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近年来在畜牧、养殖生产中临床配制的药物制剂正在被发展与大量使用,本文论述了动物用临床配制药剂的法则及其规范示例,并提出设立执业兽药师的现实性、必要性及其实施方略.  相似文献   

碘酊是兽医临床上一种常用外用消毒药,所以碘酊的配制是我们兽医工作者应掌握的普通知识,而在兽医生产实践中所配制应用的部分碘酊不合乎要求,可以看到碘酊中的碘片没有完全溶解,直到碘酊快用完还保留着大量的碘片结晶沉淀物,因而影响到碘酊的有效杀菌作用。现将配制...  相似文献   

本文对可食性的动植物粉体配制混合粉进行探讨。着重阐述了现混合粉、预混合粉、单元粉、多元粉的混合粉配制的概念、分类、制造方式及其配方。  相似文献   

不同原料配置成的稀释粉对公猪精液品质的影响极为重要,选择合适的原料配置成的稀释粉不仅可以节约成本,还可以简化配制操作过程。柠檬酸是无色结晶或白色结晶状颗粒(乙级品略带黄色);无臭、味极酸;易溶于水和乙醇;微溶于乙醚;水溶液呈酸性反应。在多次配制稀释粉的过程中我们发现,由于柠檬酸吸水性较强,在研磨过40目筛很容易黏结。为减少研磨损失及其所带来的误差,方便快捷的配制稀释粉。  相似文献   

大蒜有杀菌、解毒等多种功能,可广泛应用于兽医临床,但不便直接使用。将大蒜和酒精配制成酊剂、注射剂,既使用方便,也提高了治疗效果。  相似文献   

我在临床工作中,利用中草药配制外用消炎散,治疗家畜外伤刀口久不愈合取得显著疗效,现介绍给同仁。  相似文献   

磷的生物学利用率及其在猪饲料配方的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对磷生物学利用率的评定及其影响因素的阐述,指出了在实际生产中应充分应用磷生物学利用率体系,来配制满足猪对有效磷需要量的日粮。  相似文献   

建立了定性检测止痢散、白头翁散、苍术香连散、银翘散和清瘟败毒散五种中兽药散剂中违规添加的氯霉素的高效液相色谱法。根据《中国兽药典》2000年版二部规定的处方配制五种中药散剂,根据氯霉素禁用以前的临床治疗量和中药散剂的临床治疗量,在配制的中药散剂中定量加入氯霉素作为样品;用丙酮提取,高效液相色谱——二极管阵列检测器进行定性测定。试验表明,该方法快速、简便.可用于上述五种中兽药散剂中违规添加氯霉素的定性检测。  相似文献   

一、常用的消毒药及其配制浓度和使用方法 漂白粉:含有效氯25—30%的漂白粉,配制浓度为 5—15%,一般常用于喷洒消毒禽畜舍、用具等。 来苏儿:一般配制浓度为1—3%,用水稀释后将药液喷洒禽畜栏舍和禽畜皮肤消毒。 臭水:配制浓度为3—5%,较常用于禽畜舍和牲畜皮肤消毒。  相似文献   

保健砂是养鸽的秘密武器,它对鸽子尤其产鸽的作用目前还不能由其它做法所代替,但是,我们也不能将它看得神乎其神,保健砂的配方是很重要,但是配制使用方法显得更为重要。最好的保健砂配方,使用方法不当,同样起不到好的效果。下面,我们根据大宝鸽场长期的生产经验,对保健砂的配制及其供给方法提出一些做法,希望给同行有点帮助。  1.大宝鸽场保健砂的配方:  根据鸽子的生理、生产需要以及多年的生产实践经验,提出了下面的配方,供生产场参考使用(表1)。  2.根据实际需要灵活配制保健砂  上述保健砂配方中的配料是大宝鸽场…  相似文献   

随着药物制剂研究的不断发展,安全可控的经皮给药方式在临床应用中发挥着越来越重要的作用。经皮给药方式较传统的口服给药和注射给药具有无肝首过效应、血药浓度持久可控、减少给药次数、临床给药方便等优点,有着更广阔的应用空间。论文根据近年来有关经皮给药制剂的相关文献,就经皮给药新载体及促渗技术进行综述,并对目前经皮给药应用存在的问题进行分析,以期为经皮给药制剂的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

《兽医药剂学》是研究畜禽专用药物制剂的基本理论、处方设计、制备工艺、质量控制和合理应用等内容的一门综合性技术科学,是动物医学和动物药学专业培养方案中的核心课程。基于我院特色专业建设与创新型人才培养的新要求,我们尝试将本学院的优势科研学科网络药理学和表观遗传药理学与兽医药剂学相结合,旨在实现《兽医药剂学》教学的高阶创新,提升该课程的创新性和挑战度,培养学生的创新精神,提高学生的综合素质,对于新型兽药制剂的研发和指导临床合理用药等方面亦具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Including Baytril, in various parts of the world many commercial preparations of enrofloxacin for parenteral administration are being employed for the treatment of bacterial diseases in cows. To optimize clinical responses and to minimize development of bacterial resistance to this agent, the copied pharmaceutical preparations must comply with some key pharmacokinetic features when bioequivalence studies are performed. To assess whether or not there was bioequivalence among nine commercial preparations of enrofloxacin and the original one, a controlled pharmacokinetic study was carried out. These was done utilizing the microbiological agar-diffusion test as quantitative/qualitative analytical method. A non-compartmental model defined kinetic variables. Results for Baytril revealed that maximal serum concentration (Csmax) was only matched by one preparation while area under the curve (AUC) of the serum concentration/activity of enrofloxacin and metabolites in time was not matched by any preparation. Time to Csmax (Tmax), elimination half-life, and shape of the time-serum concentrations of enrofloxacin profiles obtained for the nine generic preparations differ significantly somehow from the corresponding data obtained for the reference enrofloxacin. The need for studies to demonstrate bioequivalence becomes mandatory if similar preparations of enrofloxacin become commercially available. Enrofloxacin should be used selectively and cautiously to limit development of bacterial resistance. Non-bioequivalence of relevant pharmacokinetic values, such as Csmax and bioavailability (AUC) would facilitate development of bacterial resistance and limit the useful life span of this antibacterial agent.  相似文献   

This chapter covers the hazards that some topical pharmaceutical preparations pose to animals who consume them. Included are medications containing calcipotriene, vitamins A and D, zinc oxide, 5-fluorouracil, brimonidine, imidazoline decongestants, local anesthetics, corticosteroids, antibiotics, salicylates, and benzoyl peroxide.  相似文献   

Four different treatments of bovine ketosis, using 3 different pharmaceutical preparations, were monitored. The main antiketogenic and glucogenic ingredients of the preparations were as follows: invert sugar (Metabol), prednisolone and dexamethasone (Predasen), the former preparations combined (Metabol & Predasen) and propylene glycol and dexamethasone (Dexaprol). Blood samples were drained from the ketotic cows prior to the treatment. The animals were sampled again 2 and 7 days after the first sampling. The whole blood concentrations of acetoacetate (AA concn), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB concn) and glucose (glue concn) were determined. The measures of the antiketogenic and glucogenic efficacy of the various treatments applied were their ability to reduce the AA concn and BHB concn and to elevate the gluc concn.Invert sugar (Metabol) alone had no antiketogenic efficacy, although in some cases it led to a subjective clinical improvement as reported by the owners of the animals. Invert sugar and glucocorticoids (Metabol & Predasen) dexamethasone and prednisolone (Predasen) and dexamethason plus propylene glycol (Dexaprol) were equally effective in bringing the AA, BHB and glue concns to normal range. The mean glue concn of the cows treated with Dexaprol was higher than that of the cows in the other treatment groups at 2 days (P < 0.01). No other differences between the 3 antiketogenic treatments could be shown.  相似文献   

The commercial use of sheep for the production of milk and milk products is attractive to farmers actively diversifying their dairy interests due to the impact of the quota system. As intensification of milking increases, flock sizes will enlarge and the incidence of ovine mastitis will inevitably increase. The pharmaceutical industry and the veterinary practitioner will be required to provide advice and data upon the performance of currently available bovine intramammary preparations for the sheep. This study produces evidence to confirm that one available bovine intramammary preparation, when infused into milking sheep, produced a withholding time approximately three times as long as that defined for the cow. Following a course of three infusions over a period of 24 hours after consecutive milkings, milk was not acceptable for human consumption or for the production of cheese and yoghurts until 136 hours following the final infusion. This situation is likely to be representative of that which will occur with other intramammary products used in the ovine species following infusion with bovine intramammary preparations.  相似文献   

Ivermectin (IVM) is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic drug extensively used in veterinary medicine. The composition of the pharmaceutical preparation affects IVM absorption and its systemic availability. After the introduction of the first approved IVM formulation (propylene glycol/glycerol formal 60:40) used at 200 microg/kg, different pharmaceutical modifications have been assayed to extend IVM persistent endectocide activity. Recently, IVM 3.15% long-acting (IVM-LA) preparations to be administered at 630 microg/kg to cattle were introduced into the veterinary pharmaceutical market. The work reported here was designed to evaluate the comparative IVM absorption pattern and plasma concentration profiles obtained after subcutaneous administration of the classic pioneer IVM formulation (1%) and two different commercially available IVM-LA preparations (3.15%) to cattle. Twenty-eight Holstein heifers were divided in four experimental groups (n=7) and treated subcutaneously as follows--Group A: IVM 1% given at 200 microg/kg, Group B: IVM 1% administered at 630 microg/kg, Group C: IVM-LA (A) injected at 630 microg/kg and Group D: IVM-LA (B) given at 630 microg/kg. Blood samples were taken between 0.5 and 90 days post-treatment and IVM plasma concentrations were determined by HPLC with fluorescence detection. There were no differences in the persistence of IVM plasma concentrations after the administration of IVM 1% formulation at the two used dose levels (200 and 630 microg/kg). Higher peak plasma concentration (C(max)) and shorter mean residence time (MRT) were obtained for IVM 1% given at 630 microg/kg (Group B) compared to the treatments with both IVM-LA preparations. The IVM-LA (A) formulation showed a more extended absorption process than IVM-LA (B) preparation, which accounted for a longer persistence of detectable IVM plasma concentrations. The parasitological implications of the observed differences in peak plasma concentrations (C(max) values) and in the IVM concentration levels measured from day 20, and afterwards until day 90 post-treatment, between the different preparations assayed need to be elucidated. The characterization of the absorption patterns and kinetic behaviour obtained after injection of these novel long-acting formulations used at three times the therapeutic dose recommended for the classic IVM preparation in cattle is a further contribution to the field.  相似文献   

《药理学》是医药院校临床与基础专业的重要必修课之一,其课程教学内容主要包括药物的作用、作用机制、药物的临床应用和药物的不良反应等。医院药学人才培养导向主要是地方本科院校针对医院药剂科及药学相关部门科室培养的药学人才,该类人才不同于高端研发型药学人才,要求其具有丰富而又实用的药学基本知识和药品检验等基本技能,能熟练适应于医院工作条件。医院药学导向的人才培养也是应用型人才的一类,就该类人才导向的药理学教学改革进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In 2010, three new active pharmaceutical ingredients were released on the German market for horses and food-producing animals. These were gamithromycin (Zactran?), a new macrolide antibiotic, Monepantel (Zolvix?), a broad spectrum anthelmintic with a novel mechanism, and Pergolide (Prascend?), the first dopamine receptor agonist for animals. Two substances have been approved for additional species. The tetracycline antibiotic doxycycline is now also authorized for turkeys and the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug firocoxib from the group of cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors is now available for horses. Furthermore, four new preparations with an interesting new pharmaceutical form, one drug with a new formulation and two drugs, which are interesting because of other criteria, were added to the market for horses and food producing animals.  相似文献   

为了确定秃疮花水溶性制剂的临床应用剂量,用甘肃省畜牧兽医研究所研制的秃疮花水溶性制剂,以局部毒性法、Reed-Muensch法和寇氏Karber法,进行了动物皮肤刺激试验和犊牛睾丸细胞、鸡胚及小鼠的半数致死量( LD50)试验.试验表明,秃疮花水溶性制剂对动物皮肤无刺激;对犊牛睾丸细胞、鸡胚和小鼠的LD50分别为0.4...  相似文献   

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