroids. Due to the great variability of their structures, saponins always display anti-tumorigenic effects through varieties of antitumor pathways. In addition, there are a large amount of saponins that still either remain to be trapped or studied in details by the medicinal chemists. This article reviews many such structures and their related chemistry along with the recent advances in understanding mechanism of action and structure–function relationships of saponins at the molecular and cellular levels. These aglycones have been described and their classification and distribution have been listed in the review. Some special saponins with strong antitumor effects have also been exhibited. Ginsenosides, belonging to dammaranes, have been found beneficial targeted on inhibition of tumor angiogenesis by suppressing its inducer in the endothelial cells of blood vessels, and then on prevention of adhering, invasion, and metastasis of tumor cells. Dioscin, one of the steroidal saponins, and its aglycone diosgenin also have been extensively studied on its antitumor effect by cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Other important molecules discussed include oleanane saponins such as avicins, platycodons, saikosaponins, and soysaponins along with tubeimosides.  相似文献   

一个世纪来黑龙江省森林景观动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the help of GIS tool of ARC/INFO,ARCVIEW and FRAGSTATS,the map of forest resource distribution of Heilongjiang Province was analyzed in 1896,1949 and 1981.Using total area,mean patch size,patch density,coefficient of patch size variation,mean patch fractal dimension and mean shape index,we studied the change of forest landscape pattem and the change of each patch types in this region.As a result,the total area of forest landscape and mean patch size decreased sharply,the quantity and density of patches increased,the juxtaposition of patches weakened,the shape of patch tended to become regular,and the border of patch simplified.All these showed that the forest landscape of this area tended to fragment gradually,and the fragment of Korean pine forest is the severest.the diversity of whole forest landscape and the eveness of landscape types distribution reduced gradually.Human impact,instead of climate change and forest community succession,is the most important reason for such dramatic chages.  相似文献   

根据秃杉有关的研究文献,对秃杉物种的确立,天然林的生物多样性、空间分布、动态和更新演替等种群特征,原生地保护与迁地保护,引种地气候和立地的适应性,速生性,抗寒、耐高温干旱、耐萌、抗风和抗病虫害能力等抗逆性,种源的遗传多样性,种源地理变异和生态适应性,种子、苗期及林木生长的变异,不同年龄林木生长性状的相关性,优良种源选择和种源区划等的研究进行了综合评述。  相似文献   

论人本主义管理理念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
组织最重要的资源是人,要实现组织目标就要有合理的管理,人本主义管理理念就是在管理过程中以人为本,以尊重人格,突出柔性管理,关心员工发展的双赢策略,确立员工的主人翁地位和注重员工培训为人本主义管理的思想内容。  相似文献   

本文通过对哈尔滨工程大学绿化现状的分析,在规划中,提出了"一园、二区、三空间、四廊道、六组团"整体绿化景观,使设计更科学、布局更完整、结构更清晰。在新校区规划为体现学校从"发现—研究—收获"的这一发展历程。提出"新校区、新建筑、新景观"的思想,设计出简洁、现代、生态且充满创造精神的新景观。结合不同的区域特点分别提出了详细设计方案,展现出知识不断求索创新、积累升华的过程。  相似文献   

陆兆华  吴钢等 《林业研究》2002,13(4):319-322
本文通过对中国林业的现状及存在的一系列生态、环境、经济和社会问题的分析讨论,重点强调了森林及整个林业在我国社会和经济发展中的重要作用。同时,作者提出可持续发展,特别是林业的可持续发展是解决我国当前生态环境和经济社会问题的关键和必由之路。并从生态学、经济学和社会学的角度,论证和阐述了林业可持续发展的目标、准则,以及我国林业的可持续发展战略。参11。  相似文献   

Decomposition of Scots pine needle litter originating from five stands treated with different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer was measured over a 4‐year period in a mature Scots pine forest. The litter types, which differed in initial concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur, but not in gross organic composition, were studied with respect to mass loss, ingrowth of total fungal mycelium, and net release of nutrients. During the first year of decomposition, rates of mass loss and ingrowth of fungal mycelium were highest in the nutrient‐rich litter. Phosphorus concentration was found to be the main factor affecting mass‐loss rate, and the rate of fungal ingrowth was positively correlated with initial nitrogen concentration. After this initial period, decomposition rates decreased, and after 4 years, accumulated mass loss and amounts of fungal mycelium were similar in all five litter types. These findings may be due, in part, to a lower rate of lignin decomposition in nitrogen‐enriched litter. Of the elements, potassium and magnesium were most rapidly lost from the litter, and their release was most pronounced during the first year. Calcium release was proportional to the loss in organic matter. Initially, the release of nitrogen and phosphorus was positively related to their concentrations in litter, however, during later stages of decomposition the differences among litter types levelled out. There was a tendency for concentrations of all elements, except nitrogen, in the different litters to approach similar levels as decomposition proceeded. Thus, after 4 years the nutrient composition of the various litter types was very similar, except for higher nitrogen concentrations in the originally most nutrient‐rich litters. The importance of the results in terms of substrate quality in fertilized as well as in non‐fertilized forests is discussed.  相似文献   

竹业引领人类生活更美好   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
文章介绍了竹材在建筑、家具、交通、日用品等领域的应用现状,分析了竹材在性能、成本、资源量及环保等方面具有的多种优势,以及木材、塑料、钢材、陶瓷应用局限性和劣势,提出了竹木并举、以竹代塑、竹钢协同、竹瓷互补潜在的创新应用方向。在当前化石能源日益枯竭、环境压力越来越大的情况下,发展竹产业、应用竹产品是一项改变人类生活、促进绿色发展的重要举措,是健康生活、生态人居、绿色发展的正确方向。  相似文献   

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