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洞庭湖区双季机直播稻品种筛选与搭配研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为筛选出适宜的早、晚稻连作机直播搭配品种,在洞庭湖区选用12个早稻品种、14个晚稻品种作试验材料,进行了双季机直播对比试验。结果表明,4月1日机直播早季各品种均能安全出苗,且能于7月15日前成熟,其中,中早39、陆两优996和株两优211的产量较高,分别达8.25t/hm2、7.75t/hm2和7.30t/hm2;晚季于7月19日机直播,大部分品种能在9月15日前齐穗,10月31日前成熟,以柒两优007、中早39和陆两优996产量较高,分别达7.23t/hm2、7.00t/hm2和6.94t/hm2。综上,早季中早39、陆两优996、株两优211,搭配晚季柒两优007、中早39、陆两优996是洞庭湖区双季机直播的适宜组合,早、晚季最佳安全机直播期分别为4月1日前和7月20日前。  相似文献   

以湘早籼45号为材料,研究了不同直播密度下的群体苗数、产量、产量构成和冠层结构变化。结果表明:播种量在97.5~120.0 kg/hm2时,能获得较高的有效穗数(480~525万/hm2),结实率75%左右,产量6 300~6 750 kg/hm2,具有较高的经济系数,同时提高冠层中上层的覆盖指数,保持中下层充足的光分布量。因此,常规早稻直播生产的用种量以97.5~120.0 kg/hm2较为适宜,有利于构建合理的群体冠层结构,发挥群体增产潜力。  相似文献   

采用两因素随机区组试验设计,研究不同品种和播量对直播早稻群体质量和产量性状的影响。结果表明,双季直播早稻品种间出苗率、成苗率、成穗率和结实率差异不显著;最高苗和单位面积有效穗数差异显著;单产以中早39最高,中早35与之差异不显著,而湘早籼6号与之差异极显著。单位面积出苗数、同期茎蘖数、有效穗数随播量的增加而增加,出苗率、成苗率、分蘖率、成穗率及每穗总粒数随播量的增加而下降,单产以播量112.5 kg/hm2处理最高,播量90.0 kg/hm2处理与之差异不显著,而播量67.5 kg/hm2处理与之差异极显著。在本试验条件下,中早35和湘早籼6号直播的适宜播量为112.5 kg/hm2,而中早39直播的适宜播量为90.0 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

为探索双季稻全程机械化高产栽培技术,实现规模种粮效益的最大化,2015年在衡阳县演陂镇罗观村建立双季稻全程机械化种植高产示范片,示范片面积33.33 hm~2,采用早晚稻品种搭配(早稻早中熟品种+晚稻中熟品种)+专业化育机插秧(早稻拱棚旱育机插秧、晚稻硬盘泥浆育机插秧)+精准机插(早稻3.5~4叶、晚稻4~4.5叶)+配方施肥+间歇灌溉+病虫害专业化防治+机收+机烘模式开展高产栽培技术示范。经测产验收,早稻4个组合全程机械化生产较对照常规栽培(湿润育秧手插)分别增产14.99%、14.7%、11.22%、5.46%;晚稻全程机械化生产的两个组合较对照常规栽培(湿润育秧手插)分别增产23.22%、13.66%;早晚稻最佳组合搭配可增产2887.5 kg/hm~2、增收9697.05元/hm~2。  相似文献   

为研究无人机精量播种对水稻产量影响,探究该项技术在上杭县水稻应用的可行性,结合上杭县地理气候条件与栽培习惯,选用水稻品种韶优766,设置2种无人机精量直播用种量和常规人工插秧(CK)处理。结果显示:水稻品种韶优766在相同用种量(0.75 kg)情况下,无人机精量直播每667m2产量达529.2 kg,比常规人工插秧减产0.95%,但差异不显著;在不同用种量情况下,以无人机精量直播每667m2用种量0.60 kg处理的产量最高,达570.9 kg;同时研究发现2个无人机精量直播处理在水稻成熟期均出现倒伏,说明直播稻比较不抗倒伏。综合对比3种处理,韶优766在上杭县采用无人机精量播种每667m2适宜用种量为0.6 kg,每667m2可实现节本增效211.1元,达到作业高效、节本增效目标,但还需从品种、田间管理、抗倒伏等方面进一步完善该技术模式。  相似文献   

中早22是中国水稻研究所育成的常规超级早稻品种,2006年被引入诸暨进行试验示范推广,目前已成为诸暨市早稻当家品种之一。经2006~2007两年的直播栽培试验示范推广,总结完善了中早22直播栽培单产超600kg/667m^2的配套技术体系。  相似文献   

2012—2013年早、晚季在广西陆川研究了不同纯N用量(120,150,180,210,240 kg/hm2)对超级杂交稻准两优608产量及其构成因素的影响试验,结果表明:施N量对单位面积有效穗数和每穗总粒数影响较大,对结实率、千粒重的影响较小,对产量的影响早、晚季不同,作早稻种植以施氮量210 kg/hm2最高,作晚稻种植以施氮量240 kg/hm2最高。在中等肥力条件下,超级稻准两优608作早、晚稻种植的适宜施N量分别为210和240 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

水稻免耕直播的适宜用种量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较了水稻免耕直播不同用种量、不同稻田处理、不同种子处理等20个处理的产量性状。结果表明,不同用种量对免耕直播稻有效穗、每穗总粒数、实粒数、结实率及产量有较大的影响;用催芽露白种子进行水稻免耕直播的最佳用种量为26.25kg/hm2,用旱育保姆包衣种子进行水稻免耕直播的最佳用种量为22.5 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

为提高规模种粮经济效益,进一步探讨水稻全程机械化高产栽培模式,2015年在衡阳县西渡镇梅花、青木村建立双季稻全程机械化种植高产示范片150 hm~2,采用早稻早中熟品种+拱棚旱育机插秧+小苗(3~3.5叶)机插+配方施肥+间歇灌溉+病虫害专业化防治+机收+机烘,晚稻中熟品种+硬(软)盘泥浆集中育机插秧(4~4.5叶)+机插+配方施肥+间歇灌溉+病虫害专业防治+机收+机烘模式技术。经测产验收,平均产量早稻8278.5 kg/hm~2,晚稻9415.5 kg/hm~2,比常规栽培(水育秧手插秧)分别增产15.36%、22.89%,双季稻增收7600.9元/hm~2,节支6150元/hm~2,达到了粮食增产、增效的目的。  相似文献   

不同油菜秸秆还田量对免耕直播单季晚稻产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年在浙江嘉兴开展了油菜秸秆还田免耕直播晚稻的试验。结果表明,在免耕直播单季晚稻上,油菜秸秆还田量1 800,3 600,5 400,7 200 kg/hm2,产量分别为9 100,9 275,9 375,9 325 kg/hm2,比对照增加1.1%,3.1%,4.2%和3.6%。单季晚稻成秧率随着油菜秸秆还田量的增加会小幅下降,而每穗实粒数、千粒重比对照增加,有效穗数也有所下降。免耕直播单季晚稻上适宜的油菜秸秆还田量为5 400 kg/hm2,即3/4的秸秆还田。  相似文献   

近年来,杂交棉种在长江流域大面积推广,确实为棉花单产提升了一个台阶.但由于杂交棉种制种工序复杂,投入大,因而种价较高,因此,棉农购种用量很少;播种时,基本上是一钵一籽,稍有不慎,就会出现缺苗断垄现象.究其原因,既有种子质量问题,也存在受天气不适、育苗操作技术不当等因素影响所致.如何采取有效措施,确保一播全苗,笔者介绍以下技术,供广大棉农参考.  相似文献   

油菜稻田直播播期与密度初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨二熟制油菜直播高产栽培技术,在永新进行了中稻田直播油菜的播期和密度试验,结果表明:中稻田油菜直播,随播期提早和密度增加,产量提高;同播期不同密度之间产量差异不明显,不同播期之间产量差异显著;播期与密度对千粒重影响不大,对每角粒数有一定影响,但差异不显著,各处理之间变幅在22.0~19.5粒/角之间。在永新县山区土壤肥力中等,农户投肥不充足情况下,以10月10日直播,一穴双株栽培方式产量最高。  相似文献   

试验结果表明,棉籽包衣是一项省工节本,防病治虫保苗效果好的新技术。针对我省沿江棉区生态条件和苗期病虫发生的特点,筛选适用的剂型。在本试验中以福美双7%,多菌灵5%、呋喃丹8%三者组配复制最为理想。  相似文献   

油茬田免耕直播稻适宜播期和播量的研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
敖和军  周桂清  贺勇  邹应斌 《作物研究》2004,18(3):151-153,158
2002~2003年在湖南省石门县开展了油茬田免耕直播稻的适宜播期和播种量的研究,探讨了3个播种期和3个播种量对两优培九的生育期、株高、总叶片数、出叶速度、茎蘖动态、产量和产量构成因素的影响.试验结果表明,两优培九作一季中稻免耕直播栽培,以5月中旬播种,播种量22.5 kg/hm2较适宜.  相似文献   

Direct seeding of guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) in west Texas has been successful. However, studies have involved only USDA and `Mexican Bulk' lines. New selections developed by plant breeders must be screened for their adaptability to direct seeding. The objective of this study was to evaluate the standard establishment and production parameters (biomass, rubber and resin content, rubber and resin yield) of six direct seeded guayule selections (AZ-R1, AZ-R2, CAL-6, CAL-7, UC-101, and UC-104). An experiment was initiated on a Delnorte gravelly loam on 23 July 1993 at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station near Fort Stockton, TX. Conditioned and raw seed of the six guayule selections were planted 10 mm deep on raised beds spaced 1 m apart. Laboratory seed germination ranged from 34–92%. Seedling density was greatest with conditioned seed (61 seedlings/m) versus raw seed (37 seedlings/m) when averaged across all lines 30 days after planting. Individually, seedling density in plots established by conditioned seed was greatest with CAL-6 (68 seedlings/m), UC-104 (66 seedlings/m), AZ-R1 (65 seedlings/m), UC-101 (64 seedlings/m), and CAL-7 (61 seedlings/m), and were significantly greater than the seedling density in plots established with raw seed. Both conditioned and raw seed produced adequate guayule stands. Nonetheless, conditioning improved germination, and in the field, conditioned seed was observed to germinate and emerge quicker resulting in more efficient irrigation management. The AZ-R1 seedlings were the most vigorous and were tolerant to flea beetles (Epitrix sp.). Plants were thinned to a 0.36 m spacing in April 1994. Six plants from each selection in the conditioned seed treatments were harvested on 23 February 1995 and 6 March 1996. Each plant was divided into branch (clipped 10 cm above the soil surface) and root sections. Biomass and rubber and resin yields were greatest in the branch versus root fractions. Total rubber yield (branches plus roots) at both harvests was greatest in selections AZ-R2 and UC-104.  相似文献   

选用“通农 14”百粒重 10g的小粒大豆种子 ,按 1~ 6cm不同深度播种 ,结果表明小粒大豆播种深度以 2~ 3cm深度处理为最佳播种深度。方差分析结果表明 ,不同播种深度处理间差异达到极显著水平 (F65 2 5 ※※ >F0 0 1=5 65 )。  相似文献   

Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is a primary forage resource for livestock producers throughout the south‐eastern USA during the winter‐growing season. It is important for livestock producers to begin grazing annual ryegrass as early as possible and any management practices maximizing early season production could be beneficial. To assess the impact of seeding rate on subsequent yield, yield distribution, quality, seedling density, and end‐of‐season plant and tiller density, a 2‐year study was initiated at four locations in Louisiana. Three annual ryegrass cultivars, varying in seed size, were established at four seeding rates based on pure live seed (PLS) rates of 400, 800, 1200 and 1600 PLS m?2. There was no advantage in total yield from increasing seeding rates beyond 800 PLS m?2. However, first‐harvest yields increased from 360 to 930 kg dry matter (DM) ha?1 as seeding rate increased from 400 to 1600 PLS m?2. Crude protein and neutral‐detergent fibre concentrations, and in vitro DM digestibility, were not affected by seeding rate. Seedling density and end‐of‐season plant numbers increased as seeding rate increased. However, stems per plant decreased as seeding rate increased, indicating compensatory tillering for the reduced plant numbers observed at the lower seeding rates. These results indicate first‐harvest yield can be increased by planting at higher seeding rates but total yields are not increased.  相似文献   

水稻喷直播栽培技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
喷直播就是把东方红18型喷雾机的喷水装置改为喷粉装置 ,将芽谷通过喷粉管喷播到田里的一种新的机械直播技术。该技术是浙江临海农民首先试验的 ,经农技部门总结和试验示范 ,开始在台州市内应用。该技术具有省工省力增收的优点 ,受到种粮大户和农民的欢迎。1997年开始试验 ,2000年种植面积已有670多hm2。目前 ,该项技术主要在早稻上应用 ,2000年作者利用嘉早935品种进行了翻秋喷直播对比试验。现把该项技术主要结果介绍如下 :一、喷直播技术的优点1.省工省力节本喷直播栽培同一般的手直播稻一样 ,减少了传统育秧移…  相似文献   

A precision seeding device for true potato seed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A prototype apparatus was developed which can select and deliver single true potato seed to a specific location. The principle features of the unit include a system of vacuum and pressure nozzles connected to a rotating head to select and hold the individual seeds then eject them for planting. An airbrush was incorporated in the design to remove multiple seed from the nozzles. A small orifice and the radially oriented airbrush were fixed as a result of preliminary tests. Results of performance studies of the unit indicated that 84% single seed selection was possible. Parameters which influenced the performance of the unit were airflow rate from the airbrush and the level of vacuum in the manifold.  相似文献   

A field investigation into the effect of slurry seeding on the dry-matter yield and persistence of an Italian ryegrass sward was assessed over a 3-year period (1984–86) under a regime of three cuts per season combined with sheep grazing in early spring and late autumn. Results showed that slurry plus seed treatments produced up to 30% more herbage dry matter and a significantly higher tiller density than where no slurry or seed were used. Slurry application with and without seed also reduced the proportion of weed grasses ( mainly Poa spp.) in the sward. It is concluded that slurry seeding is a useful technique for extending the productive life of an Italian ryegrass sward.  相似文献   

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